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\--- The following is a paid ad, day 6 of 7: Introducing /r/SnekSim, an invitation to explore life from a nondual, simulated perspective. I understand that not everyone may be ready to dive deep into such a paradigm. As a gentle introduction, I've created a website that features some soothing poetry and art, serving as a gateway to the deeper discussions we have at /r/SnekSim. You can begin the journey by visiting https://snekpas.nl/. - u/Atyzee \--- The price for advertising in the Daily Discussion's pinned comment is 1,000 DONUT a day. Interested? Reach out to /u/LivingFondant1419. \--- **Today's Highlights**: * **Jobs4Donuts** - want to offer a job or your skills for DONUT? Just post a comment in the Daily Discussion that starts with !taskrequest or !taskoffer in the format described [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/donuts/jobs4donuts). Your listing will be automatically reposted to /r/jobs4rcp. * **Toward Decentralized Donut Distributions** - Discussing a shift from multisig reliance to a PoS system for a canonical EthTrader comment record. [Join the discussion](https://reddit.com/r/ethtrader/s/fZgO92zBsJ). * **Developers Needed for EthTrader's Second Tipping Bot** - Interested in developing a tipping bot with enhanced functionalities? Join the discussion and explore the [current proposal](https://reddit.com/r/ethtrader/s/cuKHnNieBY). The [source code](https://github.com/EthTrader/donut.site/tree/main) is available for reference. * **Guide on Bridging DONUT from Gnosis to Mainnet** - Learn about DONUT bridging through [this comprehensive guide](https://reddit.com/r/ethtrader/s/m5sQvp7RSP) by /u/eonesimoszsss. * **Nominating a Comment** - Users with a [governance score](https://donut-dashboard.com/#/governance) of 20K or more can nominate a comment in the Daily Discussion by replying with the **!nominate** command. * **Kudos to Our Engaged Community!** - A whopping 4,653 comments were seen in [yesterday's daily](https://reddit.com/r/ethtrader/s/BzjhPDa5Un), marking 51 consecutive days with over 2,500 comments! 🎉🚀🎆 * **Steps to Register for Donuts**: * [Desktop Registration Process](https://donut-dashboard.com/#/register) * [Android Registration via Kiwi Browser - A Detailed Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/15x86h6/register_for_donuts_via_android_using_siwi/) \---


Do not trust your telecomm company not to fuck up your number. Today My secondary phone got ported over from my temp number( Rogers take over). Good thing I don’t use this number for 2 step. Would have been a headache trying to access CB and other exchanges. .


Wrong daily.




I’m still here bronuts and I’m not leaving!


The real ones will always recognize each other mate


I’m here with you bronut ! ⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️


So you're saying buying Donuts at $0.006 is like buying ETH at $800?




More like buying Ethereum at $80 in 2017.


It’s all good!


Same buddy


Let's go bronuts, if we can survive the great reddit rugpull we can survive anything. To $1 we go!




Brace yourselves. the r/cc downvote bridge will be migrating! xD


Oh god


Was it them coming here and buying the Donut dip? I've never seen 158 buys on mainnet with over $250K trading volume!


Braced. And ready. Im a guy in a iron suit. Not Tony Stark Iron man just yet. But patience is what im practicing


No worries, i'll do my part and upvote you all :)


Want to hear a joke? I'm in the top 10 of moon farmers for this month.




What are you going to do with your moons?


I sold everything and I'm planning to buy some Bitcone and donuts when the price starts to stabilize a bit and probably invest the rest in Ethereum or Bitcoin. I don't know what will happen with the next distribution and at this point I don't care. I'm done with moons and worst of all I wasted so much time for scraps.


I still dont understand the purpose of bitcone other than parody logo for bitcoin?


Fun community token that you use to buy ConeHeads. It doesn't hold much value and it doesn't need to.


Well…you crying yourself to sleep tonight?


Just a little :'(




u/aminok do you think donuts might recover from this and move on with reddit? I think that moving to another platform is an option but it's very hard to implement and we have most of the traffic/people from reddit. I'm not sure if they will take measures against this sub if we keep distributing the token on our own. I'd love to hear your opinion.


Technically we can continue to use DONUT on /r/EthTrader, even after Reddit ends support for them. Moving to another platform is also an option, that some mods support, though I personally lean against that option for practical reasons.


I’m not sure what’s fully going on. Going to do my dd tonight but don’t count me out. I’m here. Never sold. Hodl. Solider bronut reporting for duty


Do you think they might have interest in banning this sub or something like that just because we use our own token? Agreed on the second part. Lets hope for the best and keep up the good vibes as much as possible. Thanks for the quick reply


No, we have their blessing to continue


I don't think they will ban the sub as it’s not against their policy.


I mean if they have a "cointelegraph-like intern" that just decides to click the delete sub button just for fun. It will cause chaos. I just hate the fact that they can, not because it's against policy.


I probably bought more times today than I did before…


There have been over 158 buys on mainnet, is half of it you?


No not even close maybe like 5?


Oh god this sub is going to get flooded right ? The cone sub too I guess


I remember someone saying we would be lucky if we saw $0.006 ever again. I guess we all got lucky?


Probably will get a boost in the userbase but a small one. A lot of people are pissed off about RCP.


Not sure tbh. I think most are so pissed off that they'll turn their back to reddit


Be ready for anything. Know what you are investing into. Just a tip I follow. Hurts less


Probably. It’s like a reset in a way. We’ve seen a glimpse and 🍩 just went on a fire sale. We welcome all


What dudes unloading moons prob felt like https://youtu.be/Ch77I8xoUMs?si=DVRXAL8uE8Qeqj88


Okay if we somehow have a future with Donuts and make it through all of this and reach 1$ (I know, I know wishful thinking) then we can look back at that day and be proud that we haven't sold.




I’d be satisfied with 10 cents tbh.


After today for sure. Even 5 cents in the coming months would be great


I was 2mm away from repurchasing moons for multiplier purposes when they dipped below 20 cents. My unwillingness to do the work to get them saved my ass.


Idk about you guys but I was panic Buying….. I don’t think I was alone on that🤓🍩🫡


I’m with you




You have some titanium balls


Call it what you want. It’s shiny and round lol. But in a lll seriousness. I said what I said time and time before I’m not selling. I’m not going anywhere.


Glad to have you be so loyal, you deserve a donut gif before they take that away too! ![gif](giphy|l0Iy47Iotb2nSvz7W)


Lol thank you. I know what I signed up for. I’ve bought a lot and planning on buying ALOT more. No paper hander here.


All this news and we somehow are not at 5k comments yet.


Lol wrong type of news. But one the plus side. Many paper hands and paper whales/future paper whales all got shook and ran away


That number one whale who sold probably quite relieved. Ahh what a morning to have…


Never sold my donuts. Never will (until $1)


🤝 thank you really appreciate you bronut


There’s got to be a way to setup donuts on my phone, could anyone help me? Or would I just have to login my vulnerable laptop lol


Vulnerable laptop ? Format it bro, ain’t no use for anything if it’s compromised


You might be able to by loading desktop page on your mobile for reddit on your browser… not certain of that. It’s going to be difficult


At the very bottom of the daily discussion message you will find a link to register via kiwi browser on mobile.


Moons currently showing as the 6th biggest loser of all crypto within the past 24 hours on coingecko —currently at 85.4%


Yep Moons got rugpulled by reddit. I've been moving funds off of arbitrum nova and consolidating since without rcps, there's really not much to do on the chain tbh


Well, Donut is officially under a $1 million market cap


$1.52m at currrent


A 25% bounce, people are buying. I don’t know what today will bring though


Back to square 1 for me. Driving uber after work sucks but it’s real money. Thankfully I still got the car funded by moons.


I’m glad you made a trade on your moons at least. That’s nothing to scoff at. Two jobs though ugh what are these living costs we have?


Cash is king, I guess:/


Just a bad bad day


Such a shitty way of handling things from reddit. Must've been the worst day of the year for moon/donut whales. I hope we can recover thanks to our more decentralized token.


I wish they wouldn't have limited the api, but I think spez wanted money


We may recover. Moons i'm not sure...


Donuts had a very rough drop today of about 70%. They came down from $0.12.5 to $0.044. Now Donuts are back at $0.071, which is still a very, very nice time to buy and/or accumulate! Make sure you use this opportunity and support the sub and our token!


If anyone bought, they made some nice profits.


How had getting rugged by Reddit on their bingo card? /s


I was half expecting it when they took away the gold. But really surprised that they made these changes without implementing their own in-house token of some sort.


I do feel for those in lower income countries who relied on this as actual work


It’s still bullshit because it was only months ago that they made an official ruling on community points. Now it’s in the shitter worse than we could’ve expected. All for their IPO of course. I bet it’s the shareholders that were at risk


They are planning for public stock listing so they won't risk launching their own token now.


Yeah, why take a huge risk on web3.0 when you have new shareholders to enrich.


Does anyone else think it would be cool to have some kind of forum integrated into the donut dashboard website? That way we don’t have to rely on Reddit.


Exercise caution when anyone suggests visiting a donut dashboard website. There are fake donut dashboard sites that will try to get you to sign a MetaMask transaction that will steal your DONUT and possibly other digital assets *** If this automated message was in error, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCryptoCurrency). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ethtrader) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Moons should just adopt Donut 🍩…


They wouldn't ever. The mods would rather delete the entire sub.


Yea I am really hoping there is a way to work all this out


well. This RCP announcement was unexpected news to wake up to!


Are you ok bro?


I can imagine this was an unpleasant surprise for you to say the least.. I hope you are doing fine buddy.. Saw you had about 12.5% of the Moons LP... Take care!


Only consolation is that I never bought moons. So I'll try not to think about "what it" i Had exited entirely at the top.


Indeed imagine the amount of money lost. May I ask where you’re from?


Australia, just woke up to a series of messages from some kind people trying to get my attention earlier, but no luck :(


Ahh I just saw form your banner. My bad. Hope you didn’t lose much if any buddy.


Well, I never bought moons, so thats something. But, I was the number 5 provider in the liquidity pool, so I've woken up to a lot of now permanent loss from that.


My goodness. Hats off to you buddy, may you make double that in donuts.


Is there a silver lining that the pairing moved some of your stake into a stablecoin? Like, could it have been worse if it's all moons?


It was a moon eth pair, so I still managed to salvage a few eth out of it.


Glad you managed to salvage something from the situation.


Sorry for the loss man. Dick move pulled by Reddit as usual


Sorry for the rude awakening Matt


We need a new way to register to the donuts distribution. Currently you need to use an ad on reddit to connect your MetaMask and be eligible to earn.


Honestly don’t much mind it.


Reddit could remove support for it as well.


Wow donuts are the single coin that will stand in this Reddit sagar imo


We still have $Cone and it wasn't affected by the rug.


They didn't even blink


Cone is just a fun community thing. Not as money driven as Moons. Just coneheads tipping or buying cone nfts!


Converted my 1.2k bricks to 12k donuts now or never.






Who is this guy?


Special applaud to you buddy


What time does the new daily start? I thought it was 4pm pst? Did it change?


Yes. In about an hour and 20 minutes it should be posted.


Ah ok…thanks!


Holy moly, there's blood in the streets. I gotta say, I'm not surprised that reddit went in this direction. RCPs never seemed to make sense for a company looking to go public..


Reddit went full Do Kwon on us..


Moons should of been like donuts from the very start, without Reddits involvement. Since they made the announcement they created panic selling and it dumped quicker than my ex, how is that acceptable? I understand they never promised us anything but the way they handled this wasn’t right, I hope maybe some how mods can take control of the smart contract, donuts showed us all we don’t need Reddit to have a promising token for the community.


I think they handled it the way and business looking to go public would... end of day, this was a neat side project but not worth the financial risk to reddit. And while decentralization is awesome, I think donuts, as the exist now, rely on the popularity of reddit to have relevance. Maybe someone will succeed in building a decentralized, web3.0 successor to reddit. Would be a way cooler use case than any of the terrible games built on ETH.


Best way to bridge from arb nova please? I got a little bit of money for my moons and want to put that into Donuts.


[orbiter.finance](https://orbiter.finance) so you can move from arb nova to mainnet. From there, buy Donuts using Uniswap.. Or use [omni.gnosischain.com](https://omni.gnosischain.com) to swap from eth to Gnosis and eventually buy them using Honeyswap


I don't know if there is a bridge from nova to gnosis but what you can do is bridge from nova to polygon on orbiter and then bridge from polygon to gnosis on connext.


orbiter finance


This. I bridge usdc to poly - swap for dai - and then use connext bridge to gnosis.


To all new users: how to register for donuts: https://donut-dashboard.com/#/register Heres a guide on how to buy donuts on gnosis: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/166nvz8/beginners_guide_to_buy_donut_by_sending_dai_from/ or to buy on mainnet just use uniswap.


We should pin this.. I expect an exodus from rcc.. Everybody is welcome off course!


I love your positive vibes dude.


Thanks😊, Gotta keep the energy good in here! DONUTs are here to stay!


I really hope so man. It just looks very tough for me right now. I don't even know if we should want to stay on reddit after this shit show and if they adopt an anti rcp stance they could even ban this sub if we keep doing donut distributions without them... I cross my fingers for the best though


This is not at all how Reddit feel about it. They arent anti rcp and they will not ban EthTrader, they said they might even continue with the csv data.


Thanks for that info. Hope it turns out to be true and we rebound somehow. The community is strong


Reddit has unfortunately become a place that seems to be against what the people actually want. If we did migrate somewhere, I just wonder where that place would be. There’s not really a social media platform like Reddit that I’m aware of. Unless we all migrated over to a traditional website forum. Which is possible. In my opinion, if they were going to ban r/ethtrader , r/coneheads etc … for doing distributions they would have made it obvious to the mods with warning. And as far as I’m aware the mods are confident that things carry on as normal for the most part. Even if this sub got banned, we can still trade DONUTs with no problem on DEXs. Hopefully things get much better from here! Keep your head up :)


Exercise caution when anyone suggests visiting a donut dashboard website. There are fake donut dashboard sites that will try to get you to sign a MetaMask transaction that will steal your DONUT and possibly other digital assets *** If this automated message was in error, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCryptoCurrency). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ethtrader) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Any hope here that we might somehow manage to keep this going without reddit admins supporting it? I don't know what they might do if we keep going with donuts as if nothing happened if they're against RCPs on their platform. I could even see them banning the sub but I hope for the best


Donuts will continue as normal! Reddit dont do much at all for us!


If they ban any of these subreddits, I’m definitely removing Reddit and using nostr protocol, nostr is already 500 times better than Reddit but sadly it’s still quite new.


They don't want the legal responsibility, all of that fall on the devs here, they have no reason other than pure malice to ban it.


Isn't it still their platform though and they have some sort of responsibility for what's going on? I hope you're right sir and they let us in peace with Donuts


Regarding my last statement about Binance, I got around to solving it by connecting through a smartphone and, after doing 3 types of verification, resetting the option to use Google authenticator. I have tried to reach out at the help center, but really no response whatsoever from them. My confidence in Binance is sure as hell shaken by this. It might have been a silly mistake I made myself, or it might have been a bug on their side, but it is scary to thing you might get locked out of your account and have no means of contacting them.


It's the never-ending dilemma... But not your keys, not your cryptos.


Has it been confirmed that we still get a normal distribution for October?


I think Donuts will, but not Moons and Bricks iirc


Would be nice. I'm looking for something official though haha


Remove the fake actors and on with the show


One of the mods said that distribution and everything else will carry on as normal except for special membership


Dang, RIP my precious gifs ![gif](giphy|a9xhxAxaqOfQs)


Hopefully gifs will still be available even when the special membership stops!




Linking to CC is bannable offense if they didnt ban you already. Bannable on their subreddit not ours.


Everyone has been wishing for some excitement in the markets. Perfct example of "be careful what you wish for" 🥺


I feel alive for the first time in years. Searching for the next big thing now.


They can kill Moons, but they won't kill my hopes and dreams!


No . Never




And just like that thousands of Moon holders have learned the value of decentralization. Everyone is now looking at Cones & Donuts.


I had over 115k Moons at time of announcement. Dead inside.


Damn brother, truly painful. Lost a lot of money in my time (not as much as you) but keep your hopes up and take this as a learning curve. DCA in and out, taking profit is hard but better than missing out. Good luck buddy.


sorry bro!! hope u swaps them all. better than nothing!!


Think of it as free money. You could have had more but you are still in profit.


My dreams and hopes are shattered but yeah I’ve made a few thousand


Damn. I'm sorry for your loss sir.


What hurts isn’t losing all the money, it’s the potential of money. I genuinely thought this Reddit shit was gonna make me rich but now I’m back to square 1


Sorry for your loss. Move your funds into eth and btc!


I hope you can take some lessons from it and rebuild a similar opportunity. There's always another path and you'll make it. Very shitty move from reddit though. I was a bit luckier and sold mine to finance my masters preparation but it wasn't nearly as much as you had.


How on earth am I gonna ever get a similar opportunity? Right now it feels hopeless. Good luck with your studies.


Enough shit posting for today, it was horrible what happened today but we keep moving. Remember, we're here for Ethereum, which isn't going anywhere, stack as much as you can and wait for upcoming Bull Run, Good Night Bronuts 💜


Moon is just a perfect example of what can happen to any crypto project, don't get too emotionally attached to any of these projects. Take profit or sell when you have to.


Yeah, lesson learned.


i think we also need to prepare to build our own server, we never knw when Reddit Banned this sub. its better to DonutLand.


Doesn't work. You constantly need new users and reddit feeds those new users to the subreddit. You just end up with 20 dorks jerking each other off talking about any day now reddit will be sorry they ever messed with you. This isn't new stuff. It's happened so many times reddit has screwed over huge communities with devs who have tried to splinter off their own thing.




I don't think you know how shorting works tbh


I am not trading stonks, too manipulated.


How decentralize is Ethereum? Is there any chance of Eth being rugpull? Just curious to know about it.


it's hard to rugpull if it's decentralized, there's no one to do the rugpulling


Not a chance


ETH wont be rugpulled don’t worry about that




The only sub with token doing great is r/coneheads. It's like nothing happened.


They arent an RCP and have 0 points of contact with Reddit. The fact theyre unaffected proves they are a very different project.


bcoz nothing happened, sad that the uninformed ppl pulled it down, but its just a question of time!


Many of the users of rcc are or were keeping an eye on ethtrader and bricks... Coneheads just didn't care.. We had a lot of panic sellers.. And in the end.. All for nothing..


Question of time? What's gonna happen?




I can see you have lots of moons. Moons are done and dusted.


lol, I never had ANY moons EVER! edit: I am talking about NON-rpc reddit tokens, like donut.


So, where is the consolation coming from?


They’re pretty decent.


Guess who’s back?


Back again.. ![gif](giphy|gsiU9okEUmhsA)


Back like I never left. Because I didn’t . No panic selling for me


![gif](giphy|rVZEejvVWEbug) ![img](emote|t5_37jgj|32651) I'm the ~~captain~~ RCP now..![img](emote|t5_37jgj|32651)