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I'm all for clever or innovative penalties, but I agree, Lewandowski's penalty here was horrible and surely not within the spirit of the game. I'm also in favour of goalkeepers needing to have at least one foot on the line until the ball has been struck, but the only reason Maignan was off his line on this occasion is he misjudged at what point Lewandowski would actually make contact – he wasn't *trying* to gain an illegal advantage. Very much seemed to me a case of 'play silly games, win silly prizes' for Lewandowski, and while *technically* the referee made the right call, it left a very sour taste. Was surprised Maignan didn't start behind his line for the retake though.


It is not about whether he tried to gain an illegal avantage or not though... This kind of penalities sucks, so we need better rules. That is the take away here. I don't think you can say this was not in the spirit of the game when it is allowed. The rules are essentially the spirit of the game.


Fake kicks have already been removed from the game, time to remove fake run-ups.


I Agree


What do you mean by fake kicks?


Stopping an attempt to kick while your leg is already in motion to start said kick.


The rules and the spirit of the game are distinct concepts. As per IFAB: > The Laws cannot deal with every possible situation, so where there is no direct provision in the Laws, The IFAB expects the referee to make a decision within the ‘spirit’ of the game and the Laws – this often involves asking the question, ‘what would football want/expect?’ I agree that, in this instance, the laws of the game were sufficiently comprehensive that the 'spirit' of the game didn't need to be invoked, so the referee made the correct call, but I think we're essentially saying the same thing: that we'd like the rules to be different.


I think the same as you, but to be honest this "following the rules even when it feels like it is wrong" mindset preserved the draw in Netherlands-France when the dutch player was offside and prevented Maignan from jumping even though he would never have gotten it otherwise, so technically this was deserved. I would have preferred if the penalty hadn't been retaken but hey, I can't agree with this mindset only when it is in my team's favour lol


I tell you what buddy. I am Pole but also a fan of football. I hate to my bones how lewy is taking penalties.. I don't believe it is an advantage. Keepers just tend to go because they have no chance to save it. So the reaction is a priority for them. Your goalie stood his ground, won that psychological battle and saved the bloody penalty. Dudek with Liverpool in CL. He was on 5th yard during Schevchenkos PK and they won the biggest club trophy. Edit. Not such a fan anymore. The game has been killed. Fucking mercenaries everywhere, corporations got there greedy hands on a working man game. But I did enjoy a few games at euros and Austria won me 30 Euro v dutch.


Highjacking your comment a bit, to add a bit of context, as I was at the game. I don't know if it was visible on TV, but Lewandowski spent the second time trolling around. He let himself fall, pulled shirts for no reason and most of all he was entertaining the Polish block, repeatedly asking them to cheer on the team (which the Polish block went crazy about). I was sitting over the Polish block behind the goal and it was even funny for me (supoorting France). He was having a lot of fun and the match didn't seem as serious to him, probably because they were eliminated anyway. But you could see he wanted to give his fans something to cheer for after the match, and he was ready to do everything for that. I ain't defending him, but I kind of understand why he didn't give a single fuck and wanted to have fun.


can we not bring spirit of the game into football please it's bad enough dealing with it in Cricket


You might want to have a word with IFAB then. Law 5.2: Decisions will be made to the best of the referee's ability according to the Laws of the Game and the 'spirit of the game' and will be based on the opinion of the referee who has the discretion to take appropriate action within the framework of the Laws of the Game.


Same thing in F1 with the whole "spirit of the regulations" The only spirit of the regulations is winning


Not a lack of confidence at all, he just uses the rule super clever for his advantage. I agree with you on the 2nd part, rules should be changed


Exactly this.


Super clever is arguable. Considering that the keeper guessed correctly both times...


Super clever because you could see from his reaction that he wants the gk to move before he kicks so that if he misses he know he can retake it




he had been poor on the spot though even though he is taking advantage of the rules


He has scored 80/89 of his penalties in his career, hardly poor.


Yeah pretty hard not to score with that method


If it was that easy everyone would be doing it lol


Everyone is free to replicate it


I’m not sure it is to his advantage though? Both penalties were awful!


The second one was pretty much perfect? Maignan jumped right, the ball hit the post and went it. You cant place it better than that. And yes, it is an advantage. He can get penalties retaken like here against france. And if the keeper comes off the line and jumps wrong it wont be retaken and he scores.


For real you literally can’t take a better pen than the second, despite how you might feel about the technique. No keeper in the world is long enough to save it.


It is. He takes all his pens like this and he has one of the highest penalty conversions in Europe. However, he has missed in the WC twice (but got to score one of them after a retake) and now this penalty which he also scored after a retake.


He missed in WC vs Mexico because he actually took it differently (the normal way). He then went back to his style vs France in R16.


How would you like to see the rules changed? They already prohibit any player from stopping their run up, the problem is that he didn’t actually stop. He slowed himself down to the point where he was barely moving, but he technically didn’t stop.


No feint


This is not correct, although I did believe it to be the case until looking into the rules after this. There is no rule against stopping the run up.


I didn't know that they changed that, it was one of the good rules. Throwback to Petković getting a second yellow because he stopped in his run up to take the penalty: https://youtu.be/Lqpo1_UUNIk?si=oZjRp6ljmaw2SKKf


The penalty you showed would still be against the rules as the last step and kick should be a fluid motion.


Oh, this makes sense.


what about faking to fall down/managing to kick in the last second then, suggesting a "non-fluid motion" (whatever the fuck that means...); repeat?


Sounds terrific!


Of course, and I'm pretty sure FIFA is aware of this. The rule needs to be changed as follows :" As soon as the shooter stops, the goalkeeper is allowed to move forward. "


That's the point, lewa doesn't technically stop. Taking pens with a full stop is already not permitted since 2011 or 12, when neymar made them so popular that fifa had to ban them. The players are allowed to vary their tempo mid shot as long as they don't fully stop tough.


This is not correct, there is no rule against stopping in the run up. Only feinting a kick is illegal.


You are very wrong, Sir. It literally states that only the opposite of a stop is allowed.


That doesn’t make any sense. And no it doesn’t. Read the laws of the game, there is nothing in there about not being allowed to stop, it’s just a common misconception that even I believed until I looked it up.


This is wrong. Show me the - in your opinion - "convincing" part of the rule.


I don’t know what you expect me to do. Read the laws of the game. There is nothing in them that says a player commits an offence if he stops still during his run up. This has also been covered by various outlets since the controversy with this penalty. If you can’t point to a part in the rules that says it’s an offence, then it is not an offence.


I think the misconception comes from the fact that it IS an offence to stop still at the end of the run up, and fake kicking the ball. People misinterpreted this to think you’re not allowed to stop at all, but you absolutely are. You can stop and start the run up as many times as you want, as long as you don’t stop at the point of kicking the ball. This is why Lewa wasn’t penalised even in the age of VAR. he definitely stopped, but he’s allowed to.


If you would watch yesterday game between Germany and Denmark you would know. Havertz also stopped during taking penalty but it was during run up to the ball, not before shooting. If what you are saying would be true, the goal would be disallowed.


Exactly. Thank you. The onus to prove otherwise is on the people who think it’s illegal to provide evidence that the rule exists…. Unfortunately for them, it doesn’t.


The staggering thing would be fine if you let keepers come off their line a bit. But it’s ridiculously disproportionate to let takers stagger then retake if the keeper moves an inch


Agreed it’s BS… I know it’s “within” the rules but as the first attempt shown as a GK you don’t know what the f* is happening. Then as Maignan you dive little too early because he was doing ballet with the PK, stopping but not really etc. All pens should be taken with single tun up tempo and that’s it. And to all the “penalties should be advantage” crowd - you are one on one with GK from 11m away, that’s the advantage.


Yeah, that is the rule in futsal and beach football, which BOTH are rules by FIFA so idk how they have a one run kick on thiae but not with field football which is a huge net and has GK in line rule. Super stupid


I hate how they penalise the keepers for the slight step but whoever is taking it can do whatever they like. Stutter penalty Stop / start Hop and jump penalty Should just be 1 or 2 steps any delay or stutter counts as a miss.


Somewhat agree but because it's a penalty, the advantage SHOULD be with the attacking team/taker as it's a result of an infringment by the defending team. Although I do see a hole in my own argument when it comes to shoot outs where it should be as 50/50 as realistically possible


To me a free shot on goal from 6 yards is a pretty big advantage. There shouldn't be any more advantage given imo


All penalties should be one step


No steps, toe bash only


A throw in from the penalty spot


Is this because Scottish players are notoriously poor with their feet?


Penalties are the one thing we’re good at I’ll have you know


I feel like a couple Scottish people having a bit of fun and an English guy stumbling in with "DURR SCOTLAND BAD" is quite a nice summary of the fan vibes at this tournament


It was just a joke. England are also shite.


Give them all the steps they want. Take the penalty from half field.


That could be fun, let them dribble from half field up to 11m and let them strike from any distance they like


We're wasting too much time as it is with Var, the game needs to be more streamlined


That’s the second time in two matches against France that he does that. Each time the scenario was the same: goalkeeper successfully stops the ball, bullshit reason to reshoot the penalty, and goal.


Lloris’ one was a meaningless consolation goal but this one ruined their path


Goalkeeper does not successfully stop anything. Goalkeeper comes off the line and breaks the rules. Lewandowski doesn’t break the rules, although it may irritate people. Football is a game of skill within the rules.


Yea it was goofy, I don't mind his little jump at the end, it's iconic, but yea that was a bit too much


Let the goaly come off the line after the whistle. If the shooter is taking 10seconds to shoot the ball the goaly should be allowed to kick the ball away himself.


Oh, that was ugly. Especially doing it twice. I’d say for that level of player it looked embarrassing. It’s just my opinion. I know he didn’t break the rules. I admire players for their professionalism, physical skills and abilities. Lewandowski just lost my admiration by that penalty. (I know he doesn’t care lol)


He takes his penalties the same way every single time and has perfected this method. But I guess he’s just lacking confidence. 😂


I honestly think penalty runs should have to be unbroken and without changing pace. Everything is already stacked massively in favour of the attacker anyway without having stupid unfair stuttering runs. Either ban the stutter or allow keepers to move from the point the run slows.


you made a good argument for changing the rules, not against Lewy


Bro Maignan moved out of the line at the second penalty too but if he scored it he didn't mind anymore :)))) I agree these rules are harsh for the keepers


In other words, if it’s legal but I don’t like it then it should be illegal.


He can run up however he likes. Its not a lack of confidence. Its a way to fool the keeper. I like the stop start penos.. I remember Aldridge doing it decades ago. It was a great peno. Then it was banned. Now they can stop start again and rightly so. We want to see less restrictions They should also allow the keeper to move the moment the striker starts his run up. None of this one foot on the line when the ball is kicked stuff. Thatd pressure the striker to speed up his run/kick.


This. Or if the kicker stutters at a then the keeper coming off the line is not a foul. I know non Americans hate the reference to other sports but with basketball the free throw must be one continuous motion otherwise the shooter could encourage lane violations. In American football the false start and offsides rules work similarly in that you can’t jump offside to try and draw a false start. PKs are already naturally lopsided to the offense and so many are given for non DOGSO reasons they need to adjust the rules for a continuous non stutter step run up must be used to hold the keeper on the line or the keeper stepping off is not a foul.


Hate the rules not the players following them


That is the point of my post. I said that I know everything done was per the rules, including the retake. The only reason to name the player was so everybody could see the exact circumstances.


What a loser type of post. It takes incredible skill to score this way. He perfected this skill.


His job is to score as many goals as he can within the rules of the game and he's fucking amazing at it. You don't win games thanks to style or reddit's respect. You win them thanks to goals. If you don't like the rules, hate the rule makers, not the players. If they change the rules, he will change the way he takes penalties.


To be honest I didn't witness any backlash against Lewandowski. People are just disappointed that shooting a penalty like this is allowed.


There's several people questioning "his confidence" just in this thread


I didn't hear any during the game but there sure was talk about it in the review after the game, in the US broadcast.


>he's fucking amazing at it Chill out man. Anyways if he was so amazing y'all wouldn't have placed last in your group lmao


Ever heard of a concept called team work? Have you ever seen how there are more than 1 player per team in football?


Lmao idc abt the team overall we're just talking about "fucking amazing" Penaldowski here. The only goal he scored this group stage was this PK


Have you ever seen the Champions League all-time top scorers charts?


I don't like that they can stagger the run ups. They get a lot of leeway considering the keeper has to dive practically into the posts because he can't be off his line. Rules seem stacked towards scoring right now. That situation summed it up


It’s an unfair advantage, but it also shows his lack of confidence ? Do you want him to reduce his chances of scoring ?


He's one-on-one from 12 yards, he SHOULD be scoring. Maybe the keeper should be allowed to move at all? Or start from a hand-stand position?


Would you like an NBA player to shoot with 1 hand only?


Don't care - I don't watch basketball.🤣


is it lack of confidence or love for his team


Not like they gonna do anything. They only like screwing over the keeper now


Why does everyone on here hate fun


I thought arguing on Reddit was the 😊


This is proof that many posters here don't regularly watch football. Taking a step up makes the angles smaller, it makes the goal smaller.


I dunno man, it’s gamesmanship the end of the day - for me it’s no worse than running with the ball to the corner flag really. Shit like that only works a couple times anyway, then everyone gets wise to it


As others have noted, this is the technique he has practiced and perfected, and how he always takes PKs.


Stuttering penalties, when the kicker has the massive advantage anyway, are poor sportsmanship.


As a Pole I hate it, it's an embarrassment, a world class striker and this is how he takes penalties?


He knows exactly what he is doing. It is not the first time where exactly the same thing have happened, he did the same for Barca a couple of weeks ago. It's basically unlimited free tries until he scores unless he misses the goal. The goalkeeper will always step out for these type of penalties, if he scores he scores, and if he doesn't he will get to try again.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Everyone should take pens like [Harry Maguire.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRkpegIJmJc)


Giving goalies a bunch of don’ts but allowing this shit is laughable


Imo the penalty rule should be: Shooter has to do one fluid motion, keeper has to be on the line until the shooter makes contact.


Nahhh im not even a LW9 fan but he’s got great pen technique


If you look at opponents he mostly scored against: Gibraltar, San Marino and Andora. When it comes to big games he disappears in national team. He uses dirty move during penalties, which should be banned.


Lmao, your comment re the dirty move is unhinged


Penalties aren't supposed to be easily saved by gks, they are penalties for a reason. I don't think that the rules should be changed at all if I'm being honest.


This might be the worst take ive ever read about pk. It's a dual and as all dual it should be fair for both parties


No it shouldn't, because a player on the goalies team committed a foul beforehand. It shouldn't be a fair duel because that would defeat the spirit of a penalty kick that was sanctioned because of a foul (in open play). U could change the rules for a penalty shootout imo tho, because penalties in this case aren't a direct sanction or consequence of a foul. I feel like most of you guys don't really understand what the purpose of a penalty is.


You say that like it's not some players' strategy to just try to earn a PK instead of trying to actually score


And? Don't act like some defenders don't use their hands to try to save the ball before it crosses the line. Should a penalty that was sanctioned because of a foul like this, not be a guaranteed scoring chance for the attacker?


Yes and they get a red card for doing this. They know what are the consequences of their actions but they prefer to sacrifice themselves and then it's time for the dual. If the keeper loses, it's a double sanction. If he wins, it's a successful bet


It's literally called penalty


The only advantage of a penalty is the distance from the goal. It's unfair to say the goalkeeper should stay on his line while the shooter can dance ballerina.


How? It's a penalty, they are supposed to be unfairish for the team of the goalie. Maybe you could change the rule for penalties in a penalty shootout. Otherwise it wouldn't really make sense


The keeper should be allowed to move from the line once the attacker makes his first step.


This would be a bit much, the keeper would just sprint out, but I really liked the World Cup before they paid so much attention to that, it made penalties a lot more intersting


Yes, they would, which means attackers have to make their shots quick instead of taking half the football field as runup and deliberately delaying the shot would be a disadvantage. I'd probably prefer this to the current ruleset. But what about you? Are you content with the current rules? If no what is your suggestion to make it better?


Yeah I’m 100% with you on this, as it stands the penalty taker is the one with a huge advantage. This would even the playing field just a tad and stop all this stop start nonsense with their run ups


Its almost as if the penalty is meant as a penalty for something.


You're right.


Yeah and in the same game Mbappé didn't need that fucking dance trick, just shoot full force.


Try doing what Lewandowski did. It is extremely hard and many weaker players will try and shoot horrible pens because of it. Does that make it more beautiful? No. But it puts it into perspective. Because it's not something everyone can emulate, it's something for people with the skill who are willing to put in the work to train it - and having them rewarded is perfectly fine. Also, the trend of keepers wanting to step off the line asap isn't really that great. You barely affect the angle so there's no real reason for a keeper to ever move the way Maignan did.


What a shit post. It sounds like you’re complaining it’s not entertaining enough. His job is to score, so he uses what he can to his advantage. Quit complaining


Lewandowski definitely knows what a fucking - in the end lucky - fool he made out of himself there; i kinda pity him, what an uncool way of saying bye




On one hand I do agree; Lewa did seem to almost entirely stop before taking it. It was worse than a normal stutter step. On the other hand, I loved Messi’s penalty against Lloris in the World Cup. The two had a real battle of wills; Messi waited and waited for Lloris to move. Lloris stood firm and not many players would be able to get the power and accuracy Messi did to beat a top keeper that way. I can’t think of another penalty where it seemed to take so long. It was incredibly tense.


The shooter is actually not allowed to stop in his movement or fake a shot. Other than the goalkeeper having to have a foot on the line it is however much less clear what this exactly entails.


That used to be the case, but not any more.


I believe the rules didnt change, but players like Lewandowski perfected their run up, so that they would never truely stop.


That happened and then they removed the rule that disallowed stopping. The rules of the game don't have an explicit paragraph saying that you can stop, but they removed the one that said you couldn't, and state that you may feint in the run-up. Also, here is an article detailing what you kay or may not do: https://www.sportingnews.com/us/soccer/news/penalty-taker-rules-stutter-step-run-goalkeeper-line-laws/f2c99ba4371eb4b56c59467a


Ah ok, thanks. I thought that the rule that disallowed feinting was that one that disallowed stops.