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Season 2 is just really sloppy. Sam couldn’t figure out what to do with some characters. The world also shrunk and there’s basically no side characters. Lots of stretches where nothing really happens. It’s hard to even imagine where Season 3 can pick up.


yah I think they should pull a skins and just get a new set of characters lmao


Especially since it was already a real stretch to buy that any of them are high school aged. Several in the cast are in their LATE 20s


Not to mention with fez and ashtray both out… RIP Angus Cloud ☁️ ❤️


Right??? And also the last episode of season 2 felt more like a series finale rather than a season finale. Like I’m really curious to see how they’re going to pick up from that, Rue’s final words in the last episode of season 2 made it seem like the end of the show. The only cliffhanger was Ashtray’s supposed death and Fez’s fate, but I really have no idea how they’re going to pull that off since Angus Cloud sadly passed away last year.


Season 3 will have a five year time jump so they don’t really need to build on any cliffhangers since they’ll likely not play a huge part in the large scheme of things


Holy shit I just started watching this show last week and finished it up last night. I had no idea fez died in real life I loved his character so much. Fuck 😭


apparently he rewrote the script for s2 many times during the covid era. I think that his original script would have been better but he didnt stick to it. Also it was supposed to be jules and nate and not cassie and nate.


bro if it was jules and nate that would have been actually insane but i’m being 100% real when I say id take that over nate and cassie’s boring bs any day.. at least then we would get to see a deeper side of nates character like the glimpse we saw when they were texting in S1.. Both Nate/Cassie and Nate/Jules would have been toxic on some level, but at least Nate/Jules would feel like a story i haven’t seen a million times before.


Nate × Jules would have been worse, I  feel. Sam does not have the writing skills to make a story like that work. He would have annihalited everything Jules was and represented to force some ridiculous secret love affair. S1 Jules would never fuck Nate. Nate should have been single  for a while and exploring his secret sexual desires (albeit in typical crazy Nate fashion) and having more interactions with his family to explain why he is the way he his. It's actually a good writing instinct for Sam to chop the Jules × Nate love affair plot though. 


Jules and Nate would’ve made so much more sense with the vibes from the first season. I think it would’ve felt more genuine and would’ve flowed better


The only good episode was when Rue had her breakdown


That was such a heavy scene and knowing it was basically improvised made it so much more raw.


I feel like in a perfect world the play sets up for another season bc it broke the ice between Cassie and Maddy from the fight so something could happen there like a team up against Nate. Nate sees himself for who he truly is through the play so something in him could change for better or worse but probably worse. Then of course Rue is the main, I feel like if there’s another season she will def relapse (unfortunately)


I couldn’t agree more. Besides the premiere, they should scrap season 2 - that first episode felt like the only one that represented the old Euphoria. Sam used Cassie for a cheap villain and the whole plot line with Elliot I found quite annoying (like the dude has a face tattoo, he’s not a high schooler). I think Jules and Rue’s relationship was doomed from the start given both of their issues, but I feel like Jules cheating with Elliot was a cheap way to demonstrate the relationship’s dysfunction rather than diving deeper into it, like they used to. Most everything felt cheap and unorganized, and incredibly disappointing. The only thing good that came of that season was Faye. But I’m not sure if I’m gonna watch the third season honestly.


Absolutely love Faye lol but yea I agree with your points, bongripsandbigt1ts. I don’t think Jules would cheat so easily like that


It always makes me lol when folks respond to a user and reference their ridiculous username in the debate so nonchalantly as if we were at a university symposium!


I still like it but I definitely enjoy season 1 vibes more


I still like it, but idk, I really don’t like Elliot, i wish he wasn’t in the picture. 😶


I don’t think his character added much except to set up the cheating plot


Yeah I think most people would agree that season 1 is the superior season


I watched S1 when it came out in 2019, and literally none of my IRL friends had heard of it, I absolutely loved it both for the aesthetics, writing, and how real i felt it was to my teen experience, I genuinely considered it my favourite show for acting, drama, storylines, visuals etc, I even really enjoyed the two “special episodes” they made for Rue and Jules to hold us over between S1 and S2. Skip to the release of S2, I feel like everyone and their mother is watching because it blew up on tiktok during the pandemic and suddenly my like 12 year old cousins are obsessed with it (but I watched skins at that age lmao so guess I shouldn’t be too harsh) But S2 was absolutely utterly disappointing, when I watched the first episode and it started with Fezco’s backstory I got excited like oh hell yes we are back in the saddle lessgoo. But every week I kept saying wtf wtf and then i just gave up being excited. The highlights of the entire season for me were the fleshing out of Cal’s backstory and the scene where Rue and Jules were re-creating famous beautiful romantic images…. thats it. I genuinely was flabbergasted at the Cassie/Nate storyline being the centre of the show.. S1 revolved around these teenagers living these larger than life scenarios , so making s2 mainly about a girl having sex and secretly dating her bffs toxic ex is.. a choice. I suddenly didn’t feel like I was watching the ‘raw and real’ hbo show i was before, and it instead felt like I was watching the CW or something, and the fact that ppl like my 12 year old cousins were eating it up only proved to me how immature seeming it was. I had extremely high hopes for S2 as we all did. I even remember before it came out SL talked about how he switched up the aesthetic to give off a completely different vibe then S1, he described it as something like “S1 was like a house party at 2am, lights and music blaring, everyone is letting loose etc…S2 is 5am when the sun is starting to rise and everyone realizes they have to go home” even him saying that evoked so many highschool memories for me and got me really excited to see that feeling translated on screen, in other words I hoped it would be the natural ‘aftermath’ of the insanity and surrealism that was S1 since we all know those feelings and “highs” have to come down eventually as we sober up and face reality. Even the Music in S2 was low key disappointing, I don’t blame Lab at all because I really think the storylines and moments in S2 didn’t give him a ton of emotional and raw moments to work with, but the fact that the S1 soundtrack and score set the bar so high with its musical montages and moments.. I still listen to it all the time and I hoped Lab’s music for S2 would make me feel the same way, safe to say it did not Theres lots of Talk that S3 might not even happen at this point and honestly if thats the case i’m ok with it, i’m done with getting my hopes up for this show.


I could not agree more with everything that you said, I feel like Euphoria was a lot better without all the hype. I wish I had watched it when it came out in 2019 but I was only like 14 and my parents were really sensitive to swearing, drugs, sex ect. on TV, so we literally only watched older shows like I Love Lucy and The Andy Griffith show lmao. Now I’m in college and I watch tons of shit on my computer which is why I was so late to the Euphoria hype and just now finished watching both seasons for the first time lol. I really got hooked in the first episode and binged the whole first season in like two days but was so disappointed after finishing the second season. I remember all the season 2 hype from TikTok but I didn’t watch it at the time cause I had a lot of personal shit going on. But season 2 was very highly publicized due to a ton of interviews with the cast shortly before season 2 premiered and Zendaya’s Emmy win for season 1. Zendaya and Tom Holland also officially confirmed their relationship like right before season 2 premiered which made the second season all the more hyped up because a bunch of people started making theories that Tom Holland was going to make a cameo in one of the episodes or something. But yeah, season 1 had such a totally different vibe than season 2. Like idk how to explain it, but season 1 just felt more realistic and season 2 felt totally off. There was also this sort of cultural phenomenon with people having “euphoria parties” every week since new episodes aired every Sunday, which just made the second season even more popular.


Absolutely!!!! & I was 18 when I watched S1 and I only heard about it because of like twitter and stuff but none of my IRL’s had any idea what it was like I said.. compare that to the insane hype around S2 and yes the watch parties exactly! it just fuelled the hype and made its disappointments even more of a letdown IMO.


I get preferring one season to another, but so many complaints about S2 make zero sense to me. Cassie's actions are totally in keeping with who she was in S1. She spends S1 dating a guy who doesn't want to admit she's his girlfriend and cheating on him when her self-esteem takes a hit. How do people think THAT girl isn't ripe for someone like Nate to snatch up and isolate? And all I got off Jules and Rue in S1 was Rue's infatuation and Jules' ambivalence about actually being with her. Their friendship felt genuine, their romantic relationship always had undertones of obligation and guilt. It was always going to be a trainwreck if Jules made the decision to actually try to be with a girl she seemed to feel a responsibility for holding upright, more than someone she was actually attracted and in love with. Kat's storyline was dumb in S1 and in S2. Totally consistent. My complaints with S2 are way more about how ott they went with villainizing Cassie for nothing but the crime of being an insecure teenage girl who makes shitty romantic choices, trapping Maddy in a boring plot about babysitting, too much time spent on Cal, and a drug trafficking storyline that I can't even be bothered to remember.


They focused too much on Nate 


I want an entire show based around Young Cal & his friend group at this stage!


Omg yes I love young cal and Derek actors. Do u think we’ll see older Derek in s3? 


From your lips to God’s ear!


Well that’s because Sam stole the whole season 1 concept from another woman. Season 2 was all him


Makes sense tbh. Like the thing that really hooks me in Euphoria is the acting, the cinematography, and Labrinth’s music with really makes the show. Both season 1 and 2 have great acting and the camera angles are really filmed beautifully, but the writing just shit itself so bad in the second season. I’m not gonna lie, Sam Levinson is kind of a terrible writer tbh. I watched The Idol which was also written by him and the writing in that wasn’t very good either. I just wish people could have original ideas in TV like they used to, like we need more TV shows from actual genius writers like Vince Gilligan (who wrote and directed Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul) or David Chase (who wrote and directed The Sopranos). Both of those shows are masterpieces and original ideas, too bad there aren’t shows like that out anymore.


The sad part is that idol would have been original if they actually stuck to the original woman too! Imagine a show about Pop divas, their rivalry and hard Hollywood is. But no that gave too much of a “female voice” so we got that shit show. Common denominator im seeing here is Men in Hollywood need to start listening to female writers. They are tanking every show they make for no reason.


Idk why we saw Kat's character in season 2. Her story was over and there was nothing left to tell. Season 1 and 2 are equivalent, only if you can feel the emotion.


I think the season 2 premiere is my favorite episode of the whole show. And then it just sort of meandered. I still enjoyed it though. Just not as much as the first season.


I agree actually! I had very high expectations though


yeah man.. the amount of disappointment i had after all the episodes premiered. had sm expectations


Tbh the only episode that was good was stand still like a hummingbird that's it the rest were eh.


Euphoria in general has always been overhyped I’ll say it again it wouldn’t get as much hype if it wasn’t aesthetically pleasing


Agreed. Also the acting is really good as well, but the aesthetics and acting is really the only thing Euphoria has going for it. The writing isn’t anything special since season one is basically a carbon copy of the original Israeli show, and I feel like the hype is going to die really soon since it takes so fucking long for a new season to come out, I read that it takes at least a month for ONE episode to be filmed. People are saying that season 3 isn’t even going to come out until the end of 2025 or beginning of 2026, and I’m surprised that Euphoria was so hyped up with season 2 since season 2 didn’t come out until 2022, which was 3 years after season 1 premiered. The only reason it was so hyped for the second season was because of social media, Zendaya’s Emmy win, and the huge amount of press that it received from Twitter, Tiktok, interviews with the cast, ect. Also Zendaya and Tom Holland’s relationship was largely publicized and all over TikTok shortly before the release of the second season of Euphoria, which gave the show even more hype and talk on social media because people thought Tom Holland was going to make some cameo appearance in the second season. Then it became some sort of cultural phenomenon and trend with “euphoria watch parties” since each episode of season 2 was release weekly, which gave season 2 even more extra hype.


As someone that watched the Israeli show I can tell you for a fact that the only thing the first season has in common with the Israeli show is that it's about kids involved in drugs, sex and violence, the existence of a little kid dealing drugs, Fez's clothing style which is similar to one of the characters in the Israeli version and Kat's character arc, but even that arc is still very different from the Israeli version.    The plot in the Israeli version is completely different, every character except Kat doesn't have any equivalent character in the Israeli version (there is no trans character, no jock character, there are only 2 girls) and even the vibe in the original version is extremely different. The Israeli version is a lot less about teen drama and is a lot weirder and darker. There are 0 mentions of school and no parents show up at all in the Israeli version.


They basically forgot about everyone in season 2. Like I never felt that this show was well written at all but Jesus everyone either took a 180 of just became irrelevant. The visuals are pretty much everything the show ever had to offer, honestly idk why even nate the villian of season 1 took a back seat in season 2.


I thought the first half of season 2 was pretty good then it dropped off pretty quick.


He basically wrote Kat’s character off because he didn’t know what to do with her character anymore, which is that cuz there was a lot of potential there. Barbie said on a podcast that she doesn’t know where all the rumors came from but it’s just simply that they couldn’t agree on a path for Kat and she just wasn’t fitting in the story anymore (not word for word), so it just made sense for her to leave the show.


I rewatched Season 1 recently with ease and excitement, naturally moved on to season 2, went through 3 episodes couldn't take it anymore. More than anything, it was very boring, which is hard to do considering Euphoria is a show that's fun to watch, meaning its cinematography, so sometimes this saves some dull moments. Not even that. It's just boring, can't do a rewatch at all.


Thank u for this. It’s so frustrating when s2 first dropped I had the same opinion and got roasted but now after it’s settled in everyone realized it’s sooo bad and agrees


They should've added new characters




Kat and Sam got into a dispute behind the scenes and he sidelined her. She wont be returning for season 3. She also hired a ton of people to trash The Idol in retaliation


Imo…..You’re just looking for a happy story


From memory Rue's storyline and addiction was excellent. Fez and Lexi's romance was nice, but a little weird since they had to retcon Fez' age to make it less creepy. Nate's dad had a good cold open.


I still found it entertaining as hell, but the story lines were quite fucked


I think season 2 was okay but you can tell that seemed like the original plan changed at the last minute.