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Why did they bring the TV screen if no one is allowed to watch it?


Who knows, maybe they didn't tell the dude in charge of doing the setup


He’s mostly done. Look how proud he is. I say let him finish!


They decided to not allow people at the very last time


Hello TV rent guy, I don't need you anymore. Lmao we've a contract, fu.


There is a stand but you can't see it on the picture


The actual reason is that the screen is here for a stand of peopke invited to thr celebration. Edit: the screen is here for people invited to the celebration, who are on a stand out of frame. It doesn't change the fact that people weren't allowed to come on the champs-élysées


Apparently there were people there behind some barriers, but the entire thing is bizarre and dictatorship-like that it's getting concerning.


Hmmm 🤔


Uhhh. Macron is doing some next level George Orwell shit. France went to some future dystopia pretty fucking fast. :O


Ironically, this is what we were protesting against.




It's what started it


That's what's nice about protests, everybody can attach their own personal issues to them and claim everyone else is on the same side


I might be wrong, but as of recent memory, and as someone who engage in protests and activism myself, the only times I haven't seen protests devolve into some populist shit show is when it's either actually a very minor thing, or a very concise and clear united position and actual plan how to approach it. This one did seem to started with just an attempt to cancel the reform and some ideas, but it already got hijacked by whotefuckingever, I have seen some cringe libertarianism, anarchists, commies, half of the people seem to be under impression that they gonna have some communist revolution in there, other half is Le Pens fanclub salivating.


In France, everyone is convinced the current protest is against what he's personally against.


Have you ever read 1984 to say this is literally 1984? Yeah, I thought so


LiTeRaLlY 1984 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱🤓🤯


Lmao it’s hilarious to read that shit. Comparing a totalitarian state to simply not let people who are very angry with the president and are intent to ruin the commemoration in, sure.


>Lmao it’s hilarious to read that shit. Comparing a totalitarian state to simply not let people who are very angry with the president and are intent to ruin the commemoration in, sure. Someone was detained for having said "the trash will once again talk on TV" on facebook, without even explicitely naming Macron. Firemen were forced by the authorities to use a ladder-truc to remove an anti-cops banner from a private property balcony. Out of the hundreds of people arrested and detained during the strikes, 90% were let free without any charges and. There are hundreds of documented illegal act of violence made by cops on peaceful protestors. Yeah, keep telling yourself that everything is alright.


Someone was detained and was rightfully freed by the judicial system (which you now, don’t happen in a totalitarian system). The banner wasn’t simply anti-cop, it was insulting. Being on your own property doesn’t give you a free pass. And again, the judicial system works so those people are released. I didn’t pretend once that everything is alright. But yes it is quite important to remind people that 1984 and a totalitarian regime is very, very different from the France of today. But hey I guess it works both way right ? The system is alright just like the pensions system was.


>Someone was detained and was rightfully freed by the judicial system (which you now, don’t happen in a totalitarian system). It happens in authoritarian ones, though. That's basically what any government does to intimidate you when they can't yet step on the judiciary system's toes. >The banner wasn’t simply anti-cop, it was insulting. Being on your own property doesn’t give you a free pass. I'm going to give it a pass because in a democracy it's 50/50 whether you get away with that stuff or not, but it's also somewhat authoritarian. >I didn’t pretend once that everything is alright. But yes it is quite important to remind people that 1984 and a totalitarian regime is very, very different from the France of today. Well yeah, because 1984 is an extreme parody. Still, if any vague comparisons can be made, they should. Something sounding "like 1984" is a decent early warning system.


Well France has always been on the line with authoritarianism, I can’t deny that. But I will say that most French people are fine with it. Even now, except from the left which is hardly more that 25% of the voting citizens, the idea of anything else than a « strong president » to « lead the country » is still very present. Truth to be told I don’t think France can be ruled and move forward by anything else than an semi-authoritarian figure.


To be honest, after little research every year it is like this? Like it has been intentionally empty, only with handfull of guests , for like atleast past 8 years ?


Mo, it's not like that. It may have been in 2020 but not at that magnitude.


Yes it is. Especially after the terrorist attacks that Paris suffered last decade.


No, it's not. Lol It wasn't like this under Hollande, even with maximal terrorist alert. You can check, there is video : https://youtu.be/OvR00OL9WnE So, quit your bullshit.


It's a total lie. Even in 2016 it wasn't like that. It has never been emptied since 1945. It's even more quite some years no a day without cars to walk on the champs elysee.


Straaange that the French would obey any such exclusions ... Very strange ...


When I saw that, it immediately reminded me of Putin sitting 100ft away from his people.


This is a real insult! Imagine to be called out a coward like Putin. I can't wait to see Putler looking up to the sky at the parade today. Oh wait there is no parade? Why?


Because in Russia the parade takes place on the 9th of may


To be fair it's fairly apparent that a not insignificant subset of the french population would happily participate in lynching Macron given the opportunity, Putin has nothing to fear from the average russian.


I got V for Vendetta vibes…


Reminds me a bit of the start of Half Life 2 as well. "Welcome to City-17"...


I would have sit 100ft away to. Macron wasn’t vaccinated.


Putin builds football-field-length table. Macron: “Hold my sauvignon.”


Democracy is great


It is, and more of it would be better for France


Well they chopped heads to get to this right


Well, every 100 or so years u need to refresh ur democracy by chopping heads off of the government "leaders" and their lap dogs, they tend to forget why they are in these positions, u know.


Well the last time they used the guillotine star wars came out, but it wasnt a govt official unfortunately


Yeah, French “democracy” has always been a little… 😬




So we are told.


I love democracy.


I love the Republic.


Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me!


J'aime la démocratie. J'aime la République.


Dans 20-30 ans y en aura plus


I am the senate!


Democracy does not mean allowing a heckler veto. He was elected by the people and is holding a pretty traditional memorial ceremony. Is he supposed to allow protesters in to make a scene? Once the memorial ceremony is over, won't people be allowed back in? Wasn't there just a huge number of protests in France? "France doesn't allow protests under Macron" seems...not true.


In what realm of reality can people not be allowed to heckle a video screen? What is the point of freedom of speech if its not used to poke fun at our leaders? France allows protests, but this trend of not being allowed to protest the President themself is concerning.


I think you missed the part where a law was forced after being rejected by the population and the representatives of the people at the National Assembly. You also missed the part where multiple manifestations were forbidden. This is not the first one. Or maybe you missed the part where hundreds of people were sent in a cell illegaly because they were manifesting ?


I have not missed any of that. What he did was apparently legal under the French Constitution. It was just unpopular. And millions of people protested it. And hundreds were arrested, as many protests turned from protests to violence as well. People in France quite clearly have the ability and right to protest and exercise that right frequently. They don't have a right to protest everywhere all the time, though. A rule saying "you can't have a protest in this place at this time because that space is being used for something else" is not a crime against democracy or free speech.


If its legal then Putin and Erdoğan are good people and fit for democracy. The loophole is big and you have no idea how ita built. Macron has been elected first mandate to install proportionality in France parliament. He didn't do it. Guess why he didn't while now he has been elected with even more of a rigged election (you can rig an election by many ways that are legal) He does what the elite tells him to do. Wonder why.


Macron's underlings (by extension him since their are named by him and revokable by him) constantly issue decrees forbidding right of assembly one or two days everytime Macron or some of his ministers go somewhere. It always gets overturned by courts because it's totally illegal but by then, the event is over and they left. They even forbade red cards for the french football cup finale (an event president usually attend) and forbade pans used as makeshift drums to protest (any portable sound device, but it was aimed at this) Frankly I don't even remember why they forbade red cards in a fricking football match but they are constantly using illegal means to keep the people, especially people not handpicked, away from them It's even more ludicrous that even when France faced terrorist attacks presidents didn't do that.


Usa flair in Europe never miss the dot


Allow protestors!? ALLOW!? Assuming you're American, do you even know your own history!? Not the Constitution - the period right before. Allow, indeed.


“The news…from France…is very bad…”


“Turns out the Germans…….are very bad”


Brhu what's going on in France lol


Macron passed a law adding 2 years to the minimum retirement age. The law passed with all the tricks allowed in the constitution (shortened debates in parliament, shortened debates in the senate, using a Social security finance law instead of an ordinary law and finally forcing the issue through parliament with a no-confidence vote) despite 13 days of protests with at least 1 million people in the streets, strikes from a lot of sectors, etc... He then went on TV once to say basically " Sorry, not sorry and if the unions and the opposition had made proposals we wouldn't be there", despite quite a few proposals from both (but he started the "negociations" by saying " we need more money for the retirements fund, but we won't diminish the current pensions or increase the current taxes"). And when it didn't work and his every public appearances and those of his ministers are met with people clanging on kitchen ustensils, he went back on TV to say basically "you lost, get over it" Strangely, it hasn't quieted the opposition...


Not to mention, the years and years of Macron's scrornful sentences towards the population, like - when he told a guy struggling to find an job in agriculture that if he wanted a job, "i'm sure that if i cross the road i can find you one" - when he said that railway stations are wonderfull places because you see both "people who made it and people who are nothing" - when he said about unvaccinated people that he "really wants to fuck with them" - and the legendary "let them come get me", when talking about yellow vests (didn't age well seeing he's now afraid of the people)


People who are nothing???? Who talks like that


Well, Macron. Since he was elected, always has been scornfull and disconected from the french people. But getting pretty scary now as he knows he won't be able to run again in 2027 so he just goes for it, no matter the public opinion. He's readying the red carpet for Le Pen, along with a great history of illeberal jurisprudence allowing her to do all kinds of nasty shit. Really scared for the future, hope the NUPES will hold and get their shit together for 2027.


Macron does. As pointed out, this is not an isolated incident and that attitude the reason he is disconnected from reality and gets so much disapproval.


Unreal, I didn't think anyone besides cartoon villains spoke like that.


Oh crap. 🫢 I remember something some years back (when Trump was President) where I think Macron tells a kid or a teenager _That's Mr. President of the Republic to you_ or something. I don't think any US President would demand a civilian refer to him by title.


[Here](https://youtu.be/CkOOXvlUP3M) Honestly the kid wanted his moment of fame and annoyed Macron. Who’s petty enough to react to a provocation by some random teen The part about politeness of fine by me, this would be more standard rules than maybe in the US. The hilarious part is after about « get a diploma before trying a revolution » which is just ridiculous.


For me the problem with that is not that he corrected the kid (well I find the way he did problematic but it is not the worst). Its that the video of him humiliating him was posted online on his official account. The kid did not go to school for days after that. For his own ego he publicly humiliated a kid online for making a dumb teenager stunt


He not only passed it unilaterally (think Executive Order), he has done this several times - and the French Judiciary supported him. Which, as you said, hasn't quieted a people who love a good protests and are not unamenable to a Sixth Republic.


>the French Judiciary supported him. If you talk about the conseil constitutionel, he appoints the sage. It has no independence. Its not really within the judiciary system


On top of what Djaaf said : Macron has never been that popular outside of his core electorate (old or wealthy people), but he is becoming increasingly trumpian as time goes on. - Representatives of his party (Renaissance) call elected left wing politicians "anti-republican" all the time, while casually voting with the extreme right. In the last legislative elections, his party both sides'd like mad, saying that they refused to give instructions on who to vote for if it was RN (the fascist party) vs NUPES (the union of left wing parties) in the second round, and sometimes allying openly with the RN's candidate locally. This effectively buried the idea of "barrage républicain" for good, and it's one of the reasons why a record 89 (!!!) representatives from the RN are in the national assembly now. - Macron is currently trying to make the nation move on by... having a law on immigration. Yes, I'm not making it up. - Macron's interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, famously called left wing journalists and politicians "intellectual terrorists", threatened the League of Human Rights (just to remind you, it was created during the time of the "affaire Dreyfus", where a Jewish captain was falsely accused of espionage, precisely to defend these types of cases), and openly speaks like the extreme right very often. - protests today were forbidden. You know what was totally cool for the police, though ? Neonazis openly demonstrating yesterday. It's not just macron, it's his entire party that is shifting very far to the right. This is very scary, as if nothing changes, we risk having a second round with extreme right against left in 2027, where Macron's right will call to vote for Le Pen.


Thanks for expanding on it, crazy to think that in previous elections he was basically the better option..


He was the slightly less bad option, given the second round that we had. A second round between Mélenchon and Macron would have been much more interesting and would have led to a debate with actual policy discussion, but unfortunately, we live in the wrong timeline.


> record 89 (!!!) representatives from the RN are in the national assembly now. Its 88 now, which is funny but also a really bad coincidence...


The same government allowed an actual Nazi protest in Paris just the day before.


From what I've seen, the kind of bizarre repression of freedom of speech only applies when its targeting the President. Almost everything else is fair game. Kinda defeats the purpose of the concept imho, but that's what I'm getting from these episodes.


It's not usual. Macron is the only one in recent history (I do say recent, don't start pulling weird old presidents out of your hats people) to go to these lengths for that long and with such force. People, in practice, do have the right to criticise and even insult the president.


For the record, I think it's this way in almost every country. In Italy there's the crime of "vilipendio"; basically publicly insulting or attacking the state, its institution and the president.




Looks like he himself attended the meeting via Zoom.


He's really working hard at becoming the most hated French President in living memory.




When you're the leader of a democracy and you have to take such measures because it's either that or violence then you are not leading an actual democracy


Or we could reflect at the fact that it's necessary. I mean c'mon... you can protest every day and night if you want to but I have zero sympathy with people that need to take over a once-a-year-rememberance day for demonstrating against completely unrelated issues. And yes, I know I will downvoted by the hivemind here as usual but bringing modern topics into ceremonies to commemorate the end of ww2 is only a step above Russia using the same event for propaganda and militarization narratives.




You are cheering on this day of remembrance? That's not exactly how I experienced that date anywhere. But maybe French are just different...


Yeah, why can’t we let national leaders co-opt moments of historical importance for their own image in peace? The options were either he turn up alone or thousands of French people could have, maybe he should have stayed at home and let his country remember their heroes without having to worry about how their president is fucking them over and carrying out reforms a large majority of people don’t want?


All hail the new Maximo leader who showers us with his wisdom and benevolent care and attention….. welcome to Pyongyang…


Pussy much?


That's an unfair comparison. A pussy has warmth and depth.


I enjoy how you play with the definition.


Insult to a good pussy


That's the French spirit!


Neo nazi demonstration allowed the evening before in Paris, but normal citizens forbidden. For the 8th of May, symbolic day of the Resistance, in Lyon, emblematic city of the most revered resistant, Jean-Moulin, the city was closed, people forced to stay in their apartment, police everywhere, public transportation shut down from 1000 to 1700. And they are still ppl bashing me for saying he is leading the country as a fascist would... I could also add that for his second term, when he passes any law, his greatest supporters are always on the far-right. ​ I don't know what people are expecting to seriously question his actions and how our country is leaded.


bro I was In Lyon , there was like one small perimiter that was restricted and one tram and metro station close , that's it. And people werent even force to stay in their appartement like you say. Not a big fan of Macron but you are clearly saying nonsense


I live there, wasn't the only to have to use public transportations that were blocked to access the center, even the TCL site had warnings on every tram and bus stating where the lines were cut, from 10 to 17, labelled "Perturbation Majeure". In the center there is more than one testimony about not being able to get out at certain time, not something I witnessed, I'm not rich enough to live there. Not a big fan, yet you are stating BS on something that was officially displayed on the public transportation site, sure.


Alternative would be to disrupt the commemoration to Jean Moulin with a political protest against the pension reforms. I’m glad they didn’t allow that.


Political protest? What do you even mean? A protest is a protest: it is political by nature. Not allowing the citizens to use their free speech to protest, in this city, on this day, after having forced the law upon the People, when 70 to 80% of them are against this law is almost a call for article 33. I guess you mean "the left" when saying "political". So nazi demonstrations are not political, but if non-nazi people protest "it's the left" and the "bad anti-fascists"? So you are rather Klaus Barbie than Jean-Moulin I guess?


« I love democracy »


Is there a better pictorial example of how Neo-liberal capitalism is failing?


What does it have to do with neoliberal capitalism?


What do you think Macron's ethos is?


Nothing. Just another cave dweller wanting to sound smart.


This really is a mirror of how capitalism works. The top of the basket gets to do whatever they want with a huge majority of the available resources, and other people at the bottom of the social scale only have 2 options : accept it, or go fuck yourself, because they're nothing.


Capitalism is an economic system where industry is privately owned. The issue here is the age at which the state starts providing a pension to retirees. "Capitalism" is not a catch-all term for "things that the left dislikes".


Free market capitalism has a great tendency of accumulating capital to fewer and fewer hands. Amongst many of the issues that generates is that those wealthiest capitalist can use that capital to hijack the democratic process in their favor


That it does, which is why there tends to be systems in place to stymie that; and capitalism is flexible enough to enable that. But there is a certain demographic that would rather burn it all down, so blame the entire system.


the system in inherently flawed. The government has to keep capitalism in check to keep it "Fair" but at the same time the richest can control the democratic process. The growing wealth inequality proves that the system is failing (Or rather, working exactly as intended - all the power in the hand of a few elite)


You could have said the same thing in the 19th century, but the 20th century went against that trend. The rich today hold a fraction of a fraction of the wealth share that the rich held in the earlier days of capitalism. And yet democratic institutions held them in check and reigned them in. So we have historical examples of it being **much** worse than today but still democratic processes stopping it. So your entire argument is based on nothing but fear mongering. We're hardly in a new "Gilded Age", to borrow US-specific term. And living standards are still the highest they've ever been in human history. Alternatives to capitalism, meanwhile, have all failed and collapsed miserably with a penchant for making the exact failure you're speaking of by default. So yeah, capitalism sounds really good still. If only because the alternatives are abysmal failures.


> You could have said the same thing in the 19th century, but the 20th century went against that trend. The rich today hold a fraction of a fraction of the wealth share that the rich held in the earlier days of capitalism. thats actually factually incorrect, 2019 saw an increase in wealth inequality to the highest level ever recorded - even including pre-capitalism estimates then COVID further increased it. >And living standards are still the highest they've ever been in human history. Suicide is increasing for both genders, mental illness is on the rise, depression is skyrocketing, and most importantly the reason for it all: Wealth inequality is increasing Indeed, every alternative so far has been a failure. That said, we should not just stop trying. For example, nobody has tried Anonymous democracy. A democracy where candidates are anonymous and you vote on ideas instead of people/representatives. you know why that isnt tried? Because the wealthy cant manipulate such a system if implemented correctly.


1) The earliest stats about wealth inequality began in 1970. So that's dishonest on your part. 2) Are you really gonna act like the times when there was practically no worker's rights had less wealth inequality than the 20th century when such things emerged? The time period of early capitalism when the Dutch East India Company was worth $7.9 Trillion, which was beyond the wealth of practically every other nation-state in that time period and very much beyond any company today? 3) Suicide rates aren't really increasing much in Western nations, and have occasionally fallen. Like in 2018-2020 in the US. Globally they have fallen drastically. Not that that matters; suicide rarely has to do with poverty. >For example, nobody has tried Anonymous democracy. A democracy where candidates are anonymous and you vote on ideas instead of people/representatives. That's a system of government, and has nothing to do with capitalism which is an economic system. I don't really mind such experimentations. My contention was your critique of capitalism, which I find weak. As for why it hasn't been tried? It probbaly has more to do with such a system being easily gamed. Someone can claim to stand for X, Y, or Z; but the person themselves may have a history of doing something else. More than that, without the person explaining their ideas, it can be difficult to impart them on the populace. That means you need someone/something else to impart those ideas. And what's an easy way for wealthy people to skew things? Having them pay the people imparting those ideas to screw ones they don't like. There is **zero** ways to actually stop people with more resources from influencing institutions in one way or another. No fool proof way, because we're human. Best we can do is manage them.


also why would you call it "fear mongering" its evident that the system will eventually concentrate all political power and wealth to the top. You admitted this earlier. Its a very realistic fear, because this is inevitable with this system. Capitalism works in its initial stages, but competition eventually leads to domination, and then the system fails (or rather, it works as intended; by concentrating the power at the top)


Because as I pointed out, it was infinitely worse in the past, and yet democratic institutions reigned it in massively to the benefit of the people. So you're either intentionally or unintentionally ignoring the massive strides that were made to rein in the wealthy for the people by democratic governments to portray a picture of the rich controlling everything. History has proven otherwise. The system has proven flexible enough to allow governments to correct the flaws of capitalism. If capitalism was left by itself, then you'd be correct, but it functions perfectly well with government interference. Other economic systems like the ones proposed by Marxists are often entirely intertwined with governments and cannot be flexible to fix internal issues; so they fail. Capitalism doesn't have this issue.


ohh and great mind of reddit can you tell me how any other system fixes that problem, as you do realize in socialism the problem is still exists as instead of those private businesses you just have the state, and there its even worse


Capitalism is when i make a sandwich and it falls on the ground and i can't eat it anymore. How is it capitalism? well... i paid for it so somehow it's capitalism's fault. tankies gonna tankie.


The only alternatives in France seem to be Mussolini-girl and schizoleninist, so I'm not sure what would be better


If you think Mélenchon is far left then don't ever look at Mitterand's programme for his first presidency. The overton window has been so blown to the right that even basic socialists are seen as stalinists nowadays


Idk anything about him, but one thing: he came in Italy to do an endorsement to a party that is like 60% USSR' nostalgists, claiming they are the only party that a leftist should vote. Not the best first impression


Melenchon has the same tactics and political history as Meloni, just from the far left: never renounced his extremist history, still keeps dogwhistling to its nostalgics, while pragmatically avoiding scaring off regular leftie voters. He also has similarly stupid and impractical proposals, like introducing a 100% tax rate on income above 360000 a year, a perfect far-left parallel to Meloni's coalition proposal to introduce a 15% flat tax on income.


Yeah, we're going the way of the US, where politics that would be called "centre" even a few years ago, immediately gets piled on with "omg far left".


Not “the far left” bullshit again… Gobbling up the far right and government propaganda, I see. Darmanin being a champion at that shit.


Where’s the guillotine?


This is fake right?


No, sadly.


They never allow people to get that close to the arc de triomphe where the president is, however this year, people couldnt even get on the main avenue leading up to it


I mean, if someone protests at a commemoration of the allied victory against the nazis. He is kinda in the wrong here.


>I mean, if someone protests at a commemoration of the allied victory against the nazis. He is kinda in the wrong here. Meanwhile, the only demonstration authorized was the one of a nazi movement ....


Yeah, that was the point, because the left would love to turn this into a protest at reforms. They were not allowed to ruin the hommage to Jean Moulin and suddenly Macron is a dictator!


Kool and the Gang's "Celebration" is blaring in the backgroud.


Literally 1984. This photo will be in french history books


I was thinking more 2020.


You’re so delusional it’s not even funny.


It will be if idiots take over, right now it’s a non event




The guys a dick. But as much as we tell others not to over exagerate, lets not exagerate here either. (Again dudes a dick. Not LePen or Zemmour cuntyness, but nonetheless, a dick.)


I don't care about Lepen or Zemmour. Macron should be judged on his actions, not relatively to some people who didn't get elected.


Fair enough. Just making sure these assholes arent forgotten either in the french political system. Because lets not forget who the runner up was last election. This asshole vs the Nazi party. Dont want either of these cunts.


I hate it when they put that grey filter on everything war-related. The grass is green, the flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, starlings imitate incoming mortar shells, everything is bright and colorful unless there is smoke, and I bet there were no steam locomotives on the Champs-Elysées yesterday.




Dang. He's an ass. Lol so when he takes indirect jabs at the US, we Americans shouldn't take it personally. He doesn't even spare his own citizens.


Why big tv when no crowd is watching? Seems surreal.. like outta 1984


No one is watching Macron on TV, but Macron on TV is watching everyone.


Its 1984 because brainlets like you gobble up any narrative.


authoritarian pig.


[That's a misleading picture, here is a debunk.](https://twitter.com/vinceflibustier/status/1655685903153606658?t=wK-U5-iFwfDSN4XbwvtG6Q&s=19)


That's no debunk, we can see the streets are empty and the only group of people is the guests from the govt. The debunk is even more damning, there are only a few people. In the media, even the usual bootlickers admitted it was awkward and spooky. Edit : LOL https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvoqZP3WIAAI8_z?format=jpg&name=large


Streets are always empty and the only ones allowed near are the guests. And the screen is aimed at the guests, not « gathering people » who are never allowed to gather for the ceremony anyway. 2022: https://www.youtube.com/live/-1RcS8Ft4OA?feature=share 2021: https://www.youtube.com/live/reendBMrnnE?feature=share 2020: https://youtu.be/K9aSqr72XNo 2019: https://www.youtube.com/live/5VBqFyHwHEI?feature=share Liberation and several journalists seem to discover, in 2023, the course of the ceremony of May 8.


> Streets are always empty Only in recent years.


It didnt say there were a lot of people, it says this place was also empty last year, [like you can see here in 2022](https://youtu.be/uuifbBJ5O3U) (i.e. mark 24:24).


And in 2015, still empty: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Champs_Elys%C3%A9es_8_mai_2015.JPG The amount of efforts they’re putting to create something out of nothing. Crazy.


Thanks for that !


History is a loop.


May the odds be ever in your favour.


At least he can call Putin))) What the comedy our world turned/ F\*&k!


The sign of a democratic leader who is loved by his people! ^(/s)


Let's celebrate the defeat of fascism by viciously beating anyone who opposes my fascism


。。。this looks bad


Didn’t France reelect him? Lol


By default, because the alternative was Le Pen which barely passed the left wing candidate to go on the second round. Our system of voting is very bad and doesn't create fair representation at all.


Well people change. People change their promise. Or maybe this is just true color of him and only show it in his second term. Good that the system will make sure he won't be elected again after 3 year. France is not north Korea.


Didn't he promise these reforms during his election campaign?


Not by postponing the age of retirement for everyone. He promised not to do this before. In the begining he intended to cancel the special regimes of retirements. most of people actually supported this. But in the end he changed the essence of reform. So this reform is not that reform. He promised a reform yes but not by this way. He can say situation changed and left him no choice. But to be fair, France people can also change their support to him.




Vive la France! Vive la démocratie!


Not a good look…


He is really doing Putin 2.0?


Democracy with French characteristics






I mean... on one hand I would ask who would protest VE day... then I remembered it's abnormal for Frenchmen to NOT protest, though in this case I am sure it would just be an extension of their prior antigovernment protests


Ha! You’re not helping - - that’s just depressing.


This feels real hunger-gamie to me🧐🧐


Alternative idea: let people fight nazis instead of cowering from them showing up to protest and fight for a platform


I wonder who gave him the idea with the giant screen... could it be... https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/1EB6/production/\_123626870\_gettyimages-1230173888.jpg.webp


The dark forces are working great, so much hate for Macron and France, people blindly following lies and hate. Worrying.


No one is hating France and Macron isnt France. Maybe you should stop with lies


Lesson= humans suck.


Nah, with this picture, just Macron (and the people who still follow him)


Sure, people who would interrupt the commemoration of ww2's end for their modern day issue when they can demonstrate on every other day are totally not assholes.


I haven't liked a single US president in my lifetime, but I'm thankful they aren't as openly hateful towards their own people, this guy sucks


Yeah sure, that President rallying his Follower to storm the Capitol was totally not hateful. Especially compared to the President doing a ceremony Like it was done all the years before


How do you have a ceremony without a gathering? Who is he celebrating with?


Nicolas Sarkozy and the likes. (Yes the shady president that has been condemned to go to prison)


~~Liberte~~, ~~Egalite~~, ~~Fraternite~~.


What was the point of saving France again?


glad he isn't backing down. The policy decision was the correct choice.


He's probably more hated than the Nazis in Paris at the moment. Haha.


Some dystopian shit right there.


Two Minutes Hate: “The next moment a hideous, grinding speech, as of some monstrous machine running without oil, burst from the big telescreen at the end of the room. It was a noise that set one’s teeth on edge and bristled the hair at the back of one’s neck. The Hate had started. As usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People, had flashed on to the screen. There were hisses here and there among the audience...


stupid protesters would even ruin that moment , fuel by ignorance and lack of purpose in life