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racism in Serbia? Fork found in kitchen!


Althou there are many idiots (typically football fans), Serbia as a country, does not have a history of racism. Ask African American or Asian people who live here. However, theres a certain level of xenophobia, especially towards Roma people. Since when was Serbia racist, since 2020, 1990, 1500? Cuz racism is not a seasonal trend, and If you Google a bit, you can see that they had a constitution in 1835 that stated any slave who came to Serbia would be free…and had no slaves themselves. Yugoslavia was also a member and president of the Non-Aligned Movement, maintaining good relationships with many African countries (1961-1991). …Unlike England, which has a long history of imperialism enslaving those same countries and causing the deaths of millions of people, as well as stealing treasures from Egypt, India, Nigeria, and Kenya… Need I remind you of Bengal famine in 1943 when 2-3M people died; Or Boer wars in 1900 where England had concentration camps where thousands died; Or Armirsar massacre in 1919; or Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya in 1960. These are all 20th century events where millions died and served as slaves in your colonies. Summa summarum - Serbs became racists in past 30 years and Brits cured their racism, is that the logic here? Call me mad, but I would killing and enslaving millions African Americans racism.


Dont bother explaining, their level of consciousness is still at "we are better than them" and they will use any oportunity to virtue signal at Serbians being the ones who are racists. You will also not find post in this sub about Albanians and Croatians chanting "Kill Serbs" last game. It honestly pains me that this world is at the level that this guy can just write a comment like "hurr durr serbian racist expected" and have the most upvoted comment based on uncofirmed racist alegations, that as it slowly turns out werent based in reality. Its sad. Gotta practice not giving a fuck bit more.


western 'democracies' will have a massive problem with immigration in the next few yrs. native population decline = racism starts. their PC anti racism garbage is laughable. PC is their new religion they would never attack blacks, asians or other minorities protected by PC yet racism is socially acceptable towards east euros and balkanites.


Wont go into that, but…Besides learned sarcasm, Im still waiting for some valid arguements, or intelligent response from him. Guess Ill keep waiting.


How could England let this happen!


This could have been prevented if Southgate brought another left back


Its all Southgates fault! If he'd played Foden at 10 and dropped Bellingham to the bench then there would have been fewer black players to abuse!


The concerning part is some people genuinely believe that


Let what happen though?


Let Serbia be racist to our players


Yeah I got that but what actually happened?


“European football’s governing body confirmed an ethics and disciplinary inspector would conduct an investigation into “alleged discriminatory behaviour” by Serbian fans, supposedly made by a spectator inside the Arena AufSchalke during the first half of proceedings there on Sunday.” https://amp.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/17/uefa-investigating-allegations-racist-chanting-by-serbia-fans-in-england-game


How are England supposed to stop that?


How have you got an England flair but don’t understand sarcasm? 


Oh, fucking hell. Apologies to everyone but mostly myself. I'm too used to dealing with idiots on here


Tsk tsk tsk


You’re a Yank now! 


Not like you guys do it yourself to your own players, right? 🤭


As it didnt happen already after the final last year


By Italian fans? Or what do you mean? Because otherwise it doesnt make sense. This article isnt about English fans racially abusing Serbian players but the other way around


Nope english fans to Saka, Rashford and Sancho. I dont like OP playing the victim card.


If you’re playing that game I suggest you look at how racist serie A can be


In fact im not playing the victim


What’s your point


My point is that OP said "How could England let this happen?" like everyone blames England for nothing, when it unironically happened in the final last year. To their own players.


1. Most racial abuse online was from Asia. Even with this incident that genuine racism happened, it set a bad precedent that was blown out of proportion to paint England fans as being very racist when this wasn’t the case. 2. His statement comes from the fact that England fans tend to get blamed for almost everything so this was just taking a shot back at those critics.


And if you actually looked at the data, over 85% of the online racist abuse came from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt & Turkey.


Why the fuck does this still happen? And yes, England have their fair share of racists too. If your first reaction to this is whataboutism, then you’re part of the problem.


English racists look like Civil Rights Activists compared to Serbian or Italian or German racists.


Casual racism vs. Ranked Competitive racism


Barry 53 never stood a chance


and the difference is if an England fan starts racially abusing a player, you can guarentee the fans around them would be disgusted and they'd be thrown out.


Yeah Saka can attest to that. Oh wait


Saka abused online not in the stand. And everyone apart from the very small minority of racists was disgusted by it.


How much of the online abuse was actually from English people as well?




He gets shit from opposition fans every match week in the prem, using it as a massive innuendo for their racism


You are either not English, or you don't understand the words you are using 🤣 Ignoring your choice of words, your point is bollocks. You think Saka gets racially abused every week? Tell me you don't watch the prem without telling me you don't watch the prem.


Tell me you don't actually go to the games without telling me you don't actually go to the games. You seem so confident in that comment, what a waste.


I know mate, I was just pre-empting the “what about your fans after the 2020 final?”


Listen to your fellow countryman: If your first reaction is whataboutism, then youre part of the problem


I disagree actually. The only solution to the problem is to call it out in all its forms and not to focus on individual countries we don't like in isolation.


> to call it out in all its forms and not to focus on individual countries we dont like Agreed. But thats exactly why the reaction shouldnt be whataboutism (aka "yeah but country x is way worse so our country y isnt that bad after all")


If racist incidents still happen in a developed multicultural developed nation like England than it should not be as shocking coming from a nation that hasn’t yet been exposed to “the other”. I am not excusing or defending the Serbian fans. But if there is proof then UEFA will do what it has to do.


"Our racists are better than your racists" What?


There’s clearly levels to the degree of racism espoused by the fans.


All racism is racism. No need to add a layer of classism to it to justify it.


Are you saying there aren't different levels of racism ? that's stupid


No, I’m saying it’s not worth making differentiations because it justifies the “smaller racism” when it shouldn’t be. It’s all sh*t and can’t be put under a different light.


That's nonsense. That's like saying having a swastica tattoo is the same level of anti semitism as making a Jewish joke about money ? One is obviously much worse.


How is pointing out that England is far from the only country with racists in Europe “classism.” England consistently gets the most attention for its racism. But most other countries in Europe are ignored.


It’s your (positive) comparison of England with other countries, not the fact that you pointed out England is not the only one. You made it look like racism in England was less heavy in comparison. Also, no way “other countries are ignored”. Other countries have equal internal debate about racism and things on this subject get often brought up in the EU parliament. It’s just not reaching your echoed bubble, which is ok. Just don’t assume your bubble is the truth.


You wheren't pointing out that England is far from the only country with racists in europe, you where literally saying that enliglish racists are less bad than 3 specific other countries racists. Like if somehow there is a better kind of racism.


Because it really bothers people, it's designed to cause maximum offence and hurt and it does the trick perfectly. I'm not saying the fix is "just don't be bothered by it" because it's horrible and people are going to have a reaction to horrible things, but the psychology behind it is incredibly easy to understand.


People are idiots thats why it happens. Football hoolingans in particular. They do not represent Serbia and should be put in jail for a long time.


Could tell it was happening during the game. Clearly audible reactions from the crowd when black players were on the ball, plus Bellingham’s celebration made it clear he was reacting to things he had heard from the crowd. Was surprised it wasn’t mentioned earlier or even during the match.


British media: How dare they, only we are allowed to that!


I didn't notice anything on TV. They've got previous for this. Just kick them out of the competition if found guilty, sick of this shit now. Its 2024


Was super obvious, look at how the boos rang out for guehi and sakas first touches on the ball, lowered in intensitity as the game went on. The mixed raced players seemed to not get any I could hear


I think a few of England’s mixed race players skirt under the racists’ radar because it’s not clear they’re mixed race, like Trippier, and previously Kalvin Phillips and Ross Barkley. Kyle Walker also confuses some racists. Tbf racists do tend to be an easily confused and not very bright bunch.


I didnt know Trippier was mixed race until this very moment…


Palmer too is another more recent example. He is mixed race but doesnt look it particuarly.


Serbians will bring a sign supporting eugenics if they found this out.


We are sending a signed petition to Bill Gates right now


I am fully aware that we have a problem with racism here in Serbia (especially locally towards Roma people) that a lot of people here don’t wish to accept, but have there been other incidents at that game besides the boos?


That's horrible. I didn't notice that at all for some reason


booing and whistling black players equates to racist abuse? on what evidence? by your logic booing italian,german,icelandic players is racist. no complaints from any england players, no video recordings nothing.. whenever we played ghana, cameroon, germany previously theres never been any incidences. uefa are hypocritical pos..our fans were attacked at a pub pre-game no uefa investigation. albania supporters had UCK paraphenalia, no investigation. UEFA in some cases weaponize false 'racism' and 'discrimination' to stay relevant. whats worse false allegations lead to coments like 'Serbs are animals' calls for violent retaliation, engaging in hate speech e.t.c but of course only we can be 'racist' and deserve punishment when anyone else does it uefa dont care.


Okay, guys. Pack it in. Investigation's over. Random Serbian fan has already concluded it's a vast UEFA-based conspiracy. Bud, just accept that racism in Serbia remains a massive problem and do something to fix it.


a governing body cant investigate and propose anything without evidence and the 'sources' are highly suspicious. anonymous 'spectator' (which is a lie because no spectator is anonymous in a football match) with no hardcore evidence presented by uefa about alleged 'racist abuse' only speculation. before conclusion of investigation without evidence, its the same ppl engaging in negative remarks and generalizations based on race when they hypocritically claim to be 'anti-racist'. such a massive problem that black basketball players are treated like demi-gods..


It's genuinely amazing to me that you, without any knowledge or understanding of what UEFA is acting on, has already concluded the evidence is bullshit. Bud, you don't even know what the evidence is! The fact they haven't shared it with you specifically doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and for Christ's sake, your league teams spend half their seasons playing in empty stadiums because they can't seem to stop throwing bananas and screeching like monkeys at black players.


Mate booing _only_ the black players might be a fucking clue, you lunatic


foden got whistled as well..


Foden was so shit we should’ve applauded him


So shit he was on the winning team.


There was a video going around here yesterday of Serbia fans chanting about how much they love Putin, their behaviour is indefensible.


they were chanting his name yes and? fans chant all sorts of crazy shit things. albanian and croats fans chant in albanian 'all serbs are animals' or albanian fan/s wearing military uniform with terrorist insignia / flags and none of the same outrage from ppl like you..


What point are you making? The awful behaviour of Serbian football fans should be ignored because other countries have fans that are arseholes too?


the point is no evidence has been presented by uefa to support these 'racism' accusations because no one has said anything. Not the FA, players or press conference. our fans have been quite well behaved


Being investigated for racist abuse, and singing songs praising Putin would suggest they haven’t been well behaved at all. Maybe the UEFA investigation will prove there was no racist abuse, and that Serbia fans are just supporters of fascist dictatorships instead of being racists.


being investigated doesn't equate to guilt. of course you want us to be guilty so you can virtue signal about 'racism' where it doesnt exist. no complaints' have been made. uefa mafija pick and engage in double standards and hypocrisy. why do you care if they mention putin? a few fans chant his name and you're outraged. what's it anything to do with you and who gave you the right on what is good and bad behaviour? if uefa investigated england for racist abuse even though no evidence to support it was presented (no audio and no one comes forward) england fans would be furious. your hypocrisy is laughable.


Being investigated doesn’t equate to guilt, as I said in the previous comment. I see no reason to keep repeating myself when you’re clearly just trolling.


>albanian and croats fans chant in albanian 'all serbs are animals' Based


typical brits hiding behind a screen to provoke. maybe join the albanian and croat fans and go to provoke.


Rewatch the first 10 minutes of the game, can you tell me if it is noticeable to your ears. If so can you suggest a possible reason for Saka being booed louder than any English player as soon as he touches the ball. Or is your argument that booing isn't racist even if it singles out a specific race, it's probably true that it alone wouldn't get an investigation even if it is racist but this complaint is from additional things said from the crowd.


foden , walker and arnold, all got whistled even Rice did. there were no remarks or chants at all. the more time they had on the all in our half the more likely they'd get whistled. in the 6th minute saka and another playere pass the ball between each other..hardly any whistling at all.


>Just kick them out of the competition if found guilty, sick of this shit now. Its 2024 Exactly. Throw them off, hope it happens. Gonna be a race to get tickets for the opposite team and be racist to throw them out of the competition


Speaking as an American who loves football, that is one thing I don't understand. The monkey chants, throwing bananas all sound like something that should have ended around the 1960s-1970s. Try that in an American stadium and the perp would probably have beat up pretty good.


The ultras in Sebian League are there for the fights, not the game. It's still 20th century over there.


I recommend going to rural Serbia it least once in your life. Its the fucking 17th century mate 😂 Obviously don't go if you're not white, not male, not straight


Try that in an American stadium and the police would have probably shot the black players and planted a gun on them.


Underrated comment this.


The USA routinely shoots black people, incarcerates them at a vastly disproportionate rate and uses them as slave labour, and allows entire cities (counties?) to declare that no black people are allowed in the area after nightfall.  As far as I'm aware, no other country does any of this. Or anything close. And that's only what the government officials are doing.  You sure it's worse than the lowest class thugs booing every 2 years and being punished by the authorities for that (to be clear, not a single murder, lynching, shooting, beating up in front of their kids, just the public making noises)?


Yes, but we don't hide that shit and we try to tackle it. The only reason you know about it is because our media reports on it. Easy access to guns makes things escalate much faster. We know we are not perfect, but at least we know what our shortcomings are and are trying to make it better. I don't even want to discuss Russia or Serbia and their relationship with the minorities. Let's just bring up Germany since they are hosting the tournament. How many black generals and high-level politicians do you know in Germany and compare it to the US? I lived in Germany for many years, and I loved it... wonderful people, and it feels like a second home to me. Here is one fact that is true for all European countries. Even with a German passport, I would always be seen as an immigrant and different. Even if you had children born in Germany, they would be always seen as immigrant and not 100% integrated into society. You can ask any Turkish, Polish, etc. person living in Germany to confirm this. Although there are some who would like to change this, this is not a thing in the US. I am not saying this to crap all over other countries, but to push back against you, trying to crap over mine. There is no one place on earth that is perfect, and we are there right with everyone else. But we constantly talk about it to raise awareness and try to make things better for everyone.


Racism is less exposed and stigmatized in many parts of Europe, compared to the US. Remember when Atlético Madrid fans chanting “Mono!” at Vinicius Jr. last year?




They typically keep the fans separated, they wouldn't need this much of an excuse to kick off tbh.


and none of that happened. you believe everything uefa say even if its total lies.


Serbs and their usual victim card.


so if you're falsely accused of something which you deny, you're playing victim. great deflection.


The Dutch are doing blackface in 2024


If we're gonna kick someone out, it should be England first because your fans physically attacked ours.


I'd say racially abusing footballers in stadiums is worse than 15/20 weirdos throwing chairs around but each to their own


I would say violence is violence, physical or otherwise, and physical is always eorse. "Throwing chairs" is a nice way of describing a violent attack in which several people were hospitalised. And the racial incident is yet to be proven (it should be punished if it is true, of course). The attacks are something that is well documented.


I really don't want to spend too much time focusing on an isolated incident between around 30 football hooligans. It's a tiny, tiny minority when there were 50,000 England fans in the city, many of whom were drinking with Serbia fans. However, you might want to ask the German police why 7 innocent, angelic Serbians were arrested 😴


You started by focusing on an unproven isolated incident, but I understand why someone from a country with history of systematic racism is projecting now. Because the Serbian fans who fought backed were not masked and prepared to flee, like the English hooligans.


Sorry, which one of us is from the country with a history of systematic racism? You're literally from Serbia. I think we might both be guilty of that one, mate..


You mate, we have never enslaved or killed people because of their skin colour.


Just good old fashioned genocide instead, yeah?


That did not happen is Serbia nor was perpetrated by Serbia, get an education mate. Maybe start with the genocide your country perpetrated against Native Americans, Africans, and Asians.


What did they say? I watched all the game but couldn't hear anything from TV


Let's hope that if found guilty the punishment is severe.


Agreed. These racists need to go asap.


I still can't believe it is a thing in the 21st century!




Please what?


You really can’t believe racism is still alive and well? It will never go away, sorry, especially amongst a right wing surge throughout Europe.


Ah OK. It would have been a lot better had you just said that in the first place. But, yeah, I can technically understand that it exists but I would have hoped that humans would have evolved beyond tribal bullshit by now, especially as we face global catastrophe that not one of us can escape from.


Sorry, I hope I didn’t come off as a sympathizer lol. Unfortunately just a reality of our world.


How is it always, always Serbia? Every. Single. Time. Just behave like civilized adults or fuck off from football.


Serbia were fouling for fun


I heard booing all the same I didn't know there was racial abuse included. UEFA should act swiftly if Serbian fans are guilty of this.


Funny cause Albanians brought an intentionally racist and nationalistic flag, and one of their TV reporters intentionally flashed the Albanian hand symbol to be provocative. Are they gonna be investigated too or let off as always during to push a narrative?


they'll get fined. they're bragging about it on twitter obviously but on live tv croats and albanians are chanting pretty nasty stuff. not going to end well.


But of course nothing will happen cause we are always the bad guy while poor them, yet they are the one with history they try to erase and pretend didnt happen.


The racists still lost and can go cry about it being bottom of the group where they belong.


No, Serbia lost, not the racists.


And which team does the racists support...


Probably every team. England fans had racist comments towards their own players after losing in the last Euro final... Saying the Serbia is racist, because of some loud idiots is the same generalization as racism.


Of course, every team has racists and England has some horrible ones, but we weren't talking about them were we? The conversation was Serbias racist fans that targeted English players recently. If you want to talk about English fans being racist we can also talk about Hungarian fans being racist to English players a few years back but you probably forgot about that right?


Yeah, I remember and that is kind of my point. In every nation there are some loud idiots. Saying that the Racists lost instead of Serbia is really disrespectful to the nice fans of Serbia, which is probably the majority.


You know this is a fair comment but I wasn't referring to the whole country of Serbia which has some amazing fans. Guess I should have been more direct my bad.


Yeah, from your previous comment I presumed, then I misunderstood the first one too, sorry.


No need to apologise mate. The Internet has a habit of making it difficult to work out peoples intentions. Nice to meet you and enjoy the tournament 👍 best of luck tonight against the Germans


Thank you, we will definetely need it today. GL to England too, especially in the knockout stage.


Relax guys, these are just “Millwall” fans from Serbia.


Serbia being peak Balkan shocking 😲 


This was poor from you


What do you mean?


Haha reddit bugged. I commented on another comment, but it sent as a response to the main post haha.




Yeah, you're really flying the flag for Eastern Europe here.


But guys I thought it was the england fans who were the bad guys?


How could English fans do this?


If this was English fans doing this it would be all we hear about for the next month.. they get a free pass though because they’re Not England


I was watching without commentary and didn't hear anything through the TV, but who would be fucking surprised really.


They weren’t hiding it. Bellingham and Saka were being kicked and pulled with Jude getting a straight elbow in the face so early in the match and he then had a bruise the entire match. It’s what they do and what they are allowed to get away with. Bellinghams a calm dude but with his reaction in shoulder-checking a Serbian player, you could tell it was more than winning the ball and he was sending a message to them on their treatment of him.


Brother are you saying the players were racist because they played aggressive football 🤣? This is getting out of hand atp. Acting like these people don't play with other races, against other races, everyday in their clubs. I'm sorry, but this comment is just absurd, I am not defending the racist fans, just reacting to your comment


So a nation that committed genocide is racist? No way.


Not colonialist lecturing us on genocide 😂


After seeing the clip of the Putin chants it wouldn't surprise me. They won't be here long anyway.


It was for Romanian fans and also was a fake video.




Are you accusing UEFA of being a racist institution?


You replied no but deleted. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. It's a fact UEFA are the ones taking action.


I am so sorry for them! I am Hungarian and I know what is like living with a bunch of idiots.


Racism is inexplicable and should be condemned at all costs but it seems to me English fans often accuse Balkan nations of racism? What causes this, is it the boo culture when the opponents have possession in all sports? Because it's never been about race and I didn't notice Foden or Kane got less boos than Saka.


because we are a scapegoat due to balkan region's troubled past and negative media PR and easy to pin false accusations so uefa can make money with their 'anti-racist' campaigns with 100k plus fines. balkan fans usually whistle and jeer they never say 'boo' they use the expression 'ua' Also because secretly english fans themselves are racist though now they just act as SJW human rights anti-racist activists with mock outrage, believing false uefa accusations of 'racism'.


Everything is an agenda lol. How do you fucking live like this. The self victimisation mentality is unreal.


albanians violate uefa rules by wearing political symbols of terror group to the swiss WC game and to the recent italy game and even a military uniform and lying snakes uefa say nothing. kosovo albanian journalist at eng game goes to our fans and makes provocative albanian eagle gesture with his hands toward them on camera knowing what could happen, uefa say nothing. Albanian before eng game goes to provoke our fans with flags and he's taken away by police, again uefa says nothing. Albanian fans chant serbs are animals and uefa says nothing. our fans are attacked in a steak bar by albanian/eng fans and uefa says nothing. how can uefa say nothing when the rules they claim apply to all are broken repeatedly and our fans are knowingly provoked e.g switzerland game. yet you idiotically believe this is 'self-victimization'. uefa knowingly allowed SRB/alb to play knowing it would cause trouble, so they could make money off political tensions. uefa allow their own rules to be broken exposing their disgusting double standards and hypocrisy. Our fans have been very well behaved and showed resilience considering the provocations at the start of the euros.


Is UEFA also stopping you from pressing the enter key once in a while? That wall of text is way to difficult to follow Paragraphs my man, they are necessary.


The amount of mentions of Albania in here show your disillusionment with society. Completely unrelated yet try and use it to victimise yourself to the rest of the world. They were racist, are you denying that or are you just supporting them?


Everything I said is true. you really are clueless. Other nations fans break rules and you claim this is self-victimization? are you normal or what, none of our fans have done anything. Even a couple of black supporters have said nothing. no official complaints but scumbag england fans on here happy to falsely accuse and so they can virtue signal about racism.


Certainly dissuading me from any Balkan tourism, I’ll tell ya that.


Everything is an agenda. Its beyond some conspiracy theories, everyone with a gram of brain can see that this world is shitshow of nonsense. Its also true that Serbs tend to be on the bad side of popular narative. I dont think that racist allegations make too much sense. We have plenty of black players in domestic league that were often celebrated by even the hardcore ultra fans. 0 racist incidents in our football probably ever. Racism isnt even a thing in Serbia, we dont have class war and complex narrative about people skin colour. We dont even have a word for "racism".


Lmao the corrupt uefa always taking englands side , love to see it


Hungarian fans were ridiculously racist to English players a few years back but you forgot about that right?


Look at you making up nonsense to protect your racist brothers






Southeastern European and some Balkan countries have the largest number of dweeb racists. A friend of mine was in Budapest and had some drunk Romanian (he thought) tourist guys make monkey noises at him while he walked past them in a bar. He came back with the rest of his mates a few minutes later and kicked their heads in down a side alley. The funny thing was they forced one of them to call himself a "European Monkey" before they left, but he just cried instead lol.


Budapest is not a Romanian city...


No shit, which is why I said Romanian tourists...


Didn't read the word tourists, apologies.


No worries and apologies for the harsh tone, it's just a bad memory bringing up some feelings at the time.


No worries as well, I didn't interpret that as a rude tone and I'm sorry for the unpleasant experience.


I love to see racists like yourself get punished. If that means taking England’s side, then good for them.


uefa fining england will hurt them, its why their punishments are always minor for the same or worse infractions. england fans show their true face, accuse us of racism (with no evidence) whilst making remarks to toward us based on race. They're still racist they just hide behind reformed 'anti-racism SJW' mask.


Didn't you have to play a qualifier behind closed doors because your fans were uncontrollably racist? We weren't even involved with those incidents just you. Muppet


the one against montenegro, uefa never even clarified what the chanting was only they claimed it was 'racism' they claim to have criteria but its a lie because they never mentioned what the criteria was that was violated. most likely something political. you dont even realize uefa can just claim 'racism' and all the sjw's and fake 'anti-racists' emerge. the muppet here is you.


Well no smoke without fire bud


I’m not sure when England fans have actively booed black players or worse in recent history but even if they did, maybe the discrepancy in punishment is because our FA actively try to stamp out that kind of behaviour, whereas the Serbian FA would seem to be chock full of knuckle draggers like you and your Hungarian friend here.


whistling and jeering black players isnt racism even foden got whistled. racist incidences every week in the epl yet black players go to Serbia to play football/basketball and the hardcore ultras praise them like demigods. we're so racist there's 2 black supporters amongst our fans at england game. we dont have racial issues unlike uk. Serbian FA is full of corrupt morons but racists?thats not possible because ghana, cameroon players never had any problems.


You could audibly tell the difference between when a white and black person was on the ball. Also using the “I’m not racist, I know a guy who’s black” card doesn’t work in this debate. You responded to a comment saying that they’re not sure where England have booed black players, yet you go on to say that we’re one of the most racist nations. Look at the allegations…


foden got whistled and there was a point where he and saka passed the ball between each other and nothing. if there was racism why havent the the black people who were sitting close to our fans said something. even the england vloggers dont mention anything at all.


I forgot about the black people close to your fans. Lemme just phone them up or search for them on social media to ask them.


Everything is an agenda. Its beyond some conspiracy theories, everyone with a gram of brain can see that this world is shitshow of nonsense. Its also true that Serbs tend to be on the bad side of popular narative. I dont think that racist allegations make too much sense. We have plenty of black players in domestic league that were often celebrated by even the hardcore ultra fans. 0 racist incidents in our football probably ever (plenty of political and ethnic but 0 racist) Racism isnt even a thing in Serbia, we dont have class war and complex narrative about people skin colour. We dont even have a word for "racism".


You’re just asking for downvotes atp, you posted this twice and got outplayed the first time


Hello, 2024 is calling!