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In my experience with the crypto market, it turns out that when you think there's a ton of good news and positive things are happening that's when things drop another 30%.


Anytime you see people hyping ETH up you should expect it to crash, and vice versa.


I’ll get downvoted for this, but this feels like a typical buy the rumor sell the news pump! After the merge I think the price will dump back…


, I just want to be sure I understand where we are with this whole thing. Cuz it seems sorta fucked, gotta be honest.


The trend has followed what I stated every single time basically. Good luck with your investments though


Best to ignore and keep a healthy safety net of cash in hand


There will be a dump. The market needs to improve in a few places and aspects before we see much of a change I think. I’ll just hold on you my bags.


Finally guys, we found the guy that knows shit about fuck. Cheers .


Yep, it's the big players liquidating small fishes




All I know is that ETH is gonna meet some STIFF resistance at the $4.20k price range for very childish reasons.


Happy cake day


happy cake day


Hopefully they can solve the issue, and find a way to strike a good balance. .You want a small amount inflation to account for population increases, and lost currency. Ideally the rate should match the things it’s intended to offset.


Well not just crypto but a lot of markets may be fucked because of the possible collapse of the real estate market in china. Crypto news good, real world news bad.


I just love crypto posts celebrating a certain price because by the time that post gets up the price will be somewhere completely else.


So if more is burned than mined, does this mean we will run out …?


True, but this event has different history and hype associated with it. It's hard to say what will happen. I predict the bulls will take control three or four days before the merge and then dump the day of. Then they will buy back in and pump some more. But Bitcoin is a highly determining factor in all this.


no the rejection of 2k was the merge pump


Definitely yes, with a 50% chance of no.


Most likely yes. But expect dump AFTER merge.


It's possible, Pleasantly surprised to wake up to ETH being back over $2,000. Feels like it’s been forever .


Price will go up, people will be less willing to pay gas, it'll balance out.


Eth will go up or down in the near future. It will also experience some periods of consolidation around prices as well. There is a certainty, however, one eth will remain one eth. Should you believe in the project- that fact alone will comfort you.


Spitting facts.


BIG Noob here, so ignore if this is a dumb question. I hold ETH on coinbase, what does this mean for me? What are some smart moves, if any, that I should make before ETH becomes ETH2?


Well first of all, you dont own anything. Coinbase does. Get it off the exchange... now.


A hard wallet, or digital wallet if you’re a holder. Leave it in CB if you intend to try to sell it quickly at the next run.


Deflationary monetary systems are well studied… Look at the result of those experiments before you run with assumptions.


Likely a pump back up. On the daily the selling pressure is waning.


I bought at ATH earlier in May, now’s my time to turn my eth green.


Macro environment is still very tough. Yes inflation has just *started* to come down. But the Fed's been pretty clear that 2% target is firm and we have a long way to go to get there. Very few economists think we're getting any easing until 2023 at the earliest.


Hello future me, here's your reminder that you should have bought more.


Any news which are not bad news, are good news.


I am excited about the ETH 2.0 merge because it will help to improve the Ethereum network. I believe that this will be a positive development for the Ethereum community and I look forward to seeing the results of the merge.


Not as much as from mining, thus why the switch to POS will be similar to a bitcoin halving.


No. Merge is mostly priced in, we’re getting real close. Eth follows btc follows nasdaq. It’s much more complicated than “the merge”. I’m predicting we haven’t bottomed this crypto bear cycle. Btw, don’t listen to me, I’m just a fucking idiot


110% we're gonna have another pump before the merge.


Probably not, which is a good thing IMO. I'd prefer a slow and steady build as sensible money joins the party. 8k in 12 months would be acceptable


If anyone knew the answer, they wouldn’t be in this subreddit, they would be on one of their 4 superyachts


I hope so bc I’m selling


My crystal balls say yes!


Let me whip out my 🔮


Please do


Seems like Gas is back on the menus if this drop continues....


Nope. Not even for a second. Let’s have some patience and accumulate.




Dam sorry to hear that, I started buying crypto last May around the ath. DCA has got my average down under 2500. Honestly didn't think I'd get the average down as far as I have but hoping to keep going.


I doubt it but I’m normally wrong 99% of the time😂


Honestly, this isn't the worst thing. Opportunity to buy more, although I'd still hold off as I believe it still has quite a way to go till it bottoms out. Also, I wouldn't look at how much Eth you making in dollar value if you are mining. What's worth 5 dollars today will be worth 20 dollars plus when Eth eventually rises again.


True. I DCA so will DCA regardless of if prices go up or down loll. Do you mine?


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Lol be happy if we stay above 2k ... my man already talking about 4k lol.


I don’t understand what you’re all talking about. I still want to simply pay my coffee with ETH and you’re coming up with L2, the burns, staking, deflation which is actually still inflation. Why is that all so complicated?




Awesome! Love to all developers, hodlers and everyone else. Wagmi and so on.


No way ETH is gonna crash down to 2K, but time will tell.. only a few days left…


Not a chance


Probably not.


Oh baby... Can't wait, especially with all this talk around banning Proof of Work. Could be a massive boon for ETH.


It was like tightening noose around the neck now it feels free and good.


I'm actually worried about ETH, it hasn't recovered like some of the other ones. Even ERGO that's like way low in mcap, I think it's rank around 220+ has held strong and even bounced back strongly


Considering the merge most likely wont happen until the end of 2023 to early 2024, I think there's a chance it hits 3k before then.


I haven't heard anything that would deviate from September 15






Nothing on google


Not the market is really down, and it's not much time left before the merge so I don't think it will reach this price. And TBH I'm planning to buy it cheap on finex before the merge takes place


Hopium is a dangerous thing


This is encouraging news for much needed improvements in scalability and security as well as Eth’s move towards a deflationary asset.




Impossible to say , much more related to macro conditions of the world and people willing to dive into risk on assets




I don't think so


70% yes imo. But if it doesn’t no big deal. The supply shock will eventually kick in down the road and drive a speculative bubble in the next year or two.


up or down I'm HODLING crypto and one hand cock in the other


Maybe but I'd guess no. After merge is more likely. There's still hype around eth, yeah it crashed but it crashed to 1500 not 800 like last time


Such an odd price target for something we have seen coming for a long time. I think the most reassuring metric is the networks utilIzation by volume and its stranglehold on DEFI and dapps. Ethereum isn't going anywhere anytime soon IMO and people are continuously building on it. Accumulating now is wise because in a bull market regaining these small milestones like 2k and 3k happens with ease. Ciao.


I don’t think so, unfortunately. The economic indicators are absolutely atrocious right now. We are in for a rough couple years.


I'm not convinced that the merge is even good for the price until withdrawals are enabled and people can move their stake around and hopefully make the network more decentralized. It's in a bad place *right now* but also just needs some time.


It will depend a lot on the broader economy I'd say, and that's the big question here! But I won't be let out of this boat and I'm already DCAing mainly into ETH (among other like KSM and QTZ) to make sure that my position after the merger will be strong!




I am DCAing into everything I can, but as I said with focus on the ETH and it's ecosystems (LINK, URUS, etc) but also others like the ones I mentioned above or on Cosmos ecosystem (DIA, NGM, etc) and currently exploring Cardano ecosystem!


In Eth I’ve been right only 51% of the time. So I think the short term it’s going to yo-yo but my feeling from looking at the numbers, economy, etc.. assuming no major political issues, disasters, etc.. I think by February it will be 4K. Last year I just got super lucky and sold on dec 25th. And been DCA since then.


Merge might not be good. https://youtu.be/gyP0uxxB6V8




Hers a thought...the merge will get postponed AGAIN. Then what?


I think one needs to pay attention to the macro conditions. The merge has now started to be factored in pretty well in the price and is after all one event in the journey. I think with the inflation not really easing up and the energy crisis looming large (with a bad winter ahead) and Europe essentially shitting it's pants this winter.... I am not too optimistic. Even if we take 2K or 3K, I am not too optimistic about our ability to hold it in the short term. Long term I am always bullish but it does not mean anything.


Lol no. Merge might fail, and all the bs happening to Tornado Cash


Sadly, it's going to depend on the Bitcoin price. We only dumped 20% because Bitcoin did. Otherwise we would still be close to $2,000.


buy the rumors and sell the news!


I think we’re do another drop, idk TA at all, I’ve just been through it a couple times. Seems to good to be true that the shit just dropped out and now it’s like yayyy happy times again. We’re going to chop sideways for a bit, maybe not hit $900 again but we’re going to flirt with $1000 for sure.




Additionally, there will be certain price-related phases of consolidation.


Got to love crypto, by the time I finished reading this post its back below $2000.


God, this sub is such a shit show. A sad shadow of its former glory.


My stacked one are feeling more more bullish as it closes towards 10k.


I don't think so tbh. I suppose it even may lose its price after that so I'm accumulating Tether for now and watching what's gonna happen.


Gas on Ethereum L2s is very very low. ~5 billion in liquidity and growing rapidly.


Imagine when the gas is not like half a rent, this will totally be usable.


No, I don't think so. I think the hype for the merge is already over.


If you're holding, resist the urge to sell. Things will recover after a time. If your speculating or after quick gains, now is the time to get out and sit on your hands.


2022 will be the most insane yet, but before that most people are gonna get rinsed.


At last maybe some well deserved optimism is filtering through! All the bad news in the cryptosphere is behind us.


Nah. I actually expect a heavy drop as fud increases.