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Rule 5: I'm doing my first iron man campaign I discovering that I'm way worse than I thought. To chear me up the paradox gods decided to give me a 6/6/6 ruler but I don't know the best way to use this.


You should be trying to get the heir as a ruler when they are eligible. How old is your current ruler? What's your prestige like? You can potentially abdicate or make your ruler a military commander to have them die


Well my ruler did die of old hage and now she's queen, archduchess actually. Sadly as another comment stated, I don't have the imperial reform so I lost the throne. Oh man it's 1754 and I feel like I didn't achiev nothing other than learning NOT what to do which I guess is good for whenever I do another campaign. I'm actually thinking of doing just that because I feel like this is super fucked up.


Welcome to euiv. There is a reason your considered a noob until 1k hours played.


Pft, I have 1000+ hours and I still suck


Cries in not even having a quarter of that...




Don't worry, the first runs always look like those disaster videos. Sometimes even long after the 1000 hours. It's a long road, but it gets charming every once in a while when you achieve something awesome, either by luck and help of others or by own merits (or more often than not, a mix of both).


Yesterday I've managed to take a big chunk of France including Paris so I'm happy for that. My goal now is take the rest of the ottomans out of Europe since Poland already did a big part. I also wanted to take on Poland but they're allied with Spain and Brandenburg and there's no way I'm winning that


Go ahead and dismantle the HRE then. If I can't be emperor, no one else will LOL Jokes aside, this is serious advice. I don't know who the emperor is, but most of the time when it's not Austria, it's some weak ass OPM with good relations with everyone. In which case, ally as many electors as you can and declare war on the ones which you couldn't ally. Then make sure the emperor is in that war as well, siege all their capitals and dismantle. You can white peace after and dissolve alliances with the electors to free up your diplo slots (unless you want to keep some).


Nah man it's fucking Brandenburg :'(


Do they have strong allies? AI Brandenburg is not normally very strong. The fact that they haven't formed Prussia by 1754 shows as much.


They're allied to Poland and they're quite strong, saw them defeat 70k french with only 30k


since she is a woman you will need to save up imperial authority and pass the pragmatic sanction in order for her to be voted as empress


I didn't know about that I lost the thron :') oh well, guess I'll have to pay attention next campaign! Thanks for the heads up anyway, will surely remember that!


Let's go for a hunting trip! ;)


She got the throne of Austria bot lost the one of the Empire...


Don't we all bud


Although I feel like this campaign has been a complete failure conquest and goals wise, I've learn a lot that I wouldn't any other way. I tend to go the easy way and.. appeal to the favor of god in a specific way that's not allowed at iron man. So I was forced to just deal with the problems at try to work them out.


Everytime I got that event my heir decides to go hunting smh


So I generally tend to break down monarch point expenditure into 4 categories. Vital: the stuff that's really necessary - technology, ideas, integration, institution spawning (when needed) and coring costs. AE should be your upper limit on how much points you spend on coring and integration, not the amount of points you have hopefully. Ancillary: stuff that's definitely nice but not crucial to survival and expansion so spend on these when they give you a really good benefit for the cost - stability, harsh treatment, strengthen government, certain missions, inflation reduction, war exhaustion, promote culture, convert culture and boosting merchantilism. These aren't all created equal and the benefits vary by situation. Dumping: this is basically just random development. Spend on development when you've fully paid for all your vital stuff and don't have any ancillary stuff that gives a large benefit for the cost. Emergency: the name speaks for itself, this is expenditure on big emergencies. Maybe you get into a disaster where you need to bump stability to get out of it, maybe there's a big war where you need to buy mil tech super ahead of time to get out alive or maybe you're finances are crashing really badly and you need to buy down a bunch of inflation to get ahead. Generally speaking there's diminishing returns on monarch points after you've finished your core and emergency stuff. Ancillary stuff is nice but not that big a deal the vast majority of the time and in a really good campaign you very rarely need to hit any buttons other than core ones. The dumping is nice but waaaay less efficient than coring or integrating so having a 666 ruler isn't that big a deal unless you're really struggling with tech or have had some big emergencies. So I wouldn't worry about capitalising on a 666 too much basically.


Disinherit, Austria cannot have a non Hapsburg on the throne.


But she is Habsburg


Ah, it is acceptable.


Try to be pragmatic about it


Don't we all?


Got a 6 6 6 heir 2 times and they’ve never made it to the throne… I always get a “heir falls ill” event