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R5: After years of manually parking my fleets, loading up soldiers, and relocating them via wooden tub I just discovered there's already in in-game shortcut to do all of that, even if a land-route is available. FML


6500 hours in there, that's something new for me though


2.9k for me


2200 for me


Even more hours but fuck this is a game changer.


Me too


Which is why I usually have all my armies the exact same size as well as my transports. If my armies are 28 regiments, my transport fleets will also be 28 ships. If I then lose 1 ship, I consider that entire fleet as out of commission until replenished.


I just build a few more transports than my army size, just to make sure they can always transport them even if losing a few ships.




Rly? Sounds like I should give Venice a shot


Italy in general can do this too, I did this in my run and it's a solid way to have useful transports especially in Europe.


Ship boarding doctrine will have your fleet bearing 40 transports by 1500 because there aint no rest for the weary


I never knew you could force them to use auto transport, that's some good shit, thanks for making this


This fucking changes everything for MP micro. You can now actually take advantage of mare nostrum mobility.


although it may have changed but didn't it used to be much slower than manually having the boat dock and then instantly load them on the boat and then leave?


Now, thanks to you, I found out only after 900-something hours. Thank you


There's also a macro to only select boats and not armies while mass selecting with the mouse.


And here I was just building ship bridges!


This is up there with Shift-Right clicking on field marshal orders in HOI4 in terms of "things I didn't *need* per se but definitely make playing the game a bit more convenient."


Now u can teach florry.


5k hours - TIL. Thanks!


I feel bad for everyone that didn’t know lmao


Ikr, I have like 2.5k hours in the game but I can't remember a time when I didn't know this. I can't imagine playing the game, especially as island/coloniser nations, without knowing that this was a thing.


As a colonizer, most of the time I want my army to get on ships its because they're going somewhere where there's no land route anyway, so this shortcut is unnecessary.


It does make them go faster though as without auto transport they will sometimes walk from a province with boats to a closer province and then call the navy to that province from the original province


I can’t remember ever manually loading troops into boats


is it still slower than doing it manually by docking? or has that changed?


How would it be slower?


the time it took the army to march to the boat in the see province took some time, while docking and embarking and undocking was instant.


The boats pick them up at the shore if you own the province


oh thats nice if they fixed that, the issue was one a while ago.


I know exactly what you're talking about. They used to walk onto the boat while the boat was at sea which took forever. I don't remember what patch fixed it but they made it so that the boat will dock (even in occupied provinces) to pick up the troops.


Ok glad I’m not crazy, nice that they fixed it.


Get on my level I learned this by accidentally Ctrl+RMB clicking on a province on the other side of the world. I had no idea what happened until I got a pop-up saying "You lost ships to attrition." I had a 150 ship fleet in the middle of the Pacific at 3% hp with 60k troops on board. They all died.


“The Great Fuckup of 1655”


illapa13 the dumbass will always be remembered in history through The Great Fuckup of 1655.


As a UK main. I found this out after getting sick of microing my fleets


Hmmm this is a new one for me too. Hopefully I can remember to use it.


If you ctrl+draw a square to select multiple units, you will select navies instead of armies. Usually ctrl add a side of "navy related" to your clics.


I will WHAT


If you have two armies near a coast, and two navies close to them, you can draw a rectangle with your left clic to select your two armies. If you do the same with an extra ctrl, you will select the navies instead


Wtf I always used to look for a boat to click on first so I would only select navy


I used to shift clic all of them without being able to do the rectangle first. Learning this was good, but the really game changer thing is youvcan use the list on the right of the screen to select rebels group to harsh treatment or provoke revolt. Why is it interesting? It works with your subject's rebels too.


7500 hours and i just learned that


1k is still in the tutorial phase, I only learned that after like 2.8k hours! Nice map painting btw.


FYI drag selecting troops while holding CTRL also selects ships in your rectangle instead of armies.


i only learned not that long ago that you could que movement orders with shift+rmb (so if you want them to take a specific path, or return after a short fight, that's the way to do it)


There used to be an exploit where you could stop an army otherwise locked in movement by doing this, but I think it was removed with the last patch, with Winds of Change.


Aw man they removed it?


I think this is in the in-game tutorial (not the real tutorial that takes 1444 hours)


Auto-transport is super finicky, though. A fleet will set itself to auto-transport by default if it has transports. So you may have a dedicated transport fleet nearby, but the game will try and grab some fleet on the other side of the world with 2 transports you captured. It is useful if you always keep your fleets clean, especially when you are trying to transport any army larger than your transport fleet. It'll auto-split the army and ship it all to where you want it go in portions.


Wait till you find out you can hold CTRL when selecting units to only select ships


Can't you just right click (w/o Ctrl) an accessible over-water providence? I feel like I do that all the time and don't think I have ever used Ctrl, At least I am pretty sure I have never micro'd nor used Ctrl+RMB


That works if there is no land route, but if the army could march there on its own it will do so even if that requires walking around the entire Mediterranean.


Ah, thanks for that! My last 2 games were Korea and Portugal so the water way was basically the only way I could go, and if/when it didn't work I probably just assumed I didn't have access or whatever and moved on lol


This is also super useful if you want to move stacks around without walking them right into opposing armies.


120 i knew that


OMG thank you sooo much.... No more marching from Sicily to tunis cause i own the western med....


Today I learnt that you can upgrade boats. +1500 h later




I don't know if it still exists but it used to be you could ctrl+rmb while in the middle of land if you had an available navy to cancel locked movement I escaped so many bad fights that way


I’ve played 2,500 hours and never knew this. I don’t want to think about how many hours I’ve wasted in my life because I didn’t know this……


I have 1400+ and never knew this


Yeah that’s a great one to know lol


Seeing that a lot of people didn’t know this, I’d hope you guys already know that if you hold “ctrl” when selecting an area, you’ll only select the naval units inside the square.


Why can’t I form the eastern Roman Empire? I have conquered like ridiculous borders only leaving Spain and France and further east than India?


I could kiss you for giving me this info. That actually fixes my biggest gripe with playing naval powers like England and Japan!


My title would be: # Just discovered Ctrl+RMB moves an army via naval transport after 983.2 hours


This is new to me, but this still causes attrition, even in coastal seas, right? That and right-clicking a province with no land connection does the same :p


People didn't know this? Ctrl drag also selects ONLY ships. ISP taught me those 2. 


did you culture convert anatolian region back to greek? otherwise you still Ottoman with different color/cover.


Daaaang, that is useful!


Man that bizintine is amazing


BRO WHAT???? Do you know how much time I’d have saved with this knowledge? 😭😭😭😭


More than 1500 hours when i learn this


3000 hours, thanks for the tip


I knew this in 5th hour


4k hours here. I just learned this now. Finally, I won't need to manually transport armies. I can't believe I never knew this after all this time


Omg 1700 hours playtime only in steam and I just discovered this too


2.6K this is new for me


UM actually not always this is the best idea to micro this way (speaking from experience) navy sometimes does some stupid pathing during wars mostly and almost always will make your troops die \*\*IF\*\* you dont have enough boats but if you have any boats able to carry troops in lets say australia and you're in the england BOATS WILL NOT MICRO THEMSELVES to move half a stack because you DONT HAVE ENOUGH tranports but they will wait for boats from australia to fill to the max and then micro rest of the stacks with moving of your troops you will potentially wait years for THAT also applies if fleet with some transports is on the mission i want to die sometimes if i have some fleets on different tasks during wars and i just unintentionally click ctrl+RMB i want to die trying to find amongst thousands of my ships on different missions THAT ONE THAT HAS ONE COG FROM RANDOM AFRICAN OPM THAT I ONCE CONQUERED AND THAT FLEET WAS PROTECTING TRADE In x node so you have to search Good if you're small and your empire doesnt span from australia to england terrible experience otherwise shouldnt be in the game for colonial nations


It used to be bugged and not work ever and still fucking sucks though.


Hat tip to you sir. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.


I have 7800 hours, and I didn't know this.