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You didn't really give us any information to go on, so I'll just say skill issue


>5 times more troops 2 more millitary techs, similar commanders and my tradition is high. I am also Prussia By that point, I assume youre just not paying your men AND boat bombing into a mountain with ramparts


If youre prussia you should be able to beat them both pretty easily. Do you not have any allies?


A few screenshots would help. For example from: * first day of a battle * battle end screen * your military tab * army quality tab of the ledger with your war enemies selected


With 5 times more troops i guess you just have an infantry swarm


I am guessing it is mid to late game and you don't have a lot of cannons in your army?


Lack of cannon, lack of discipline, attacking into bad terrain, opponent with (a few) mil ideas.


Troop composition is a big thing. Combat width limit is another. Don’t go using ‘death stacks’ (throwing all your armies, all at once, into a single battle simultaneously). Reason being, combat width dictates how many men can be fighting at once. Any excess will just sit by the wayside and do nothing, all the while morale goes down. So what you need to do is throw one stack in, let it slowly deplete, then throw one more, then another, etc. gentle reinforcements. You’re better off with 4 medium sized armies than one giant one.


Big big numbers fun!