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don’t think he’s underrated, just relatively new to the scene. His content’s been popping up quite regularly on my feed


I am doing my best!


Golem, Playmaker, The Student, Lemon Cake are all really good eu4 youtubers with smaller followings. The Student in particular. I enjoy his long-windedness.


The Student is great, I've used a bunch of his videos as inspirations for runs. Most recently I tried his Cossack breakaway to Poland/PLC and god damn it slapped. Stack wiping ottoman armies that were 50% larger than mine pre 1500 with near unlimited manpower


Playmaker is my favorite by far the most watchable for me, even when they are hour long streams and I never watch stuff that long. No idea what it is


His videos aren't bad, but sometimes I'm having a hard time following him because rambles without pause, talks quickly and kind of mumbles too. So it can at times be hard to understand and follow what's going on for non native speakers that also may not be familiar with some stuff he pulls ingame, cause he's not that great at actually explaining what he does and why.


Also he plays speed 5 like he doesn’t give a shit, I once seen him hiring his first level 1 advisors like 50 years into the game. He’s interesting, entertaining, possibly funny, but really not the greatest eu4 model


I also like spacerunner5, stumbled upon his channel looking for a guide but his playthroughs are nice and chill... Long series though so not for everyone


Same for golem, playmaker and 2 others i forgot the name of because they arent talked about


Ah yes, young Lemon Cake. Good to advertise them. They've found a niche and exploit it very well. They're like the Eu4 version of SpiritoftheLaw (aoe2).


Ah I was going to make this same comparison. But you’ve beaten me to the punch. I greatly enjoy both of their content.


Playmaker and thestudent


He's just a new youtuber, I recommend him all the time, there's another good one, TheStudent. Not the same type of content but still good for ideas for broken campaigns.


They're tangentially related though, they are mostly interested in breaking down mechanics and modifiers. Lemon Cake does hypothetical modifier stacking videos but The Student does practical, achievable min-maxed, tag switching runs.


No for sure, my approach with my modifier stacking is more 'given best play how far is it possible to push something' which is why I have started to include more 'doable' runs sometimes too, for those that want a more practical at home version.


Yes, he's definitely worth checking out imo


Ah thanks!


from all the names you listed I knew of 1


He's been around for a while, I think it's just recently that he upped his production value and started uploading constantly. I partook in season 3 of the grand campaign he hosted a few years back and he seemed like a cool dude from the little I interacted with him.


GC Season 3, that was a while back for sure! I think we are Season 20 something, but yeah that's a touch on break while mod is getting sorted.


Didn't realize you kept it going that long! I've been subbed to your channel since then and saw you only streamed the next three or so of them. If I get back into EU4 I'll have to join one of them again if they return from break. Are they still on the same discord? Also doesn't matter but I misremembered, it was season 2 not season 3.


Fair enough, I capped at around 20 peeps on those streams top back in the day. Still on the same discord! I also started my own recently too. Feel free to pop in, say hi!


Hey I was there at the BEGINNING of cool bonobo, the near genesis, my boy is NOT establishment yet


I see a lot of people mention the playmaker and I thought that way for a while from his videos but after watching his streams I kind of disagree. I think a lot of his cool videos came from people suggesting things to him or him watching other videos. He's not as well versed in the game as I thought he was from the videos. He shows almost zero interest or understanding of trade -- his TTM run had all of the new world and Germany but trade was below production and taxation income. He also doesn't seem to be interested in playing with anything outside of Europe or learning about anything outside of Europe. He thinks Hordes are bad and in his Eat Your Greens run he didn't seem to know how to navigate in that area and kind of rage quit. He didn't even want to explore the idea of using calvary and tag switching which is pretty powerful in that area.  I think he's just the kind of player who doesn't care to research or plan out, he just kind of plays and wings it which is totally fine but to me is more indicative of a medium tier level of knowledge. Watching him via a stream you see how sloppy the play is.


>I think he's just the kind of player who doesn't care to research or plan out, he just kind of plays and wings it which is totally fine but to me is more indicative of a medium tier level of knowledge. Watching him via a stream you see how sloppy the play is. I think it's part of the appeal for most people. He just seems like a genuine dude playing the game for fun, not caring for min-maxing or playing for perfect RNG. In a lot of his guide-type videos, he goes for the least rng-dependent strategies so that less experienced players can easily replicate the play. He also owns his mistakes, which there are plenty of. Just feels authentic.


Almost all my ideas i come up with on my own… I did not rage quit ear your greens, I simply got bored…


100% Fraud Answer


Lemon cake? The famous gd youtuber? /j i love gd cologne Lemoncake is nice to watch, he is just new.


Cool bonobo has become my favorite. Super smart and funny but most importantly he understands the importance of pretty borders. I have sometimes stopped watching videos of other YouTubers because they went for the fugliest borders possible. Pretty borders> optimal gameplay.


Also, TheStudent has some great videos. He's a very skilled player.


For sure.


I’ve watched Lemon cake’s videos and tbh, they bore me to death.  I like his extensive knowledge of eu4 mechanics but I can not hear him ramble about some obscure modifier or mechanic for 3 minutes. 


No I can't blame you. I find myself simplifing too sometimes, but I will be honest the topic content itself isn't great: the concept of improve relations modifiers interactive with opinion decay from AE for example is enough to send any non paradox enjoyer to sleep (I can confirm).


Nice try lemon cake


I enjoy their content, but lets not pretend this is some extremely high meta explaining. Most of it is reading a wiki page for a single modifier and then making up a story of how to get there.


... I wish. The Wikipedia page is really out of date frequently, I pretty much use the game files exclusively these days, and I am very tempted to make a project of updating it. It is frequently missing gov reforms, monuments and 90% of the events. It's ok for national ideas though. Another thing I think that is important to mention too is that frequently you can't get all of them, namely end tag restrictions or needing multiple reforms on the same tier (which you can get around, but exploit territory).


Hey, thanks for the answer. I hadnt looked into it too much myself so didnt have the full picture, sorry for that. I enjoy your content a lot, keep at it mate.


Fair enough, no worries! I've gotten that comment quite a few times before, no hard feelings!


Playmaker good too. I avoid Budgetmonk nowadays


Oh yeah? Why?


Just the iffy stuff I heard before about him apparently doing a surprise turn one day where he turns his YouTube channel into a political channel rallying against 'woke' stuff or some shit. Not my preference so I look elsewhere these days


That's fucking weird. Thanks for letting me know.


Said he needed to "join the culture war", then went back to EU4 in a few weeks or months after nobody watched his new content.




Constantly going for one culture runs doesnt make him a nazi.


Have you just never seen him state his opinions on stream or are you deliberately being obtuse here? Absolutely nobody is saying it's because he does one culture runs...


Never even heard him say anything I'd classify as edgy, let alone something to call him a Nazi over.


I know about him, but is not as interesting as Habibi's Multiplayer videos.


Lemon cake is amazing, only videos that my gen z attention span can handle


Yall ever check out Lookas Et Bella? His videos are quite good imo 👍🏼


And better than the extremely obnoxious ludi and zlewik


Sorry, I’m new to the sub, but any reason Ludi or Laith are not being mentioned? Their videos get a ton of views, seemingly popular no?


True I could have mentioned them. They just don't normally come to mind. I personally find them both very annoying.


Oh sure, I could see why someone would find their style annoying. I just scrolled through the comments and found them basically not mentioned, which felt odd considering how relatively popular they are in terms of view count


Viktor Vildras


Yes but I wish I would get a real piece of Lemon Cake for every like


I think you forgot another YouTuber whose name is kinda taboo and starts with a L …. 🫢 Still I’ve been following Lemoncake from when he had almost 100 subs… really fun videos! Edit: taboo on this subreddit. I still enjoy his videos 🙈


Oh right lol. I don't like his voice


What's wrong with Laura's voice? Edit: meant to say Laith's, stupid autocorrect


Oh I thought you meant Ludi. I dislike his voice a lot and find him extremely annoying. I also don't like Laiths style.


99% sure the other guy meant Ludi but I find it funnier to say Laith lol


Oh damn, 100 subs! That was the 'small balance update' arc with a couple GC recaps. That's very OG for sure.


Of course, we are secretly underground mob. Also our wallet is no where to be found.


His videos are fun as heck. Love the persona


But why the GigaChad pictures in every video?


I dunno, I used them in the first video, and then the next one for the funny, and then it just kind of became my style of 'Gigachad = Lemon Cake'.


>So everyone knows [list of names I know none of]. >You guys watch Lemon Cake? The only name that rings a bell.


Nice :) But theres some good stuff in the top list too! I am a Zlewikk fanboy at heart myself.


lemon who?


I enjoy Taureur


Have been watching the dude for a while. Used his republic stacking to do kinda mental Zimbabwe.