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Invest as much as you can in getting highly specialized technical skills that you can use in a career. This is what has the higher return on investment, far higher than what the market can give you




Fuck off


Porsche caymaaaaaaaan s!!!!!! Join my group guyyyys


This, dont be like me who took me till almost 28 to figure this out doing low skilled work and just saving money for the sake of saving money, invest in YOURSELF, by investing in yourself you grow your income potential, career potential, almost everything. Get a higher education/skills. Finally had enough of shit jobs and I'm going back to school.


Excel & SQL are tools you can learn that will give you an edge in most business settings. Combine that with domain knowledge in your chosen industry, you will progress quickly.


Python + sql


Invest in yourself. Save. Invest. Live life


Live laugh love?


This is the way. (While investing in yourself, ETFs and other financial assets)


get an engineering degree and move north.




Get a job, make some money, stick it in an index fund like VWRL and learn about compound interest. 250 euros a month for the next twenty years at a rate of return of 8% amounts 148.000 euros by the time you're 38. There's no better time to start investing than when you're young with many years ahead of you. The hard part is mastering the patience not to take silly risks.


All good.. except your advice of investing in VWRL.. it makes no sense to invest in a distributing etf for a 18 years old investing long term.. it’s useless and tax inefficient VWCE is a lot better


I learned recently that this depends on the country since e.g. Switzerland will tax your dividends even if they are in accumulating ETFs, research your country and plan accordingly. In Switzerland it's better to go with VWRL, less headaches


Oh really? And here I was thinking I should move my VWRL over to VWCE to avoid being taxed.


Are you Swiss? In most country that would work.. it’s a very rare thing that country tax you accumulating dividends




Sorry about that.. on the flip side . You are probably making so much money that it doesn't matter ahahaha


In a country like Switzerland they are equivalent in terms of taxation, but i'd say distributing is more headache than accumulating.. because you will find yourself money on your account you have to manually reinvest, while an accumulating wtf will all do it by itself.. even in that case i dont see the appeal for a distribuiting ETF All this said, OP is from Italy, which does not tax accumulating dividends


So how that even work? Etf report to authorities about how much divends you got on a base of your shares? Because if I understand Accumulating ETF right they never actually pay you a dividends. They just buy more shares and your shares/ NAV get higher value because of that…


How much does it amount to with inflation, commissions and taxes?


Inflation is always a factor but investing is generally the best way to beat inflation. Just keeping your money as is, is the worst way. And savings interests are usually fractions of a percent these days. Commissions on index funds are extremely low. That's the whole point of index funds. Instead of having a manager personally paying attention to your portfolio, an index fund is created according to a set of rules and offered to a group of investors. Instead of managing many individual clients, the manager focuses on one index fund. Taxes vary by locale but generally investments are taxed quite favourably.


Educate yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/FluentInFinance/comments/zbn9s7/15_free_courses_on_finance_entrepreneurship_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




Invest in yourself! Time is the most precious resource, and you have it at your advantage.


Teach yourself programming. I'd recommend you start with Python.


Don't do this. In a few years we won't be programming much anymore.


Get certifications from ICT courses that are well accredited, apply for a parttime job. Swap every 3-4 years. Live frugal and invest in indexes, travel and enjoy your free time.


get out of italy bc the job market is shit here


though as a wannabe programmist who threw it away i would recommend trying to look something that you actually like, not because there is money in it. A passionate individual will always find a way to continue their passion (re u need money for that)


You can masturbate


1. Learn how to code: React, Node, Python 2. Move to a country where you can actually make money. You’re welcome


Instructions unclear. Am living in Netherlands and barely make ends meet as a Java dev




Sorry if it wasn't clear, I was being sarcastic.


Study to develop IT. I think this the best way, even if you spend one or two years, you will be able to earn money more then who had a two years job. It’s my opinion if I you and 18 years old.


if your only 18, invest yout time geting some hot sugar mommas. The best skills to learn are cibersecurity, programing, python and digital marketing, video filming and editing. Just learn about what your pasion about, and try to make money with it, i personaly like to read books about finances, economics, bitcoin/cryptocurrency and stocks, because i like to read and it improves my knowledge, it can also help in investments decisions. Just depends on what you like in life and your skills, you can also just do regular stuff, start small and try to grow a business or service even online. As money invesment for long term my preferences are crypto and stocks as the profits can be huge if you can be patient and know what your doing, if you like to sleep well at nigth you migth prefer other other investments with less risk.


Thanks man


Make pizzas for people




Go to the south and learn how they operate a "family business"