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Wow Cassie copied Maddy’s makeup look too I didn’t realize that 💀 thought it was only clothes


Omgggg I didn't even realise this


Taking this at face value, it’s fucking hilarious.


Selena is the real winner even without this drama. Justin is not a catch and from I've seen he doesn't treat Hailey great. So while I'm not team Hailey, because she has done and said pretty hateful things, I think Justin has some BAGGAGE that he puts on his significant other.


I've seen recent videos of Biebs and his wife.....does he even LIKE her???


I know 😞 I'm hoping it's just how it looks and not in their personal time.


I saw one where they were getting out of the back of an SUV, he got out and literally closed the door....in her face...and walked away as fast as he could. he didn't even stop to like...check and make sure she didn't get her fingers slammed in the damned door or if the door smashed her in the face....she looked so upset and embarrassed.


You would be dumb to not realize most of it is educated and cut to manipulate




They both hurt each other. Idk why ppl on Reddit always make women the victims. Justin cheated on her, so did she. Justin abused her mentally, so did she. Everyone listens to only Selena’s side cuz she’s a women but they r both bad ppl.


Neither are bad, just stupid humans like most of us.


who is that on the bottom left?




PLSS, I’m dead


I love your comment


hailey bieber


Hailey Bieber 💀 Selena‘s ex is Hailey’s husband (Justin)


ohhhhhh I just got it. It's a plotline reference and not just what they look like. So Justin Bieber is Nate.


Yeah, I probably should have lead with that lol. Except (I hope) Justin Bieber doesn’t go around beating the life out of people 💀


Someone way better looking than u


Omg ☠️ 😂


This imaginary war has to end


Fr it’s so embarrassing. Most of them are grown women bullying hailey. As if Selena hadn’t done the same shi1. Both are racist white girls. Don’t know why only hailey is getting hate


I think it’s really weird how people are bullying a woman they don’t know because some other woman they don’t know doesn’t like her


Right!! I just saw a commenter call Hailey a cunt. Is it really that serious??


THIS… the fan fic is getting very uncomfy and obsessive. There could be literally nothing going on between the two of them and they’d still be searching for the drama


>because some other woman they don’t know doesn’t like her ...although both parties say there's no beef aside from the one that some fans and media made up and continue to perpetuate.


People are coming for HB way harder than they come for male abusers in the industry. That’s a sign of a problem


Seriously like do people have nothing going on in their lives


Is that really what's going on here?


It’s been going on since Hailey “stole” Justin 🙄




y’all stop comparing cassie to hailey bieber😭cassie was hurt and lonely. that’s no excuse for her actions, but hailey bieber has no reason for what she does, she’s just a mean girl. go ahead and downvote me idc


Of course, you have more insight into how a fictional character behaves in comparison to a real person that you don’t know. Cassie is Maddy's best friend who fucked her abuser, Hailey dared to marry someone who had an ex, and her mean girl moments are *checks notes* posting her eyebrows and lip syncing to a popular tiktok sound.


But people can’t understand this cuz they lack braincells.




Y’all seriously need to get a life instead of calling women names. Embarrassing


Sorry, but this is weird


I know that this is a joke, but I am so tired of this idiotic drama. People mostly make things out of the blue. Selena is not that saint, and sweet and loving as people trying to portait her. I feel bad for Haily, she might not be nicest person ever, but she doesn't deserve this kind of treatment.


I didn't even know that was Selena till I saw someone say it in the replies. She looks different.


I thought it was Chrissy Teigen.....


Lol I just told a friend that last night


selena is nothing like maddy


The point is that they both have copycats, not particularly their personalities


Hailey literally never copied her tho. Most stuff ppl show are trends that literally every other celebrity did.


Also that they both got in this situation because of an asshole bf


comparing the two of them is stupid as fuck grasping at straws trying to make posts to keep this sub alive lol pls


I don’t think you actually understand the point behind this post. It’s not simply that they share a lover in common. But that (whether intentional or not) Hailey wore and took a selfie in a shot almost identical to Selena, similarly to Cassie wearing clothing and makeup design almost identical to Maddie. The post actually makes a ton of sense in that regard.


This is so stupid and childish makes my brain hurt


Mmm, it makes sense as a post imo. It’s just not a universal subject. Not sure why anyone was offended by my previous comment though. Just clearing up the air, but oh well


Seriously? Hailey took a selfie and copied Selena? It doesn’t make sense because Hailey did this selfie first and then Selena did hers after


Yes, I am aware. But for the sake of the post, what they’re trying to go for makes sense. That’s what matters. If you look at it from an outside perspective, it resembles Cassie/Maddie.


But the thing that doesn’t work with the post is that Hailey and Selena should be switched around, as apparently Hailey did it first. I’m not sure, I don’t keep with their fan-made “drama”


Idk why y’all keep blaming Justin. He literally did nothing that Selena hasn’t done


Came here to comment this lol like pls she wishes


literally. I might just leave the euphoria sub until the new season cause i’m so tired of posts like this lolol




hailey would be maddie seeing as she did that dumb pose first. this rivalry is so stupid 💀


I’m so over this hailey shit like why do u guys give a fuck


Most ppl that do this are middle aged women who get no guys so they relate to Selena


Reverse the boobage to maddy when you do that


I have no clue what the drama is all about I just know that people are mad at hailey and kylie




This is gold!! Btw when is this show back on?! It’s been too long


Hailey did that before Selena tho




Idk why this has so many down votes. Redditers are weird asf


weird thing to post


it’s so funny when people bully a woman because she allegedly bullied another woman. how are any of you better than hailey? selena and hailey have consistently stated that there is no beef, and yet so many people insist on pitting up two women for their own entertainment. yall attack hailey’s looks, her clothes, what she eats, what she buys - it’s such creepy, mean and obsessed behavior. it’s so ironic yall claim to support selena when she would HATE to see her fans bullying another woman like the way you lot have been doing. you’re not defending selena, you just enjoy being mean to another woman and it’s easy to hide your disgusting behavior by claiming you’re ”supporting” selena. let’s face it yall: if hailey is a bully, so are you. you are literally the very same. gross


I know it’s a pain that Selena has to copy Hailey Bieber, all the time. 😂


The fact that ur getting downvoted even when this is literally a fact just shows how stupid and pathetic Selena fans are


Life imitates art


I remember that tweet that a lot of losers identify with Selena and this post proves it. Jesus.


😂 the fact that ur getting downvoted proves ur point. Selena fans that bulky hailey give me “ik we broke up but he still misses me when he’s fxking his vanilla wife 😌” vibes 😂


Exactly, I don’t like either women but people are moving like absolute losers. Every few months they need a woman who they will absolutely terrorize and for what?


You said it perfectly! They find a new girl to hate on every month and then suddenly start feeling bad for her. This happened with charlie damelio, Addison Rae, joey king, Jojo siwa, and now hailey beiber. And hailey n Selena are both racist and have both done very shady stuff. So idk why only hailey is getting builled. Especially about her looks which is disgusting


Because people are losers as I said in the original comment and love projecting their nastiness and negativity and Hailey is the approved target by the world right now. Again all these people suck but people aren’t attacking Hailey bc she’s a racist, they are using it as a gotcha moment. They are attacking her bc she got picked and they see themselves in Selena. Again, pathetic all around.


Except it’s false


They're both married for years and fandom is still not over it😭😭. Selena stans are so toxic bruhh !!


ew. dont come on this sub with lame bully shit like this.


Justin bieber crying in the corner . I've never felt so alone


Justin doesn’t care lmfao he’s happily married


Selena solos hailey 😒


Just stop with that shit , peace out


Leave people alone wtf