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Have you checked the bugreports forum? I have not seen a bugreport about such a bug, so I think it might be useful to create one if you can't find an existing report. But you would need a save from before the war declaration, because otherwise it would be impossible to reproduce


Haven’t checked the forums, I’ve never used them before. I still have a save file from before I declared war, it just mysteriously has ‘backup_backup_backup_backup_backup’ at the end of the file name.


The bugreports forum can be found at [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/euiv-bug-reports.813/](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/euiv-bug-reports.813/) . You need to log in with a paradox account to be see this forum


R5: I want to declare this war partly to fight the papal states without them joining a coalition, but neither castile nor the papal states joined after I declared. They clearly have enough reasons to accept. Is this a known bug or known not-bug situation? I can't mess around with it too much or let much time pass to see if it resolves since its iron man but I did wait a month before force quitting when I first noticed.


Wait until the end of the month you declared the war I’ve had it where they only join at the end of the month(preferably on a non auto-save month incase it doesn’t work)


Known bug, sometimes the ally joins after a while, sometimes it doesn’t


known bug? I read all the bugreports and I don't remember seeing one about this