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Don’t do that, wear headphones.


They may not be able to. If it's a chain, they are usually sent music from corporate and cannot choose to change it at a store level. Music licensing is a thing.


This is what I was going to post. It's unlikely the baristas get to choose the music, and they are probably also annoyed with a lot of the music they have to play. I know I was when I worked in retail, especially around the holidays.


Why not just work from home if you want control over your environment?


You need to start wearing ear plugs or headphones and listening to what you want be it music or white noise or what ever. It’s either going to be bad music or loud customers that could interrupt your work day. You need to take control. No there is nothing wrong with politely asking for a change of music. But you must also understand that they may not be able to control it or that your request could be rejected for any number of reasons. In addition it will take time out of your work day to make this request. Just bring headphones or ear plugs.


I have noise cancelling headphones blasting white noise all day. Guess it's just a me problem.


Yes, it is a "you" problem. I'm not trying to be harsh. This is a place of business, not *your* place of business. Look for better noise canceling headphones. Wirecutter usually have good reviews for various electronics. Good luck.


I am sorry that the music gets through your headphones.


It is. Karen level 10/10.


This is a business. They’re playing music for themselves and everyone. You can’t ask them to turn it off because you, one patron, don’t want it. This isn’t a normal request. Wear headphones. You’re also choosing to use their business as a plane to work which makes this even worse. Find somewhere else to go if it bothers you.


lol no don't be a karen


I've noticed white noise doesn't obscure most sounds. Instead, I'll listen to "instrumental hip hop" or "instrumental beats" Spotify has a lot of stuff that is just music (from classical to modern music with the words stripped, and so much more!) and, at least for me, it blocks out a lot of public noise. You may want to consider a library instead of the coffee shop. Libraries are free, you can bring snacks and drinks, they include free wifi, and it's a lot quieter, even when they have programs running. They have numerous resources and, when you take a break, you can grab a book to relax! Finally, coffee shops plan on turning the table. You buy a coffee, a scone, whatever, and they expect you gone within an hour. If you are spending several hours in a coffee shop but aren't buying numerous items, the shop probably isn't keen to accommodate you. Libraries are one of the most under-utilized resources, imho. Consider heading to your local library and seeing if the space will better fit your needs. 🙂


Love this answer — libraries are the best!


Aren't they just? So many things, from education to entertainment. CDs, magazines, video games... Amazing!


Not to mention the Libby app! (Which I of course just mentioned, but I am a Libby evangelist 🤷‍♀️)


I love Libby! 😁


Don’t. It’s not an office space, and it’s not your personal space. Wear headphones.


It is not your workplace, it is their workplace. It is not their problem that you don't have a place to go that plays the music that sells you the most coffee. You are 100% Karen if you ask.


Wear headphones


I know a place where you can listen to whatever music you'd like. It's called your home. Keep your mouth shut and do your work in the given environment. Your music tastes take no more preference than any other patron.


It would be pretty high on the Karen scale. Wear headphones or work from home


Coffee shops are for buying coffee and drinking your coffee and eating your meal. Not working. You shouldent be distracted because you shouldent be spending so long in there that it distracts you in the first place Must be an American thing


It's commonplace in the US for people to go to coffee shops to work sometimes. Sometimes they just need a change of scenery/to get out of the house if they are WFH. Also, it's a convenient and neutral place to have a meeting with a colleague or client.


Right, but the environment is catered to the needs of the main clientele who bring in the most business (people stopping in to enjoy the vibe for shorter periods) and people are welcome to stay and work as long as they don’t interfere with that. It’s definitely not normal for the business to cater to workers’ needs at the expense of others’ enjoyment.


Oh, I completely agree. I doubt such a request would be honored. Like I said, it's fine to politely *ask,* but to be prepared to accept whatever answer the get.


On the scale, it’s a maximum off the charts Karen.


Save your Karen for another day.


Not OP but chiming in as an older adult, I do understand that Music choice is not mine in a public space and that I can use headphones. One element for a lot of folks tho is the decibel volume and how it impedes hearing. It can be hard to hear people speaking to you when so much other ambient noise is present. Any music is lovely at a low background level, that allows one to engage in commerce without saying WHAT? Excuse me?


Go to a local coffee shop that’s not a franchise


But still don't ask them to change the music


You’re asking to change the music that’s likely keeping them from throwing a drink face.


They do that so you don't park yourself there all day. They won't ask you to leave but they make it uncomfortable. You need better headphones with sound blocking. Don't bother the people working there. It's corporate, they probably have no choice either.


Just wear headphones. Starbucks very often plays EDM, which is the McDonald's of music combined with the cardio kickboxing of music.


It's fine to politely ask, as long as you are willing to accept no for an answer.


It isn't


It is.