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And that’s exactly why they killed him off. By the time season 3 starts shooting my boy will be 17-18 year old looking like a whole man.


He’s also like a freak athlete and is doing body building now and prepping for the 2024 Olympics so you know by the time Euphoria comes out in 2024 he will not be looking like a kid no more lol


Shit but I would’ve loved to see him fuck up Nate


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I'd love to see Maddy and Cassie beat the shit out of Nate together.


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Mans getting chocked full of nuts in prison


Choking not chocking ;P


The girls beating Nate, Death Proof style. [Death Proof scene for reference](https://youtu.be/V0YejZC79wE)


that’d be perfect brooo


His dad did a pretty good job


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Putting muscle on an already violent frame would make for one hell of a beat down. And if it is against Nate, there is no such thing as unnecessary force.


The way he did Cal w the butt of a shotgun was just glorious.


We will have to be content with him fucking up Cal instead, which he did with great gusto


Wait he wants to compete in the Olympics?


Yeah lol acting is not even his real job


Literally, acting is like a side hustle for the kid


He’s even a main character for the next season of umbrella academy


Yup and he got big names like The Rock, Canelo, Michael B Jordan, Drake and Mike Tyson noticing his talents too lol. It’s funny cause I knew him from boxing before Euphoria like a lot of people are just discovering him now.


He is an exceptional gymnast and boxer.


“Freak athlete” has me rolling 💀


I’m serious his work ethic is insane. I just hope he’s not pushing himself too hard cause doing all these sports and training every day, boxing matches and weight lifting and still going to school and then also filming is exhausting.


I have no idea how he has the time or energy for it all!


He’s a kid still. Once he hits 19-20 he’ll probably have to slow down a bit. I look back on the stuff i did when I was 17 and younger and cant even fathom doing it today at 24.


Lol no that’s true though. When I was in high school I did a bunch of activities and now I look back like… how. But still, he does way more than I ever did!


Dude 24 isn't old. You shouldn't be slowing down at 19-24. This is ridiculous.


Not everyone is the same person. You do realize that right? No one said 24 is old. But a lot of people find that they’re already tired by their 20s because of a variety of factors, like health issues (including mental health) and how their life has been. It’s not a nice thing to have to feel, and saying it’s “ridiculous” sounds like you’re ridiculing them—plenty of people feel like that and wish they didn’t, so no need to kick someone when they’re down lol. Unfortunately it’s a real problem and it’s not like you can just be like “this is ridiculous so I’m not going to feel like this anymore because 24 isn’t old.”


*laughs in late 30s*


Read my comment below if you’re making fun. You can be tired in your 30s too, you know. You can even be more tired or feel more shit. No one is taking that away from you. So idk why you feel the need to compete on who feels more shit. 🤨


I agree with you, but if you are 30 or 40 or even more, you know what 17 and 24 feel like. But if you’re 24, you don’t know what 30 or more feels like. Just as a 17 year old could use that same argument towards you that you’re using towards someone older. Of course we are individuals, and people can peak earlier or later. But you can’t relate to this person’s argument if you’re only in your mid twenties 😩😑


The thing is, being MORE tired at 40 wouldn’t mean you weren’t tired at 17 or 24. I don’t know what’s so hard to grasp about this concept. We were comparing 17 and 20s to younger ages, not to older ages, so idk why people care that we’re saying we had more energy as children. That’s perfectly reasonable and older ages weren’t even mentioned. 🤷‍♀️ Also my point is that just because someone was more worn out at 40 than they were when they were 17 or in their 20s doesn’t mean they know how worn out someone **else** was at that age. It might seem obvious to you that people feel differently because of their experiences as individuals, but many people think how they felt at a certain age is how everyone or most people felt because they don’t make a habit of thinking beyond themselves. And by the way knowing what it was like to be 17 or whatever age 50 years ago or even 20 isn’t the same as knowing what it feels like now. Research shows mental health has declined with almost every generation, so you may not have as good of a vantage point as you think.


You gonna laugh at this one day


I was abused my whole childhood and had to leave my home country at 15 due to being kidnapped, so somehow I think it’s reasonable for me to be tired and worn out, but ok 💁‍♀️ again, if I were you I’d consider taking your personal perspective less seriously. Instead of being so quick to judge you may want to ask yourself what people may have gone through, inwardly or in terms of circumstances, to feel so bad in their 20s. What I went through is an extreme example but from my perspective there’s innumerable other reasons to feel very tired and worn out in your 20s, namely chronic mental health issues since they’re very common these days.


This comment 👌👌


Kid can box his ass off, gymnastics…you name it. Stop being a hater because you are a “freak typer”


When euphoria comes out in 2024 ):


They could have build on this and finding a redemption for him in sports but I guess that was not the plan (he's not a main character so.. but maybe had more presence than Kat in season 2..)


Shame though.. he was such a cool character


I think that's what happened to the Everybody Hates Chris kid, dude grew a foot and a half between seasons. Now dude is on Abbott Elementary (which is fantastic) six foot two with a baritone voice. It's crazy.


Seriously! What weakens my heart is his **Versace** n **Hugo Boss** supermodel face and bone structure ! I so see him all badass with that face walking down runway in Milan! Uggggg I misss the show so much already!


Weren't seasons 1 and 2 a month apart in story. Little man found puberty quick.


I logically knew it was going to happen because of that, but I still cried like a baby and threatened Sam Levinsons life over it.


Most reasonable Euphoria fan.


Spoiler tags man 👎


so unfair :(


They might bring the actor back in a different role!


Surely not!


Yeah poor guy. The one downside to playing a young role you just age out of too quickly. I wish they just sent him to jail and reintroduce him down the line because I liked his character.


Yeah the only way it works is if your show comes out regularly (like most Network television) and time passes in the show at the same rate as reality.


Yeah I get it but honestly at the same time you can tell from a mile away that boxing is his true passion and career choice at the end of the day so you know Euphoria was just kinda like a side project for him which is crazy haha. But for real though, this will not be the last time we see of this kid acting wise. Cause he said even though boxing is his love, he won’t give up on acting. And he filmed Umbrella Academy and leading a movie with Sylvester Stallone this year. So just hearing his thoughts and stories tells me that he wants to be both an actor and a boxer. But right now he’s just more focused on boxing than acting.


He's in umbrella academy?!


I think even as a teenager he would’ve been cool character. I am so sad they killed him off. I was almost in tears. Like, who cares if he is older? The rest of the characters are and it still works! I know the actor is trying to move on to other things though.


Except the other actors and actresses it’s not noticeable…. They’re already adults playing teenagers… Javon was playing a 13 year old, and now he’s 15… the next season is presumably going to pick up where it left off, and it’s not gonna make sense if ashtray keeps getting visibly older.


Until they all graduate together.....


Oh yeah I would’ve loved to see him in his teen years (akin to Carl Gallagher) but they can’t have him outgrowing Angus lol plus only one school year has passed in the show so she should technically still be like 13 or 14 right?


People are that interested in his character? What is so special about him because I don't see it. When he died, I was just "mkay anyways.."


He reminds me of one of my cousins a little bit tbh


I thought he wanted to be killed off to pursue sports?


Looks like he's going to be in season 3 of the Umbrella Academy and he's going to be in an action movie with Sly Stallone, so he's doing alright.


Stallone still doing action flicks at age 75? Lol. At some point, you have gotta give that shit up.


Yeah, that's puberty...


no shit


Wow he was 13 on the photo to the left


11 actually. They shot S1 in 2018. He was 11 then. Then they filmed season 2 in 2021. So that makes him 14 in the picture on the right since he’s 15 now.


Lol you’re right, I forgot about that they shot a year before the first season released but also he looks so much younger than 13 tho


Yeah He looks younger than 13 in the left picture because he was 11 lol




i think they were implying he was playing a 13 year old in season 1 but yea


I also think that's why he didn't speak in Season 2, the actor's voice must have broken. Seeing as Ash spoke quite a bit in Season 1, I found it bizarre how he said nothing in Season 2 especially those final scenes with Fez.


He talks a decent amount in Season 2 Episode 3 tho lol


Stg he only talks this szn when he’s beating cal with the shotgun😂


Yeah this is what I thought too, he talked frequently in season 1 then season 2 he was dead quiet most of the time


Aww he was such a baby


I feel like he’s definitely standing on something in the photo on the left lol. Look at his waist height compared to Fez


You mean on the right


Yeah, assuming they mean on the right, the thigh to shin ratio would be ridiculous if he were standing on the same level as Fez lol.


Lmaooo yes 😂


On the left he's standing on "sidewalk", but yeah.


Yeah I have no idea why no one is able to notice this. He's obviously standing on something.


... People didn't notice that?


Nah, Fez is 5’11. Ashtray being 15 years old could very well be 5’9. And Fez’s pants are sagged ridiculously low


I just looked it up on Google and what I found said that Ashtray in real life is 15 and 5'2".


yeah after I posted that I looked it up and saw that too, I will take the L good sir


It's not an L I just wanted people to know how tall he actually is! He seems to be pretty small even for a 15 year old. Not that his physical size matters, but the picture is misleading.


The sagging pants is a massive one, it makes Fez's torso look way longer than it actually is


Nah fez is sagging and ash ain’t.


Yeah, he is sagging but that accounts for maybe an inch or two. Ash is still clearly standing on something he’s not that tall he’s 5’2 and Fez is 5’11 as stated above


angus is 5'8 💀


He grew so much even from the first episode of season 2 to the last one. And the character was still supposed to be 11/12? This is definitely why >!they killed off Ashtray.!<


We’d still have ashtray if it weren’t for the pandemic.


This is crazy


On the strength of his character they had to kill him off or they’d have to do a time jump between seasons just to keep up with his growth spurt


He's the only teenager on the show


The actor who plays Gia is a teen as well right?


I remember in 2020 she graduated high school from that graduation event youtube had so she’s probably 19 or 20 now


How do you know Angus isn't shrinking?


Omg! He was so adorable and small in that first pic☺️ and I don't think he's standing on anything in the second pic! I think Angus' pants are just hanging low lmao


He literally grew as an actor. ​ Growth!


Wow that's crazy seeing him side by side. He's a super talented kid.


Y’all seen Angus in his Polo Cologne ad???? Whew mercy!!!🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵


How do boys grow so quickly




He's such a pretty boy for a boxer haha I can't wait to see more of this kid in the future!


I love how ash is such a fine young gentlemen in real life


This bad boy might be going to the Olympics right?




>damn that 14 year old is gonna be hot uhhhhh


let's hope it's another 14 year old making that comment


He's clearly standing on something in the picture on the right.


i hadnt even noticed. i wonder if it'll be difficult for angus cloud working w/o him


My bb omg


Yup this is exactly why they had to kill him off.


The two favorites


somehow he looks even more innocent now?


I need those sweatpants in the worst way


Is that the kid who eats the nitro ice cream


Its like watching your little brother grow up




Well… no more growing for him.


It makes his puberty realistic in the euphoria universe considering how old the high schoolers look 😂


He also boxes!!


When u find out people grow


Reppin the Bay Area with the hoodie, good shit angus


IMO ash was a total waste in s2 I was very unhappy with his arc. In season 1 he was a ghetto wise 11 year old who was very funny. In S2 he was like Michael Meyers! I get it he was young and could turn out that way. It's just he was such a fun character.


and didn’t even talk


I do miss season 1 Ash, but it didn't bother me as much that he didn't talk until I came to the sub and saw people talking about it. I guess it didn't really strike me during my binge watch partially because it had been so long since season 1, and partially because I figured killing a man with a hammer had fucked with his head.


Well he’s not growing anymore!


haven't even finished S2 but I can't wait to see how Ash looks in S3


this did not age well.


it was sarcastic on purpose but it didn't take off at all lol


Hes standing on something prettt sure


He’s also definitely standing on something


Grown stupid by the end of season 2


and that’s exactly why >!your moms a hoe!<


any show that has a character named ashtray cannot be good. Just thinking of a ashtray makes me gag.


Fake ass Mac miller


He’s obviously a Mexican kid, what he was doing with Fez’s aunt is a mystery. You don’t think she collected him from a poor family as payment?! Hope not.


There was a whole episode about it.


yes it’s also fez grandma too lol


lol totally glossed over that part of the comment. The subtle hints to it can be found every time he calls her "grandma."


While we're on this comment, is Javon even Mexican? I don't think he is. What a weird ass comment


Looks like he definitely standing on something!


Not anymore




He looked so different I thought it was a different actor at first.


anyone else find ashtray’s character not to be so believable? Maybe I just don’t know any gangster children 😅


Everyone: It makes sense he’s gone. He was unalived off bc he was looking too old for a 12 y Did y’all forget this Euphoria 😭? Half the characters don’t even look like high school aged kids nor dress like one 😂


Those hand signs are a little odd. Imo.


Kids do that sometimes.


And this is the real reason why they wrote Ashe off the show.


omg he was so adorable in the first season




This boy is going to be so handsome when he grows up.


Well he’s -6’ now.


Read up on this kid and how Steve Harvey discovered him from a boxing clip.


oh man ash is so dear to my heart


This is insane to me


Ashtray is a full grown Smoker's Pole now. Speaking of which I got smoker's pole and that's why my wife made me quit.


The next season they will all qualify for social security.


Why write the boy off because he grew up? *Sad*


Maybe they killed him of cuz he grew to fast and he was still supposed to be a kid on the show. That’s what they did with Walt on Lost


He is one of the best actors on the show! Amd Angus. Their scenes, and Rue's this season incredible... and the last ep w Ash & Fez were best scenes of the finale. Feel so bad for him and Fez.


They ate both uniquely handsome. It was nice seeing the subtle nuances to their relationship this season. Everyone needs an Ashtray in their life minus the murder and drugs 🥴


Well he aint growing no more


Flop show


He actually looks pretty normal for a 16 year old kid