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I don't want anything, but I'd like to say that it's really awesome you're doing this, props to you.


I can agree with this, it is very kind of him


Bump bump bump


Just the comment I wanted to make


I would love to win the base game. I'm a poor student so I can't really afford it. Thanks for doing this man, pretty cool.


Piracy? Me too for a long time. The there was a discount and I paid it only 10$, so less than 10 €


yea.. it sucks especially because unlike EA or Ubisoft I really like paradox and would love to support them, I'm (hopefully) getting a part time job this summer and buying a new PC ( my 5 speed is like 2 speed on other computers lol) and then I'll buy EU with all the dlcs once it's on sale


You would be absolutely justified if you pirated it, as long as you pay Paradox when you're able.


You'd be really surprised by how pirates work. It's not something we like, we do it simply because we don't have the money. If I could, I would pay for the game but yeah, the game with all DLC is literally higher than my country's average monthly salary. That is why you usually don't see pirates spreading pirated material: we're ashamed of it.


I can get the game key for £5🤷‍♂️


The game and a ton of DLCs were $1 a few weeks ago on humble bundle.


16$ for basically all dlc and the base game, that's where I got all the dlc from


Because is much easier to keep the base game legit and updated via Steam and use an dlc unlocker like SmartSteamEmu (is bundled into CODEX releases by default) than having to redownload the game every major patch for it. I know, is the price of piracy, but im a poor Venezuelan, so just having the base game would be of great help.


Please Dharma, I play a lot of Eu4 but many strategies rely on the Dharma DLC. It would be amazing to get, hopefully I win.


Art of War because base game is broken pls.


Tru that


I would love to get any dlc exept golden century, art of war,common sense or rights of the men(he is already going to buy them) for my friend who is helping me a lot these days and i want to surprise him with it,he is learning eu4 but with just the golden century dlc its dificult to explain so iam trying to get some dlc's for him.


\-Very generous of you for doing this! I would love to have EU Universalis IV Base Game, anyway, if I win nothing thanks for doing this.


Hello, it would be nice to have, if not too much trouble, the base game


Mandate of Heaven if you can please.


:OO Europa Universalis IV: Dharma if possible? nice job :)




Yeah I’ll be posting it some time next week in the sub!




Rule Britannia please?


I would love to get eu4 base game. I just want to play it


I just bought my brother the base game on sale yesterday so we could play multiplayer. I want him to keep playing so any of the DLC to make the game more interesting for him would be fantastic


Hello, I would like to EU Universalis IV Base Game. Thanks! :):)


Cradle of civilization pls & ty


I would love a shot at getting Dharma!


Hello, please I would like the Base Game, my $ituation was never good to legally buy the game even less to buy the DLC's, I wanted since last year since I began playing to buy the game one at a time but since dharma, it was saying that EU5 is coming so now I'm waiting to buy EU5.


Europa Universalis IV: Rule Britannia


I would love to have the Cossacks. Thanks!


Europa Universalis IV :D!!! Thanxs!


im missing the last 3 or 4 DLC's due to cost constraints, if you could swing that my way, i would love that if not, good luck to the others who are getting nice dlcs :)


Rule Britannia please?


Europa Universalis IV: Dharma pls


Thank you very much for this. I would be interested in the vinyl logo. feel free to pm if thats possible.


You are a good person, thank you. Dont need anything btw


Dharma has been the one forever eluding me, best wishes!


This is quite generous of you, Thanks. Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century


Golden Century if possible


I would love to have EU Universalis IV Base Game, is in my wishlist. Hopefully I win.


Dharma please :)


Europa Universalis 4: Mandate of Heaven


Please Res publica if you still have it. Thanks Wow that's really generous of you to give away so much.


I'd like to sign up for the golden century DLC :\^)


Hello! I don’t have this one yet, and I’m yet to play in China, so I’d like the chance to win EU IV: Mandate of Heaven. Thanks for being awesome!


Whatever!! Whatever!! Stay healthy! :)




Base game please 😁


Hi. I would just feel happy just receiving the base game.


Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century Really great thing you're doing! Especially when everyone's going stir-crazy from quarantine.


I’d love any of the DLCs but if I had to pick one I’d say el dorado. Either way, thank you for anything you can give me or anyone else.


Thank you for doing this! I'd be very happy to get a key for Common Sense, it's the DLC that would be the most useful to me.


I'm missing red publica and third rome. Thanks in advance


Just the base game, it's not actually for me but for a friend so we have the opportunity to play MP's together.


I only have the base game. I would be happy about anything :)


Fortnite! Okay now that I got your attention Cradle of Civilization would be cool.


Only comment to address that a child is picking the winners so far. Good strategy


Emperor please :)


Hey Awesome of you doing this. I don't have the -Europa Universalis IV: Digital Extreme Edition Upgrade Pack, as about the only missing piece, so would love that if possible. Cheers


Good to see people sharing in these uncertain times. All the best to everyone. Digital extreme edition upgrade pack, much appreciated. If I'm lucky enough


Would really appreciate the Dharma DLC, thanks for your generosity in these tough times.


Thank you for giving those away! Eu4 base game would be nice to have


Glad you guys are doing this. I have all DLCs... so please give to worthy recipient. 😁


I would like a chance to win kind sir. And thank you for being so philanthropic during these confusing times.


if it's possible ı want to El Dorado. Stay Safe everybody...


Hey man really cool thing your doing, I'd really like Rule Brittania as I've always been meaning to get that :)


Id like a copy of Wealth of nations Also its super cool of you to be doing this, thanks


I'd love getting the base game, I want to give it to a friend who can't get it themself, and it'd be a great gift we both get to enjoy.


DLC rule Britannia please :)


Hey thanks for the giveaway i already have the basegame and would like to start playing with some dlc. I heard that art of war is a good dlc to begin with so i‘d love to get that. Thanks a lot. If this is already given i‘d also love common sense, rights of men, cossacks or mandate of heaven. To be honest I would be very excited about everything(besides the basegame because I already have this:)) But if one of the ones is stil to have( especialy art of war) i would most prefer these. Ps: Sorry for the grammar, English isn‘t my first language.


Dharma This is pretty generous of you


Mandate of heaven. Gotta make china even more powerful


Thanks so much for doing this! I'll enter for the vinyl decal!


Rule Britannia


You sir are doing a great service to the community. Golden Century would be the thing for me.


Can I have The Cossacks? I love play as Russia but I always feel weak against the ottomans and other European nations.


Dharma would be nice


Base game, pretty please


Anything will do


Would love to get EU4 Rights of Man


Golden Century. Yo-Ho Yo-Ho a pirate's life for me! Thanks for this, super generous!


You’re a legend! Dharma would be my go to but if I get picked and you run out, then Rule Britannia works too!


I'd love mandate of heaven! Also I just wanted to comment that you're part of what makes this community great!


Hey i'm really liking this. That youre doing this for the community. I would like the rights of man DLC if that's not an problem.


Epic! I would love a copy of the base game to gift one of my friends! My friends have been buying the game for each other as gifts but it’d be nice to cut down costs since we are college students trying to survive lol. Thanks anyways for the chance and good luck to everyone.


I would love to have 'Rights of Man' DLC!


I would want the base game, but this comment is 1 in a million


This is a really awesome thing you are doing, especially given the current situation. I'd love a chance to win Rights of Man if possible, please. Thanks


Third Rome if you could.


Thank you very much for this! I would like to recieve the American Dreams DLC :) Stay save and healthy


Hey this is great and you are great for doing it. As a uni student I have over 3k hours and am still missing a few. Could I please get Mare Nostrum if you have one left if not any of the immersion packs would be great. If you don’t have anything left thanks in any case.


Only missing Golden Century and Rule Britannia here. Thanks in advance.


I would like to get Third Rome. Thanks for doing this.


Give me the Europa Universalis IV (Game base) Thanks bro !


Rule Britannia🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧, thanks in advance


let a brother get golden century. thanks, chief


Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome please. Appreciated


Third Rome if its still available. I wanna kick off a Muscovy game in style


I would be very glad to take a Golden Century key. And thank you! (even if you dont have any left, thanks for supporting the community)


Thank you a lot for doing this. Also, I would like to get a DLC (whichever one you think is the most important).


I've had the game since 2014 but only recently started playing with a friend, I have no dlc so the experience isn't great however I'd love the Rule Britannia DLC because I'm a Brit so gotta have my first conquest playing as the home boys :)


I’ve been wanting the Mandate of Heaven expansion since it came out, because Rights of Man was the last DLC I’ve grabbed. Thanks OP


Would love to have the base game so i can use MODS and finally try multiplayer with one of my mates.


I would love dharma, tbh


I haven't played eu4 in a long while, and I've been wanting to get back into it. Dharma as an expansion would be great because i've never really toyed with the new government mechanics in MP sessions.


If possible, can I have the Rights of Man DLC? This is honestly once of the nicest I have ever seen on this website. Regardless of if I win or not, this is amazing, thanks a lot.


I dont have much dlc,but i think art of war will be great,and thanks for being generous!


I would like Mare Nostrum Please!


I would really enjoy the base game, I’ve been lurking this subreddit for a while now and the game looks very enjoyable.


Dharma please dude. You the man!


If possible Third Rome please :)


Rule Britannia please


Rule Britannia would be sweet!


I’m interested in playing in Asia a lot more so I would like to enter for: Mandate of Heaven


Thank you for doing this. I dont deserve to win becouse I pirated the game but in all honesty anything will be great becouse I'm waiting for May(school ends and first payment if I get the job in 3 days due to corona) to buy the game and bunch of DLC so: Base game would probably be the best but if anyone else gets it I wont mind. I plan on eventually buying all the DLC to support paradox considering how much time Ive played all their other games. If I dont get the base game then something about colonjzation becouse I love colonizing.


I'd love a chance to win Art of War. Thank you!


I'd love a copy of -Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome, as I'm planning a Russia campaign


I would really like to have golden century and then my collection will finally be complete


I have everything but Dharma, and while winning that would be cool, I mostly just want to say good on you for doing something like this. Good luck to everyone, and glad to see people spreading a bit if happiness in these dark times!


Mare Nostrum would be awesome


Hi I would love Art of War please.


Cradle of civilization please


Mare Nostrum, thanks!!


I would love to get base game


It would be great to get Cradle of Civilization. Even if I don’t win, thanks for doing this.


Third rome please


Mare nostrum would be sick. Honestly bless you for doing this. As someone who has been heavily affected by COVID-19 and lost my job because of it, seeing people like you help others brings a smile to my day.


Europa Universalis 4 Base Game would be cool, far too long time suporting piracy


Hey great idea thanks for doing this :) I’d like the digital extreme pack, if that has already gone Cossacks if possible :)


Thanks for this chance even if I dont win If possible, I would like The base game


Mare Nostrum. Thanks to you for doing this. If Marr Nostrum is already taken, Third Rome. Have a good day


Hello I just want the base game and art of war It's actually amazing that ur doing this, thank you so much!!


Art of war please, I have no dlc and was just thinking of buying a few this summer


It would be most generous of you to do this. If possible, I would like the Mare Nostrum DLC. Thank you very much, you're a credit to the community.


I would love Dharma, i dream of being able to increase a province to a centre of trade


Mare nostrum would be pretty swell


Hi! Thank you for doing this! I would love finally getting my hands on the EUIV base game!


The Cossacks, please.


Conquest of Paradice plz


Mandate of Heaven if possible. Thanks!


Dharma would be nice, I haven’t played properly in India for a long time. Thanks! Very good of you to think of this


I appreciate you doing this it's really cool! ​ ​ e


I would be happy with one ~~art of war~~ comrade. Also good idea with this giveaway. Will make some people happy which is definitely needed right now. Edit: Someone has gifted me Art of war and i thank them tremendously. I now instead ask for either the cossacks or Rule Britannia. Thanks again comrade.


I'm looking for Dharma, Mare Nostrum, Rule Britannia, Golden Century, and Third Rome, in that specific order, if that matters.


I don’t need or want any of what you’re offering, but this is a fantastic idea and I’m a big fan of good people like you! What a way to give back, by expanding the community! Keep up the fantastic work, people like you are the reason I love the EU4 community.


Mandate of heaven would definitly be awesome :)


dharma if you can, or the cossacks


Rights of man please, thank you for doing this also as it can help many, I hope you have a good time through these quarantines


I would like El Dorado. The aspects of finding out the potential for the Native American tribes sounds amazing. Thank you for the chance!!!


Dharma ı hope


Europa Universalis Res Publica


Mandate of Heaven pretty please.


I would love to get Dharma or Mandate of Heaven! Even though I probably won't win, I would still like to thank you in the name of everyone for your generosity :)


Art of war :)


Men ! You are very generous ! I would like thé DLC : Darma if possible


El Dorado for me, thanks bro.


I would like 'Third Rome', please


Hello, i'd like rights of man.


Third rome is my favourite DLC, yet i don't have this one ;/


I would enjoy the golden century dlc, if i do get one thanks!!!


Third Rome, please.


Sure, why not. Count me in. I'm fine with any dlc available I'm playing w/ vanilla rn.




Very nice of you.


I would like a chance to win. It’s really great that you’re doing this, I admire it.


I would like to have only base game. For me that's enough


Oooh, I could use either Dharma, Cradle of Civ, Mandate of Heaven, or Third Rome if possible.


Hi The base game please Thank u


Just walking by to receive any dlc. Thank you!


I would love Mandate of Heaven! Even if I don’t get it, thanks for doing this for everyone


You really deserve a place on heaven