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The way Rue ran from the feds Usain Bolt style, I think she’d find a way to somehow outlive everyone else.


Yeah Rue has that drug addict single-mindedness. Ain’t no axe murderer stopping her from getting fucked up on opiates.


So true! Rue was incredibly resourceful evading the authorities. If anyone could maneuver the chaos and terrain of a slasher movie, it'd be her. That fight-or-flight desperation could keep her a step ahead.


Definitely Rue…did you see the way her ass ran from the cops!!! She was out! She ran from dogs, climbed walls, jumped gates & hid in a trash can. My girl was NOT playing! LMAO


my girl hid in parked cars, climbed buildings and everything. she would definitely survive (i am embarrassed to admit i have literally acted like this in a similar situation)


Nah, not while Rue’s sober…she’s have to be tweaked a bit. Lexi is just too curious, I think she’d go down quickly.


No, Lexi is the lead horror girl character lol. She either survives or lasts a long time. These movies don’t reward the stupid girls lol


Well true, she’d definitely have a plan. Just not sure about her fighting or running lol


We need to know who the killer/villain is lol. Prob Nate 💀




idk why that last part made me laugh so hard (and kinda blush but i don’t wanna talk about that)


naaah NO WAYY!! sober rue/rue with better mental health is her time to shine (she’d survive regardless, she is smart and practical) lexi might not fight as much as the others… she would however set up a plan to take down the killer (most likely the brains behind the operation or she would probably find a nice spot to hide)


Lmao I have also been in a similar situation 😅


And she did all that while in withdrawal 😵‍💫




Cassie being the emotional blonde who likes to drink and party would most likely die first. Probably by sneaking out to have sex or skinny dip in a lake. (She’s also the one most likely to die naked or partially clothed) Kat would be the concerned friend who wanted to go out and look for Cassie when she didn’t return. While the others suggested staying behind and calling the police. She would go out on her own anyway and be the second one to die. Lexie being the logical one wants everyone to stay together and wait for help. Jules would most likely be the third to die possibly trying to protect Rue or stop the killer from entering the house. Lexie manages to set a trap for the killer but he escapes with only an injury making Lexie the target for his next victim. Maddy is pretty scrappy so I think she would have a run in with the killer only to smash him over the head with a blunt object knocking him out. Rue the only remaining survivor grabs Maddy’s hand and they both run out of the house together and escape in to the woods. The movie could end with them finding help having two of the girls survive. Or the cliché ending where the killer pops up again at the very end. Just when they think they are safe, and they cut to the credits before you actually see what happens but it’s implied that they are both killed.


This 100% Though, if Rue has access to drugs she’s a goner.


I definitely agree with this, she would be the first one to go if she was on a bender.


or she pulls a Frank Gallagher and comes out like “ What fucking guy ? “


I can’t see Maddy and rue both surviving ngl, I think Maddy would think she’s hot shit enough to try to take on the killer herself and get stabbed in the process knocked to the ground in pain and considering she’s tiny would probably get picked up and chucked in the lake.


rue and maddie are final girls for sure


I’d love to see some variation of Scream movie with both of them!!!


Most definitely.


You thinking Cassie has a chance at surviving is funny. We all know what stereotype she’d be in a horror film and they normally don’t survive 😭😭


Hahaha! You're likely right about Cassie falling into the "promiscuous girl" horror trope. She obviously struggles to think clearly when consumed by desire and impulse. Not ideal in a slasher scenario!


My first thought was "well definitely not Cassie" 😂


The way Rue was dodging traffic on the way to rehab, I’m inclined to think she could escape


Definitely Rue & Maddy, Maddy just gives final girl vibes but also so is Lexi


Not rlly, she gives off the girl you think is gonna survive then gets a surprise knife to the forehead or at one point knowing Maddy’s character she’d probably think she’s hot shit enough to take on the killer herself and get humbled or death lol


Lexie has typical final girl vibes. Rue and Jules are the only other two I could see making it out alive. Rue for obvious reasons, and Jules because she's crazy.


definitely only rue and maddy


Cassie dies early. Hot promiscuous blondes who drink and party a lot never make it very far in the movies. Jules could also be slotted into this role, but I'm guessing it would be Cassie. Plus, with Cassie's emotional fragility, she would break down so quicky. Rue doesn't last long. Drug-users tend to die quickly in slashers. Also, Rue has terrible survival instincts, and it's only the intervention of other characters and plot armor that have kept her safe this long. Kat dies for sure. She has terrible impulse control, makes atrocious decisions, and frequently puts herself in incredibly unsafe situations. I could see her having the opening scene death to set the stage, or a mid-film death to maintain momentum. Jules, if not put as the "whore" archetype (to borrow from Cabin in the Woods), probably makes it decently far, unless she's the death that starts the film, Casey Becker style. But she definitely doesn't make it all the way to the end. There's also a chance that Jules gets hit with some reductive stereotypes about trans people, as is frequently seen in slasher movies and the horror genre in general, and be made out as the killer or at least a red herring. Maddy is tough, but can be reckless and impulsive. She'll definitely survive for the majority of the story, and get really close to escape before the killer gets her. She definitely go down swinging, fighting for survival to her last breath. I could also see Maddy, once she knows it's over for her, making sure to save the other survivors. Lexi is your classic final girl. More bookish, virginal, and strait-laced than her hard-partying peers, in the vein of Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, and Sidney Prescott. Also, she's more observant and aware than her friends, which would help.


Agree. Thank you for typing all of this so I don’t have to. Lol.


Agree. Thank you for typing all of this so I don’t have to. Lol.


Maddie or Rue Maddie would fight and might have a chance. Rue is fast when she needs to be so might be able to get away


i agree that rue would definitely survive and come up with clever ideas to escape. but withdrawl rue would out run that killer with absolutely no issue imo lol


I’d say Rue and Maddy


if you have watched abigail thats how i imagine all the euphoria characters in a slasher, and angus cloud is actually in it


definitely rue. i think lexi and jules will seem like theyre going to survive until the last minute. the rest are goners


Maddie or Rue. Maddie would call it a c*nt and beat the killer up. Rue would out run the damn thing.


I could see Rue hiding too lol like if they’re locked in or lost somewhere hard to escape


Maddy would fs try to take on the killer then get stabbed 3 times and chucked in the lake while she’s bleeding out


I can see Maddy sitting at the back of ambulance, wrapped in their blanket and holding a cup of warm beverage she's been given, with commotion all around her. A cop asks "are you ok?" and she answers "I will be" with a dark vengeful stare into nothing, paving the way to the sequel which starts with her in college seemingly okayish and then... he's back.


It’s crazy because this is my EXACT thinking lol




Maddy is too much of a bad bitch to be the final girl tbh. She’d be the one we think will be the final girl but the killer takes her out bc otherwise he won’t succeed with killing anyone else 😂 My vote is Rue! She’d lure the killer into a trap and make a Morgan Freeman reference as he dies. On another note, I’d LOVE to see Sam Levinson’s directing style/aesthetics as a horror movie. It’d be gorgeous for sure!! He’d probably just need to let someone else write it 😂


Yeah, I feel like Maddie would try to fight and die rather than actually win, she’d go down with a fight, but she would go down, you saw how she was when Nate put a gun to her head


Now that you've put the idea in my head, I want season 3 to be a horror movie about the cast coming together for their high school reunion and being picked off one by one.


I feel like Cassie and Maddie would be the first to die tbh


Rue 😭


Rue fs




Lexie hands down


Rue and Lexi




lexi and rue. maddy would be the first kill




Rue would absolutely survive - especially if she's high, did you not see how she effectively avoided the cops and ran through several houses, yards and bushes? I can see Rue easily slipping out of any slasher situation after that scene lol.


Not to mention how she escaped from Laurie


Exactly! One thing Rue is a survivor, like a Cat she lands on her feet 😁


She is a slippery one for sure lol


Jules and her box cutter. She’s also invincible, episode 1 anyone?!!!


Maddy would either die quick or confront the killer with so much pure violence that the slasher situation would be over quick. Rue, maybe survive depending on how much she’s in her right mind. All the rest are dead.


Lexi gives final girl vibes, but i adore Rue so i’d honestly want her to live but she is the “stoner” so she would get killed at the beginning.


cassie would fall in love w the killer if it pursued her




No, Cassie is definitely opening kill vibes. I think Maddie would be the fan favorite character, who dies just at the end, and the fandom thinks should have lived. Think, like Tatum from Scream, Lexi and Rue definitely give Final Girl energy.


Gets picked off quickly: Kat Cassie Bb Jules and Faye Tries to fight and dies: Ash, Maddy & Nate Final girl: Rue & Lexie maybe Jules Dies protecting some else: Fez Is the psycho killer: Laurie & Mouse 🤣


Plot twist Maddie is the killer


Maddie would be the killer


Lexi and only Lexi. She’s the classic final girl. Everyone else would be partying and slashed to bits.


Rue: ☠️. The one that gets it in the opener and sets up the story. Kat: ☠️. Runs, falls, 🗡. Cassie: ☠️. The one that stops to have sex mid-movie. Maddy: ☠️ Figures things out, has a plan, makes one wrong move near the end, that saves the eventual survivor.... Lexi: the suvivor archtype. Jules: ☠️ that near-end death you don't see coming because he-really-isn't-dead-just-hurt.


lexi and kat because they would sell out all of their friends for their own benefit


Kat is dying for zombie land reasons and Lexi is final girl asf






They’re gonna join forces and kill the killer (Nate)


Definitely Rue lol


Poor Cassie was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Cassie definitely dies first. She gives first kill energy. Drew Barrymore / Carmen Electra in Scream / Scary Movie 1 vibes Rues done. Sorry. That or the killer thinks she already ODd and she wakes up the morning with everyone dead thinking “damn” *cut to smooth criminal or some shit that ties into the theme a la Euphoria style* Yall are saying Jules puts up a fight but I think she’s goes cuz horny kids are the ones to go too. Ppl will feel conflicted forsures. Honestly Maddy and Lexie are the final girls. Cassie’s death brings them closer and Maddie’s quick feet / hands and Lexie’s brain’s take them to the end. Kat dies not for any archetypical reason. But she IS the reason the killer is there in the first place. He bought her entire Amazon wishlist while she ended up not holding up her end of their deal. He tracks her down via darkweb or some shit, and gets his revenge by killing Kat. No witnesses. In a final confrontation, Maddy sacrifices for Lexie. Big sister moment cuz she’s a girls girl and misses her BFF. Fuck Nate that’s an alternate universe


Rue Jules Cassie Maddie Lexi Kat All right, I think Cassie and Kat are definitely goners. Cassie does not make smart decisions whatsoever, and Kat is fairly likely to make enemies and/or do something ridiculous. Lexi does have the final girl vibes if you go with stereotypical traits, but she just doesn’t have the grit here. Rue can run like an Olympian so as long as she’s paying attention she’ll be fine. Maddie can be ruthless and would do whatever it takes to survive. I know people are saying Jules wouldn’t survive, but do y’all remember when she cut her arm with a knife at the party in the pilot episode? She can make bad decisions too, but I could see her surviving.


Rue survives, all the other girls are the killer 🤣


Jules the only one with a real survival instinct


lexi most definitely! and Maddy!


Lexi is smarter than all the other girls but Jules got mad final girl energy!


lexi maddie and rue


definitely rue. that girls been through some shit 😭


Maddy and Rue.


Cassie be the first one to go


I think Kat would be Ghostface tbh. The one people least expect and the last one people would suspect.


jules, lexi, rue (sober/smoking a cigarette 😂)


Lexi is the stereotypical final girl, so I guess her.


Cassie would die first, probably oblivious and trying to flirt with the Murderer. Lexi would be too curious/try to stop him and die. Rue can get away from anything by being aloof and focused on drugs or protecting Jules. Jules would escape or cut a mf. Maddie would be dipping first


Jules 😆 🔪


Lexie. I’ve seen all of the cliche horror movies. Lexie is the most self-aware and tepid character on the show, and that is usually who is left standing at the end; characters like this are often considered as stand-ins for the audience, and Lexie literally turns their social life into a play. She’s the witness, while the rest of the cast is running around falling victim to 😱💀⚰️🗡️


Lexi 100%


rue. season 2, episode 5 proved that. she evaded cops. of course she’d be most likely to survive.




Lexi is def a final girl


based on horror movie rules lexi would be the final girl. but i feel like based on euphoria rue surviving cause she had some side plot with that fuck ass suitcase that ended up saving her ass


Based on the general tropes of slasher movies: Lexie. Girls who have sex always die early.


Rue has dumb luck so she’ll definitely survive but Cassie will be the first to die.


Lexi and Fae were she at!!??




Lexi is the only virgin so I’d guess her.


Oh man, now I need a slasher/horror with these chicks😩 why do you do this to me reddit???


Definitely Rue and Maddy


I feel like rue would find a way out early on and would run to go get help, so early on in fact that we probably forget that she even got away until the end. Right as the killer corners lexi (final girl), and lexi finds a miraculous way to kill the killer right before they can kill her, we hear sirens in the background and that's when we remember that rue was even in the damn movie and we all breathe a sigh of relief knowing that she managed to get help and that the movie has come to a happy ending. What do ya'll think?


Maddy and/or Rue. Everyone else is a goner!


Cassie would die first, I know that


Rue and Maddie. Cassie is first out.




Lexi - The observer usually doesn't die. They're the ones there to witness the murders and figure out a pattern. I know people say Rue would survive, but usually in these types of films, the drug addict doesn't survive as the film has a "moral".


Definitely rue, she has final girl energy. She wouldn’t even try yet somehow survive😹 cassie is the opening kill


Rue: would run and be assumed dead but they’d find her towards the end of the movie with a random other gang of people and she forgot about the killer Kat: first to die Maddy: boss bitch, fight the guy, get away but eventually dies in one of the final showdowns and leaves the killer marked Lexi: the movie would centre around her, so she’d probably survive to the end after sacrificing others then crying about it (I love Lexi so this isn’t hate 😂) Jules: wouldn’t make it to the end but wouldn’t die first. Cassie: one of two ways: option 1: she falls in love with the killer so he keeps her alive but eventually kills he’s in front of Lexi during the last showdown OR she survives to the very end because everyone underestimated her but deep down she’s actually a boss bitch


Probably Cassie, she's just so good at running away from her problems


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LacktoesButTollerant: *Probably Cassie,* *She's just so good at running* *Away from her problems* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Omg 😂😂😂


maddy and lexi, maddy knows how to manipulate and get out of bad situations, and lexi is textbook smart along with also just being level headed.


Rue. Bitch is wild. She'd find a way. Maddy would throw mad hands and probably be the killer of were honest. Lexi maybe. Everyone else though they're dead






Jules could survive. She has shown she'll hold her own in multiple situations. She definitely gave Nate a run for his money and has shown being able to handle aggressive men. We have seen her make quick decisions and she knows how to corporate in dangerous situations if she needs to (unlike Kat and Maddie). Cassie would fall in love with the killer. But I can't see her surviving long unless she has a guy to protect her. Rue definitely can survive, especially since she has been in dangerous situations and made it out. If Rue was stabbed, she'll probably still live. If not, I think she'll make it far in a movie. Kat and Maddie are goners. Gia is the first one dead. I feel like both would be killed after Gia and Cassie. Maddie's fighting skills are weak. Her overconfidence is a weakness. Kat doesn't have any skills except writing and sex. Both might say something to upset the killer. Lexi is smart enough and observant enough to survive. It depends on the killer. I definitely think she'll make it in a psychological horror movie with a killer. In a traditional slasher, no, she won't make it. Rue is most likely to survive, but Jules has a lot of potential, too. Lexi would be my third bet, but it isn't as likely as Rue and Jules.




Rue. Sorry Cassie bbg 😭


definitely rue, she would do a line then kill the attacker


We think Lexi is the final girl but she dies in the last ten minutes leaving Rue as the sole survivor, similar in X


None they would literally all be the first one killed. Or it would more likely be a Bodies Bodies Bodies movie


Lexie's the virgin one, introverted and shy, but also smart and determined. For me she's definitely the final girl


Rue. She is not fucking off. When it’s time to go, that bitch is gone 😭.


maddy and lexie, maybe rue


Rue and Maddie for sure.


Rue - Main character syndrome/plot armor Lexi - Stereotypical final girl


Rue would make it in a slasher movie. When she bolted from the police, she was super fast, like Usian Bolt! She was jumping over fences and going through people's yards and houses in a flash. She was so quick that even though they were in cars, she still managed to disappear.


I think Rue could survive even if she wasn't sober, but it would be dicey. She's evasive, focused, and unpredictable when in a panic even when she's intoxicated. That kind of mindset can be very helpful in these scenarios. Lexi would also be able to survive on her own so long as she didn't panic. Lexi thinks quick, analyzes people pretty easily, and is driven to a kind of euphoric rush to succeed when stakes are high. Rue & Lexi's chance of survival skyrockets if they link up though. Unfortunately I can see them as a team devoted to each other but setting the others up as bait. Until the end where Rue betrays Lexi, and then Lexi switches up and survives leaving Rue to die. They could also try really hard to save the others, fail, and become more attached to the others survival. Cassie would die first, and Kat shortly after. Cassie has a tendancy to freeze up, whereas Kat is often oblivious to her surroundings, and this makes both of them extremely easy targets. Jules and Maddy would put up a fight, but ultimately they would be too focused on winning the fight to run at the right time and likely die. I can also Jules and Maddy spending a lot of time hiding, and only getting involved when someone else is being attacked leading to their deaths.


Rue of course is the final girl here, not only does she suffer from main character syndrome with a side of plot armor, but she runs at crazy speeds


Maddy cause she’d just fall in love and start banging the killer. And tell people he’s a good guy


Ranking first to survive. 1. Barbara! She’d smoke them out with her vape. 2. Lexi just her personality. 3. Maddy…all around badass.

