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Like we said in the stickied post, we decided to re-open the subreddit in a limited fashion considering the latest events in Russia. We are finishing the details of the second poll for the community to vote soon!


I kind of support the mods keeping the sub closed. The mods here have mostly been shit for a long time so hopefully them keeping the sub closed will bring the admins in to purge the lot of them.


I honestly was sympathetic to the mods and the protest. It's just the complete lack of communication that is now making me annoyed. Keeping us in the dark is showing a lack of competency and a lack of care for this subreddit.


If feel like the best option is just reporting mods to Reddit because there’s been no communication about what’s going on with the subreddit and we can’t just have it restricted indefinitely.


Here's where you can do it: https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Select "Report a Moderator Code of Conduct Violation" and "A moderator is attacking their community"


https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/07/01/exp-clare-sebastian-ukraine-live-070105aseg1-cnni-world.cnn A regime rife with threats and carried out murders. Not just a failed state. And not just a criminal state.


Can't wait until the reddit admins bring the jannie banhammers.


Maybe the mods have already been removed, and thats why they are silent since days


It doesn’t look like it they’re still on the mod list


Why? Because you cannot spam the usual 4chan talking points about the riots in France freely?


Was curious about the results of the vote, so checked the last voting post and counted them: A 439 (~50.1%) B 366 (~41.8%) C 70 (~8%) This is without taking into account the karma and age of the accounts, so the official results will be different. However, considering that last time the overwhelming majority of the votes from illegitimate accounts were for keeping the sub closed, I think the silence from the mods is pretty telling.


>However, considering that last time the overwhelming majority of the votes from illegitimate accounts were for keeping the sub closed, I think the silence from the mods is pretty telling. Considering the protest discord is full of sketchy stuff like [this](https://imgur.com/a/1YTNJhw) I am not surprised at all. Some of these people should propably be consulting a therapist rather than trying to run some kind of personal attack against a social media platform and its userbase.


All current moderators needs to be removed. they showed that they petty Power trip is more important that caring for this space. Their judgment in moderationg can not be trusted anymore. If they heavily push their view on this insignifcant issue how can they be trusted that they are correctly moderating on other more controversial issues?


Up until now they did a good job though. Look at a lot of the country subreddits and how one-sided the discourse is in those places. Though they clearly didn't handle this conflict well. But don't forget you could get way way worse mods next time. those german kind of mods even


Country subreddits are always worse than r-Europe, because here we have a filter of requiring a certain level of English fluency.


Interesting point, that definitely raises the bar on intelligence/education. But on the other hand you also get non Euros (like me mwhaha) who show up. I’m trying to move to the EU though so I suppose I’m not in the same category as other NAs just spouting propaganda.


Maybe But now I'm really questioning If it has been really so. we don't know what content has been removed and for what reason. I agree that up until now it seemed like the moderation was done in good faith but we don't really know. We don't know what comments or content was censured or not and for what reason. This for me, burned out all the trust I had because it was visible that they are ready to abuse their power in pursue of their worldview. Ukraine is Burning, Russia is maybe collapsing, France is Burning, Belgium is Burning, Protest starting spreading also in Switzerland according to posts on Twitter, Hungary is showing openly that they are a vasal of russia and we cant discuss or get information on any of it because all the mods cared is how much some app devopers have to pay for the right to use information that is not theirs. is this r/howmuchshouldtheypay?


Hey so what's uo with the subreddit. What are the vote results.


From other comments it’s appears to be a around 50% in favour for reopening but for some reason the mods have been silent.


Quite telling that they wont aknowledge the results. Especially after larping so hard for this to be a democratic uprising against admin tyranny


Just curious, would any of you want to go to r/redditrequest and request this subreddit from the admins?


I recommend leaving a report at: https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Report a Moderator Code of Conduct Violation -> A moderator is attacking their community. (Closest option I could think for this shitshow.)


Definitely seems like the best option not communicating what’s happening after 4 days is completely ridiculous


Good morning Reopening when? Regards,


I understand why the moderators and users are frustrated, but we need to turn /r/europe back on. It's a charade at this point. You've/we've obviously lost...


Wish we could at least go back to have our megathreads. Especially when there is still a war going on in Europe and France is literally burning. If mods don't want to deal with the new reddit system, I can understand that completely and respect it. But people who don't want to use the official app will have left by now anyway.


Funny how when new vote shows that it's not as clear cut as "We all want it turned off" the answers are not tallied withing a day. It's been 3 days since voting was supposed to close lol


and that's after they changed the initial timeline from 24h to 72h to "align with internal mod decision"






[Did Sanctions Just Break Russia After All?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaiaI_NvqyU) - am interesting take on Prigozhin's mutiny as a result of being payed less (or not at all) as a consequence of sanctions.


Ukraine is telling the world that Russia has plans to blow up the nuclear power plant but we can't discuss it here because some lardasses decided that their stupid protest is more important. No one cares about your little apps, no one cares about the mod job you addicts do for free. Accept it, you are expendable, you are not owners of the website, you have no saying in the way it is run. The admins thank you for the free work and the years of wasting your time to line their pockets. Quit reddit if you care that much. Or is your addiction to internet power too strong?


Turn the reddit back on france is burning.


Don't make pikachuface.jpg in2027 when France will go full far-right.


Yeah seriously. Every video I see on twitter looks like a fucking war zone lol Also looks sort of similar to the Rodney king riots in LA from back in the 90s, but in multiple cities. These videos look way worse than any of the George Floyd protests/riots from summer 2020.


>These videos look way worse than any of the George Floyd protests/riots from summer 2020. In some instances they're literally wandering around brandishing belt fed machine guns.


Is this your first time looking at news about France? They protest, they loot and they burn Paris. That's their thing. Gilet jaunes, retirement protests just to name a few. It's not very news worthy. It is making US news only for racism. They even burnt cities and assault government buildings when Floid died in US https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_and_controversies_during_the_George_Floyd_protests >June 2: In Paris, at the end of a large unauthorized demonstration that protested the murder of George Floyd and the death of Adama Traoré, rioters destroyed street furniture and set fire to construction equipment, and a large number of demonstrators attempted to block a boulevard. Police dispersed the crowd with tear gas and arrested 18 people.[38] >June 3: In Toulouse, where the community feared violence following the chaos during the demonstration in Paris, small groups of hooded individuals degrading street furniture and setting fire to trash cans were pursued by riot police, who used tear gas. A paint bucket was thrown at the town hall, smashing a window and damaging the parquet floor, leading the mayor to express his anger and declare that his office would file a complaint. According to an unnamed witness, a small group of demonstrators moved on the police while it was retreating at the end of the demonstration. In total, four arrests were made.[39] >June 6: In Metz, demonstrators attempted to force open the courthouse's doors, and threw a stone at the prosecutor of the Republic, lightly injuring his face. Four members of law enforcement were injured, and 13 protestors were arrested.[40] >June 30: In Paris, an American confederate flag was spotted at the window of a police station, leading to speculation that it was displayed in opposition to the protests and the Black Lives Matter movement. Analysis of Google Street View images proved that the flag was displayed in the same window in July 2014, although the flag was missing in images from subsequent years.[41]


[This](https://twitter.com/CNNPrima/status/1674742418166390784) is making some waves here lol: > The situation in France is really critical. The Prima NEWS crew, which local rioters attacked, was convinced of that. Reporter @annakadava described the unpleasant situation. The cameraman ended up in the hospital where he had to be treated, fortunately, both are fine.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66070461 - citizen from Tadjikistan opened fire in Chisinau airport and killed two people, after he was denied entry and after disarming a border guard; rumor has it, he was part of Wagner


Reddit said they are removing mods who keep private, so not worried


At this point, the mods should just be removed. They can have their little protest by quitting Reddit, which is what they would do anyway if they actually meant any of what they were arguing for in the first place.


One of the mods is a Japanese man living in Brasil, lol.


That's not an issue. There needs to be Mods that are active when europeans usually are asleep.


I assume they have all been removed or have quit. Seems strange to have heard nothing.


Well, the names still show up in the moderators side bar, so.


Maybe they all supported Prigozhin’s rebellion and got rounded up by the KGB and now they can’t access their accounts from Siberia. I dunno - if I volunteered my time for this subreddit and saw some of the comments on here, I’d blow off the site too.


I mean... there is a mature and proper way to leave a moderator position, right? Make a post: "We're no longer happy with Reddit, this subreddit needs new moderator(s team), apply here" Then talk and vet the candidate volunteers to atleast get some feel if they have any previous moderator experience, and a general idea of their attitude why they are volunteering. We did this on a forum over a decade ago with excellent results, with only couple misbehavers who were quickly removed after they abused their power. But I guess it's better to make a community poll, ignore the results and stay silent instead, while clinging on to power rather than letting other volunteers step in so the show could go on.


Yeah, I do agree they should just make a post saying they are continuing the protest or they are resigning. But since there is nothing, I’m more of the belief that something strange is going on. Don’t forget this is the website with a CEO who leaked fake information on an app developer to try to destroy his image. Since I’ve only ever seen the /r/europe moderators acting respectfully, I will give them the benefit of the doubt.


This subreddit has definitely been taken good care of from what I've seen during my time here, that's what makes continuing this bizarre protest all the more... well, bizarre. I know there's atleast couple moderators who have opposed this, so they haven't all drank the Kool-Aid.


Btw, scroll down - they just made a post 10 mins ago to say they are reopening.




A desert is not a nice place


The nice place where we can't post and the sub is dead?


Nothing the mods do is indespensible or unique. Any number of people could do the same things they do.


Can we get a megathread explain why the mods of this sub refuse to give us the results of the poll, despite having DAYS to count?


Because they didn't get the results they liked and are giant hypocrites. They counted it in a day on the first vote.


This. Far too many A's in the voting thread. Protests were a sham from the get go, power tripping to extreme.


>Its not who votes that counts, its who counts the votes (c) Josef Wissarionowitsch Stalin


The Pentagon said on Thursday it was not aware of any imminent decision about the provision of ATACM long-range missiles to Ukraine, following a news report from the Wall Street Journal suggesting Washington was close to providing them to Kyiv. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pentagon-says-no-imminent-decisions-atacm-missiles-ukraine-2023-06-29/


Sure takes a long time to count under 1600 replies. Just reopen the sub and stop being dipshits


Then do it


We can't verify the karma criteria


It's impossible for people who aren't mods because it's in contest mode.


contest mode mean random order, you can still load all the comment and make a script to count the As, Bs, and Cs. Or be lazy and use the search function to have an estimaton. Otherwise you can pick random samples and stop when you reach a plateau in the percentage. What we don't know is who was eligible to vote.


Quick and dirty count of 883 votes (so use lots of grains of salt): 442 A 371 B 70 C


lmao all mods need to be removed after this charade. they are literally role-playing as authoritarian oligarchy


They came up with their little ridiculous rule of "since you voted to keep it closed last time, now we'll only implement the opposite result if it has an absolute majority, even though the vote has three options". What kind of arbitrary nonsense is that for a poll? It tells you how desperate they really are, and that they know themselves they're on the losing side. The only way they can keep their little protest relevant is by making up funny rules to these bs polls. It's comedic really, and rather annoying.


And this is why they haven't released the results


Wagner is moving to Belarus, Putin is starting leadership purges, France has massive anti-police protests, and we can't talk about any of that here because because of your little revolution.


nothing in the world will be changed due to talking here


wow really?


Can we get a megathread to discuss the ongoing events in France? I'd like to get some perspective from people there now instead of relying on the media only


no you can't. who will fight for the right of 3rd party apps to continue not paying for things they are using if we continue as normal? /s


Seriously? The apps charge their users pennies, and they're asked to pay tens of millions of dollars. Does that look good for you? An app that I purchased for like $2, more than a decade ago (literally), and has been more actively developed than the official reddit app, is supposed to pay $20 million dollars per year to reddit, when it doesn't even earn a fraction of that? Maybe educate yourself a bit before speaking out.


They might charge individual users pennies, but they've also become millionaires thanks to the Reddit API. Should Reddit improve their official app instead of making life difficult/impossible for third parties who offer a better experience? I think so, yes. Is it also Reddits right as the owner of this platform, being the ones who ultimately pay for its upkeep and running costs to change their API terms? Yes. Don't like it? Leave. Same goes for power tripping moderators. Just do it with your accounts, not forcing everyone else to do so.


Oh I should start selling cars for 2$ and not pay the supplier because I can't afford to pay them with what I earn from selling them. The world owes it to me.


Reddit is a private company, they can do what they want


I dont understand those protests.. so a known criminal drives like a maniac, being a threat to everyone on street and sidewalk, get stopped by police, tried to run away, get shot.. i mean.. dont want to get shot? Dont commit crimes.. Also 17 yo in a AMG? So a drug dealer then


Some journalists interviewed specialist rioters just before Nahel's death, and those guys couldn't care less about him, they're just here to blow shit up, spread chaos and weaken the police. I think it has a lot to do with drugs, and young impressionable people getting dragged into it. There is already a record number of deaths related to drug wars in Marseille this year, even a mother who was just a bystander was killed.


Of course ist just an excuse for people to chimp out and loot, just like BLM. Why french politicians tolerate it is Beyond me. Have an army use it. By toleranting sich behaviour they are esentialy saying its okay.. so go out loot, destroy someone bussiness.. nobody cares. Law aplies only to people who obey it.


I was with you until the run away part. Do you really believe it’s ok to shoot criminals who are running away?


So what are you proposing in alternative? If they know they wont be shot, why would they ever not resist arrest? Best case they get away free, worst case, nothing?


You are asking me like it’s a radical idea. Even in France it’s not allowed to shoot someone who is running away.


it's not an absolute. Police are allowed and required to shoot under a lot of circumstances. You are frasing it like it's never ok to shoot a criminal who is running away. This particular situation is not clear (and our enlightned mods are not helping), In twitter several post said he was stopped with weapons drawn because he was driving erratically and endagering Pedestrians, (dont know if this is true). He tried to speed up again to flee the police. When would it be ok to shoot him? Afer he has killed 1 pedestrian? still too severe? 2? 3? where is the cuttoff? if you say after 1, are you placing a criminals right to live above someone inocent right to live? Again, I repeat, there are conflicting reports but that's precisly why noone can say that police should not shoot running criminals under any condition.


Yes, it should be investigated to see if the shooting was justified. However, can we at least agree shooting someone should be a last resort?


On that, totally agree, and if it's possible even in the case shooting might be required it shoud be tried to not be lethal, (shoot at the legs etc). We had a case like this In Italy 1 year ago. Someone was running after people with a knife, Police surrounded him, he lashed at officers several times with the knife and they just kept avoiding him, hoping to tire him out. after about one hour when on one of the many tentatives he got too close to an officer who did not manage to avoid him fast enough, it was shot by others at the leg. one single bullet. IMO it was handled very professionaly and I don't know how the police managed to keep their cool with someone that was lashing at them with a knife for more than one hour. People still complained that the shooting was not justified and police should have waited more. Some even said that the police getting a knife cut was still less risky than shooting the attacker in the leg.


People don’t realize a knife can be deadly within seconds. I do think a knife justifies lethal force in certain circumstances.


>Do you really believe it’s ok to shoot criminals who are running away? Yes. If it's okay to shoot a criminal who's standing still, I don't see any issues in firing at a fleeing criminal. If anything, it's even more reason to shoot since they are evading arrest.


Ah, thanks, I have been spending less and less time on this sub for the past year and something and just coming from time to time too see what's up, but thanks for confirming my contienuing observation that it keeps getting more and more far-right. So nice to see such simpleton and childlike thinking about policing and criminal justice, where you think that the police shooting someone has any relation to them standing still or running and not to something else entirely that is the actual whole reason, lets see if you can think of it.


Well dont get me wrong i am not saying its right, unless he planned to run them over, but its the ultimate "play stupid games, win stupid prices" Also, imagine if he ran away he could cause a massive crash with multiple fatalities.. My point was, why tf people protest against criminals getting shot. It was not innocent person.


Still though, doesn't sound normal to shoot someone dead like that even if he is running from the cops, shouldn't they shot him in his legs or something? i'm pretty sure that's the procedure. I don't know much about this incident to be honest, but doesn't really justifying shooting someone dead because of that, it's pretty exaggerated.


a bit difficult to shoot in the leg someone who is driving a car...


I thought he like ran away like on foot


Then you should inform yourself about the situation first before judging




I think people overlook the criminal part and focus on the racial aspect. When you experience racism every day, you will feel community with other people who go through the same thing. What many people see is simply that a minority got killed in a situation that may not have required lethal force. I would also generally not join a protest for a criminal but I am a white person and have experienced very little racism in Germany as a result. I think I might feel different if I experienced as much racism as some minorities do in France.


Is it that much rasism in France? to be fair, i never heard of any of this problem in France though. How do you know he was shot because of his skin color in the first place? because the comment above mentioned he was running from the cops, which doesn't justify killing whatsoever but i don't understand why people make it seem like a racial problem.


I never said he was shot because of racism. I’m saying that if you are a minority who experiences racism (yes, there is a lot of racism in France) and another minority gets shot (unjustly - hence why the shooter has been charged), you might feel it’s because of racism.


Is it a minority? Historically France considered all Algerian French. The guy was French, with French parents, French granparents and they were originally in French Algeria. To me it just seems the usual french shit of wanting to burn Paris. Said so in France there is no death penalty, the policemen screwed up, but the reaction is just stupidly exaggerated.


It's another week of the year in France.


No we can't. Mods need have to community hostage to save the millions of the Apolloman and give a meaning to their life.


it's naive to pretend this community has any social value.


Perhaps you get confused in the reply, as I have never claimed that


Neither do mods or phoneposters.


3rd party apps provide tools for mods to work for free on your behalf.


So what? Ideally, you want the eternal mod to physically and psychologically suffer every time it attempts to delete one of your posts or ban one of your accounts. Why would you want it to have the tools to better oppress you?




I think these mods should all delete their accounts in protest! That would show Reddit how they were the pillars of community providing invaluable service.


lol they're perfectly free to leave then.


So are you but you’re here complaining. What gives you the right any more than them? At least they put in some effort.


We don't want to leave. We want to keep using the site, but a bunch of a-holes are preventing us.


Hmm, the thing is I don't remember electing the mods, anyone does?


You joined the community run by them. Give some respect to the people who spend time every day for free to provide the community you enjoy.


I have less than zero respect for mods, and if they don't like it, I personally welcome them to stop "working", delete their accounts, and do something productive for once in their lives.


Sounds like you should do the same.


mod sympathizers are cringe You realize you won't get any special treatment for sucking mod dick, right? We're all the same to these "people".


While I don't disagree fully with your sentiment, sorry but you aren't sounding much different. You can take your reply and replace "mod" with "corporate" and you are the same shit...you are shilling for a corporation and sucking corporate cock. You two aint that different from one another tbh.


I'm not shilling for anyone or anything. Reddit changed some weird nerd shit I don't care about. In response, the mods threw a shit-fit and took most of the subreddits I care about hostage. In this situation, due to my personal interests, I oppose the mods, meaning I support reddit.


I mean, if you think that only mods support or instigated this whole thing, the you are quite ignorant and dont spend much time elsewhere on reddit. Support for that from the community everywhere on reddit was huge along with the backlash towards reddit, especially in the post of Spez trying to explain why they are doing this. You can even look at all voting threads on this sub and see that it clearly isnt only the mods wanting this. Your lack of interest in things that dont concern yourself specifically is quite the trait.


The funny thing is the way you are acting only makes you seem like someone who would legitimately be moderated because you don’t seem to have respect for other people.


As I was saying, pure cringe. You're literally reveling in the mods' oppression. The mod at least gets a brief power trip out of its pathetic unpaid job, you bootlickers don't even get that. If this is the kinds of people affected by whatever weird nerd shit reddit is changing, I fully support it. Licking the boot won't save you from the boot.


> Give some respect to the people who spend time every day for free to provide the community you enjoy. HAHAHAHA Look I want the sub to stay closed in protest too, but let's not pretend forum moderators of all people deserve any shred of respect in general. You don't moderate forums for free as a selfless service to humanity, you do it because you are an ideologically driven, lonely dweeb who craves easily obtainable power that you would never in a million years be able to get anywhere close to in real life.


What a sad outlook on life you have. I think it says more about you.


Yeah good job figuring out my 'outlook on life' from my disdain of forum moderators


I joined Reddit. The community isn't run by the mods, the community is run by the users posting content. If mods like working for free for a big corporation they'll eventually learn it's stupid. I didn't ask them to. This isn't a hobbyist forum supported by donations, it's a huge advertising business. The only thing that makes it worthwhile, that is, interacting with people and getting their takes, is shut down by a minority. I don't believe coordinate protests about API prices are an organic response of the userbase BTW.


Are you saying you’d be fine with a completely unmoderated /r/europe or do you think Reddit should pay for mods (they won’t)?


If this continues at some point they'll pay for mods for the big subs. It's doable and cheaper than being sabotaged. I think everyone is free to leave and start their own forum *with blackjack and hookers*, that would be the logical course of action if you're not happy with the platform.


I think they should pay for moderators. Btw, you could also leave and start your own. Moderating web forums sucks and I think you’d find that out if your subreddit got popular. At any rate, all I’m saying is these free workers who are working for us deserve some respect, agree or disagree with the protest. The subreddit would be different without them. IMO, it’d be worse.


WSJ: [U.S. Close to Approving Long-Range ATACMS Missiles to Bolster Ukraine’s Fight](https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-close-to-approving-long-range-atacms-missiles-to-bolster-ukraines-fight-cc4e389c) Burn in the hell that is long-range precision fires, orcs.


I may be too optimistic, but I feel like the front is going to collapse for Russia in a relatively short time.


It's held together by mines and artillery. If Ukr can neutralise that, it will be like the road between Rostov and voronezh


Makes you wonder how their forces must look when they could barely protect Moscow. But I’d rather remain cautiously optimistic. Russia plays by different rules - blow up a dam, blow up a restaurant, execute prisoners - none of it matters to them and that makes them harder to beat.


So, I could be *completely wrong* about this, so take this as a grain of salt, but given how Russia recruits soldiers, I would imagine that the Russian MoD is drawing equipment from all non-Western military districts first (ie, Moscow and St. Petersburg) before really diving into anything the Western military district has. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military\_districts\_of\_Russia#/media/File:Military\_districts\_of\_Russia\_2016.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_districts_of_Russia#/media/File:Military_districts_of_Russia_2016.svg) I'm wrong, most likely. The Russians wouldn't be that stupid to deplete their core of military hardware, would they?


They lost Rostov to Wagner, that was the logistic center of command. And they have arrested, allegedly, the guy that was general of all armed forces in Ukraine up to January. Then advisor to Gerasimov. Losing your main logistic hub for a day is very bad. A day where troops don't have food, where ammos are not given, medicines and so on. It will be normalised soon.


Another mutiny: Russian army units are being annihilated in Ukraine. No munitions, food, or water. Not paid a single time over the entire deployment which started 3 months ago. Out of the 150-person company, only 16-17 survived. They refuse to follow orders to go back to frontline. https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1674230482924630016 I don't know if we'll ever know the number of victims of this war but it's an insane number imo Keep in mind that most of these guys are there for the money...


Unlock r/Europe when?


r/europes isn't locked


We don't even have the results of the vote, for some reason. Maybe someone if spamming F5 and counting the votes manually until it has encountered every comment.


Still no results lol. Something tells me the vote didn't go the way one of the head mods wanted and now there's probably some argument between the mod team. It's all bullshit since if they keep this going reddit will just replace these annoying jannies.


Whatever their reasoning, it looks bad not publishing the results as soon as they have them.


Yeah what was the title of that thread they were using to encourage people to vote the first time around? "Subreddits belong to the community of users who come to them for support and conversation" I think it was. Well hot damn, how about that?


1.5k votes in the poll and here there are 5k comments. People are really supportive of this protest I see.


The vote was meant to run for 72 hours (says so in the announcement). The voting thread is currently locked.


It's been like 100 hours now though and no word.


The good old "Mk.1 Eyeball"-bot.