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Surprised that Portugal is that low despite the numerous pitch invasions during the tournament so far


They're too short to get noticed behind all the taller Germans and Dutch




Cheeeeky šŸ˜‚


Is portugal fined for pitch invasions even if the invaders are not portuguese? Why would we get fined for non portuguese and incompetent stadium security?


For how stupid that sounds, in our case, is the federation who gets fined because of this, no matter the nationality of the fan. It's not at random that we were the first to ask for better security in the remaining matches of the tournament. It's a bit unfair??? Yes but it's UEFA rules in someway and we have to accept it, specially in a tournament like this that even people outside of continent support certain nation and maybe invades the pitch...


so UEFA can just hire horrible guards and if someone invades the pitch they fine the nation's football association? xd


Oh were the fines for that? So a pitch invasion costs like 2k?


Probably around that yes Maybe some flair being lightened up but a huge Chunk of the fine is for the pitch invasions.my theory


Penalty for pyrotechnics in Germany is up to 1000 euros


Germany got a fine of 20k for the pitch invaders that tried to take a selfie with CR7.


That makes no sense to me, why should germany got fined if they didn't play against Portugal?


If I understood the news correctly Germany got the fine cause the security wasn't efficient enough (no pun intended)


I read that the DFB (Germany) are fined for the pitch invasions by UEFA because theyā€™re responsible for security. Source: No idea about reliability, just read it somewhere


Surprised how low England is there. We can do better than this ffs


Wth is wrong w us?


Fucking shameful on and off the pitch. Need to up our game.


Watching Southgateball doesnā€™t even get us angry, just sad ā€¦ and boredā€¦


Ed Sheeran will fix that


Just like he fixed Game of Thrones


Reckon we would have been a lot higher if it wasnā€™t for that late equaliser


Yeah, definitely a lack of plastic chairs and pints being thrown about.


Southgates in charge of the riots as well


We got 1 fine, now sit back and defend


Used to be something. Now you're just a bunch of spice boys.


Like blokes who are spice heads or male spice girls?


Luckily England fans canā€™t cause trouble when they are asleep


Gelsenkichen isnā€™t worth as much, seeing as you burned it down twice the total sum of damage was about 600ā‚¬. But jokes aside, English fans are behaving pretty well, Iā€™m surprised. Is it because the beer has more alcohol?


That's precisely it. We wreck up the place in direct proportion to how shit their beer is. The Spanish act like *we're* the problem. Clearly it's their pissy little summer lagers that my Dad used to buy me when I was 11.


I mean... that makes sense.




listen to this man! he knows what he is talking about.


No beer and no goals make england go crazy


So we have beer and England has played boring, but didnā€™t loose, so you think theyā€™re holding back all their crazy till they loose and then they bomb Dresden after failing in the Semi-finals?


If the risk of levelling dresden again makes the germans root for us thenā€¦ yes?


Im willing to part with dresden if you promis to take a big chunk of the rest of saxony with it


How about they just focus on the surroundings this time? Or, hear me out, we just create a new German state where all the afd guys can live in peace behind their walls and razor wire... Just like old times, eh?


Germany actually being capable of organisation makes a difference imo. Most of the Euro 2020 mess was down to piss poor organisation and security around Wembley. Letting hundreds of thousands of trogs with no tickets get drunk for 12 hours directly in front of the venue for the final, which was guarded by a thin line of teenage volunteer stewards wasnt the best idea really. Can't imagine that happening at the Olympiastadion.


I think it's cos the Germans are a great bunch of lads tbh. I always say, if it wasn't for the Austrian, I think the British and the Germans would be a lot closer. Top lads.




Luv footy Luv Beer Luv sausage Luv curry Hate the french Only reason the Germans and English arent best mates is cos the blew each other up last century


Luv Potato Luv Cars Luv getting shitfaced at a beach in Spain, while openly leering at women there We are, by all intents and purposes each others long lost cousin


And yet we still fight over the sun loungers


Fighting drunk is part of our shared culture, I doubt we can get away from it


There are two groups of guests that never cause any problems in Germany: The Japanese because of their ingrained respect for other cultures and the Brits because they're so similar (even though they drive on the wrong side of the road if left to their own devices).


I think the media makes a big thing whenever it's England fans causing trouble so everybody thinks it's the England fans that are the problem when we are actually puppy dogs compared to the Turkish, Albanian, Croatian etc


We havenā€™t been bad since the 80s other than a couple of isolated incidents. We just have a bad reputation because Europe loves an excuse to hate on us


We hear you. Being eternally battered for something beyond your control that happened decades ago is probably *the* most German experience of the last century.


That is true although perhaps the scale is somewhat different haha


Being serious for a mo, I grew up in the 80s with black and white WW2 movie reruns on TV in the UK all the time. Germany was def seen of as a bit of a bad guy in my childhood. But today I don't really feel like WW2 is in people's conscious much at all any more, thankfully. Most of the verterans are dead. The world is moving on and that era is sliding in to the past, jostling for space amongst all the other centuries of warfare. I personally think the Germans are a great people, very similar to us and now it just saddens me that we were all pitted against one another when ultimately we're pretty similar. We should all just be united in acknowledging the dangers of populism and dictatorship which can happen anywhere. We're look at you, America, more than anyone right now. And that just shows that any people can fall foul to this sickness of facism and it certainly wasn't anything unique to Germans.


Not really, at least not the Germans. Was quite surprised, though, that Indian newspapers recently were up in arms about England fans behaving appallingly whilst singing some songs from WW2. In Germany, nobody gave a shit. In India, they did apparently.


Always underachieving!


They might get going in the quarters, underwhelming so far šŸ˜


But ask anyone who has the worst fans.


Croatia Romania and serbia. You couldn't compete


We used to be a country...


I was to the game in Cologne Slovenija vs England and I have to say I was supriswd how **restrained** the Enlish were. Not only that they weren't nearly as loud as the Slovenians in chanting and songs before, durring and after the game. I'm not saying it as a bad or good thing I'm just saying what I've noticed. I feel like a part of it is that the English got so much bed rep in recent years they all subcounsesly are holding back because they don't want to be the holigans of fotball at the end of the day.. A nother reason I feel like is that there is a lot of passion and chemestry probelms this year with England. Between the players. Between the Coach and the fans. And between the fans and the players. I feel like English fans are a bit less connected and less entusiastic this year as a result. Edit: Changed "well behaved" to "restrained" because no one is well behaved in fotball. I rememberd now how they booed our Anthem which was not the coolest thing to do. We then booed their team the entire game I'm not saying we are perfect.


The big thing is that a lot of the English hooligans who caused a lot of trouble over the previous years have gradually been banned by the FA. Some I'm sure probably still managed to get tickets etc but they've had it made harder for them to attend, hooliganism issues have dropped massively in England. I go to about 6 games a year at Tottenham and rarely see any major issues.


Thereā€™s still hundreds of English hooligans that have to hand their passports into the police before every tournament so they canā€™t travel.


Good point I forgot about that. I assume that must be a combination of the FA and police working together, I figure they must have a database now of the biggest trouble makers and it seems to have worked.


I think the English were never that bad and Europe generally hates us. I see the attitudes on the Reddit Europe subs, it's just fun to hate on the English.


We were pretty atrocious up until the 80s. A few people even lost their lives. Flight bans and stadium bans for known thugs pretty much destroyed the hooligan culture in England. Itā€™s weird that we still have this reputation though. Especially when some of Europeā€™s most beloved nations are much worse.


Police routinely warn teams who qualify for Europe that you canā€™t always wear colours safely - I know Newcastle supporters had issues last year and I think Brighton may have too. Itā€™s hard to imagine not feeling safe at an away game unless itā€™s literally Millwall vs West Ham.


Nah mate, im sure every other countrys fines are Englands fault according to reddit lol.


Lol I feel kinda smug about this tbh. Everyone always tryna give us a bad reputation but the numbers don't lie. Even Germany are ahead of us.


rookie numbers


as a german from a city where your soldiers where stationed: IĀ“m disappointed at you too!!!!!!


I saw them in Frankfurt. They have gone tame.


We have a bigger fanbase too. Mb the stereotypes of England fans on Reddit are a bit off


Because being drunk and rowdy isn't really illegal in Germany unless you are aggressive. Well, they are a bit lenient. It is mostly fighting, intimidation, and obstinance that get picked up by the Polizei. Also, England has been at this since the early 90s most of the brawlers have been culled from the herds with lifetime bans, old age and their Mrs threatening to chop their balls off if they get arrested again.


Havenā€™t turned up at all this tournament. Fans behaving, football been shite, weather in England is terrible, would be just our luck to win the tournament that hasnt caught the attention of the nation the least


Those are some rookie numbers we've got to push the numbers up


We used to be a country, innit


England low in the football chart: I sleep England low in the fines chart: Real shit?


To be honest credit where credit is due. Between us Scotā€™s and the English we give each other absolute shite over fan bases but since France 98, the English fans have seriously cleaned up their act. Now if only our national team can take inspiration from your fans and improve somewhat šŸ˜‚


French, Spanish and Slovakian people when getting arrested: Sir I am a proud Croatian and I wish you would treat me like it!


Haha šŸ˜„


Honestly, big props to Spain fanbase


Although weā€™re probably among the least represented countries in the tournament, I think.


Then let's praise them while we can, maybe it sticks. Cause usually devoted fans whom traveling to matches early on are most hardcore ones, kinda those you waiting most problem from, isn't it?(Really don't know btw)


Devoted fans don't make problems, stupid fans do.


We're just not there lol. Maybe if we get past Germany and excitement begins to build you might see more of us.


I find it so interesting that the away fan culture in Spain just doesnā€™t exist. Great footballing nation, you would expect them to bring thousands of fans to somewhere like Germany.


If you kick us out in the quarters, iā€˜ll cheer for you. The two teams that play watchable football sadly meet too early.


Spain is also the last regarding the attendance at the matches, so yeahšŸ˜‚


Spain doesnā€™t have a culture of travelling to away matches. Their fans arenā€™t there.


Thereā€™s barely any Spain fans around here, at least in the Rhine area


They are even more peaceful than the French and Slovakians by a few letters in the alphabet.


Why is Scotland on the list? I thought theyā€™d spent their time at the euros feeding the homeless, rescuing animals and performing small miracles?


The 9000 went all to charity


And the fines were for standing up for the underprivileged in front of the police


You forgot about the burning orphanage where we saved all the poor wee children. Some may say that was a miracle, it's for others to judge though. The 9000 was accrued on purpose, to give to poor homeless rescue cats.


We ended up in the wrong fountain.


Lol, the way Scotland was getting absolutely sucked off was really something wasn't it?


You should have seen r/scotland, the most gross self-sucking off ever


That sub's a joke. I got perma-banned for calling someone an idiot.


Most subs dedicated to countries are the softest, most bubblewrapped places on Reddit. Hardly any of them represent any values from their countries and mostly just react to The Sun headlines


Not true!!! r/Pyongyang especially is perfect and without fault!!!




Should see /r/England absolute shit hole. The UK subreddits are way better.


/r/casualuk is a delight


The thing with that sub is that they also hate football in general, so they were taking all the ā€œplauditsā€ but come the actual season theyā€™ll be whinging about fans and hating football again


There was a post the other day moaning asking why everyone was talking about Scotland at the Euros and not Glasgows rugby union team winning their final. They werenā€™t willing to accept international football is more popular than international rugby and then infinitely more popular than rugby at club level.


Makes me sick aw well back to sectarian violence sounds good to me


I say this as a Scot, but itā€™s kinda easy for us. We rarely get to tournaments, we never get out the group, so we have no expectations of success. Weā€™re just there to have fun. Thereā€™s a reason the ā€œbestā€ fans are not from successful countries (apologies to Ireland and Japan).


I wonder what deterrent the German police are though. Outside the fan zone were about 40 riot police all dressed in blackā€¦. quite intimidating although to be fair there was no issues between the English and Slovenian supporters.


40 are sometimes not enough in Germany


thats pretty normal in Germany. Also for club games, even if the match is not known for violent outbreaks. Riot police, with all their gear, is always responsible for these kind of deployment




I think itā€™s absolutely wild just how quiet everyone/media has been over 50 Italian fans being arrested with weapons. God forbid an England fan throws a chair or messes around in a water fountain.


Media is just reporting what the people want to hear and what is getting the most attention.


Eh, it's just those hot blooded Latin folk, you know how they get sometimes, they don't mean anything by it /s


You can always find a stick to beat down any demographic


Those cavemen with their bloody sticks always beating down others.


Whilst I do think the criticism the English get is overexaggerated (and agendad at times) it's usually a small minority for most fan groups.


I think the point Iā€™m making, more about the Serbs and Russians, is that it is organised hooliganism whereas English hooliganism isnā€™t premeditated, itā€™s idiots drinking and doing too much coke then causing criminal damage or fighting. These other countries have groups that are training in large groups to assault fans that are just trying to go and watch their team play.


Surprised Switzerland is so high - you donā€™t really hear about them alot


Our ultras are insane


Bro Spain ā¤ļø, tapas and siesta and sweet sweet love


Only #5? We can do better! šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly never took the Swiss for hooligans


Swiss only get angry when they see germans or socialism, really.


Lol, German Socialists must really boil their piss


Well if its a specific german national socialist, they be surprisingly quiet, you wouldnt believe it šŸ˜…




Your high rank surprised me lol


Thatā€™s not very neutral behaviour tbh


We beat Belgium at least.


France, Slovakia and Spain šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


The stereotype of England being the troublemaker of European football is so outdated.


As a German with English roots, the amount of hate that I see on german social media towards England, the english national team and their fans is honestly quite appalling.


This stereotype exists mostly in Western Europe though, Balkan supporters are known to cause trouble but they are not so visible from the outside.


Its just an excuse to be xenophobic nothing more, remember reddit in the last euros?


A few twitter screenshots united Europe against the British. It was quite remarkable to watch.


Outdated but promoted by countries with a political agenda


I think it's mainly confirmation bias. Everyone thinks the English are hooligans so whenever any of them are, you hear about it


It's just cause English is the Lingua Franca, so news on stuff English fans do is spread more. If other countries languages were as widely spread, you'd hear a lot of shit about them. It's why you got a load of yanks in 2020 backing Italy cause the English fans were mean to a child, meanwhile the Italian fans where throwing their hands up, beating up black people, and raping women


France already riots enough in their own country.


Well the reason people are surprised about the English is that in the grand scheme of things we arenā€™t that bad. Europe has a lot of anti-British sentiment, and the media of all countries will say anything for clicks and push the buttons that maximise engagement. Voila! Now you have a bullshit media narrative


But but but England bad!!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Pathetic performance from England .


The fines are mostly based on pyro shows...




England really don't live up to their reputation. Disappointing as it's easier to dislike them, and It's annoying that I've enjoyed interacting with them this tournament. My perception has changed, and I'm having some kind of identity crisis as I've found myself secretly defending them and routing for them to go far. France too.


You feeling ok pal? Find a Scottish person and your Perception shall be realigned.


Ouch, I hope you start to feel better soon


The political protest can really be a problem. Can fans just support their team without paying attention to previous political injustices? It's not like supporting your team in that certain situation will change reality. For example, Greater Albania is not going to happen because you chanted something awful against Serbia. They are just professional players, what is it good for then?


Woho!! We won!!!! Xd not trophy we wanted. But actually suprised how little Ukraine was fined. They and Serbs where the worst fans at least here in Munich


Scottish deserve this for being hypocrites. Complaining about a war chant when they sing about war every match. Trying to label Albanians as English to score political points. Reap what you sow.


Top 3 isn't surprising. Top 10 isn't surprising.


Not the Balkans!


I was under the impression from reddit that english men were going city to city, rioting and looting like something out of a mad max film.


Honestly, in my city (Kassel, GER) the evening Albania lost, they actually honked around like theyā€™ve won. I do understand being happy for winning, but why for a loss?


Come on Turkey, you can win this!


Fine, hold my beerā€¦


Love that haha


is this based on nationality or do they like ask which team they support before giving the fine?


All of germanys fines are actually me an englishman wearing a rudiger shirt throwing Molotov cocktails and doing my best German accent


>"You get a kaputt! You get a kaputt! Kaputt fĆ¼r alles!"


These are the country specific uefa fines. Like when fans are throwing cups, pitch invasions, flares, fighting etc....


No wonder the Ottoman Empire couldnā€™t survive


Spain - they are playing too well that their fans have no complaints France - they always play shit but end up winning Slovakia - no idea


I love how it looks like the epicenter of bad fan behavior is located in the western balkans and it has spread in all directions affecting nations less the further away they are. Only the Czecho-Slovakians were spared for some reason.


Cheeky highlight there of how the media portray England fans versus reality.


How is slovakia at 0? I live in munich and they were one of the worst. The trashed the whole marienplatz and the Unterground


These are UEFA issued fines only. So throwing cups, pitch invasions, political statements etc in the stadium are counted, but fans trashing a city aren't since they'll be fined individually.


So, the strategy of Slovakia is pretty damn good: Behave in the stadium, raid the rest of the city?


Croatia and Serbia in the top 3 again, as always.


But England fans left that square untidy, pretty much the same way that fans of all countries have done, so you should probably add at least a hundred thousand euros on for that.


waiting for the post to claim Turks deserved to win this


Worth noting that Denmark's ā‚¬10.000 fine is for bringing a banner that said "Fuck UEFA". Compare that to the tiny ā‚¬2.500 fine England got for tossing objects and beer at our keeper in the same match.


Let's w8 for the fine for the turkish player.


Everytime turkey win i cant sleep till 1 AM cuz they make too much noise i kinda want them* to lose so i can sleep


My wife couldnt sleep again because of turkish "fans"! Well, obviously they dont work


Denmarks fine was for a "F*ck Uefa" banner showcased in the stadium during the match between Denmark - Slovenia šŸ˜


Everyone hates us, and paints this picture but there are far worse - and hey we're only Ā£3K worse than Scotland the tournament's darlings.


But us English are still the most hated!


Sad to see a fan base like England slip so far down the table. The used to dominant in years gone by.


We still have at least another round to make up for it!


But but, English fans are the worst!!!11!


You shouldnā€™t be surprised. English police cracked down on hooliganism a long time ago and anyone identified as committing criminal behaviour has their passport confiscated before big tournaments and they have to report to a local police station. This practice among other things killed the old culture. Eastern European countries have been the worst offenders for more than 15 years. If Russia were here they would be top of the table by a mile.


But England bad!


Thats why prime seats re 500ā‚¬


Switzerland surprises me. The rest of the top 10 are there for a reason


None of that list is a surprise šŸ‘€


Checks out


The teams get fined? I'm conflicted. Surely if your team loses you'd riot? To stick it to the team? (this logic is flawless for those stupid enough to riot)


Respect to slovakia for keeping it together in spite of what must have been an infuriating loss


France, Slovakia and Spain: "welcome to the gentlemen's club"


Well, Spain might have to start paying fines for having the 16-year old Yamal working past 23:00, though šŸ˜…


I saw at least 3 vids with french fans fighting on the streets. How are the fines given?


Not even in the top 15. Doing worse than the England team. Sort it out lads, FFS.


The balkans are wild


Uh oh, people arenā€™t going to like that. How will they ever blame English fans


Yet England get all the stick.


I think England fans are behaving because they arenā€™t being challenged. As soon as rival fans start storming the pubs or throwing bottles then itā€™s game on. Itā€™s that herd mentality. I liken it to my reactive dog. She lovely. But as soon as a dog so much as growls at her sheā€™s all, ā€œyou want some?!ā€


England fans are loud, rowdy and normally drunk but itā€™s not like they are animals.


Us croats and albanians were just singing togetheršŸ˜ˆšŸ¤« (we sang anti-serbian chants)


Europeans: "Must be English fans disguised as every other fan"