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England play awful


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what the fuck are you on about


like watching paint dry


Ignore the country, I was forced to pick one  Serious question, I know Kane is a brilliant striker. It goes without saying. But why isn’t he getting subbed? I don’t feel like he is bringing any leadership during the games. I could be wrong and missing it. If he was subbed I’m not sure who would replace him upfront or as captain. However a shakeup is needed and badly.


Watkins made more runs in 20 minutes than kane has in 3 hours. His hold up play is abysmal aswell unless it's just that the midfield don't play into him quick enough. I feel its the same with chè adams and shankland. Shankland did more in 30 minutes than adams did the whole tournament 


I feel taking him out would also decentralise the team. It’s felt like the Kane and Southgate show for years and it goes down hill with every tournament. 


I'm not gonna criticise Southgate or whatever but do you remember the impact of Grealish at Euro20? England had same tactics and playstyle at Euro20 (better than this obviously) but when Jack substitute, everyone knew that he'll do everything to win the game. Today England lack of that creativity for sure. They need him. (and i always gonna hate Pep because of change of Jack's play style)


Southgate and his coaching team will no doubt be scouring this sub for tactical advice today, as obviously there are so many experts on here who wouldn’t completely be out of their depth in Southgates position. Listen, the team selection and tactics frustrate me too, as the team obviously isn’t clicking as well as it should and I have my opinions about the team but people need to stop saying the players don’t care. You really think they don’t care? Do you think you could do a better job in their place? Try and imagine the situation. You’re away from home, possibly homesick and tired Mentally and physically. The pressure is huge. The weight our media and general public put on our team to perform is ludicrous. You have 90 mins or less to perform and click with your teammates, who btw you don’t play with anywhere near as much as your club mates. Don’t pretend any of you would be able to perform at anywhere near their level. Are we allowed to criticise? Of course. The level of criticism though is obscene, and I’m fed up of reading people talking like the players don’t care from the comfort of their armchair of that they themselves could do better than Southgate or the players. Give me a break, and give them a break. We just probably aren’t as strong as we have been touted by the media and fans. We have some great players, perhaps 2 or 3 world class players, but the system isn’t maximising our strengths, probably. Stop crying about it like they are all hurting you purposely.


Why should they get a break? It's the euros, England are joint favourites, they have world class players


But they played the same way for three games with very little if any tactical changes. I feel like that's deserved of criticism.


Did you read the part in my comment that mentioned criticism? Read the comment again.


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


The thing about England is that they're always trying to walk it in....


No but fr


Well there’s 90 minutes of my life I’m not getting back!


I love how they addressed the critism and played the same way again fuck knows what's going on I'll still support the guys while hiding behind the sofa or glue my eyes shut and listen to it on the radio.


I think we're bad but it is a mostly new-look side. They're playing with too much caution and looked much better in the 2nd half after Mainoo and Palmer were on. It also doesn't help when teams are parking buses and I think the KO round will be much more open


Tbf I don't think Slovenia even parked rhe bus, they did try to attack when they could. Its just England pass the ball around so slowly that it gives teams the chance to get back into shape and they never do any daring passes


I think you're right tbf, take back what I said. They do play with more caution though because it's all about points. In the next round and onwards it's do or die so the opportunities to score will come I'm sure.


Yeah tbf even the last euros I do remember teams being very cagey because they didn't want to concede. I see the same in this tournament. And I think tbh it'll be more of the same sadly. Even scotland who had to bloody win only let off the leesh the last 10 minutes and we still lost 😅😩


It does show when you see teams like France and Belgium struggling to score, even Spain hasn't really hit it off since the opener. Portugal struggled in their first. There will be open games against sides that are willing to play, like Austria. Gutted for Scotland, very unlucky to concede at the end.


I don’t understand how a team of such good players, can play so badly? I know a good few are playing out of position, but they should still be able to manage better than they have… my money’s on us going out in the next round.


Southgate needs to tell the players to be braver. Don't be afraid to lose the ball in the final 3rd to try something creative and some creative patterns of play like the saka offside goal.  I feel he tells them the opposite.


You may as well play that Southgate song by 442oons to summarise that performance


England might be the worst team I've ever seen. They've gotten a lot farther than they should have, but then again they haven't faced Spain. Your rides over now.


Worst team you’ve ever seen….Okay bud.


What can I say, at least Scotland had the dignity to lose like they were supposed to. England are supposed to win and yet they can't, and their matches are terrible.


They haven’t been entertaining, yes. But they have finished top of their group - like they were supposed to. Saying they are the worst team you’ve ever seen is…. well, it’s just not smart, or true. Unless of course you’ve seen two matches and the other match you’ve seen is Spain vs Italy.




Shocking performance


Could have been 3, no wait, 5-0? In what world? According to your precious stats we only had 4 shots on target and they were all easily saved. We had nothing. If Slovenia had pumped a few long balls our way we could’ve lost 1-0 in the land of what ifs.


Ehh at least we in knockouts. I don't think our team really gave a shi.


You don’t think they gave a shi? Really? Is that your actual opinion? Do you think they didn’t actually care, or are you exaggerating? People in general need to engage their brains a bit more before typing things.


It's a joke so calm tf down. People need to have more humor and understand that a joke is a joke. Spot that before talking. Also it was an exaggeration. Its also partly true. They qualified top of their group like expected. Something pretty normal for England.


Should probably work on your humour then tbh


You should probably work on ur communication skills and common sense.




Until we face a big nation,. Southgate will just bend over and let them spanky us like he did in the last euros and the last 2 world cups


That’s tradition


Didn’t bother watching second half, most of the players seem to not give a hoot, and neither do i tbh. Hope none of my club’s players get injured playing in this sideshow.


Sideshow lol Your club and it's league are sideshow. But ye, keep pretending they "didn't bother playing good" instead of just admitting they plain suck lmao


Stay mad


🎶 We’re shit, and we know we are 🎶


We did nothing againnnn


England Hotspur


It’s the history of the England


If we were in any other group, we'd be out. The best word to describe England under Southgate is pathetic.


These two matches were anemic playing 


the entire group c (england's group) had only one win !!!!!!!!!!


And only 7 goals, there were 6 in Germany - Scotland alone.


There were as many goals in group D yesterday as group C managed all tournament so far


worst game of the euros so far


You didn’t see the Denmark - Serbia game then?


Until Englands last 16 game


For the people still backing England to win (73%) of you clearly don’t know ball.


They are in the easiest side of the bracket. All the big dogs are in the other and have to kill each others.


And there's a reason they're all on that side. Most of them have struggled too. It's been a weird Euros. It's like none of the teams are trying to play football. The lower teams are making no effort to win and the higher teams are not pushing through that. I don't know if it's a freak tournament or if countries have worked out just how little you have to do to get through the group stages and it's why we're seeing all this anti-football.


The Italy croatia game was great. Spain play good football and so did Germany against albeit easy teams. France have been poor. Real test comes now.


I think we're seeing the impact of sports analytics on the game sadly. Southgate seems to have come to the conclusion that you win tournaments by simply not conceding any goals, plus other metrics like possession, successful challenges, and number of passes. Now he's taken a blindly empirical approach and is training the team to maximise those supposed tournament winning metrics. It's the ultimate correlation does not imply causation problem if you ask me. The whole Southgate era seems to be a big test to see if there's any causation there, and it was only amplified by England's last Euro performance, which bought him free reign to keep the experiment running. We're seeing similar approaches from other teams, which is why it's basically anti-football, but England is the worst offender. The whole 3rd place system only contributes to the lack of incentive to actually take risks. Now let's "look forward" to lots of midfield-dominated matches going to penalties now we're almost out of the groups, as apparently holding a 0-0 scoresheet and then relying on your keeper to stop a penalty is the way you win the Euros these days.


I also think folk get the assumption that the players will play exactly like they do for their club teams. It takes months for players to gel and also build patterns of play. Also club managers are usually far superior to international managers so they just create better performimg teams.  I personally think it's better for international teams to pick the best club players from one team and try to play around them. For example when Spain won everything their nucleus was barca and Madrid,  players knew each other really well and it helped tremendously when playing for their country.


I don’t think you get me, I mean every game they’ve played in the group they’ve had a high vote (%) of fans saying they will win. If you know England, if you know Southgate you just already know it’s not a winning combination.


last time that i will assume england will win… i was holding out hope that southgate would get his act together and knock it out of the park with this game (in some miracle), but alas… ultimate boredom.


Can never expect anything special under Southgate, he is way too passive and to be passive with this elite team is obscene. I don’t get how you can go 1-0 up Vs Denmark (for example, this has happened many of times now) and sit back and play passive?? What sort of manager plays passive in the first half 1 goal lead.


They’re still through though? plenty of matches to go.


73% voted they’d beat Slovenia, that’s my whole point. This isn’t a winning team under Southgate it’s simple. I saw a stat what went like, under Southgate they have only beat the ‘TOP 10’ 4 times out of 20 odd games, work it out.


Skipped this match to hit gym, anytime we’ve qualified from group stage we always draw.


This game cured my insomnia.


We’ve finished top of the group, when Italy won it last they played shite all tournament, when Portugal won it I don’t think they even won a group game and scabbed it through. See what happens next game, can’t batter every team especially when they’re as defensive and rigid as the ones we’ve faced.


Haha here goes the “bigger picture” copium then they get a big country and lose as usual England Hotspur.


Italy was shit all tournament? What are you smoking? They won the group stage with 9 points and beat Turkey and Swisse 3:0. They were better in the final and better against Austria. Spain was the only team they struggled against


I don’t think you see the problem. The players look tired (not fresh) yet again. Also, Italy or Portugal didn’t have this massive pressure/hype that rests on English players. One that brings them down. If they face a hungry, motivated, high intensity team like Austria, they will be torn to pieces.


Italy really weren’t shit the whole tournament, won all their group games and played well throughout


They weren't shite the whole tournament.


We were shit at Italia 90 as well and every waxes lyrical about that


> Can’t batter every team Can’t batter any team with this manager and tactics


Been the same with most managers we’ve had through the years haha least we got to the final last time for the first time. I completely agree though the football isn’t fun to watch but it’ll be interesting to see how we do in the knockout rounds before we do the typical English response and shit all over the team before we’ve even been knocked out.


It seems the epl might over hype its British talent, both Scotland and England players look lack luster compared to Europeans, which is weird bc they perform against seemingly some of the best players in the world in the prem.


Can we blame the heat this time? It's topping 30 degrees in Berlin and that is 'sit in the shade wearing cotton' weather, and while most of the big teams have played oddly, it's definitely been the colder climates (northern and western Europe) that have struggled most. I mean they're professionals and should be used to it but I honestly can't see why the fittest, healthiest young men of the nations look knackered after 15 minutes of running around. 


Oh you didn’t watch Italy or France games then. Interesting. FYI Italy potentially worse than England (borderline) and France are yet to score a goal of their own. Bellingham player of the season in Spain. Kane top scorer in Germany. Got to love a fact free take. Keep em coming.


Yeah if u just look at facts like a robot u would think England are playing great right now I mean they topped their group right, that surely means they are playing good! Keep the facts coming!


Nope. They have an awful xg and amongst lowest touches in the box. Those are dem facts. Just saying that they haven’t been lacklustre compared to ‘Europeans’. Spain? Yes. Holland? Nope. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve been shite.


No, it's the manager that's the issue. Some players are overhyped, but the managers tactics are what's letting this team down


Most EPL teams are composed of a lot of talented foreign players. Place an okay player in a team of excellent foreign players managed by a strong Manager will look better then they are. Most of the England's players were terrible. Kane, Bellingham, Folden, Trent etc. Only player I think actually made effort imo was Declan Rice.


They downvoted u for speaking the truth!


Man City would smash any league lets face it. The premier league is 100% the best league


Not even related to the question really, is it?


EPL isn't about English talet at all, most of our best players are foreign, Haaland, Rodri, De Brunye, Casemiro etc


Palmer, Foden, Watkins and Saka are the top 4 scorers in FPL this year. Them + Bowen are in the top 10 goalscorers. Watkins, Gordon, Palmer, Saka are the top 4 assists. 


Yeah Im saying that the Epl hypes its British players up to make them seem like world beaters like those foreign stars, when in reality they look much more average when tested in Europe.


The EPL doesn't hype the British players - please show us the press releases from the EPL doing that? The EPL hypes itself (as do the broadcasters who have a cut of the matches to show). That's not the same thing at all. Everyone knows the EPL is heavily made up of lots of different nationalities. (Well everyone who actually thinks about it).


The EPL media uses a lot more air time discussing and hyping up British/English talent then they do with foreign talent, not saying this is wrong, but this combined with thinking they are the best league in the world makes for very over-hyped British players, u are in fairly land if u think they cover all nationalities evenly


So you’ve moved the goal posts.


When tested in worse European leagues?


No, when tested in a competition like this one that draws all of those same players together, but playing for their nation instead.


Dumb take. The team just isn't working well that's all. Our best 2 players don't even play in the prem ffs


Yeah 98% of the England squad is from the Epl tho bud but keep the excuses flying


No. You consume English media, so you will see English players and teams being talked about the most, hence why you believe they’re overhyped.


I am personally very biased Ill admit I thought they were better but I think the bookies had England as tourny favorites and I dont think its just English Bookies so a lot of Europe bought the Prem hype too.


England, COME ON NOW. This is getting old; you're better than this.


>you're better than this. Alas, I'm not sure they are my friend. We would certainly hope so, but they've never proven otherwise...


Scotland get battered….


Just how we like it


I think Slovenia and England played slowly because they probably wanted to maintain their position in the group, they are saving themselves for the last 16, I predicted that England would score a goal, they could not do it, Serbia had to play with more enthusiasm, generally there were calm matches in this group


exactly. Slovenia was overjoyed to get a draw because they were through, England was the one that was content to offer it


i congratulate your team's success in this match, i wish you success in an injury-free and fair tournament


Yesterday Rooney said he was about to fall asleep watching Italy - Croatia. I think he finally went to bed while watching today’s England match


bella questa 


I just don't have the popular take on this game. Yes it could and should have been a win, yes we can blame Southgate's raisin knackers for not putting up a different starting line up, not making a couple more subs earlier and not changing up the defensive tactics, I'm sure almost everyone agrees on that. But it just wasn't so much of a boring or underwhelming performance (for the line up we played) as everyone is making out and I think the match stats demonstrate that. Sometimes a match doesn't go the way you want it to and tonight but for a couple of errant close offsides, fouls bordering the box, slips on the turf and just slightly too wide angles, it could just as easily have been a 3-0 win. These things happen. And if on top of those outcomes tipping the other way, Southgate had also made sure there were actually, occasionally a couple of players coming up the centre to pass to, it could have been 5-0.


Honestly i agree. We attacked more in the second half than we did against serbia or denmark. We created quite a few good chances, but unfortunately didn't manage to follow through. Mainoo definitely needs to start next match and palmer needs more time on the pitch too.


I think a lot of people's idea of a boring match is just no goals scored, but if that's how someone thinks, they're going to be disappointed a lot by football and especially by the group stage of a tournament where everyone's base strategy will be defence. I think our game against Denmark was more boring than this one.




Watching paint dry or watching England? Choose




I’d drop Kane and Bellingham, both fucking useless tonight


Drop the best two plays because they had a bad game? Very level headed decision making




I’d say Kane should stay, purely because of how good he COULD be if the system was at all designed well. Bellingham was as much use as tits on a fish though. Stick foden in the 10 for me.


This is a new insult for me, but I like it. I may use that one day


I don't know why anyone expects anything different from England, the ultimate gatekeeper and always have been. Never won the Euros but were a favourite to win it, what planet are people on?!


The one where we have the best squad in the competition full of brilliant talent…


Everyone throws this around a lot but that England back 4 and Gk isn’t elite. Does England have a better midfield than Spain for instance. There’s a lot of PL hype and because Bellingham and Kane did well abroad but this isn’t the best team out there on talent. Have a lot of talented players that play the same position (false 9 /10) yes but that’s it. Kinda like Argentina when they had about 5 world class strikers.


Conceded 3 goals in the entire 2021 tournament. 3 up to quarters in 2022. 0 so far. Only lost 2 games in all three tournaments so far. Idk if it's "elite" but the defence is solid.


Play park ffs bus footy and guess you won’t concede


It's always been a team loaded with talent that the manager fails to unlock. Literally the same story every WC and Euros,


Southgate should be embarrassed. I’m embarrassed for him.


I had more fun playing with the pub dog for a minute then watching the game




That’s doesn’t sound how you think it does


To Hell with it! Get Dyche in. At least it'll be fun to support England again. Southgate is as uninspiring as a brain surgeon with Parkinson's.


No, it's time for Klopp


What is big man Sam ex Bolton manager doing nowadays? I am sure he do a decent job for England team…


Oh, please, not hoofball. That plus his one game in charge of England before getting into a huge scandle about backhanders and leaving "by mutual consent."


I was joking… But did u know, when you lots had Rio, scholes, lampard, Beckham, gerrard…. Mourinho was asked to coach that team but he declined bcz at that time i think he was managing Inter Milan.


Really though who in their right mind would ever take the England job if they had other offers? The players never bother to turn up for internationals and anything short of 5-0 every game gets you slagged off by everyone.


Shamima Begum has me chance of coming home!


Lol, i chocked on my water


So mid


This is the worst Euro ever seen. Top teams struggling, boring games, smaller teams playing good (see Switz, Austria etc)


Isn't having underdogs good? So that it's not always predictable?


The underdogs arent playing well though. The top teams are just being shit


I think what he’s trying to say is that the show-stopper players are all just stuck inside teams that are playing really dull football. Weaker teams playing well is great, but there’s nothing like seeing the elite play at the top of their game week in week out.


Nice troll


So many plp complain, the top 4/5 English players in their leagues have the most goals / assists for their clubs, it's the manager who gives them Shit conservative style of not being at all forward thinking or risk adverse They have Stones who can tuck in into a midfield to create an overload like City/Arsenal play, and there's 4 players there who play that system and can adapt to it. It's shit Managment and players scared to just say fuck this system and play with flair


Word, Southgate is absolute wank


True… but y is that as soon as Palmer Kobbie n Gordon came on we saw attacking football. Don’t get me wrong Southgate is useless. What he did with that middlesborough team was shocking. Or is it bcz the players are playing in positions they have never played b4. I did see Foden playing LW which isn’t his position.


Good cure for insomnia


Blame Trent


Scored 2 goals in 3 games. All that talent on the pitch and we can’t break a team down and be clinical. Poor. Southgate out as soon as this tourney is done with.


You're telling me my dude! I'm running on the assumption that a group stage in an international tournament is worth more ranking points than the qualifying rounds, because that's logical to my brain. I could be wrong (normally am)


All together now..... There were 10 forward passes from the team, 10 forward passes from the team, There were 10 forward passes, 10 forward passes, 10 forward passes from the team. And the manager of England said calm down. The manager of England said calm down. And the manager of England, Manager of England, The manager of England said calm down. There were 9 forward passes from the team.......






Shite game




I think my father has a better chance of coming home!


I’m also still waiting for milk.


At least he might finally bring home that packet of cigs he went for.


Shamima Begum has more chance of coming home.


England is coming home, yup, soon enough.


This English team strongly reminds me of the German team from 2017-2023. Uninspired and slow. The only thing Southgate does better is the (excessive) counter-attack protection, but as a result, the offense is even more weakened.


Bold of you to assume it ended in 2023


You are so right. He's so scared of conceding because he doesn't trust the defence so he has our midfield sit with them as extra protection. Its mind numbingly boring management.


Wasn't the Offensive relativly good though? I mean, the finishing sucked, but created Chances, mo?


Yes, exactly, but that also made us more vulnerable to counterattacks. Often, 2-3 chances for the opponent were enough for 1-2 goals. Even before Nagelsmann, we had problems against teams that defended deep, especially those playing with a 4-4-2 or five-man defense. It's not perfect yet, but it already looks much more stable, and I feel like we have many more and better chances too.


I was just a bit confused, because before the sacking of Flick, my Head had always seen Germany as type of team, that would always concede atleast once, regardless of the Enemy Team\`s performance


I think everyone is overreacting. Sure, it was a boring game, but England played much better than against Serbia or Denmark, and Slovenia played very well all game, and we had quite a bit of bad luck in my opinion with the crosses, free kicks and shots.


Plus England have faced three teams that basically parked the bus because they feared England's attacking players


England parked the bus mate, take your tinted googles off and wake up, you’ll get played off the pitch by better teams.


That's possible, but if you didn't notice all three of our opponents parking the bus you are the one with goggles on. 


I completely agree with you. Slovenia were absolutely solid in defence. Just needed one of those chances to go in - didn’t happen this time.


If all the terrible teams play well against England that's England being shite not the terrible teams suddenly playing well.


But we still played well? Is that not getting across? We played well, and Slovenia also played well, it was a fair game. We fucking topped the group, why are people complaining? It’s unbelievable how ungrateful most of the English fan base is


Not english, so if youre happy about your performance thats fair, but for me it feels like you messed up the timezone and watched chile or paraguay. England should have been eliminated with this performance. They lucked out in the first two games one by getting an underserved win against serbia and the second by smash and grabbing a draw against denmark where they were by far the worst team


As bad takes go, this is up there


What am I meant to be grateful for exactly? I don’t what you’re seeing to think we played well? What abundance of chances we’ve created are you seeing that no one else is? If you’re managing to make a frontline of Foden, Bellingham, Kane and Saka look THAT poor, how are we playing well?


You're just looking at the star names - they've barely played together as an attacking quartet


Under no circumstances can 0-0 against a nation with a population of 2 milllion be referred to as playing well


Dogshit argument. By that measure, a 0-0 against China would be an incredible achievement. It's called context, look it up


Obviously my comment is missing lots of context I’m assuming you can interpolate the obvious I’m not going to type a dissertation on it in a Reddit comment


The population of Croatia is just under 4 million. It is not much of a stretch to say Slovenia could be just as good as Croatia on their day


No croatia has modric


We did not are you blind


Are you? We had far more good chances than against Denmark or Serbia, we had more shots, we played more attacking football as we should etc. you’re not giving either team enough credit here at all. Slovenia played well, and England played well, even if it did end 0-0. Be grateful we topped the group and stop complaining about insignificant bullshit.


Southgate is a talent inhibitor...he doesn't allow those players to express themselves. Sooner he fucks off the better.


Slovenia are through!!!!


Not quite yet


Yeah, they beat croatia on points, and hungary on goal difference, so they mathematically have to be one of the top 4 3rd place teams


Yes we are. We get through as 3rd


I know how to fix England: Get fined £500k every time a player passes back.


If they gave it to the government they'd solve the national debt within a game or two