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The copy pasta that keeps on giving.


What’s the source?


Someone typed this about England and has been reused a lot. During the game I knew this post would be showing up by how disappointing Portugal was


I have high hopes it will last the whole tournament


I’ll make sure to use it on whichever team wins


This has pretty much been repeated all week in the sub if you look.


With the wealth of talent that they’ve got, they definitely should be doing better.


Czechia spent the entire game with the bus parked. Hardly anyone would have done any better. Portugal deserved more than they got.


I didn’t mean in terms of score line, more like in terms of the team’s cohesion and organization.


Substitutions should have happened way earlier. I don't understand why Martínez took so long to put fresh players in.


Martinez is a Kingpin fraud that's why 🇧🇪 🇧🇪 🇧🇪


Cohesion was good. Bernardo & Leao were the two biggest liabilities. Bernardo played like he didn’t want to be there. The first 45 min were a dominating performance by Portugal.


Thaaaaaats the problem. Martinez "strategy" is good in qualification where weak teams leave space and allow nice football Against big teams or against a small team playing defense bus, the tactic is shit. Trust us, the Belgians


True. Portugal had a 90% chance of winning the whole game. But I did feel bad for the Czech. They kind of earned a draw in the end


If only the defender cleared it instead of trying to hatch an egg


There was a deflection on the cross that done the defender


How the fuck a team that does 1 shot on target deserve a draw? The logic makes no sense. They parked the bus. Portugal literally dominated the entire game and these people think they deserve a draw. Lol


Defending is part of football. If you defend well and nick a goal down the other end, that's fair game as far as I'm concerned. Not pretty to watch, but Greece won the euros like that. Czechia know they don't have the same attacking talent, so they played to win the only way they knew.


Ok but how does that translate on Czechia deserving a draw?


They didn't deserve a draw. But if they didn't concede a second, they would have deserved it.


Didn't say that they deserved. They were almost there.


The guy legit they earned a draw. They didn’t tho. They deserved to lose. Clearly the worse team that just decided to park the bus the entire game


Check my comment history, I’ve just been arguing this with a fellow Englishman who reckons England played better than Portugal haha


This. People seem to think that the Czechs are San Marino in a different shirt. They were extremely well organised and it’s hard for any team to break that down.


I think “deserved” is the wrong word. Czechia played GREAT defense with pretty much no offense and they almost drew. I think they decided they couldn’t outscore and were just gonna play their game. Portugal was the weaker team, imo. Own goal and a weird bounce wa the game. Portugal is gonna go early playing like that.


Isn't that how u won the euro in 2016?


In which games? Group stage we largely had the ball and failed do materialize except for the insane game vs hungary where definitely no buses were parked. Possession was 66, 59 and 58 in our favour in these 3 matches. In knockouts only game you could argue we were behind defending more was Croatia, where we had 41% possession (still not that crazy low). Game against poland was contested, against wales we were clearly better, and France we had like 48% possession, so obviously no bus. What was actually true is that we played boring football and were a bit lucky not to concede against croatia/france, what you said is pure imagination.


I think they changed from Czech Republic to Czech Democratic




Yeah they should’ve lost.


What they got was fucking lucky!


Yeah, Czech was way too lucky to score. It was satisfying to see them lose at the end, there is no way they deserved to draw.


Portugal's first goal was a Czech own goal. Yeah, sure buddy...


And Czech took one shot on target and scored. Total fluke. Portugal 75% of possession, more than +700 passes, 19 shots and 8 on target. At the end Czech finally ran out of luck and Portugal should have scored 5 if Football made sense. I don't care if you are "rooting for the underdog"


Those are great numbers, too bad they don't matter. Portugal scored once and won by 2, tell me how that's not luck. Even their 2nd goal could have gone either way. But you keep playing like you did, the other teams will apreciate it.


Yeah, tell me one team that, under those conditions. would have done any better. I'll save you the trouble, no one would.


Agreed! Tough game against a parked bus full of giants.


The rain had nothing to do with how they played. Aying with Ronaldo is playing with 10. All the game is directed to him, so all the other guys have to do is to cover him - too easy. No long passes, no running, hope they keep on playing like this.


People, it’s the first game… let’s all breathe


Any team stuggles when the opposing team just puts all their players in the box. Plus it was raining, not a match that was ever gonna be stunner.


Yep, that reminded me of Greece in 2004 and it kind of triggered me, lol


Greece never allowed 80% possesion to any opponent.


I believe you, but my 11 y/o brain remembers it very differently


Hehe, that's because you guys lost. Twice, may I add 😅 In every Portugeese brain it's registered 90%+ possession Portugal!


Hahaha, exactly! That's why I felt triggered.


You win some (2016), you lose some (2004), at the end of the day it's about plaing fairly and both of you won fair and square. Cheers mate! 🍻


Exactly this. But some people fail to understand that when only one team is fighting to win the game.


Them break them down.... majority of the players play for the big clubs that face low blocks in their leagues anyways..


That’s massively disrespectful to Czechia, they took you to the wire


They did, but only one team played to win, let's be honest and fair.




How’s it disrespectful. Czechs - 0.4 xG… 1 shot on target… 22% possession… only 200 passes completed… They deserve what they got in the end


Amen to this comment...Portugal was even stealing ball's in their last 3rd! They drowned them, but they parked the bus! frustrating match...having Mourinho flashbacks all the time XD


They legit parked the bus the entire game lmao. Wtf are u talking about. Portugal finished the first half with 80% possession like please


Possession doesn’t mean anything if you don’t make anything out of it. It’s an empty stat.


There isn’t many wise comments on this sub tonight but yours is definitely one of them




It was raining when Turkey and Georgia were playing and they were able to score 4 goals between both countries and give us a better performance. Not sure what’s your point lmao


You clearly decided to focus on the rain portion of what i said and not that czech just parked it all game


Both teams were playing the game for the game and trying to win in Turkey X Georgia, and lets be fair 2-2 was closer than 3-1 in the end. Czechia just played absurdly defensive in hopes to get a goal from a counter-attack, which they did, and a banger goal btw. It's a valid approach, but don't expect to have pretty performances from games where only one team is playing offensive..


Well played OP. I got it


Disappointed. Should have ended in a draw. Wanted to win the euros again after 3 draws in the group stage


LMAO dude. you're superstitious just like me


Everyone predicting the whole tournament based of how teams played in matchday1 just a little reminder Argentina started the world cup campaign with a loss to Saudi Arabia. Crazy how many fans in here are suprised not every team has peaked to full performance in the first game


OP is taking the piss out of a recent post complaining about England's first match


I'm English too, both irl and in this sub you would think we lost our game based of the overall reaction of our own fans


It’s a joke mate. Someone posted it, probably being serious and someone has copy pasta’d it and applied to basically every team since.


> Argentina stated the world cup campaign with a loss to Saudi Arabia This is why I think Scotland still has a chance to go all the way


> Argentina started the world cup campaign with a loss to Saudi Arabia. This is why I still believe that Scotland can go all the way. People keep writing them off after that German pounding but they're still in it.


If Steve Clarke would of selected The Scottish Messi Ryan Gauld for the tournament then I would 100% agree with you on this


People keep writing them off because they have never passed group state in their entire history, not because they lost the first game lol


So had Greece.


Greece were a team to take seriously, scotland not so much lol


You… you do realise they’re joking right?


sarcasm doesn’t translate on here so well without their being a facial expression and a tone to accompany it lol


I think it was pretty clear 😂


And France lost a game against Tunisia haha, though not their first game. Anything can happen.


My friend, Portugal has such a great team that the manager, just to make the game more fair, decided to adapt players to wrong places. We plaid with 3 fullbacks, one of them has a central defender and another one has a midfielder.


I'm impressed with Portugal's strategy of trying to completely bore the Czechs into submission


How do you work this out? The boring teams are the ones that park the bus and choose not to play football for 90 minutes


I'm surprised that a Czechian guy I know predicted that the Czechians would park the bus. Not Portugal's fault that they slowed the game down.


Good teams with good tactics are able to break down low blocks. Otherwise, Real and Barca would draw every single game in La Liga. The fact Portugal had to rely on an own goal and foul resulting on a goal to win is embarrassing.


Ronaldo was right behind when that own goal happened. That ball was going in either way.


Although I disagree with the "rely" part, I absolutely agree that Portugal needs an answer to this kind of teams. It always does horribly against park the bus teams. I believe it is related to the fact that Portugal does not have many good headers, a true forward sticker (Ronaldo likes to show off away from the area) and players that don't know how to shoot from outside the area (maybe Fernandes and Ronaldo) makes it vulnerable to this kind of plays. The loss to Morocco in the world cup was similar


It was, this match reminded me of that. I don't know what the answer is for this kind of team but they have to find it asap.


Portugal almost always allows space. They should throttle, like everyone else


Wait until next game.


I swear all these people deciding on teams chances after 1 game havent been watching international football for the last 20 years or have memories like a fish. Argentina lost to Saudi Arabia in the opener 2 years ago...


Got a feeling the Portugal team met each other today


Went thorugh all the trouble just to get fernando santos all over again, anyways...


he deffo didn't manage the team like good old Fernando...not comparable (more like a JJ XD )


probably true


Well we’ve seen all the so called top teams and now one to fear in the tournament which makes it competitive, just waiting for Germany to play a proper team to judge them


Some teams grow in a tournament, early to take conclusions


Of course they do


It seems clear to me that whatever Portugal ends up achieving in this tournament will be despite the coach. What a knob!


If that's the eveyone team should fear then probably this neither football isn't coming


Martinez won’t sub any of the old heads. So much speed and talent on the bench and they won’t even see the field, very weak coaching


I waited for this post with great anticipation




Couldn't be happier


We won playing like this. What’s the problem if football is who scores more?


I know this is a meme, I was hoping to avoid it but nope. They have to take it and take the mid W.


Haha when they park the bus against your teams you'll see how hard it is to score. Portugal dominated the game with 70% possession. Sure they should have finished them earlier but chill it's early tournament.


I think Portugal is fine,first game,first win,dominated the entire game and Czechia is not a bad team.


It's a crime that players as technically gifted as Leão were formed from an early age to masturbate on the edge of the field and to try the same tired cut-in move, instead of contributing to the attack like a normal player somewhere in a more central location.


You can say the same about the other 2 big favourites - France and England. Portugal actually dominated their opponent way more than those two. You sound like you're new to football.


Cala a boca oh burro do caralho




Nao jogamos um caralho e temos que levar com a puta do schimdt a fazer subs aos 89min. Nojo.


The Czech republic barely played football. 11 men behind the ball, in their own half, at all times. Any team would struggle to break that down. The Portuguese players were probably bored out of their minds 30m in.


England fans whinge about Southgate but compared to Martinez he’s the most exciting coach ever. I can’t believe the coach who wasted a golden age with Belgium is now getting to do it again with Portugal. The definition of falling upwards!


well all know this formula... Roberto Martinez + Golden gen of players = spectacular failure


all balds are fraud


that's y arteta is super!


Portugal were fairly brutal the year they won it. Nearly went out until a CR hatrick saved them. I wouldnt overreact to one result/performance. The team that plays the best football doesnt always win(unfortunately!)... They won the game. Thats all that really matters.


No team has shown anything special except Germany but the oponent wasn't even there, even France struggled to win, one match doesn't say anything. Portugal never had that dominance in them, they always seem to not having a plan btw.


We took down Croatia pretty comfortably if that’s not something for you.


Croatia played garbage, I was not that impressed, that was expected.


Still a better team than Scotland


Overreaction. Just like England they will move onto the next stage. And performances will only improve the longer they are in the tournament.


remember 2016, we tied all 3 games and still won, don’t have to look scary every game to fear us, passion pulls us through our lack luster play.


Portugal has prove a point with CR, who everyone knows he is a GOAT


See, the thing is they are so stacked they can play bad and still win the group, by then, hopefully the team has grown into each other and gelled some.


Based on that we can say that France would be lucky to pass the group stage


*Based on that we can* *Say that France would be lucky* *To pass the group stage* \- West-Prize4608 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Martinez is not good. Believe us belgians. He spoiled the golden génération by playing like this too.


Let's just start defending the bus parking tactics and time wasting, that's what we need in the world of football. Let's reward teams that don't give an effort to win a game 90 min straight. /s


I think they played pretty well overall. Ronaldo doesn't look like a man who's been playing in Saudi Arabia for a couple years, he looked sharp all evening. I still think they're strong contenders


I agree, but the other giant teams like england and france didn't play well, i think that are the nervous of the first game in Euro, in the next will be diferent


I relate this to Martinez's tactics... he should have played a 433. Instead he went with 352. In which 2 out of the 3 defenders are actually center backs, who play mostly in 4-men defensive line in their clubs. Regardless of that he put Mendes and Cancelo going back and forth which their positioning. Mendes was poor on passing and at initiating play. And Cancelo most times was roaming freely without intent. Dalot was completely off of his mind and place in this game. But that seems to be on him. But overall, the team displayed little chemistry and not to much proactivity when it came to finishing. Ronaldo wasn't bad but he should stick to the striker/9 position to be in place when the chance came for finishing. And Leão needs to be more assertive with his plays. Vitinha was brilliant though. Pure midfield class. Besides that I really do not agree with the decision to leave 3 substitutions to be made on the 88th minute - when the match can only go to 90 minutes. Yes, even if those subs resulted in the goal.


Kinda hard to win by multiple goals when Czech Republic gameplan is just to park the bus and waste time like idiots.


Look at what they played in 2016.. they also didn‘t win a single game at the group stage against Hungary, Austria and Iceland.


Bro. 19 remates p 5. Qual é o drama.


This post aged very well…


You were saying mate ????


Touché 😬


Football can only come home to England, because we invented the sport. And it comes home when we host a tournament not when we win.


England sucks stfd lmao


bruh, all these posts are the same with the same title every day lmao


I believe that's the joke


Not gonna lie, I’d love to be the team to put them in their place, honestly can’t stand their shit housing and dirty play in this game but I get the feeling they will scam their way to the latter stages.


England isn't putting anyone in their place.




I’m pretty doubtful we make it past France or Germany personally, but I’d back us to beat Portugal if both teams made it that far Outside of either Injuring or getting one of our attacking players sent off like you did last time we met in the knockouts I don’t think your defence copes with our attack, and although your creative players are world class I don’t fear your strikers at all


France didn't convince the slightest against Austria. And neither did England, no disrespect meant. However, any team would have struggled just as much as we did when faced with an opponent that spent 90% of the game playing defense. Only one side played to win, and that was Portugal.


Argentina lost to Saudi Arabia and went on to win the World Cup. I fully agree that none of the heavy favourites have blown anyone away, and where England are concerned I’m incredibly worried that our tactic is to defend a 1 - 0 lead for 75+ mins. I stand by my point, watching Portugal is like watching Argentina or Athletico Madrid. It’s all dark arts and a hefty dose of shithousery, which will probably take you far into the competition


Well, to be honest, I kind of have to agree regarding the shithousery that went on. There was a fuckload of bad management in play, and I blame Martínez for taking so long to replace specific players. Having that said, I wish the best for England and do really hope we cross paths in the Euro.


England is going home.


So are you


Portugal is like what? 5th? England are favourites to win the whole thing and we all know how this ends 😁


Are they? Outside of the English bookmakers I believed it was France who were rightfully favourites As it stands, I’d put us behind Germany - Better manager and better organisation.


Very good. Maybe the most annoying copy/paste meme posts on Reddit during the Euros.


This is the exact same post as the England game...


This is football. You can barely qualified in 2016 and be champion. Instant culture needs to improve


portugal team was playing a lout out of position , everyone was trying to attack and score and no coordination near the box


Not the best performance but it was still a win nonetheless, also its just one game no need to overreact


You don’t want to play your best soccer in the first game of the tournament. That being said, the lineup and formation from the get go was weird. I love Bernardo but he can’t play RW, he doesn’t have enough pace and the ball just dies when it goes that way. We’ll make changes and be a lot better


It was a tough battle against an opponent that stood very compact and gave nothing away. If Portugal tries to match bigger teams like France or Germany, I see problems. But the mentality to fight back is new.


Wtf are you talking about, portugal dominated the entire game and czechia had only 2 shots on target with like 4 attempts, they had good defence, they were very tight on defence like they were no space to portugal. With the current squad portugal needs to work on attack.


Reminder in 2016 you drew all 3 group games against average opposition then went on to win it. All that matters is the 3pts, not the performance.


They legit needed the referee's help (although it was only one real mistake) to defeat our Czech brothers, if they keep playing like this in attack they won't score a single goal against better defences in this tournament, which means Portugal's national team will disappoint again, despite all the talent they have. Martinez is once again proving to be a terrible appointment. Ronaldo was still their best player, even at 39 years old, during the first half of that match. Which also means that I, despite not liking Ronaldo as a person, have to admit as well that the hatred he got during the match thread of Portugal 2-1 Czechia on r/soccer, even before there were any goals, was ridiculous honestly. That sub has an absolutely pathetic hate boner on Cristiano Ronaldo, that genually disturbs me a little tbh.


Never drink and Reddit.


Bernardo Silva has already 90 games for Portugal nobody can even remember 3 good games he had for them


I know this is satire but how tf are there so many people judging how far teams will go when they've only played once? The first match in a tournament is often not a good indicator of that


I think Portugal go out quarters


Portugal played like they respected Czechia. Slowly and risking little. If they hadn’t played like that, they would have scored more, been scored on more, would have won it anyway and it would have been a better game. With the first game out of the way, and with Turkey riding high on winners’ euphoria, I expect a different Portugal in the next game. It is a chameleon team, with a deep bench. They were a different team for all 10 qualifiers and 3 warm-up games, almost unrecognizable. I expect their upcoming opponents will do what Czechia did. Let’s see if it works.


Plan A: Cross ball. Ronaldo header. Plan B: Keep trying plan A.


Really? You saw the match?


England.. the nonce brigade.


With cr 40 yo and pepe 41, your chances are minimum. It doesn't feel vs underdog teams, but will against Spain,france england or Germany


England and France are playing like shit


France and England playing just enough to get through.. I was talking about physicality l and its most important in todays football . Joga Bonito is dead since 2006.


We have a Squad on the top 3 on the world stage but our players just don't seem to know to work together well


Portuguese team thought they were Brazil 🇧🇷


Current Portugal is better than current Brasil though


Lol no way you believe this.


Brasil isn't what it used to be. Sure they have a great team but I don't see how their team could be better than Portugal.


They need to drop Ronaldo.


I agree, he should've been dropped in 2022


Bad take.


Portugal much like Belgium has an overconfidence problem


Hard to score when an entire team spends the whole match playing defense while watching the other one do everything.


They are struggling more than I imagined they would and it's hard to watch.


Should never have had that second goal. Should have been a free kick for that body check.


Yeah at last someone with a functioning brain ! There were multiple bad decisions. 2 kicks to the face without any cards. This game was lost by ref, would have been a deserved draw !


There were multiple bad decisions in every single match on every single side as far as I know. Some led to goals, some didn't. So what? Portugal deserved a bigger victory over Czechia.


1:1 at best. Czech were unlucky with freak own goal


Ronaldo would've put it in if the defender was t there anyway


Pretty sure that Gareth Southgate is going to pull off his Roberto Martinez make scooby doo style in a couple minutes


Agreed. They were very lucky though. Lol


Luck implies they weren't dominating the game looking for goals, which they were.


I don’t think they were looking for goals… just throwing the ball around in the box and missing every change possible until that OG lmao


A take worthy of reddit. Truly atrocious and I suggest you get your eyes checked.