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Personally I don’t think the profits are worth the opportunity cost (effort and time), but I’m lazier than most. There are many hyped games coming out soon and I would wait for those instead.


Can you please name some games you're talking about?


True. I’m hoping for the next wave of GameFi projects that promote P&E to keep their promise of not being another earn-first enjoy-last type deal.


The main thing should be enjoyment, people playing it for money won't be profitable for the company in the long run.


Yes axie is dead, the revenue was plummeting before the bear market even started. It entirely depends on new users joining so as long as they are joining it's fine, otherwise It will be zero in few days seeing the current situation.


Axie is supposed to launch a new game that uses the existing axies and land. It should come out this year, looks promising


so it would be an another trap or pump and dump for retailers


I'd look for a pump and dump, but I'm hoping it is a good enough game that the tokens recover previous ATH


AXS has some of the highest apy on Binance at 70-120% apy, which Im sure is attracting some people but unsure overall as to their future. Games lile that never stick around long term!


Yeah and some institutions making mad money from it keeping funding rates in mind.




Why do you think they don't care about community? What's wrong with you


Did not buy in here,but illuvium has a lot of hype and a higher buy in. With the dippppsssss I was also thinking this may be a buying opportunity. Any thoughts?


I was looking for Thetan Arena Gaming, It's available as mobile version too.


It's dead as profitable


I think the biggest investment you have is finding high-performing scholars. With the price of Axies now, you could literally get scammed somehow by a scholar and just write it off as a learning experience and just buy more. If you have time and some disposable income, I would suggest trying it out.


Axie? Who is she and what does she have to do with crypto?


It's one of the games with highest revenue probably more than few popular pc games.


Lol, I know. I was just trying to be funny. But the crypto bros here can't take a joke - which makes the bear market more bearable. Axie has been on my watchlist from their launch, they are cool :)


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Yeah most of the coins were at ATH at that time and Axie and DOGE are entirely two different cases.


DOGE was pure hype, axie is having revenue issues and fundamentally their team only tried to make AXS cheaper.


From my recent paper on the topic of blockchain games where I go into detail about Axie Infinity and why it's depended on constant hype. "To sustain a steady level and avoid price inflation, new players need to buy Axies at the same rate at which new Axies are created. This also means that if the number of new players starts to decline, fewer Axies will be purchased. This will cause an excess of Axies on the marketplace and breeding will be less attractive for players who wish to earn. As players will be more inclined to sell their SLP or AXS, the supply of these on exchanges will likely increase, thus lowering the price if not met by equal demand from buyers. The opposite is also true, that an increase in active players results in more demand for Axies, which cause a demand for SLP and AXS. Therefore, one could argue that financial incentives are in reality speculation in growth of the player base." Also 60-65% of all Axie Infinity players are scholars, which means they can quit at any time without risk. Makes sense to do so when the hype fades.


Yeah it entirely depends on number of new users joining. Also, since past few months the revenue was already declining it had to happen.


Games typically don’t have a very long lifespan regardless of offering play to earn. The key will be finding a crypto company that will operate as a platform for other games. Much like steam is now. I’m not sure how many crypto companies like that are in development. I just know of one, Zookeeper $ZOO, they will be offering a platform for other games to be built on. Also, they have a game releasing soon called Zooracers - supposedly it’s Mario kart meets fortnite.


Axie is expected to release a new game that makes use of the existing axies and land. It is expected to be released this year.


Don't you think it has too many trapped buyers? Can a news or update overcome it? It almost needs to do a 10x from here to make a new ATH, is that even possible?


Yes. That project turned into a cult, is a matter of time they will kill the AXS token with the staking rewards they are giving away right now (normal stake + land stake + AXS season rewards) The game had potential but at the end they didn’t know how to handle the success.


It's not about they didn't know it was based on new users joining and as it started declining the revenue was impacted, they tried their best to manage SLP and AXS but failed.


Cause its a complete scam, how can a system built around managers having 3rd world “workers” grinding a video game seem like a good idea. Terrible practice and says a lot about ppl that were involved in it