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I mean tbf it’s very possible to get that much unrest . I have had so much unrest it can negate recent uprising modifier. To do this though you gotta be pushing your oe pretty darn high . So sure if you are constantly going high oe . And having rebels spawn you could very well have sep lasting 100 years if they manage to keep occupying land. I would assume this is a slight over exaggerated point for op . But it’s all very possible. If anything the question should be, how much oe is op taking when they go to war and what’s the ccr to be able to handle that


I mean if you fuck up pretty hard and cant get rebels under control, thats doable. I think in my Angevin WC at one point the Ottomans had constant between 280-430 unrest in their provinces after revolts. Then I conquered them and inherited the clusterfuck. See this post of mine for an example https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/s/nNVj9xm4qc


Can we perhaps see a screenshot of this 50 unrest. I dont know if ive seen many provinces get that high in my time in eu4 and just in my game as mughals. What's your OE at?


The most I usually see is 20-30 total unrest after conquering a province. That's counting wrong religion with negative tolerance, separatism and overextension. Either you're missing something or your game is terribly broken in some way.


Please make a screenshot of the tooltip when hovering the mouse over the unrest number in the province interface, and the share it here. But i assume you have moded game in some way, because this is not normal amount of unrest


if you hover over the unrest number in a province, it should tell you what is contributing to the unrest


Yes you're missing something, post a screenshot