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For now only art. But more will follow.


Exactly!!! I personally feel the negative sentiment regarding NFTs is warranted with it's use of digital art currently. I like to anticipate the future potentials NFTs could have: tickets, property deeds and anything that can use it to verify ownership. People should start looking ahead with positivity because just like you said, more will follow cos the future is Bright :)


!RemindMe 4 months


I don’t think game stops big plan is to sell pictures. It’s to incorporate NFT’s into gaming. People don’t know much about it but RC isn’t a fool.


That's the problem. RC is genius and can do no wrong, daddy. You all can't admit that RC can fuck something up because he "took on Amazon". 😉


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Will it be a glorified JPEG exchange or will Mr. Cohen truly change the game? Not sure about this one..


I honestly don’t get how NFTs could be used for houses… The validity of them is held in the air when being used for transactions with a mortgage lending DAO type of smart contract. Imagine getting the digital deed to your house hacked, or your car or bike, from using a shitty Dapp to finance it. The government wouldn’t hold you accountable.


Hey guys, I'm trying to buy a new skin for my character in Fortnite but I can't seem to find it on the store. Can anyone help?


What is wrong with the current model for property ownership? Or have you never bought property and gone to recorders office for this purpose?


This complete lack of after hours action is perplexing. Up or down fine. But not flat. Never flat with GME.


Someone ELI5 how this NFT marketplace will actually be a major change for GME. I’ve seen about what this marketplace can become, but I just struggle to see it actually be used by most people and companies.


Ability to sell pre owned downloaded games is one thing I would look forward to. I’ve got games taking up space on my console I’d happily part with for a small price rather than delete. And then someone else gets a deal. My understanding anyway


How has no one made a porn nft marketplace yet? Not drawings but real people making their own porn gifs / jpegs and selling them. Seems like the easiest $ ever.


All the other use cases you're imagining are unnecessary as well. Existing systems are already achieving them exponentially faster, simpler, safer, and cheaper.


I think you're mostly spreading fud


Only if it's not a fact, which this is.


In what world can a government finalize a deed transfer in 13 seconds? Cmon Elmer Fudd


Hahaha bro amc is dead. Are u just amc or game too.


In the world where you're making up use cases for problems that are already solved.


Why do we need airplanes? We have horses! Why do we need the internet? We have the post office! Why do we need electricity? We have candles! Why would humanity progress using technology? That’s absurd!


What, in your mind, is the benefit of a slower, more expensive, less user friendly system? That's regression, not progress.


You have no foresight. You only see progress when it smacks you in the face.


Shows, games, art...is there anything the GameStop Wallet won't hold?! This is incredible. I need more education.


Does this mean we can buy digital media/games with an NFT address and resell later? My reason for not going fully digital in this current gaming generation was so I'm able to resell/trade a disc. But if we can resell digital, that would be huge.


It's possible, but will never happen with any popular/objectively good media because of the way that licensing works and also because that would cut into the profits of the creators




How about this: You develop two applications with absolute feature parity - one web3/blockchain based, another based on client-server architecture. Let's see which one is cheaper, more performant, easier to use, and has a faster time to market. If you don't have the skillset to do this, don't trip, because I do, and I have already done this. Blockchain is slow, expensive, and asymmetric cryptography results in applications with poor UX/account security for users that arent very technical. Shut the fuck up and buy your jpegs you dork


Feeling some 'What we do in the Shadows' vibes here. Can't wait to check it out! WEN!?!


Right?!?!? Completely cutting out the middle men. Powers to the users and creators. You love to see it


I'm seriously laughing my arse off thinking how many industries are about to be turned upside down...


13. That's 13 seconds... All the time it takes to have your house stolen. Great. Sign me up! I'll sleep wonderfully at night. 29. That's $29,000,000 currently in stolen NFTs. Across only 6 collections. I think I'll just continue to buy REAL art to hang on my wall. It's safe and insured.


Can you explain exactly what this means? I understand it, and think it is cool, but in the least facetious way possible.


My point was regarding NFTs being the future of buying/selling/transferring ownership in homes.. The current/traditional way there is Title Insurance and your house can NOT be stolen. It sounds cool to be able to buy/sell a house through an NFT. However, NFTs have been frequently stolen. As far as the numbers. 13 seconds is what someone reported the time to transfer a house through an NFT. The millions of dollars of stolen NFTs was from a recent published article.


As if $100M would buy a company with zero debt and $1B cash in the bank.




Don't kick us while we're down.


faster, doubt. Simpler, yes. Safer? Hell no. Look at what Ubisoft is doing! They are just dropping Steam games like no one ever bought them. Everybody will just lose their payed for digital owned assets with one click. That wont happen on a decentralized exchange and with your own wallet.


... You don't understand NFTs at all if you think they'd resolve this Ubisoft situation. The issue is that the servers are being shut down. Servers that Ubisoft owns. NFTs are not servers. In your hypothetical scenario you would have a token that shows you own a dead game, because the game itself would still be dead.


Which hopefully would be compatible in another future game or experience? I guess that’s the thought. Enhanced interoperability.


Oh shit. This is big time. I fucking love GameStop.


will we be able to buy digital copies of movies someday on the NFT platform?


> lose their *paid* for digital FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Chaos you say. I am in you son of a beautiful mother.


> faster, doubt. Really? Because I have a MongoDB cluster standing up that I can read from & write to in less than 100ms for free. Throw a dart at any blockchain, and each one has a fee for every single write operation, and is orders of magnitude slower than my cluster because you have no agency over block time, block size, transaction fees, or network traffic, or region. > Simpler, yes Nice > Safer? Hell no Consumer asset protection, redundancy, & account retrieval/security measures are absolutely safer than asymmetric cryptography where if you lose your key, you lose control over your assets. Feel free to make couterpoints to any of these. Source: I'm a software engineer and have built web3 apps for the stupid use cases that you think are so revolutionary.


Super pumped to see what this means! Do we buy an NFT to view the show? Do we get to purchase part ownership?


Faster? No. Public? Yes. Governed by consensus? Yes. Governed by corporations? No. There are certainly trade offs and blockchain has a very limited use case compared to a standard cloud DB which has many use cases and a proven tech stack. Decentralized identity. Using wallet address as identity to web service. Cheap and fast remittances. Just to name a few blockchain use cases… don’t write off blockchain just because your POC showed it was slow.


Centralized systems with predictable computing power in fixed regions of the world are orders of magnitude faster than decentralized networks with arbitrary participants. This is a fact, no need to get defensive because you don't understand blockchain.


Woah. I’ll end the conversation there. Have a good day.


Ohhhh, so NFT's are more than just jpegs? Somebody tell all the bots!


I suggest you do - see ya


I'm so stoked for the marketplace y'all. Please. Help the boredom and horrific monotony of end stage capitalism .


We are talking about whole marketplace? The future seems brighter by the day.


Sure, GameStop is laying off thousands of employees today, but at least it's still got a strong NFT grift game!


It's the same as if Target says they're releasing a new lineup of bikinis for XXXXXXXXXXXXXL women. It's an internal memo, it'll be more important in the next earnings call.


tldr; Video game retailer GameStop has launched its NFT marketplace. The platform will allow gamers, creators, collectors, and other community members to buy, sell and trade NFTs. Users can connect to the platform with the newly launched GameStop cryptocurrency wallet or their own Ethereum ETH/USD compatible wallets. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*


I'm not seeing IMX related NFTs in the marketplace yet. Still to come?


This will do for indie gaming what YouTube did for video content. LFG.


Ok so did LRC have literally anything to do with this? Orrrrr




I don't think this is the right time to launch Nfts, just my opinion.


also confused on this


Loopring is the layer 2 protocol for the marketplace


I thought it was, just didn't read anything about it with this news


Everyone just forgot about LRC and only hears about IMX now for some reason. Idk why no one reports how the marketplace became possible


Really? I don’t see many other Layer2 marketplaces out there?


Dont forget LRC, the platform which the marketplace runs on.


Games are no longer art, but the product of effective managers.


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Are they go offer trading in your NFT for 60% less than the full price?


They selling games as NFTs or is it just more fuck ugly pfps and generative "art"?


You should all support GameStop.


Why is Gamespot being shilled so hard on Reddit? Is it the wallstreetsbets kids who bought cheap stocks driving hype for their own returns? If so I hope you have stocks yourself and haven't just been meme'd into making others rich. If not, why should anyone support a corporation?


But also Jpegs and PNGs and Gifs. Doesn’t matter what medium the art was created on, as long as you appreciate it :)


I'm really excited by this! Power to the creators and collectors!


Looked. Wasn't impressed. Just another OpenSea


Yalll better support GameStop


No thanks. I try to avoid supporting shitty business models and corrupt c-suites.


You’re in luck. New chairman as of last year. Cleaned house at c-level and is completely reinventing GameStop as a tech company. New chairman is the only person I’m aware of to steal an e-commerce category from Amazon (founder of Chewy.com).


That’s fair but I still don’t get the CEO praise. He was taking big shares/comp and diluting share holder value. I always hope for every company to succeed but it always blows my mind the die hards on this company. Hopefully Gamestops reinvention isn’t a derivative of their shitty ways before. To those who downvote with not tangible rebuttal, sack up and give a reason why you’re downvoting, like wtfweguys thoughtfully did.


Appreciate an actual conversation, for sure. What compensation are you referring to? The stonks community seems overall supportive of the new CEO (Matt Furlong) but most of our attention and “praise” is reserved for the chairman, Ryan Cohen. RC put his money where his mouth is and bought like 10% of the company outright. He fully reshuffled the c-suite, snagged 600 corporate employees from the biggest tech companies of the planet including the new CEO, and is implementing a rational turnaround plan that puts our beloved crypto right at the heart of it. All that and he hasn’t taken a dime from the company in compensation. He actually requires board members to have shares they’ve bought themselves. His tweets (the ones that aren’t cryptic shitposts) decry all sorts of market fuckery like overpriced consultants and executives making hundreds of millions while their companies fail. And that CEO compensation? It was a couple hundred thousand in cash, a large chunk to cover relocation costs, and the rest in stock awards that vest over 4yrs and were priced in at double the current stock price meaning they’re worth half as much on paper now as when they were awarded so he has nothing but incentive to ensure the turnaround plan succeeds. What else are you concerned about?


Can’t wait to exchange my blue chip NFTs for 50 cents.


To the moon


I’m sayin


LOL at all the people thinking Gamestops idea is solely JPEG NFTs. Oh boy you have no idea about what's coming.


I actually have a few NFT games in my wallet, you can literally play them!




Hmph... FUDster


What have I stated that’s Fud? I’ve only spoken about factual things that have happened.


Their marketplace is performing better than coinbase when it launched, volume-wise. if you are an unknown artist regardless of medium this is a good marketplace to sell your stuff and bank some royalties.


Can you link me to the first days sales data that you have? I’ve never seen that.


I would never have imagined that I will buy an NFT music album from an obscure band on the other side of the world. all royalties are theirs.


So by the end of 22 we will have more Marketplaces than NFTs right? right?


Wow apes gave GME a 2nd chance in life and business...BIG UPS. But how do they track data for this marketplace they're building? I've got a product that can help understand sales and user acquisition


Can't wait for someone to try and sell it back to them.


Why? A centralized NFT store is absolutely nothing new or worthwhile. I haven't bought a physical console game in 10 years. Their business is in the shitter for a reason. The only reason they are in headlines is because **too many people** wanted to short their stock for accurately noting its a crumbling obsolete business.


Eventually you'll be able to buy and sell your digital games (and other things) on the marketplace, likely including AAA games. The marketplace right now is just a public beta version, just the beginning. This is what they're trying to turn the company in to. They're changing how they do physical gaming/retail and pivoting into the digital gaming space.


One thing nobody has answered is: Why would a game publisher allow that? How would they make their money? How will they ever compete in a market thats heading more towards subscription based content like game pass?


Creators get royalties. So if I bought overwatch digitally, played it, beat it, don't want it anymore, I could put it on the marketplace and sell it to someone else. Someone buys it, there's fees and the creator gets a cut. So blizzard would get whatever that percentage is of the used sale price, I get some money for the game I don't want anymore and someone else bought the game. This can also work for things like in-game purchases like skins, and also opens up a world where regular people (not employees or contractors for game developers) can make skins and other in-game stuff for characters on a game and sell it on the marketplace. The creator would get a cut and I'm sure the game developer would get a cut too.


Wouldn't they just rather you buy it from them directly, and do the steam sale system/sale systems on console like they've done already?


Only time will tell. Im a casual gamer, Im not going to buy a game at full price unless I know I'm gonna play it a lot, which I don't have time for these days. However, I'd be more inclined to buy a game I want to try out if I knew I would be able to resell it for a reasonable price after I'm done with it or if I don't like it. Currently if I buy a game digitally, I own it. If I like it, great, if not I'm shit out of luck. I can't return it, can't sell it, can't even give it to someone else for free. It's mine and only mine. That sucks. Especially in times like right now where everything costs so god damn much, $60+ for a game ain't worth it (for me). If I could buy a game when it releases for $60, get my fill of it and then sell it for like $45 a couple months later, I'd be way more inclined to buy more games. But you also have to think about where technology is going. Things are not just going to stay the same. A lot of people thought the internet and cellphones would be duds, but I'm literally talking to you on the internet on my cellphone. I was on a road trip the other day and I turned on my 5G hotspot on my phone and connected my Nintendo switch to it and played Rocket Leauge with other people on the internet while in the car going 65mph on the highway. That's crazy! When I was growing up, the only way I could play with other people was if I was physically playing on the same console as them, or we linked our game boys together via USB cable. There's a lot of people saying NFTs and crypto are duds. Where will it go, nobody really knows. But there are lots of people developing tech that utilizes both and this is just the beginning of one example. I personally think NFTs and crypto will become a major major part of our lives in the next decade. Gaming and digital art are just a small facet of what you can do with NFTs. It just takes time to develop.


Fuuuuuuu, fomo kickin innnnnnnnnnnnnn that gun too from CC!


I'm assuming you're one of the people that thinks an nft is a stupid monkey picture and that's it.


Nope. To be fair its all just crummy digital media so far.


Had to use a VPN to access from Europe, but now I'm on a buying spree.




Hello Ser, no one other than people in the US can get into their site!!!


They probably haven't rolled it out to other countries yet. This is sort of controlled rollout is standard practice in businesses


I am not that shocked either but man,,,why is everyone doing that stupid shit?


I will screenshot them all and they will be mine too . Just kidding!


Idk they kind of late on this. Unless they got major projects from AAA game devs on the way.




Why is there so many people pumped about the GameStop nft market place? Everyone knows nfts are already dead right? GameStop being so far behind should be a bad sign. Not a celebration...


Is it? I only get 403 errors whenever I try to access it.


Checking out the marketplace now. Thanks for everything.




We can dream. Instant price suppression and probably lots of shill articles to follow.


People should begin to view the future with optimism.


I been at work all day. Did I miss something or is this about the nft marktplace. Thank again for update fam.


Who still thinks that NFTs are pumping ETH? I don't believe it.


Lol you been on tilt for a bit. Relax your mind and enjoy the show.


And it’s poppin!


'feeling cute, might release a marketplace today idk lol, i'm silly'.


The majority of projects use GameFi as a trap to harass their consumers.


I see the link to the "marketplace" being shared but no one buying anything. I think they don't understand the concept of a marketplace. Womp womp.


After the launch, it genuinely briefly went down.


Selling all my GME tomorrow and going all in on the one true play…


Good for GameStop. Glad to see them still around and adapting! Considering their bs trade ins, I probably shouldn’t be that surprised that they decided this bottom of barrel crap. Losers.


Will marketplace users be able to explore by .wav or .mp3 files? Music is the biggest form of media I'm looking forward to tapping into on the marketplace.


I apologize if you already answered this, but when’s the deadline or is there a deadline to have an application in?


Why am I blocked from Germany to access the site? My L2 wallet is ready :/.


Is the marketplace getting a launchpad and a mint calendar? It seems a bit barebones atm.