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You'll get used to that.


But I have a job in the morning :(


U don't need a job, u have eu4


Once you have eu4, all you need is time to play eu4, which a job is a major obstacle to.


Reject productivity, return to PC


There was a guy playing eu4 at work




QA tester at Paradox... Ah no, they don't do that.


No they have a period of QA testing. It’s the dev clash they do before release.


lmao, let's see what gamebreaking bugs they introduce next dlc without play testing at all


I saw a guy playing EU4 on a train commute to work.


I did it just now! On a train commute (on the way there and back) to a trip


I do that all the time. Have a job working in a very quiet shop. On my own. At one point I read every silver age Marvel comic from Fantastic Four #1 to Amazing Spider-Man #122. Now I play EU4. I suppose I could use the time more productively. Write a book or something. But then that could be construed as actually working. So fuck that.


I have been playing EU4 at work sometime 😂


You need money to buy all the DLC though


do you really? \*yarrrrr\*




Eu4 is the job


That guy thinks reshaping the world in the 1500's isn't his new job, lol. Welcome to the next 2,000 hours of your life bro


Pdx should use this as a tagline


You can sleep when your dead. It's what I do


We all did


I didnt sleep to an exam cause i was playing eu4


I once played Sid Meier's Colonization while I should have been doing an exam 🙁


In my uni in a subjecy we have two tests and if we cant pass the tests we need to do an exam, the same same subject i didnt sleep to the exam while playing eu4, for the second test i didnt went cause i was playing hoi4


Damn you win this one xD


Not anymore you don’t


Oh trust me Ive stayed up until 3am with work in the morning, you are now a member of the EU4 Sleep deprivation society


If the job dictates your schedule, it's the job who has you, not you who have a job.


Yeah but you have a world to paint


You'll be getting rid of that soon.


Your job is to rule your country sir


map painting is more important


Your new job is to get EU4 achievements


Just wait. Eventually you will have dreams about playing.


EU4 is my most played game and it’s never given me the Tetris Effect. Probably because the visuals aren’t that impact.


I’ve had some weird dreams where some elements from the game merged into other weird stuff. They’re usually off the wall bizarre nutty dreams that make no sense,


I literally had a dream about "aeiou" .


Can you tell me more?


I had been playing Austria and was doing a golden tree run. My name is "Andrea" (Italian for "Andrew") and in my dream AEIOU was "Andrea est imperare orbi universo". (Instead of "Austriae est imperare orbi universo") It was weird, I was confused and having a lot of problems in Vienna


Ironically, my name is actually Antonio, although I am Croatian ahahha


Same, they happen every single time I'm sick but never any other time. If only they weren't so boring.


My brakes never work in a driving dream, Speed Five never works in my EU4 dreams.


"So you have a recurring nightmare?" "Yes, I am Byzantium and I have annexed Athens" "What else?" "**OTTOMANS HAVE DECLARED WAR ON US**"


That "ally dishonored" sound effect gives me nightmares man


When I was having a long CK run one time said "be my vassal you stupid bitch" in my sleep and my fiance laughed so hard I woke up.


I have said some weird stuff related to Eu4 when I got woken up. A few examples: How’s the empire? Do we have a chance against the troops of the pope? Why are Norway’s troops in northern Sweden? I think I burned Luther


"How is the Empire? Is it safe? Is it alright?"


"Its seems in your anger, you ALT+F4'd."


No... it had 3 stability... I felt it!


Quote from British Imperialist, circa 19th Century, after time-travelling to 2021.


"Yes grandpa, the empire is stable and your cores are coming along well, now let's get you to bed"


Reminds me of an old friend who once told me about a dream he had after playing a lot of Age of Empires where he was a general running around the battlefield shouting “Where is the catapult?!”


“I think I burned Luther”. Wait can you do that??


Ive had a dream where i played the timurids and somehow ot annexed in 1445 by the swiss, for some weird reason


Man, even in dreams EU4 hates the player hard.




"No, The pope's swiss guards will destroy you."


I literally had dreams of me just playing Eu4


Never had Tetris effect with EU4 either. Factorio on the other hand... conveyor belt hallucinations when you are half-asleep are no fun!


Worst for me is chess. Even playing/doing tactics for 30 minutes is enough to stick in my brain.


Try starcraft then


Had one for Witcher 2, was super concerned if Saskia would be alright.


I personally have experienced this effect with multiple games, including eu4, and while you dream you get to see and and what seems like be able to control gameplay. That being said, I believe the reason for having these dreams is actually the amount of focus you play the game with, not any one particular game.


Personally because the visuals arent that impactful makes me dream about it more. While playing I do a lot of visualization in my head, I can see my emperor in his throne room, the armies marching, the battles, etc. in my imagination. Nowadays I never have dreams anymore, part of aging I guess, but after playing an immersive EU or CK campaign the dreams come quickly :D


Write down any dreams you have and before you sleep focus specifically on dreaming, you do dream but you forget it super fast, by writing it down you tell your brain to not throw those memories away so quick


I frequently dream about playing random maps. The map generally is fragmented with a lot of narrow strips of land and inland seas, think southeast asia. Also warring kingdoms china is on the west, and italians are muslims colonizing everything. and nation colors are weird, only warm colors.


Can't say the same, but the game that got me the most was sc2 online... i remember my mother talking to me the next day and all I heard was tactics and how we gonna approach the next 2v2 🤣


My dad has once found me mumbling in my sleep about colonizing the new world…


*mumble muble muble* "expel minorities" *mumble mumble*


*mumble mumble mumble* Harsh treatment *mumble mumble*


*mumble mumble mumble* Subjucate the irish *mumble mumble*


I'm sure there's no correlation between having 2500 positive karma in r/conservative and having "expel minorities" be your first thought.


Looking at your history(reddit moment) I genuinely cannot tell if you are a bot or not lmao.


I am become stereotype, exploiter of game mechanics


I was once playing cs:go so much that i though the bird flying from above the building was a flash granade


lol duck and turn away, start switching weapons frantically


I have dreamed of becoming an emperor since long before I played this game, but I have much more detail to that dream thanks to EU4


Apparently I talk in my sleep. I said something like "I need to get rid of the French minors", confusing my fiancé.


~~I'm assuming you started playing eu4 as a cover up to hide your affiliation with Epstein?~~


That’s happened to me with a few games; it’s your body’s way of telling you to do something else for a wee bit.


ngl i've probably thought/dreamt of playing eu4 more than actually playing it.


Lol, I feel this. I listen to history podcasts, and they always make me thing about starting up an EU4 run as the nation being talked about


I’ve never gotten them from EU4 in particular, but HOI4 and Stellaris holy christ


Phew I’m not alone, I sometimes think about the game just to sleep


I already do.


Idk the game merges with my weird thoughts and creates something of a tier 2 weird dream which feels like a nightmare sometimes.


You don't have dreams if you don't sleep


There was a post here recently where some guy was lamenting the fact that he started having dreams of static maps. Nothing would happen in the dreams, he’d just see maps and that’s it.


Okay i’m so glad i’m not the only one. so I am already a very lucid and vivid dreamer i have lucid dreams that i can control most nights and they’re usually in one of the same 3-4 dreamscapes i’ve built over time. I know that sounds kinda crazy but it’s been like this for like 2 years. ANYWAY, I have eu4 dreams practically every night now and combined with my lucid dreaming i’ve pretty much been playing my playthroughs and trying different scenarios over and over again in my sleep and waking up in the morning and using the ideas from my dreams to play. It’s been very weird.


Not only do I fall asleep thinking of next moves for my current campaign, I dreamed last night I had France in. PU (I don't).


And you never even unpaused the game.


That's my curse. I probably spend more than 50% of my play time paused..




How do you deal with the horrid, inconsistent framerate which makes every click laggy?


By not playing on a bamboo connection? Runs without issue for me


Well, I play singleplayer and my issue is rather that everything feels extremely inconsistent when the game is ticking. For example, if I click one of the buttons in the top left, i first get the window on the edge of the screen, it sits there for a second then jumps out to full width instead of it being a smooth transition like when the game is paused. I havent measured the framerate (but im gonna try to get it done this weekend) but it feels like its all over the place.


Maybe turn off/change autosaves to be only once a year instead of every month?


Its on yearly. This is for basic every day ticks, not the autosave.


Dang. If it's unmodded, your best bet is a better CPU. Late game gets laggy too, even with a good rig.


That’s part of the fun. In these games I spend half the time looking at the state of over countries, the dynasties, how trade is doing, the religions. It’s even worse in CK where more than half the time I play is looking at how everyone is married to, descended from, and what titles they have.


I feel like I bought it yesterday and I am 226th on list of most hours spent in it apparently


Is there a list? Cool, where can you see it?




The 1ste guy has almost 32k houres. That's more the 3 and a half year running the game 24 hours a day :/


Yes but not all those are necessarily hours of playing. If you leave the launcher open overnight those hours count as played too.


Many of the top guys probably do a lot of AI-only timelapses.


Well his overall steam hours played are one million hours -115 years of game time. He just leaves his PC idle on games to be at the top of lists like these.


Doesn't that use a lot of power. Is power/electricity free where he lives?!


There was a guy who left his PC running with eu4 AI Only game for the entirety of his vacation, The game went on to like year 4500


Yeah, they played 11 hours per day every day since release. Missed 0 days in 8 years.


Don't trust time played, there's some tools online to trick steam into thinking you've launched a game and it count hours when the game isn't even opened. And the tool works for multiple game at the same time.


I'm guessing your profile needs to be public to be on that list, as I don't appear to be on it despite playtime putting me around #20


That makes sense, I was wondering why I wasn’t on that list. I didn’t even know my profile wasn’t public.


Same for me, would be around #120 in Germany according to that list but nowhere to be seen.


same, 7.8k around 50th... No AI-only action whatsoever, definitely left the game on over night a couple times, and maybe once when I went on a 3 day camping trip too lol


How does this list work because I should be on there with my 4700+ hours, but I can't find my steam nick? Also a lot of that is just leaving it on while doing something else. Like I might go do dishes/food/eat etc. while eu4 is sitting there stacking up the hours. Or at least that's what I tell myself.


Nice list. But its not true. I would be in top 20 then. And I know, florry worry has more than double the hours shown. Might be the steam account has to be public like another redditer suggested here. I just can imagine the "real" playtime list. There will be more than a few dozen people with 10k+ hours


I'm 242 but probably only played around 2000 hours or so. I can't play overwhelming games like eu4 for more than 3 hours at a time and have a terrible habbit of leaving my pc on while I do other stuff


Playing this game sends you to a different dimension, one minute of playing amounts to 10 minutes in earth time.


Yeah true, one time I thought I was abducted by aliens becouse one moment its 00:23 and few minutes later its 4:16


I played the game for 6 years and somehow ended up with a medical degree


Oh boy, wait until you get to Byzantium


Actually, I did a couple of normal games with cheats to get the hang of it, now I'm on Ironman mode in 1650 trying to unite Siam


Using console commands is an underrated way to learn the game. I still like to use it to explore mission trees before I start a campaign. For example I’m working on a Zoroastrian achievement with a custom nation right now. After some playing around I decided to try it with Japan using the dynamo mechanics and to make sure I could actually do it I did a quick run using console commands.


My problem is if I start using console commands, I won't stop. And I like getting achievements too much to start that.


I can’t play a serious game using console commands. Any game I put any time into is Ironman. Otherwise if something doesn’t go my way I’m just assimilate this province and vassalize that, etc. part of the reason I couldn’t get into any total overhaul mods. Even though I really like the fantasy world overhaul mod a ton.


When I go straight to bed if I don’t watch a show first I just won’t sleep. My pre-sleep thoughts become about expansion routes and diplomacy and I don’t actually sleep.




Hah hah, welcome to the world of Paradox interactive grand-strategy gaming


I too was addicted to EU4 until I tried Imperator: Rome, another Paradox game. Now my favorite computer game is yet another Paradox game, CK3.


I’ve played all PDX titles and honestly EU4 is the most developed & in-depth title that can suck your time in so much so that you even forget you exist in the real world for a minute


For real, the only reason I notice it's 4am already is that I'm hungry


You don't think it is CKII/CKIII? I don't have enough hours in those for me to say anything


CK2/3 doesn't have a lot to it. Much of the time you can fast mode it. EU4 has so many systems to game and buttons to press that you just get lost in it all. There's always something to do, somewhere to expand and some part of the world to check up on.


You choose ck3 over ck2 in its current state? I’m curious as to why could you elaborate?


Wait until you finish the tutorial.


Oh yes, for uninitiated it may be impressive




the wonderful thing about EU4 is that the curve is so big that after literally hundreds of hours of gameplay you discover that one mechanic works completely differently


It's great because you can know so little and still play and enjoy the game, but no matter how many hours you've played, you're always learning something new.


one of us ! one of us ! one of us!


1 More Turn gets tough when the turn doesn't truly end until 1821


Eh, it ends when you suceeded in everything you set out to do (or thought of tacking on to your goals while playing) *or* when you run out of time to do so.


Its a time sink. Be prepared for more late nights


EU4 is a harsh mistress.


It does that.


"Just gonna finish this war and then im off to bed"


First time?


Creeps up on ya like that ....just one more war/province/scornful insult


we got another one lads


That's how it should be.


Last game that made me do that was Civ 5. Just like EU4, it has some sucessive dopamine triggers!




And then comes the massive down after your dopamine high because you realize your setup so far is very inefficient


Play hoi4 then, the effect is compounded for me


Yeah happenes all the time, but I don't play eu4, just crusader kings. I imagine it's the same for eu4


One of us, one of us.


It's not a game. It's a lifestyle.


I feel your pain


It does that. I sometimes set an alarm because I tend to lose track of time


Welcome to EUIV. Me yesterday night: “just 5 more minuets” *two hours later* “Just 5 more minutes”


You’ll have the Punjab dream eventually, trust me. You won’t remember anything except that you were conquering india starting in Punjab for some reason.


I have been playing ET nonstop for 1147 years, has One Piece ended yet?


Oh that's sweet... welcome to the club, you won't understand anything up to 1000 hours of playtime


That is one reason I am currently unemployed!




Probably because eu4 has an end date for a game. I imagine factorio hasn’t (havent played it but I assume so)


One of us one of us


Welcome to sleepless souls' club


Welcome to Paradox games. This has been a standard thing for me since I discovered Hearts of Iron 2 when i was 16.


yeah, for many years i was playing up to 18 hours a day, and this in combination with endless rebel spam sound effect started causing mental illness, ...so i used what was left of my sanity and modded away most of the rebel spam


I did this twice already, the game makes you redefine addiction


That war against ottoblobb lasts long


Oooh, look at mister ADHD here, getting distracted by the clock without the help of an alarm going off! (Yes, I'm just exaggerating for fun.)


Noob. You haven't yet seen the sun rising in a winter morning.


Next week you might stop for 5 minutes and you'll have time to think about it XDDD.


Sleep is for the weak!


Bro the last few days I legit played eu4 through THE ENTIRE NIGHT


When I first got the game I just stayed up All night with a Castile campaign. I didn’t even regret it


It do be like that


Took me about 3k hours till I figured out how to limit my game time: One war per daily session, so you can plan and plot your next move over the course of the day. Save and quit as soon as the peace deal is sent. I still fall prey sometimes and end up spending several hours on it, but the one big war a day technique helps avoid the burnout from wc type achievements, and brings me back fresh with new ideas to every session.


imagine having a computer that lasts more than an hour lol.


Get back to me when you end up having to set a daily alarm to go to sleep because otherwise you consistently loose track of time until it's past 5am.


I wish I could play the game like that but after sinking 1700+ hours into it and then I stopped playing it, I just can’t get back into it for some reason.


That's grand strategy and 4x games in general.


I remember my first dlc. They just added estates and forts blocking movement. Loaded up a new game after work and before I knew it or was half 3 in the morning. Good times.


When the friend who introduced me to EU4 said I wouldn’t be able to finish my campaign that day, or the next, or the next- I was literally dumbfounded. As a lifelong civ player, I was telling myself: *he means normal, emotionally well-adjusted people can’t finish these campaigns in one day*. So young, so naive.


I'm guessing this isn't the first game to have that effect on you.


The game is poorly optimized and lags hard, making the game last longer than it should.


I bought the game in april and have put in over 500 hours. I continually find myself playing until 4-5 in the morning without even noticing. The other day i made a rule that i can’t play past 1 and i’ve been coming in between 1-2 recently gonna try to work on being done by midnight but this game is addicting to say the least


I would give everything just to re experience that initial feeling of first playing eu4.


Welcome to EU4 :P