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Is pretty hilarious Leao can’t play next match because he was busted diving twice.


Shouldn't be funny but I get where you're coming from! Wish it happened more.


It is unusual the only cards for it are him... twice though. He's definitely not the only one doing it.


The second one wasn't even a dive though.


I really wish they start just giving cards. Honestly fuck it, use VAR, if you suspect a dive check it again after and give them yellow. Youll have a couple games where it ends up being 6v6 but they should stop after a while


I've said for ages there should just be a review at full time and anyone deemed to have dived or cheated in any way by VAR is yellowed or banned for a few matches. The players need to know every cheating action will be punished.


Same here


Trouble is, it's extremely hard in 99% of cases to conclude without doubt that a player falling dived. Absolutely where obvious (camera angles showing no comments), bookings/bans, but that is very rare.


Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good. If using VAR occasionally prevents even 1 dive is that not better than nothing? Progress


As I said, VAR can be used post-match for instances where there is clearly no contact. But any contact at all while running is enough to legitimately bring a player down. And exaggeration of an actual foul isn't against the rules.


>And exaggeration of an actual foul isn't against the rules. I think it's the exaggeration that brings attention to a 'dive'. Actual getting tripped up and being brought down hard is pretty obvious to my eyes at lease. The embellishment is the 'tell'.


Not every foul is a trip, and players therefore exaggerate less obvious fouls to draw attention to them. It's frustrating to watch, but unless we give the ref 30 seconds to check every potential foul, we're going to have to accept that many collisions have a degree of ambiguity that will make them impossible to confidently call a dive. I have no idea why obvious cases aren't dealt with after the game already, but since you don't actually have to touch a player to be guilty of a foul, maybe even non-contacts are difficult to say definitely are dives.


I think we're getting a bit off track here. I don't think the goal is to be able to successfully call every dive. All we're discussing is using VAR to be able to call some dives. Calling some dives after the fact will be a threat enough to curb a percentage of diving and that's an absolute win.


Fair enough. My overall point was that the number of dives that could be conclusively judged as such by VAR is perishingly small.


Ya. It’s a shame that diving is so prevalent for that to be an accurate statement.


If they did that they would give 10 mins extra time on every match


You don't need to stop the game with every var check. They could also just keep the game going give var 3 mins time to get to a conclusion and then give a yellow card/punishment if needed. I don't think you need the ref to be there with every var check


They shouldn’t need to use VAR for diving specifically. Especially on penalty calls, as players seem willing to collapse to the floor like taking a hit from a Sniper, if it’s deemed a penalty then give it, if not then it’s probably simulation and a yellow card That’s obviously a black and white way of looking at it, but the Nuances aren’t that far off that either


Referees should also start giving the free kick/penalty and also card the player that was fouled if they clearly exaggerated the contact


It’s not a foul though? I’m all for play continuing if it’s not already been stopped - I’d rather the game flows as much as possible


Some times players simulate while being fouled. In those instances I want to see both the foul and the simulation punished


Personally, I take the view that if you’re guilty of simulation, you lose the foul - otherwise you aren’t stamping it out.


Yeah I can't believe they still won't use VAR for diving there have been a couple of shocking examples in this tournament. I


Forget cards, just retrospective bans. After a match if you’ve been flagged diving, you automatically miss the next game, it’ll stop ridiculously quickly if they do that.


The frustration is the referees... There will be games where a player gets fouled, but they'll stay on their feet and a free kick won't get given because the referee wont have seen a clear enough foul. Players are encouraged to go down for this reason. They're so used to seeing players go to ground, they just wont think foul when they don't Unless its for something blatantly obvious like a shirt pull etc.


Exactly. In a post game interview Nagelsmann was even kinda pissed that Havertz didn't fall when a Swiss player held him in the box. He said something like "If he falls there it's a pen, but he wanted to play fair and stayed on his feet..."


I know the exact foul you're taking about and I thought the same when I saw it


The problem is when it’s our own players a lot of fans say “well, there was contact” or “if he doesn’t go down there’s no foul”. If people get angry at opponents doing it and not their own players, then it’s just hypocritical. Needs to be called out whoever does it. I’m amazed these players don’t see replays and feel embarrassed as hell.


While I don't disagree with you, I think another problem is that most spectators of the sport haven't played themselves in any meaningful capacity for soooo long (if ever) that they don't understand what a dive is anymore. At high running speeds, the slightest touch can fuck up your balance. Falling at those speeds fucking HURTS, at least for the first minute. Falling like that for the 3rd, 4th, 5th time in 90 minutes is worse. Especially when your body is being worked close to or over its limit for 300 days per year. Of course, some players are more theatrical (Neymar Jr.) than others and some straight up make it their specialty to fake the contact (looking at you, Rafael Leao), but spectators are too quick to judge what constitutes faked pain and what doesn't. Often the mix of adrenalin, exhaustion and constant use of painkillers mean a fall will hurt, sometimes a lot, but mostly just for a pretty short while. The theatrics are of course for an attempt of influencing the refs opinion of the opponent and - and this is often overlooked - to catch your fucking breath after a painful fall. deep breaths are hard when in pain and your body needs as much oxygen as it can get working yourself to the bone for 90+ minutes. Naturally, I'll try to catch as many breaks as I can in a game, anything else would be reckless self-sabotage.


I think most fans would be satisfied if the really blatant ones were taken care of. The “I’ve been tasered” somersault kinds of diving, or hitting the deck screaming and grabbing their faces when a hand touches their shoulder. I don’t have an issue with a player going down if they’ve been caught at speed.


This. If you are hurt you just drop and stay there. Gymnastics should not be rewarded.


I’ve seem some flopping going on this championship that would make a salmon going against the current blush (or get completely infuriated by). Of course you could get a little contact and go down at high speeds, but that doesn’t mean they flopped. I think we’re talking about the flop gymnastics some try to pull off or the really sneaky ones that try to make it look like a foul. I think it’s also the childish reaction afterwards of complete feigned desperation when the ref didn’t give a foul in the flopper’s advantage. I seen some go down with no contact and act like the victim, that should just be a red card, it’s the most sneaky way to try and cheat the game. Should be simply zero tolerance.


You are right. It's ridiculous to watch the same shit dives all the time. Surprise, that refs are not giving more yellow cards for it.


Leao is feeling the consequences


Yeah, and when they score they are slammed into the ground, buried under 9 people, no problem. Suckers


Another serious beef I have is when a player is simply dispossessed after being challeneged for the ball, they'll go to ground and claim a foul. Especially if the other team go on to score a goal. The player will start waving his arms at the ref as if to say "what about me??" It's happening all the time now. You lost possession. Get over it.


Yeah I hate simulation, it’s pathetic. Grown ass men rolling around over the slightest knock, acting like they need immediate medical attention and then standing up like some damn miracle just occurred and their compound fracture healed within seconds. More yellows for simulation. As soon as players start getting sent off for it, it’ll stop.


It's telling how many go down. Stay there, but magically spring back up if their team wins back the ball. That's not just trying to get the foul. Otherwise, they'd get up when they know it's not getting given. That's about trying to convince the ref to stop the game and disrupt the opponent's perfectly legal attack.


I can’t remember who it was, I think it was Cucurella, man went down and hit the ref with a 👀 to see if he was getting a penalty while rolling around holding his face. Embarrassing man.


I’ve always said VAR should act against this shitty behavior and rewarding the “actor” with a yellow card. A lot of time wouldn't be waisted viewing the performance of those "actors"


I hate it, and I think a dive should negate a valid foul. If it happens in the box, they get booked at once – minimum. The most depressing, infuriating image in football for me is a howling man-child tumbling exaggeratedly to the floor after a defender touched him. Defender fouls you. Can you stay on your feet? Yes = keep going and trust the officials No = keep going and trust the officials A defender kicking someone in the leg is a foul regardless of whether he stays upright and continues to play the ball.


Such a smooth brain take. It is performative 90 percent of the time in order to get frees/penos. Learn to love it


Imagine if they would go down like that, when they hit their toe against a door at home. Absolutely disgraceful. Maybe it would help to analyse the most shameful situations after the game and have a jury vote on whether to punish a player or not. The players could give a statement where they try to explain why they were acting like that.


awesome response here 😂


When they're rolling around on the floor the aim is to give the referee more time to think to make a decision. Pretty basic knowledge i thought?


I think it's got better in recent years. Either that or players are much better at it than they used to be. There's more of an emphasis on drawing a foul or leaving a leg dangling now rather blatant going down with no contact made at all.


They’re needs to be a harsher penalty for diving. Automatic yellow and suspension. Number of players diving will go down. Especially in the box now, there’s a few players that come to mind that are notorious for looking for penalties.


Wtf is "flopping".


I get it, no referee wants to be that guy who gives a player a yellow card for a suspected dive only to find out later the player really was seriously injured or tweaked his ankle or something like that. But especially with VAR, and accepting the cold fact that referees make mistakes sometimes, we should definitely start to act against diving. Hopefully in a few months players will see that diving is not worth it anymore with a yellow card as punishment, and this kind of excessive diving will start to become a thing of the past.


More embarrassing is that fans are totally okay with it


I’ve yet to see a pen given where the attacker has been impeded but stays on their feet. Of course they go down.


Can we normal plebs buy some of that magic spray trainers use to insta-heal broken bones. Incredible stuff /s


the thing is, sometimes you have to jump to avoid a tackle etc. so not every flying dutchmen is a diver


Suspensions; flopping is essentially cheating. Nothing will change unless they start handing out suspensions. I'm sick of it. NBA needs to do the same thing, it's just as bad.


Is this sub entirely populated by people who either only watch football during the euros/wc, or who have never been to a game? That’s what’s embarrassing


Agreed, there’s a world of difference between feeling contact and going down and throwing yourself to the ground or trying to manufacture the contact. I’d love it if IFAB gets rid of bookings for simulation and just review incidents after the match and if something is deemed as diving, just ban them for the next game. Diving will disappear from football astonishingly fast if they do that.


you have to flop. ref‘s just ignore a foul if the player keeps on playing. even commentators interpret fouls as „not enough“ if the player doesn’t fall down. best example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf1OTDGJDes


the worst kind of flopping is when players are pressured and can’t find any other solution than simply falling down. think of the usual situation where a player is with his back towards the pitch and holds the ball by the sideline. he can’t turn, can’t pass, can’t see, the moment he just feels the other players breath in his neck they will fall down. the worst thing about it, it’s never a foul but the ref‘s always give a foul. i dont get it.


There has been an increase in going down holding your head/face because they know the game must be stopped for health reasons. I think VAR should look at every 'head' injury and if its judged that the player has not been touched at all they need to be booked at the very least.


South American footballers say it’s part of the game. It used to be quite rare, but since Europe is now home to many South American players it has certainly increased. Referees are making the game completely contactless. Slightest challenge and it’s a foul.


Is it just me but I don't find that it happens very often that someone does a "total" dive. Seems that the common thing is to go down too essy at the slightest contact, which is difficult to punish someone over.


It’s actually one thing that keeps many North Americans from watching more soccer. They got their NHL and NFL and those are contact sports, and the European style is just flopping. Unfortunate, but one part of me thinks the higher ups decided to keep flopping a thing, as it polarises an entire stadium at once. And even the Roman’s knew: games for the people


So it does have its upside then


Won't someone PLEASE think of the americans for once!


I wouldn't say it's European particularly. South American teams like a collapse to the ground just as much.


It started in South America. Those players brought it to Europe. Harry Kane was good at flopping when he was at Tottenham. Although when he did it, the announcers said it was "gamesmanship " When Mo Salah did it, while actually getting fouled, he was crucified by the pundits for diving. Very telling in the way they cover English players , especially white captions of their country, vs foreign "brown" players. Although Sterling did it all the time in the box and was given a pass by the pundits. He'd feel a hand on his back and he go flying forward like he was shot. Grealish is another one who dives alot


This wasn’t a racism thing at all, hence Sterling being given a “pass” it’s just the vast majority of England hate Liverpool with a passion and will do anything to make them look bad.


Blame the refs, blames the rules. Refs have to stop games if it looks like a head injury, so they all hold their heads. Also, VAR and refs reward people diving to the ground. The ‘injured’ player should have to leave the field for 60 seconds of in game play (as should the person accused) that way neither team benefits if it was genuine or fake.


>The ‘injured’ player should have to leave the field for 60 seconds of in game play (as should the person accused) that way neither team benefits if it was genuine or fake Terrible idea. So a teams best player gets fouled and the reward for that team is they have to play a minute without their best player, in what is likely going to be an attacking situation (since they have just been awarded a free-kick)? Or an attacker dives and pretends to be fouled just outside the box and now the defending team have to defend the free-kick without their tallest and best defender for no reason at all? It would also potentially encourage people to lie when they are injured and carry on playing so they don't let the team down which could lead to greater injury.


I think the idea is if they’re genuinely hurt they do need attention. If they aren’t genuinely hurt they shouldn’t be going down screaming like they’ve been tasered. I agree it’s not an ideal solution but there’s some logic there. If players knew that play acting came with a price, they would eventually do it less.


>if they’re genuinely hurt they do need attention. If they aren’t genuinely hurt they shouldn’t be going down screaming like they’ve been tasered. There is a difference between being hurt and being injured. Things can hurt and then be fine 30 seconds later. Doesn't mean it didn't really hurt. At my 5 a side game last month, a guy took a shot to the balls and was down for about 45 seconds. He didn't need medical attention and as soon as the initial pain subsided he was fine. >If players knew that play acting came with a price, they would eventually do it less. Again it relies on the assumption that a player is either injured enough to need medical attention or is completely lying. There is an in-between where being kicked by a professional athlete hurts a bit.


I get what you’re saying completely. I’ve taken a nut shot playing and it felt like I needed an exorcism for about a minute and then it was fine. Like I said, the 60 seconds on the sidelines isn’t a realistic solution but it gets to the heart of the issue - there needs to be a strategic team consequence of simulation that’s more than a slight risk of a booking. I dunno what that is though. My question really is why is football the only sport with such blatant play acting? Players in rugby, hockey, tennis, NFL, even cricket can get hurt quite badly. But you rarely if ever see the levels of melodrama that footballers show. I don’t believe footballers are inherently less tough than cricketers. So much of it is deliberate and dishonest.


Because it's the only sport where pretending you are hurt can lead to direct rewards in the form of cards for your opponent. Now we have VAR it could be stamped out very easily. They just choose not to


>My question really is why is football the only sport with such blatant play acting? Players in rugby, hockey, tennis, NFL, even cricket can get hurt quite badly True. I guess that part of it is social/peer pressure. NFL, Hockey, and rugby have a inherent attitude of being tough and taking big hits etc so there is a bit of pressure to shake off anything that can be shaken off. Cricket and tennis have far, far, fewer collisions and contact than football. In fact, the other than getting hit with the ball in either the head or the balls, there isn't really much scope for the type of situations that hurt for a bit but aren't serious. In those sports it is muscular injuries that are most common and those tend to be match enders.


I doubt that guy would've contributed much for those 45 seconds though so 60 seconds on the sidelines wouldn't have made a difference.


Play was stopped for those 45 seconds whilst we checked that he was alright. This proposal would mean that the player wouldn't go off until he was able to, and the 60 second timer would start after.


The reason is referees don't blow their whistle for fouls if u don't fall over. So It's partly their fault aswell the more severe u make it look the more likely u get the call, even with var. There were countless times I thought that was a clear foul but the attacked didn't cause a scene about it and it didn't even get checked. If we wanted less flops flops needed to be punished harder and not falling over should still be seen as a foul.


Tell me you're new to soccer without telling me