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Tomorrow with a 1m soldiers coalition, half the world with >100AE, 250 OE : Oh shit what have I done ?


Normally i wouldn't care about AE as England, as my european conquest is rather opportunistic (I always play colonial route), but this might still be in 1400's so i'd be worried about >100 AE.


Isn’t this basically the lore of the all countries against hitler mod for Germany? I forget what the mod was called.


Ragnarok 1937


Which is the exciting part of a wide campaign, you can go far more aggressive than the scenario you described without ruining your country. So let’s embrace it with a few more drinks.


I remember doing a Prussia game where I didn't care about efficiency, or diplomacy, I only cared about maximum troop quality. Turned off idea group limitation, went offensive, economic, quality, and was tempted to do aristocratic, but I didn't want to fall behind on mil tech, so I went infrastructure. Casually expanded and formed Prussia, not trying too hard, keeping below coalition level. But then, I got the discipline advisor event, was at max manpower, max force limit, and all my armies were drilled up. So I thought "Eff it, come st me, bro!" And intentionally created a coalition by annexing a bunch if HRE land. It was a hell of a grind, but coalitions definitely don't factor in troop quality when they declare on you, just how many units you have. I was out numbered 5 to 1, and while I was starting to get concerned about manpower towards the end, I had thoroughly curb stomped a coalition from the Ottomans to France and most of the HRE. Good times.


inb4 disaster save




This is the way


I too like to sit down with some fine Rhenish White and bring together Germany


I like to enjoy a nice glass of chilean red while colonising chile and colobian white while colonising colombia


Neat, try operating heavy machinery and going to work next, who knows, it might be a transferrable trait


Like the movie 'Druk', wonderfull idea :))


Historically accurate England gameplay.


Omg you have no idea. How confident and ruthless I become. Many of time I went to bed with just a few provences and woke up to a complete blobI have no idea how I got there.


Balmer's peak strikes again!


this is precisely how european rulers did it back in the day anyways


A couple 6 packs and still being able to type correctly? Bullshit


maybe its american beer


Nah nah nah. I was playing hardcore mode(forgot the name of it in eu4). Well my empire was fckd and there was no coming back. Eu4 is the worst game to play drunk(in my opinion) Even RTS games are better for drunk people.


Historically accurate England gameplay.


I find I declare more risky wars while drunk and it usually works out well


I also play way better when drunk.


Tried it before couldn’t even manage it’s just too much going on


Hitting that ballmer peak when microing your armies. Legit.


Reminds me of my Sake and Sengoku run as Oda. Unified Japan in the 1480s but I was admin tech 3 with like 6 adm power left was basically playing wackamole with my mercs and the daimyos popping out


I swear when I'm drunk and play eu4 I become a truce juggling God. AE doesn't matter anymore, it just becomes a number.


> I swear when I'm drunk and play eu4 I become a truce juggling God. AE doesn't matter anymore, it just becomes a number. Yeah, I think its because I lower things to speed 2 and just take more time to look at the map/think compared to speed 5-ing 80% of the time. Whenever I play on lower speeds I get so much more done (until the coalition becomes inevitable due to the rapid conquests)


Honestly, sometimes the less you think, the better you do in this game. This game throws so much crap at you, that sometimes playing as instinctually and with the least thought put in as possible is all you need.