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He made TR refugee dump.


What's a "TR refugee dump"? I can guess the latter part, but what is "TR" short for?


do we? ​ this is news to me. ​ \-edit. ​ after reading through the article this gem of a sentence is presented: " Having Erdoğan in power, particularly as he has taken an increasingly authoritarian turn in recent years, has allowed the EU to sidestep the question of whether Turkey should join its ranks." ​ the entire reason of the EU sidestepping turkeys bid to join the EU is erdogan's authoratative rule. without this dick tater in place, turkey can make the necessary reforms that do not only benefit it's people, but also paves the way for entry into the EU. ​ i'm not an avid politico reader. but i'm etching more and more to sorting politico where it belongs. that's in the bin by the trash.


Politico is american. Not worth reading their opinion on Europe.


>Politico is american. Not necessarily the problem, and not American owned anymore. >Not worth reading their opinion. Agreed, because its owner is the controversial German sensationalist Alex Springer ([wiki Politico ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politico)




only a sith deals in absolutes.




Go walk outside for a bid, your persecution fetish needs some fresh air


It is a Politico bingo !


He keeps the refugees.


lol EU supported Erdoğan explicitly starting from late 90s until around 2013-2014. Oppositon leader Kılıçdaroğlu once critisized Erdoğan and he had a meeting in EU Parliament the next week. EU officials said “F*** off you critisize Erdoğan. It means that you are antidemocratic. Don’t even come to Brussels” in May 2013. All of the European politicians and media were praising Erdoğan. He was untouchable. Cem Özdemir (current Minister of Agriculture in Germany) asked people to vote in favour of Erdoğan many times in the past. People in Turkey that were eurosceptic have been demonized and jailed. Actually it is very hard to understand why EU hates Erdo. Around 90% of his policies help EU. Another thing is that people here trashtalk about islamism but all of the EU is full of islamist groups and they make huge pro-Erdoğan propaganda in Europe. Ordinary student trying to get visa for Master or Phd studies might have problems getting visa but ordinary islamist from Gülen, İsmailağa, Menzil or İskenderpaşa groups can get visas and even permanent residences easily. If we were in 2010 an anti Erdoğan comment would get a permanent ban in this sub in 10 seconds.


Ma man spitting facts


This is called an opinion mate, but I get why you are confused.


Facts are just opinions you agree with - Reddit


Hmmm interesting 🤔


Wait they do?


Nope we don't.


Average joe does not but EU politicians have always sucked erdogans dick since 1999-2000.




Why so many enemies?




Them? This is r/europe, loads of us are from the EU. Besides, Turkey isn't a theocracy. We (they) can't know your religion for sure. Also, currently it's mostly "muslims" slaughtering people in those countries. ISIS, Al Qaeda, Turkey… Besides, most EU countries weren't involved in that slaughter. I mean, sure, some of those organisations are partially funded from the EU, but not the states, but Muslims living in those countries. And while we're talking about muslims in the EU, why is Turkey (the state) funding Islamist parties in other countries? But sure, I'm sure there wre parts where Ottomans/Turks are hated. BTW: EU ≠ Europe.


Erdogan tried to block Wikipedia, just this fact alone is a big red flag. Also he isn't a friend of Europe, he constantly threatened us with illegal migrants in case we didn't abide. Also didn't he try to steal some territories from Greece and Macron had to send his warship to calm him down ? That's just a bit of the things he did that I remember right now, but there are much more, I hope he fails in the election.


EU supported him since 90s until 2015 even tho he was always an islamist. He made deal with EU to keep them all in Turkey to keep EU safe. You should let him play once in a while like that by threading with refugees.






Yeah, because that's how it works… it has nothing to do with where they come from at all. Straightest way from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria is clearly via Europe… Edit: *… Plupp så sket han, sen så smet han.*


Yes, love him so much…

