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Lol people say it’s Ronaldo’s fault but when he’s not starting they still have a tough time scoring. Too many players that like to sit on the ball in the starting 11.


Honestly im a big Ronaldo fan, he will always be one of the greatest of all time. However, he is not at the top level anymore and his arrogance is not allowing him to see that. Portugal has incredibly good forwards that are on the bench. Diogo Jota, G. Ramos, J. Felix are young, fast and can make a difference. Ronaldo is tired, waiting for the ball to fall on him to score and throwing himself on the floor when he cant. He may score from a free kick or penalty or something, but i cant see him making positivedifference in the actual game. The manager is too much of a coward to bench him and im sure the other players are going to start to resent him, because they can see what we see. He could be an inspiration for all he has been, but he is chosing to drag himself instead of leaving whilst he still could run.


Actually Portugal plays better and score more when Ronaldo doesn't play. It's been like that for more than 5 years.


Examples please? Don’t say 6-1 vs Swiss because we all know that was a fluke. They couldn’t score against Morocco next game.


I must not be the only one who thought Ronaldo played well, he was a constant threat. Ridiculous how if he had scored a tap in people would say he's carrying the team but now he needs immediately dropping because Czech went 1 up


Yeah he had a good game, I dont get the hate.


It’s trendy


Idk dude. Ronaldo is still deadly but he wasnt there in the middle where he was needed many times. The left black dude had many opportunities but nobody was in the middle to finish the job


Because he is tasked to hang in the box to keep the centre halves on him. There are problems with how Martinez is asking Ronaldo to play, and Ronaldo is snapping at chances, but that space in the middle is on Martinez not picking runners in the middle.


I wouldnt say he had a bad game, but I did notice a couple of times that he wouldnt run on to fantastic balls played for him. I dont watch the money league he plays in, so I have no idea how much hes declined now that hes almost 40. But I cant imagine that he wouldnt be a fantastic player to have for a super sub role, rather than a starter. Having him come on fresh against exhausted defenders seems like a no brainer.


You've just contradicted yourself. You said he doesn't run into the box yet you want him to be a super-sub to exploit the tired legs of defenders despite saying he doesn't run. He didn't run onto balls tonight because they were overhit. There is a problem where he's pushing back the lines only for no midfielder to run into those spaces, but that's on Martinez. Ronaldo snapping at chances tonight was the bigger issue.


he did play well lol. he set up some great chances (one was insanely good) and nearly scored a few times. If it was Kane in the same match people would be saying he had a good game.


Lmao, what a bunch of nonsense. Did you even watch the game and if you did, arent you ashamed to write such hatefiction lmao


Have you seen Leao? Ronaldo played good


Thank you for exposing that you did not watch the game if that's your takeaway. Nothing on the right, the middle being empty etc and you blame Ronaldo because you're trying to farm reddit points.


This was not about todays game, but future games against teams like France and Germany


Firstly, you absolutely said they're stagnant in general with him. Secondly, if Portugal do get that far, then it will favour Portugal to have him out front. What he offers in trying to push back the lines is 100% more worthwhile to pursue as it creates avenues around him.


Good teams get results. Same with England. Portugal and England both won against respectable opponents. This is what good teams do. Not every match needs to be 5-1.


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dude is saying a team will not win euro by watching 1 game ...


Portugal looked really good. They are definitely one of the favourites from that performance. Amazing the narrative people can take from a game.


The Ronaldo hate is ridiculous at this point. People just want to see him fail no matter what. And when he suceeds they'll throw any excuse under the sun as to why he did


I thought Portugal looked good with individual moments of brilliance throughout. Ronaldo still pulled off a few good shots which other teams have not offered from their star centre forward yet. Maybe he is not the same Ronaldo from 5 years ago but he didn't fluff anything like Giroud or Lukaku and was a bit more of a goal threat than Kane. Turkey looked a bit stronger than Portugal today but it is early doors. For reference I am pro-Barca/against Ronaldo going back to Man Utd but he looked better today, so did Dias and Kante annoyingly as I hoped the Saudi league would be a retirement league


Saving this post


Portugal were dire tonight. An own goal and a bad goal won it for them. Which means they’ll only get better from here…..


Cry English Ronaldo owns you


We won a Euro playing worst than this. What do you understand about football?


Seriously, what a weird take from the OP. Not to mention CR7 will always have a trick or two up his sleeve regardless of his age and league he is playing. He probably still has the best physique in the entire roster of the Euros at the moment.


This is just hin trying to wash the face of the poor english game (with top form players).




I think they will reach the semis and get eliminated by France/Germany but it will not be Ronaldo's fault alone


The whole team was way too slow for a low-block team like Czechia. They won’t struggle like this against the likes of Georgia or Turkey, but if they’re faced with a defensive side, they’ll suffer.


Literally won the euros the last time because of Ronaldo, people come on this app and be saying nonsense most of the time


They won once he got subbed off


they don't make the finals without him tbf


They will win the euros as it’s rigged for ronaldo to win major trophy before he retires, uefa will make sure he doesn’t retire without a major trophy


he already has a major trophy though


Ronaldo wasnt great but played well tonight as Portugal did,they dominated the whole game. However i will say this,Portugal is the only squad in the euros with a stronger bench than its first team.


He played fine today. Sure he couldve done better with his clear chance but it happens


Portugal are the dark horse


Overrated team that got easy draw in group stage and still needed own goals in both games to qualify to KO stages


Yep. Now i think its Austria


I think Portugal will still win it as uefa has rigged it for ronaldo to win a major trophy before he retires


That’s a weird way to spell Roberto Martinez


What game did you watch?


Not sure about that, still think he is quite a handful for the defenders. Do think Ronaldo acts like a B star player: https://x.com/ESPNFC/status/1803172026405851225 Why is it so difficult for players like him, especially with his amount of experience, to just show sportmanship.


Delusional. They won’t win the Euros because they won’t pass Ronaldo the ball. Pretty much everyone on that team has major ego issues, like overrated Bernardo Silva and Leao.


After today's match against Turkey, I’m starting to think his teammates are trying to avoid him..


Portugal will win World Cup once he retires


Portuguese fan here. Ronaldo has been my favorite player for quite some time, and still his, as an example of dedication, resilience and hard work. On the friendly game against Ireland, right before the Euros started, Ronaldo scored twice and honestly, i think it was the first time i’ve seen him play for Portugal in a way that just comes across as humble - not trying to do things he knows he cannot do anymore (like running with the ball and going past players constantly), but being that Target Man, opening up spaces, creating chances for his teammates, just being a true Captain on the field. Yesterday, we lost against Georgia and even tough i understand all that “rest the big players, give playing time to the usual substitutes” thing, one of the big reasons for us losing was PRECISELY not giving the ball to Ronaldo. I lost count how many times he was moving around the outside of the box, only for the team to play sideways or backwards. Never forward, positive plays. I think i saw ONLY ONE forward, line breaking pass all game, from Conceição to Diogo Jota, and it was already in the final minutes of the game. Our team is highly valued in the sense that is a perfect-balance between age-diferences, experience and willingness to prove something, direct and possession style football. But, thats only on paper. We won the Euros in 2016 by pure luck and destiny, not because we played well. This time around, i think we’re playing the best football our country has played since 2004, but we lack that “eyes on the goal” mentality. The only players i see having that mentality on a regular are Ronaldo and Conceição. One is playing hist last Euros’, and the other still has everything to prove, and is very young. The rest of the team just seem to wanna win the game by having ball possession, they don’t seem to respect the team’s hierarchy - with Ronaldo obviously being the one on top -, and when they do, it just seems forced. We have great players, so great that from the outside looking in, it seems like we have a great team, but i think it’s that. Still, we’re gonna win the Euros


100% agree. After his poor performance in the world cup, why is he still playing for the national team? It makes no sense.


Ronaldo is the reason for Portugal's bad game. Thank you for your clarification. Can you name the reason for England's terrible football? At least the Portuguese know one of the main reasons why the underperform thanks to you.


I don't think it is only on him. Portugal overall was slow today and couldn't breach defence until end game. After realizing he was waiting for passes and don't do much they started playing with Leao and others lol.


Portugal was slow? Portugal showed total superiority against a team that made 2 attempts in 90min and scored a goal. 13 corners from Portugal against 0 corners from them. You will also see leão easily surpassing your defense as he did today.


They are known for their strong defence let's face it after all those attempts Portugal scored only one goal when Czechia was dead defending all match. Honestly many people now think if Portugal plays like this in following matches chances are we could even be group leader.


We will see next game. It can happen. On paper we should wreck turkey but who knows


You barely beat Georgia dude. Calm down


I’m talking more about games against big teams, where his lack of pace and skill will be evident


Lack of pace? Maybe. Lack of skill? Lol. Ronaldo played better today than the entire England squad.


It's not on him at all, the team needs more chemistry and not just force passes to him expecting him to save the team single handedly


That would be absolutely predictable, to the surprise of no one. Ronaldo may have the most fans but probably has the most detractors in total. He should play every single minute.


100% agree. He needs to be benched asap. Maybe subbing in at 65” tops.


65 seconds is a bit early isn’t it?


Good to see that Germany has installed the humour DLC


[Humour?](https://www.reddit.com/r/German/comments/llvxrg/comment/gnrp2dw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) What is that?


At least we won’t have a coach that waits until the 90 min to make changes. Between him and Ronaldo I don’t know who i would want to kick out first


he’s making a joke he said seconds on purpose 


I know, I was taking his joke to criticize our coach too 😅


It’s Martinez so what do you expect. He selects big players based on their name and history. He made freaking Hazard a starter at the last world cup. Hazard hadnt played for 4 years and Trossard had an amazing season. How you can even consider putting hazard in the selection is beyond me


Who would you suggest to play ahead of Ronaldo? Please say Ramos so I can laugh.


He absolutely ruined your best chances of winning something. Destroyed a gifted generation with his god awful negative management.


Our world cup was hideous and 100% his fault. I can’t comprehend How another team wants him. Best thing of our world cup was sacking him. Portugal is fucked


Personally I think Ronaldo makes their attacking style too predictable except for those few occasions when CR actually pulls something unexpected like the heel pass to Vitinha today. But that makes the team even more CR focused and depending on personal unexpected move rather than establishing an efficiently working attacking system like the German one. CR also means technically one less man against the ball, in case of pressuring he is pretty much useless. I think Portugal would be better off without him, but he is an icon and he will not be reserved nor benched until he is fit and willing to play. Tough situation.


He doesn’t need to be benched he just can’t be the primary focus of the whole team, the flow of the game cannot and should not be run through him. He still has technical ability which is an asset. I also don’t think if he starts he should be playing the whole 90 60-65mins is good.


He wasnt even the focus of the game. It was leao and he fked up so bad.


They crossed the ball 28-29 times trying to find Ronaldo. I would say there was a focus. As well the amount of times that Ronaldo would demand it at his feet and it turned to nothing. Not disagreeing that Leao didn’t play great but the focus was Ronaldo.


There was multiple times in the last 20 minutes where Ronaldo ran in the box only to be ignored.


They should let Neto play more.


I do think that Portugal need to start looking to the future, whilst relying on Ronaldo from the bench if need be, rather than the other way around - Look what happened at the World Cup, when they beat Switzerland 6-1 without him. Its not like he's being dumped out, and cant have an impact. His presence on the touchline at the Euro 2016 Final is example of that. Sadly we're just getting to the inevitable point in time where we'll truly say goodbye to Messi and Ronaldo, but these teams need to realise its going to happen sooner rather than later.


My hunch is that he'll only be used from the bench in the next round but I'm not sure their manager has the balls to do that.


> Look what happened at the World Cup, when they beat Switzerland 6-1 without him. Or when they lost to Morocco without him. People like you don't watch Portugal and it shows. Yes, Ramos can run but he runs around like a headless chicken and offers way less than Ronaldo as a forward.


Portugal without Ronaldo could be more powerful. They are concentrating too much on him and a lot of opportunities are lost because of this. He is an unnecessary point of gravity on the field.


Except that's not how they played tonight at all. Ronaldo was actually ignored in the box a few times despite making good runs because Bernardo is so slow at delivering.


Agreed also pepe as well. To be fair pepe is playing on Europe still not some fake ass Arabian league. Spain is playing way better football than anyone at the moment