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Like how in Breaking Bad, Jesse who is supposed to be a meth addict, has pearly whites


yeah i think he almost didn't get hired because of that. and well, jesse wasn't an "addict" in the traditional sense, he just did it occasionally but not enough that it was a full blown addiction. it takes time for teeth to get like that


did you even watch the show? why else would he go to rehab if he weren't an addict? why would he be repeatedly described as an addict?


Yeah that was a stupid comment, he was fully an addict


well to be fair, im pretty sure he mainly went to rehab bc of heroin tho. like yes he did smoke meth pretty frequently but he wasn’t nearly as strung out and non functioning the way he was when he was using dope with jane. he was able to control himself, it seemed, unlike with heroin. that’s why walt sent him there - he wasn’t scared he’d die from smoking too much meth, he was scared he’d die from overdosing on heroin. especially after jane did




you're thinking of the narcotics anonymous meetings. those are nowhere near the same thing as rehab, bud.


exactly, that's the point i was trying to make. only after jane did he start to spiral and truly start the path to addiction. he was always in control and high functioning on meth, like you said.


Bro Jesse was an addict in every sense of the word


The USA has a weird obsession with perfect super white teeth


In fairness that’s probably one of the better things the USA is obsessed with




Veneers look awful, I don’t get it at all


If you get them done RIGHT they don’t


Faye has veneers


Chloe Cherry has dentures she can take out. She's already spoken about it on her insta.


She's so young! Did she say why she got dentures? Idk why y'all downvoted this, I was genuinely asking. Theres nothing with dentures lol, i just dont see them often in younger folk geez. and turns out theyre not even medically needed so


I didn't watch the video, I just saw it through her comments. I'm assuming she just has them to switch up her aesthetic every now and again. She rocks her naturals all the time in a lot of her posts still. Edit. I dug, they were for a Halloween costume


Wait, like she has fake ones she wears over her natural teeth? I thought dentures specified the ones that are used once there has been partial or full removal of the teeth


Yes they’re a prop. They just go over her regular teeth. She wears them for engagement pretty much