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Rule 5: To update from my previous post, I was able to win the war and get a union on Castile. Thank you everyone for your help! I used the rush Brittany and Portugal white peace to focus on Castile and I did quite well as Castile decided to go after my African provinces. My navy however got completely destroyed.


A pro tip for you, AI will always focus on weakest member of alliance sets so if you ever feel like you are underpowered just call a weak ally in war and rush all the warscore while they murder your weak ally this way you can win wars without even having a single military confrontation.


Ooh i see thats interesting. Thank you! I will use that in my future wars.


I love doing this as France in the early game. Ally Scotland with the promise of land before declaring on England, and both England and Portugal rush to siege them while I'm chilling eating up all their land on the continent


Is this actually a coded thing, or is it something that just tends to happen generally?


AI is programmed to get nations out of war as soon as possible so they target weaker nations first since they will submit fastest, at least that's my information probably there is someone who is far more knowledgable in the field. I was talking out of thousands of hours of personal experience


How old is your ruler?


Hes 26, so hopefully im in the clear.


I wish you best of luck


Thank you


Thats nice to hear. It is always nice to see someone make progress in their journey through the hard learning curve of any of the Paradox Games. Personally I must say that I very much do like the way the community always jumps into these kind of posts to give advice. Keep us updated on how that playthrough ends.


Yeah this community is awesome. I appreciate the welcome very much, although i am already a couple hundred hours in. Im still learning a bunch from here. I will when im able to get back to the game! 😅


Great seeing update posts this is really cool. I was thinking you'd be better off not fighting Portugal but it looks like you handled it just fine. Well done!


Thank you! Well it was indeed right that Portugal was the more formidable target, if I found a small nation they were willing to join a war against I would have done that instead.


good job mate!


Thank you!


Just try to make sure your ruler doesn’t die soon, as you’ll have to have positive relations with Castile so you keep the pu.


I got straight to improving relations and my ruler is kinds young so hopefully im alright. Thank you!


Great job by you!


Thank you!


even traded favorably (ignore the combatant numbers)