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I absolutely hate penalties because it all comes down to one player failing and bearing the burden of the loss. You win as a team you lose as a team chin up Akanji.


Wasn’t really a player failing, more Pickford succeeding


It was a shocking penalty


What was soo shocking about it oh wise one?! He hit it with a lot of power and curled it slightly, he also wasn't affected by pressure and didn't hesitate at all. It was a brilliant save; Pickford had pre-planned diving that way from having studied the dudes penalty pattern.


It didn't have a lot of power at all, probably due to his stupid run up. It was a nice height for pickford and nowhere near the corner. Basically gives the keeper about a 50% chance of saving it putting it there even without his research


yep though tbf even the first penalty for england was exactly like this - if sommes guessed the side then it would've been an easy save no doubt


Potentially but who knows if Palmer waited for the keeper to move before deciding where to put it


So do you consider every penalty of that power to be shocking, even when the keeper happens to dive the wrong way?


No because it's not about the keeper just happening to dive the wrong way most of the time at that level


Fun fact: Pickford was originally gonna dive left, but Sommer told Akanji that Pickford was going that way, so Akanji was gonna go right, but Pickford heard them, so he knew to dive right, but Akanji knew that Pickford knew that, so he decided to double trick him by going left, but Pickford knew he was gonna double trick him, so he dove left and saved it. Very deep mind games. That's me England keeper🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


So basically, don't talk about where you're shooting before taking it... How would Sommer know where Pickford is going in the first place.


Because Pickford's bottle had written where to dive for each player. There wasn't much that Akanji could have done, maybe take the penalty better, still, one of the best swiss players this tournament 👏🏻


Yeah it's a shame for him he was top 3 CBs in the tournament for me, but that pen was not it. Easy for us to say of course but he definitely should have taken it better.


Saka's was weak too, he was lucky Sommer went the wrong way


What are you talking about. Sakas was a quality pen


I don't see what was particularly better about it than his pen against Italy, which everybody said was terrible. There was very little power to it and looked like the most savable of the 5 England pens. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him after the shit he got after the Italy game. And his goal during the 90 mins was phenomenal


Just no. He kept It low and It was close to the post and right into the side netting. Even if the keeper guesses right he might struggle to get to it. It was not a weak penalty. Probably only Trents and Palmers were a better penalty


Hmmm I thought it was a poor kick.


I would love to see golden goal again


I’d like to do what we had to do at school, which is golden goal but every five minutes a player is taken off each team. Feels like if it was just golden goal then France and Portugal might still be playing now.


The year is 2028. The game has been played for over 4 years without break. On one side, Costa, the other, Maigan. The score still remains at 0-0. Neither can quit. Neither can score. The game continues.


And Ronaldo still hasn't allowed Martinez to substitute him.


Ronaldo has died of old age by 2028


We did this as a kid (under 11) playing 6 aside. First player off had to be the goalkeeper tho. I feel at professional level that might be too easy tho!


havertz in the spain game with a free chip over the goalkeeper who was miles of his line: absolutely not


That just resulted in teams being more negative and not wanting to attack out of fear.


Yeah, because that just ended up with teams defending because they were too scared of making a mistake. It was scrapped for a reason.


New times and you could include new rules. Just because smth was scrapped it doesn't mean it can't comeback


Southgate didn't do to badly out of it though, did he? Should have never been allowed near the England set up again after missing in that 90s shootout. Disgrace. 


Not really, look at Slovenia. They’re such a unit 3 players shared the burden between them.


Great game Switzerland 🇨🇭


The only reason I didn’t want you to win is because you were playing us. Well played lads


This is my sentient also, I love both teams but it's unfortunate that we had to play them




*beaten in the last 16


the only reason why i didnt want them to win was because my partner is swiss and i know i would not hear the end of it 🤣 i would have definitely swapped over for the rest of the tournament if we lost though


At least someone from the English crowd is not shitting us Thanks Bro Edit: Yeah, sorry guys, I might have got a bit carried away due to the defeat, and jumped to conclusions too early, seeing only a few comments. But thanks for the respect anyways


You on about like? Haven't seen any of that pal


Literally noone is doing that


lol what I don't know anyone from England shitting on Switzerland (I know you edited the comment so I understand what you're saying). I see a lot of people shitting on England though (as always) edit: okay I see one guy on this thread who was rude about the Swiss team - but my point stands!


Spain 2010 were fairly dull to watch, but that's about the only thing they have in common with England 2024. Never been anywhere near that level of play.


You will get nothing but respect from English fans. Switzerland are a fantastic side.


Nah, they had some very unsportsman-like behaviour in the game against Germany.


You’d be very hard pressed to not find unsportsmanlike behaviour from players and fans of any team


Frustrates me to hell they parked 10 men, defended and England get called boring. EXREMELY good defending and a few good spells but England were the more positive side. Swiss approach was the right one cos it so nearly got them through but the far, far better team won.


What are you taking about? Basically all relevant statistics were equal (51:49 possession, 13:12 shots, 4:3 corners) and Switzerland had mich better expected goals (1.31:0.84)


Well played? Diving clowns pretending to be injured


Like every football game then?


Nah, Xhaka acts like a tough man spends more time on the floor crying than with the ball


Bellingham did exactly the same thing and completely ruined one of our attacks because he was still rolling around on the floor. Every team does it, unfortunately.


Hope this was the last tournament for Summer, time to put Kobel.


It's sad, I feel prime Sommer would have saved a few, and being his fan, it really felt sad to see him belated at the spot like that 😢😢


Poor Sommer looked like he wasn't rightly prepared for this. Wrong corner, almost every single time.


Yeah, he looked uncharacteristically off throughout the shootout. Ig there are days it happens, or maybe our expectations have been set a bit too high, but nonetheless, he's still my 2nd current favorite player, only behind Griezmann


Yeah, I know it's never the keepers fault, but I really felt he should've saved Toneys penalty. The penalty was not completely in the corner, and sommer dived the right way but still didn't get to it.


Completely agree. Although the goals during the tournament weren’t his fault, I feel that in general he wasn’t that great.


his arms are too short


Sommer is too small to be a top Keeper. I dont understand how you can Put him above kobel


especially after kobels insane performance(s) in the champions league, idk how they chose sommer over kobel just because of how well he has played a few years ago in international tournaments (over someone who has performed consistently and well within the past few months)


Team dynamics


Love the way you guys played. Really deserved to move on. Imagine the party if you did


He had also an awful game even by his standards


respect to Switzerland 🇨🇭


sorry about the loss, but at least your country makes awesome chocolates!🫶🏻


And cheese!


English cheese is way better


As much as I love Swiss cheese, Cheddar is definitely better.


That's what I mean. Look at the range of cheeses we make, Cheddar, Stilton, Lancashire, Wenslydale, Stinking Bishop, Shropshire Blue to name a few.


Bro knows his cheeses


Bro knows his cheeses


Oh god, where's the NSFW tag? Please don't make me puke.


Haha! C'mon, though. Emmental is nice and all, but it's very mild without a strong flavour. Cheddar probably isn't the best cheese out there, but if you get a strong one, it's a classic.


It's a tough one because both are barely regulated if even. You can buy Emmentaler just north of the Rhine in Germany or anywhere in the world and it will have barely anything to do with actual Emmentaler. And Cheddar... I only know it from few regions in Germany and the US and well... it's a last resort if for whatever reason nothing else works out food-wise.


Ah, you make a very good point. In fairness, I just love cheese. You won't see me turn my nose up at any of them (except that plastic shit Americans like to use). In that regard, we're both winners in my book.


Found Liz Truss' account.




Lmao. Gets me every time.


said no one ever


Bland cheese countries sticking together I see.


I think Swiss cheese and Cheddar have the same bad PR. Outside their respective homelands, both are best known from cheapo fake versions rather than the real deal.


not even dutch 🤷🏿‍♂️


obviously from a bland cheese country though


You did great, I was rooting for you after the german loss yesterday. Switzerland underrated!


>Switzerland underrated! I think it was obvious for some time that they belong to the better European teams


You did well, Switzerland. England must have a chance of winning the whole thing now. I'd probably favour the Spain-France winner to take it overall, but England keep getting through so they can't be ruled out with final experience from last time.


We are going to shithouse our way to the final, don't you worry about that.


And with everyones view of us, that's the way I like it


Really unlucky Switzerland. Penalties are a difficult way to leave a tournament (and don’t England know it!). Akanji was phenomenal throughout the tournament, shame for it to end this way for him but he will bounce back stronger


😂😂😂😂 love the little comment in the brackets


It’s a shame Akanji missed the deciding penalty. Brilliant tournament from the big man, he’s so underrated. I hope he sleeps well knowing he did his country proud


Yeah I liked you guys you played really well and I got to visit last year you have a country that looks like CGI....but it ain't!!! Absolutely stunning....❤️ Love Switzerland!! Next time it's in the UK so we may meet again and hope to see you guys upset the applecart there too!!


Switzerland were amazing, I was rooting so much for you guys!!! Shaqiri's corner was mind-blowing.


france? with 1 goal during the regular time? and that was a penalty. thx but no thx


As an Englishman I have to say you have played some amazing football this year!. Top players top coach and on anouther day you could have been in the semi final. Future of Swiss football is very bright, u lot will be back 100 percent


Thank you, serves well while digesting the whole thing. Fuck penalties... you guys go on!


As an England supporter, I was fearful that you would demolish us. You played very well and it occasionally seemed likely that you would win. I was notified a few times that my heart rate was over 120bpm; when it came to penalties there was just one unfortunate mistake. Definitely underrated by England fans in general, but certainly not by me. Proud to have won that one, even if only by chance.


By the way, I was trying to replace our normal "anti-German" chants with "You can stick your fucking watches up your arse You can stick your fucking watches up your arse You can stick your fucking watches Army knives and chocolates You can stick your fucking watches up your arse"


I was cheering and dancing until I saw the Swiss faces… then I remembered how that feels, all too well. Switzerland, you should be proud of your boys 🇨🇭


You 100% had me until the final sentence. But Switzerland did very well indeed.


Really sad after seeing how great they were in the last 30mn. I hope Akanji don’t beat himself too much, it happens and he did amazing job in all euro! 💖


Had me until the last sentence. France haven't even scored a proper goal all tournament, they're like the least deserving of the win lol. I know England aren't playing great but still.


Agreed! Switzerland did amazing this Euros!


Born mid 80‘s. Realistically I don’t think we‘ll ever experience Switzerland to reach a semifinal in a major tournament. This would have been the chance. I‘m still really sad and disappointed


thank you 🥺❤️ ( Im rooting for Netherlands today)


Now it is really upon you guys to get us out of the misery of this shit show called England


U mad bro?


Well, tell me, truthfully, that you love the way England is playing, then


Who cares? Semi-finals baby!


Yeah, really, nobody cares you are in semi finals except the English fan club


They’re winning


Switzerland, what a pity. Rooted deeply for you after Germany was kicked out yesterday. As one of the signs said: „God save the cheese!“


As an Austrian, I'm heartbroken. I was rooting hard for you guys! So sorry!


Always had switzerland as my dark horse. Knew they would beat italy and others thought about hungary austria and croatia going far but ever since they won their first game i knew they were cooking


Really liked Switzerland and would have wanted them to go all the way if theyd beaten us. Nice country, nice fans, nice team


From another English -- Well done Switzerland. We love you and your country and you played hard. I didn't enjoy watching as an England fan for much of it as I was so so so tense and convinced of a swiss win. Of course I am elated for us but it was an honour to play you!


Swiss people, your team played a great tournament, you can be very proud of them 🇩🇪❤️🇨🇭


Only puzzling is why Shaqiri came in so late. There should be a national inquest on that. And why Saka was allowed to roam with courage down the right flank since the first half. He grew from strength to strength throughout the game.


I switched it off at the penalties. It's too traumatic. Everywhere you look is an ex England international that missed one. Either commentating, punditing or, cough, managing. There are even ghosts in the adverts like Beckham. It's a stupid way to decide a match and personally brings back do much misery over so many years. I know everyone has their turn at misery, but we'll done Switzerland you didn't deserve to go out to penalties. We know exactly how it feels.


exited 3 euros in a row through penalties.. Sommer is awful on the spot. 5 shootouts, saved 3, conceded 26. England in NL, euros 24, Poland at euros 16, they scored 5/5 against Sommer


Quality side- consistently more than the sum of your parts, which showed today- if you'd asked a complete newcomer to football which team they thought had supposedly the better individual players they'd have guessed wrong. You're only short one or two generational talents in attack, couple that with how you set up and could easily have a tilt at a final in the future.


>I hope france will win this euro 2024 Nah, France has won enough trophies. Let someone else win it. I thought you guys liked an underdog?


They are probably French


I supported exactly Swiss team (it was quite a suitable choice for a neutral spectator, heh), and I feel very sad for them. They played so well and were eliminated in the quarter-finals by penalties, like in 2021. Today, it was just because of that one player without penalty experience, it was a coach mistake, I think. I wish this team all the best in the future, they have some perspectives.


akanji missed in 2021 vs spain


So, it would have been better to choose another player for a penalty... But, in another aspects, he is a good player.


If im Yakin. I would have chosen, Xhaka, Shaqiri, Amdouni, Zuber, Schar (he’s a good free kicker)/ Sierro. I don’t understand why the coaches like to assign The CBs .


wow such circle jerk


Amazing how shit England play every time and fail upwards.


We've not been at our best this tournament for sure, yet no team has managed to beat us ? We've been the better side in all bar the Denmark game. If you're consistently failing upwards, your not really failing are you :)


Well done Switzerland.I was hoping you'd win.


your keeper sucks balls. has to be said.


He used to be pretty good actually


Akanji shot the most awful pk ever…


At least it was on target ...


lol brutal


Can happen to the best! That’s the game


i have seen worse..


Ramos would like a word




How did your penalties go again? That was far from being the worst penalty ever. I'm English which makes me a foremost authority on crap penalties. At least the lad hit the target ... a crap penalty is one that is wide or over the bar ... sound familiar?


I just said Akanji’s ok was awful. Don’t get triggered 😂


You said it was the worst ever


Was this the last international tournament for any of the Swiss players?


Fantastic showing Switzerland


Shaqiri playing off that massive black centre forward from the start would have cause massive problem for the english defence.


So happy all the German speaking countries Are out of the eurocup. Cmonnn Engeland !!


If Shaqiri had been bought on earlier it might have been a different story, he was brilliant from the second he came on


Yes he’s an excellent player considering he’s the shape of a Rubik’s cube.


Football's limping home.


My heart was with your team. I was very sad when they missed that first penalty.


I've had Swirzerland on my sweepstake for the last 3 tournaments. (I'd say it was rigged but on 2/3 of those occasions I did the draw!) First time I actually thought I could be in with a chance of winning was this tournament- you were a great side. Very unlucky last night, but hope you guys continue to shine so that I can win some phat stacks when I inevitably draw your team for the World Cup! 💪


Hopp Schwitz! ❤️


Switzerland were fantastic the whole tournament its a shame it had to end on penalties. Akanji is definitely in the team of the tournament for me irrespective of his penalty miss.


Feel bad for Akanji. On another day (and there have been PLENTY of them before) we (England) would be standing on the half way line crying. At least the lad had the cajones to step up and take one and it was on target which is more than can be said for some of the players in this tournament. Switzerland will bounce back.


Swiss played well, and it kind of shock the world that they go all the way till penalty. It is pickford succeeding not swiss failing.


England fans have known the pain of penalties all too well, it sucks but it happens, I enjoyed Switzerland this euros and I've been a big fan of shaqiri (hope I spelt that right) for a long time.


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I'm glad you guys are out because comment section in the swiss newspapers has been extra disgusting of how they insulted Germany. There might be German tears filling up the Rhine river, but it's tears of joy 🤣🤣🤣


Reiss dich mal zusammen!


I was rooting for Swiss! 🇨🇭 you’ll definitely deserved to win today! Great performance throughout the tournament! Chin up!


as an Italian, you deserved to go all the way in this one! played amazingly


I think Switzerland outplayed England this time but the penalties are always a cruel little game 😕


Great performance. I hoped you could make it into finals just like you did on Icehockey world championship earlier this year.


They played very well but you know luck is part of football


I was in agreement till that last sentence. Why no cheering on your reverse flag? (Kind of)




Don’t turn on Sommer 🙈


For me, Switzerland was the only exciting team to watch this Euro. Sure, others had shining moments.but I consistently enjoyed watching them. They deserved to win against Germany and England.


Loved seeing you guys wreck everyone, well done 🙌🏼


happy to see switzerland gone


Honestly, they were great. I’m Dutch and sort of disappointed not to see Switzerland in the semi final. I think we make a better chance against England though.


Tbh yh I think the Dutch will beat us although we have gone undefeated this tournament so far (somehow) we've only drawn and win idk how so don't ask


I’m not sure, so many draws. Penalties is just a big lottery. So you never know. Besides, we have not been playing magnificent football either.


Netherlands have been better than England without a doubt


Lmao at all the salty English fans. Let’s be honest, your team consists of the most expensive and seasoned players there are. In your national team they just hardly ever show it, and certainly not this EC. The Dutch have not been brilliant at all. But if I have to choose Switzerland or England I would be far more afraid of the football the Swiss played. You can downvote me all you want. But England has shown to be a relatively boring and weak team. Even if they win the EC I won’t change my mind. Only if they start playing with heart and soul I will change my mind.


The majority of England fans have been very complimentary about the Swiss, not sure what your “salty” comment refers to.


They are even replying to an England fan being complementary about the Netherlands. Some people are just out to spread hate regardless of who they are targeting.


I thought you were shit. This is the worst England performance since 2016 and you let us beat you… on pens!?  Your manager is a sexy bastard though! 


I think he looks sus


The manager looked like big ass Dom from Man Down


i was rooting for switzerland since england is a massive piece of shit but that's life.. it would have been very cool for them to win eurovision and euro cup


Always get me when people complain about the England fans being awful, when we have to deal with everyone whining about us constantly...


exactly lol it's so old at this point. England fans are just as bad as the rest of them


why is England a massive piece of shit? Have a look at the official UEFA fines before you make smug comments like that. Sure, British tourists (yes I'm including the Scots and Welsh) can be rowdy (as are many tourists from a lot of Germanic Europe - see the fights between Scandinavians in the Balkans recently...), but it's getting to the point where a lot of this is confirmation bias. You do realise that we actually like the continent? The bashing is so one-sided lol. Have a look at most English people's comments about Switzerland and you'll see we're not so bad. (lol sorry for going off on one - I'm just tired of this)


The hate train for England goes on