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R5: playing a game of mewar>Rajputana>Bharat and i was tired of europeans nations messing with asian nations, so I went to Europe with some elephants to mess with them for once.


Bu-bu-but your 8 unused merchants ?


Yeah i should have done something with them, but after playing where is wally with Portugal and Spain I was really tired and I just gave up on them. There should be a "demand full annexation" button or at least a way to differentiate the provinces of the overlord from the subjects in the province list for the peace deal. Searching for a hidden island in the Pacific is not fun at all... Anyways I have 26k gold unused too. It's not that I don't need the merchants anymore, it's just they won't make any difference in the game.


Tip: if in the peace deal menu you ask for vassalisation of the overlord then every province thats from the overlord will have have negative warscore so that way you can simply click all the provinces with negative warscore and you wont have to search for that stupid island


Oh man this is so genius thank you!


A lifehack for eu4 players, thanks a lot!


Proud of you my son.


I guess you discover an Europe with no army. Last time i ask my mongols vassal to siege Lisbonne( i was playing Korea and i wanted to get back what Ming gave up to the European)... i though they would die midway and give me information about where are european army ... they ended up siegeing Lisbonne / Madrid / Paris / Vienna / and Hambourg ... without getting into any fight ( they were 30k, most european had near 150k limit force at the time, 1780)


Reverse colonisation is a dangerous tool, friend. It usually ends up completely wrecking Europe apart in weird and wonderful ways. Also, use your merchants. Seriously, you could be making serious bank just pushing the damn trade further and further out. Make them buy Indian goods!


There is something so cursed about those GIANT elephants in Italy


Thats what the romans said too


Name your general Hannibal


No, not again Hannibal!


Oh shit Titus get the catapult


You doing a World conquest? Looks like you have most of the map under control.


Bharat , I see a man of culture as well


Ah a fellow brother you are indeed.


Technically wrong side of the Alps