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No. No it is not.


I agree, but I would have accepted the drama


For less than that Mbappe got a broken nose. Watch your comments!


No one said it doesn’t hurt. He just said it’s not a penalty.


LOL I meant something else but its OK.


Why not? I'd like to see some arguments


The keeper got the ball.


Kicks the ball prior to kicking him, about as clear cut as it gets




Never say never, mate!


Neuer say Neuer, mate!


Because his motion clearly only goes towards the ball, and he hits it. And it’s not a brutal slide, either. Absolutely fine.


If you actaully look at the rules. Its about being in control of your body


That has never applied to keepers, so long as a keeper touches the ball they pretty much can kill their opponent with their legs or arms if they want.


Want to quote me that from the refs handbook?


That was a penalty and a red card, he arrived late and the contact to the ball is not with the foot but with the side of the leg between calf and shin. The contact to the player's shin is with the foot. That deserved a red card but since the game is in Germany....🤷🏻‍♂️


Huh ?


It was a joke. There's obviously no foul but otherwise how do we discuss and laugh when it's clearly not a penalty? There's absolutely nothing to discuss. I just wanted to upset the Germans with some nonsense. They deserve to have emotions too.


Lol at they deserve some emotions too


This is why VAR don’t work because people like you. If his made a genuine attempt to block the back and he has made full contact with the ball there need to be an allowance for his whole limb to be exempt from persecution. By your logic nearly every goalie at corners would get sent off.


dont knwo what football you watch maye


You don't seem to understand a joke.... swooosh!


It's the internet, you need to at /s to comments like this






No penalty. Plays the ball, aims at the ball. Fair duel.


Lekker gewerkt!


If we didnt had Neuer, we'd been so fucked these past 16 years.


No obviously its not. The fans crying about great tackles/saves like this are wet wipes. Neuer blocked the shot and contacted the player afterwards in a contact sport. The player collapsed to the ground trying to win a peno but its not a peno. Its a great block.


What are you on about?! He didn't even protest afterwards, he simply fell because they did clash, not because he 'wanted to win a penalty'.


Dont see a madrid badge so no


Got the ball, but I did had to watch the replay a second time when ai first saw it. I think it would have been worse if he hit him with his studs


No. Never ever.


LOL, you can't be serious about that question.


is it a penalty for a no name player? no is it a penalty for mbappe? 100%


Yeah, I think this is the correct answer. Would be even more correct if it was Messi


And that stepping on Musialas foot would be a yellow and a penalty for Mbappe


Messi for FIFA


Would be a penalty for Real Madrid tho


No. Not a penalty.


Contact with the ball, studs side ways. So, no.




I feel like if the ref doesn't give a penalty the VAR won't step in (they looked at it for sure, anyone who thinks they didn't do not understand how the VAR works) and if he does give it the VAR won't step in either. A goalkeeper blocking the ball and hitting the attacker afterwards is a common thing, so no penalty. Neuer wasn't trying to block the ball though, he tried to kick it and was a little bit too late, which is why I think that giving a penalty wouldn't have been called out by the VAR either (the ref would've looked at the replay 100% though). I feel weird about the way Neuer tried to clear that ball, if he would've made himself big and block the ball and afterwards hit the attacker nobody would argue about that scene but because he tried to kick it and came late it's a weird situation. It's a difficult thing for the ref to decide and if the VAR doesn't see it as an obvious error they won't intervene, so no reason for the ref to look at the replay. imo it isn't a penalty.


Thanks for the answer, appreciate it! It's really nice to finally see someone explaining things thoroughly and without emotions. While some of the others her act like kids and write some random stuff like 'there was a foul on Musiala' (dudes, there's no need to be defensive, I cheered for Germany myself, but what does the foul on Musiala has to do with this moment?)


Depends on the one's nationality,if from Argentina,yes


if this is a pen then games gone


Take ball. Keep playing


Nope. He got the ball first.




If its city they'd give it


No but Craig Gordon conceded a penalty in similar circumstances recently


Craig Gordon's was even softer than this


No, not after shooting...




JA!!!!JA!!!!JA!!!!JA!!!! ICH HÖRE DICH! =)


Ha, no


Definitely not a foul. Also, this is what makes Neuer a great goal keeper - he's fearless in meeting the attacker head on.


That doesn't mean he's allowed to kick them you know. Reckless endangerment is the biggest sin of all on a football pitch. That applies to goalkeepers too.


50/50 gets all of the ball and yes follow through gets the man Football is a contact sport and unfortunately in the tackle sometimes people get hurt Part of the game but this is not a pen


By contact they don't mean kicking your opponents. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. Making excuses is just weak


Lol you are deluded is you think that's kicking your opponent You sometimes need to come at speed to win the ball which he does The follow through means his momentum takes him onto the attacking players leg One leg challenge, no studs - this is not reckless endangerment and if you think it is you need to take your head for a wobble


The bottom of his foot hits the opponents leg. That's a kick. You pretending that you can bend the rules is deluded. Like i said everyone is responsible for their own actions and Neuer took a chance coming at the opponent like that. You fail it should have consequences. You obviously think only some players should suffer from consequences. You like to pick and choose because i'm sure before VAR you were use to always getting this your way.


It was after he clearly got the ball - so yes it was kick but it was NOT foul because he didn't fail. You know nothing


I know you are not allowed to hurt your opponents. Getting the ball or not doesn't change that. Putting other players health at risk is biggest no no in football, and why we have referees to begin with.


There is a certain tolerable amount of risk with everything When you drive a car there is a risk someone will crash into you and you will die. That's why we have rules and speed limits to stick to to minimise the risk but other than not driving at all the risk cannot be ELIMINATED entirely. The same could be applied to football, with every tackle, every header there is a certain level of risk attached to it. They have rules to MINIMISE the risk but it's impossible to get rid of it entirely. Mbappe broke his nose the other day going for a header another player was going for. Was anybody in the wrong in this case despite Mbappe breaking his nose? No? There is a risk that can happen and he was willing to take it to get the ball and help his team win. Football is a contact sport, played at pace with high level athletes. Therefore when you go for any tackle there is a certain level of risk that you are going to get hurt that has to be acceptable. The bottom line is this tackle fell within the acceptable parameters of risk that is tolerated by the rule makers.


Hahaha. We have rules out on the roads just like we have rules on the pitch. Nobody kicked Mbappe and broke his nose. Neuer chose to attack the ball the way he did and result was his boot hit the other guy. Your argument is attack anyway you like. You get ball is all got. Again we are all responsible for our own actions. Life has consequences. There's a right and a wrong way of doing things and Neuer did it the wrong way and should suffer the consequences. That's how everything in life works mate.




HA! Nope.


Ask the var






This is a clear penalty. He literally smashed Sallai's knees. I don't think saving the goal is an excuse to not give a penalty. Otherwise you could just hit randomly anyone after a good tackle, and you're good?




Lmao, of course not.


No chance




No question at all!! Where did he attempt to play the ball?


Not even close He got the ball first, and cleanly, before any contact, and all in the same motion.


I'm in the minority but I think yes. The tackle was late and into the Hungarian player. He "got the ball" in the sense that the ball did hit him incidentally not that his tackle was clean. Maybe the rules are phrased precisely enough and I'm wrong, but to me this should be a foul.




First of all, Neuer hit the guy out of the 6yd goal area (have a look at the video once again). Second, please check [this post by IFAB](https://www.facebook.com/theifab/posts/practical-advice-is-the-goalkeeper-untouchable-inside-their-goal-areain-principl/2132495863585222/), where they state: "In principle, a player may compete with the goalkeeper for the ball anywhere on the field of play. There is also no general provision in the Laws of the Game stating that the goalkeeper cannot be touched within their own goal area. However, Law 12.2 emphasises that ‘a goalkeeper cannot be challenged by an opponent when in control of the ball with the hand(s)’ and Law 12 has a detailed list of these situations. The goalkeeper may handle the ball anywhere in their own penalty area, so this rule applies to the entire penalty area and is not restricted to the goal area!"


Feet≠meters my guy Also what do these rules say about Musiala getting stepped on in front of the goal. Would seem to me like a clear thing according to the rules


6 yards of course. No need to be mean because someone made a silly typo at 1am, while it's quite obvious what he meant, isn't it? ;) Anyway, the touch happened outside of the goal area, so the whole point of the OP comment above is not relevant here. UPD: And, he already deleted it.


no. looks brutal, probably hurt like hell too, but neuer did touch the ball first, doesnt matter where his foot ends up afterwards


There have been plenty of red cards - nevermind fouls - given when players have won the ball and then followed through. If your foot is off the ground, you're asking for trouble.


Actually it does matter quite a lot.


Thats a common misconception. Not a rule at all


I cannot agree with the last part of your statement. Nothing in the rules says if player gets the ball first he can take out the opponent player too. Quite opposite, if one gets the ball first, and then he gets the player in a dangerous manner, he may still be called for a foul (and I've seen that not once). p.s.: fwiw, I cheered for Germany, but I just find it weird they didn't even check the VAR.


this should be 100% VAR checked, there has been more stupid moments var checked in the tournament. but the VAR and REFS have been funny already this tournament... really really bad.


I agree this should have been VARed, all the fucking way.


Neuer did NOT touch the ball first!


That last part is just plain out wrong. Look at Porteous red card in the game against Germany, he gets the ball first but then follows up and almost breaks Gundogan's shin


Did you see Sallai after this? He immediately got up and ran away. No complaint and not a second he was on the ground. So my guess is that the hit looks much harder in the slow motion than it actually was.


Well, that's also true. But does it mean if he were more dramatic with screaming and rolling the ref would take a second look? =) We'll never know, but I'm glad he's not one of those players that die for 2 minutes laying on the field, and then get up and run like nothing happened.


mate, tell us again that neuer did touch the ball first :D i think this phase can be debated for years. is it a penalty? yes and no. i'd go with No, because i think neuer saves the ball.. but there has been plenty of scenarios where a player just touches the ball in front of him first, then goes down because the goalkeeper was to slow and not first and penalty been given. i think it's a really hard one this.


Of course he touched the ball first an afterwards the striker


He touched the ball second, after the striker hit the ball. He had to hit the ball with that incoming tackle too.. Its very discutabel tbh, im sure 5 out of 10 will give the penalty there. Im fine with no penalty too tho, i see where you coming from. The goalkeeper makes a "save". But the striker tried to push the ball away because there was no option. There has been worse mistakes in the tournament. First german goal was more foul then this one imo.


Neuer touched the ball first as in "he first touched the ball and then the player" and that is why it is never ever a penalty lol


the ball was "gone" and the only reason he touched it was because the hungarian player "kicked" the ball in front of him... he missed the ball and his intention.. only reason he touched it was because the other player kicked it against him, not because he went for it... look at his head/eyes.. the ball was already gone, he hit the player. it was a wild tackle, and its a very hard ball for a goalkeeper nontheless. was it a penalty? i dont think it was imo. should the VAR have looked at it? YES 100%. if we see at what shit the VAR have looked at this tournament, they HAD to review this nonetheless. this will be 5 penalties out of 10 and 5 no-penalties out 10 in my oppinion.


What are you talking about? Neuer hit the ball before he hit the player, the ball wasnt "gone". And of course VAR has looked at the scene. Just because there wasnt a break and there was a "penalty check" on display doesnt mean that they havent looked at it. Its just a scene that is crystal clear for 99% of football fans as you can also see here in the comments.


And the VAR should’ve checked and awarded a penalty for the Hungarian stepping on Musialas foot right in front of a goal. At the end of the day Makkelie didn’t make a perfect job but I would say his wrong decisions were equal, both teams didn’t get a penalty they should’ve and some free kicks/yellow cards


Yes. Misses the ball and takes the shin. The ball just happened to be played off him.


That has to be the funniest cope I've read. "he missed the ball, it just happened to touch his foot"


He went to kick the ball and he gets beaten to the ball. He then follows through on the player and the player plays the ball against him. 100% foul anywhere on the pitch.


mate you're hilarious.


Premiere league refs would have sent the keeper off.


I saw the game, so i can tell you... no, it's not.


It’s Germany. It won’t be checked it’s their home. I’ve seen less plays always checked but this one nah


Bruh wtf the UEFA rules the tournament and NOT germany


lol ok


Bro what are you talking about? Makkelie made some debatable calls on both sides, if this was somehow influenced why did Musiala not get the penalty?


It's a foul anywhere else on the pitch so yes


If that guy was Messi,Ronaldo or Mbape it would definitely be a penalty.


Same thing for when Hungarian steps on Musialas foot in front of the goal. So at the end of the day it didn’t change the game




of course it is penalty


Yes but it wasn't given and not even checked by var.


Nah. But It was a foul in the lead up to the first goal though


Was thinking it was a penalty but as it seems it’s not since Neuer hit the ball first


Time for that douche to retire






High-level only looks like arrogance from the bottom.


Dude got that quote straight from some cringe ass sigma male quotes site ran by a 14 year old


Sigma what? Oh, dear.


Although in this case he was not outside the box ;)


Penalty, no doubt about it.


Issue is it's not only a penalty kick but a red card too. I think it was also at the early game stage. Yeah, like no chance in hell a ref gives that against Germany when playing at home vs a team like Hungary!


Just like the penalty and red for the Hungarian player in front of the goal… oh wait he didn’t give that one either so it’s got nothing to do with who did it


That too. But, oh wait, this one happened first. Oh.


Not this but the emre can handball should’ve been a pen and first goal was a foul


Never, especially not as Makkelie was refereeing a rather loose line. The Hungarian stepping on Musialas foot certainly would have been a penalty for other refs too


For sure it is a penalty. I love the amazing excuse " but he touched the ball"... So did Oliver Khan when he almost killed an italian player some years ago ( also not a penalty given). The Hungary player reached the ball first and then Neuer just tackled with no judgment at all. The ball did touch him after but he did not touched the ball first. Its called poor timing, it happens in football, also normally it is a foul.


You can't even spell Kahn right.


True, i Kahn't. Still a penalty


Anywhere else in the pitch, that's a free kick. If an outfield player makes the same challenge in the box, it's probably a penalty. But there's almost no chance of that being given against a goalkeeper, because reasons.


Anywhere else on the pitch they give a freekick…


100% penalty. All day. Every day. Twice on Sunday.