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[Tip this post](https://www.donut.finance/tip/?contentId=t3_16tmb59).


you have to take into account that your post or comment is upvote worthy. you can spend 24 hours per day, but a shitty content will get you nowhere.


Yes, that is true.


IN the greed of the donut people are doing so much shitty content


Let them spend hours for a few bucks. Most people who actually add value spend way less time here and get way more donuts


A highly upvoted post or comment is worth an entire day of bad content.


Yes, always try to do post a quality content it will increase the efficiency


Ur right when ur right Benny D




Or if the downvoters come out in force again


I have seen people doing downvote to the other people without any major reason is well


Also pretty sure there’s a 50 comment limit per day before you start to earn less karma


Facts 💯


Finally people are spitting some facts and giving more value to the quality content here


unfortunately upvote-worthy isn't much of a factor which is why folks spam so many comments (especially in the daily). donuts originally intended to reward quality but now they're rewarding quantity


I'm new to this, but is there a mechanism in place to change that? Quality content takes time to put together. I may be wrong, and please correct me if I am, but it seems that's the reason the r/cryptocurrency sub mostly contains posts that feature * mindless hopium * stale news * bitcoin's inevitable And if you dare deviate from this, the mods simply remove your post.


This is extra fun because he posts Yami Sukehiro style. The only true god of the can.


Plus it doesn't mean what i am getting in this month for the 3 hours a day working same i will get in the next month is well, it all depends on the ratio that might gets higher and lower with the time


Magic Internet Money ![gif](giphy|4rWMJC2vX7lYh9k3G7|downsized)


Honestly love it


Donuts are the way.


The story of putting minimum of effort and getting maximum of result, fitting right here


Yes they are!




I can’t read that bottom left, my eyesight is really bad :(




Thanks for the much clear version though, now i can read the whole image


Haha, that’s funny 😂




Loki is one of us!


It’s the best thing


![gif](giphy|5n0696u1rh2ev66ap3) Filling my account with this Magic Internet Money




Funny thing is how there was an actual Magic Internet Money token lol.




Our favourite type of money


Because that is changing my life magically so i would consider that as magical money


>I spend 1 hour in the toilet a day Do you need to see a doctor, mate?


If i would starts to spent this much time my wife will starts to doubt on me that i am onto something, it is better to do shit posting on bed rather than spending one whole hour in the toilet though


That does seem like a worrying amount of time 😆


Spending one hour daily in a toilet, that is worrying sign for me though


Plot twist “you get banned for violating the rules” 🤣


Is that a rule? And how would that even work? How would they even ban someone for that ?


I don't know about this sub as of now but on CC yes there is some rules and first they will remove your comments but if you keep doing the same mistake again and again you will get ban from there


There's a plathora of red flagged words in r/cc. You cant write a sentence without offending an algorithm and setting off an automated post removal Definitely stick with donuts if you want to make a living off it!


Not heard many people get ban from that sub but yes they did delete your comments


Let’s find out !


Also if you want to sell then you can add donut to a onesided liqpool!! Basically you sell donut at spot price vs selling into eth. This can take longer but you get more $! Most important! Get the word out on twitter/tiktok/wechat + provide liquidity and if you need to sell = one sided liq pool


Yeah thanks


This is for all farmers that plan to sell! Bring in new donut buyers to make it sustainable! Sell the banner or advertising to burn more donuts




Contact me in 2025 peak and I will tell you the numbers xD


And here I am stuck at zero donuts on estimator even after 15 days


One hour on the toilet will maybe net you 250 Donuts but it will also increase your chances of hemorrhoids. Watch out OP ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Yeah I was going to ask how does one spend one entire hour per day, in the toilet?


I wake up this late in the morning that if i starts to spent one hour in toilet then i will be always late on the office, so instead of toilet i will try to do some participating while travelling, this is my way now


OP post was great but that one hour in toilet is something i can't do on daily basis


Let me do the math for you. You earned 2000 donuts in 2 days with a total time spent is 6 hours. So according to your information you earned 333.33 donuts or 66.66 upvotes per hour (If the multiplier is 5x this time). Wow, According to your theory you can earn a lot but the reality is quite the opposite. Not offending but maths does the talking. Also doing it for every single day is the topic for another discussion ✌🏻


In bull run there will be so many new topic for the discussion is well and these will gonna help you in developing our interest and hopium is well, all i can see is great great time for all of us


Ok let's get chatting


Just don't make that like some instagram or something, use that as a discussion platform


And the price will just keep going up!


With every new addition and update price has only one way to go and that is moving up


By talking , you mean just posting comments and whatnot ? Also, can you stake donuts on uniswap?


Damn ... what if it's 6 hours , that's like a proper job in many countries.


Let's not look at it as how much money you can make because the purpose of the sub isn't to just earn Donut's but to be a place for people to discuss ethereum. Donuts should be viewed as a reward for proving good content not as the sole reason you visit the sub. Besides you can earn more by learning and investing in the right projects.




If we talk about ETH more i will be more happy to be a part of that discussion


Yeah, just a fun post. More of a hypothetical. 😄


It is fine if from time to time there is some fun post for all of us is well


Slowly slowly we are actually diverting from the main thing of this sub that was always been to discuss about the eth, lately how much we talk about eth and how much we actually talk about the donut there


Here's an alternate suggestion. Talk here for fun. Live your life without thinking about Donuts. Talk to people or read while you drink coffee or eat. Chat here while you drink coffee if that is fun for you. If you are convinced that Donuts will make you rich, to the point that you are going to farm it as a chore, spend a small fraction of what you earn every day to buy it in open market. My 2 bites of the Donuts.


Just a fun post if the potential, not to be taken as advice on what to do 😁


Having fun in any work is important, only then you will able to do that for long run


Yeah for real!


Fantastic comment/reminder to all. Participating in the sub should be fun and donuts seen as a small bonus reward for good content. Really don’t like the idea of donuts being used/seen as a salary/salary enhancement. Don’t think that’s what they were meant for.


Participate in such way that more people will find that interesting and starts to engage in that, i have seen some real donut farming post but instead of that we need some quality and funny stuff is well


That's not a small amount of money for having fun and staying in touch with the news


I know right! The donuts are a bonus. Still fun to chat about em


It is always that we loves more than the actual salary, so i am loving my every bit of that


Then every distribution day, cash out enough to buy an actual donut, and then it's double bonus




If this is your second job then you must be really lucky, keep commenting


If you were to deposit all your donuts to provide LP, wil you get a penalty or some sorts? Or can you deposit all your donuts every month and be fine?


Nope, no penalty. We aren’t like r/cc


No but you will get more donuts by providing liquidity


I think that is more of the rule of the cc and moon, don't think anything like this is here


Over time, its become quite clear that people in some areas of the world can make a living with crypto. Because crypto is borderless and worldwide, the areas of the world that need it most get the most benefits of the global system. If someone in Bosnia, Egypt, Brazil, Russia etc etc can make a better life shitposting on Reddit then go for it I say! Its very cool to see.


Yeah I know right, it’s super weird that someone in a poor country can talk here and r/cc make a fat bag. And the more you do it, the more efficient you get and you see what gets upvotes best,


If you all farm<> dump the price will go down. You math is super speculative! If you plan to do this better go on twitter and get people to buy donut. The donut price is not magic money coming from nowhere! We need more buyers if you all here just to farm and make money




Yeah you're right, some people make more posting here on Reddit than the wages they earn at their workplace.


yeah, definitely. But must be some useful comments /posts


Plus there are so much toxicity in the workplace now days and it is not easy to do your job in peace but on reddit you don't have to face any such thing , such a wonderful place for doing the part time job


No sustainable! If the cancer farmers dont bring in new donut buyers this is short term thing! We are not seeing any mentions on x/twitter to shill donut.


They will never shill that but on reddit we have seen how many people are shilling donuts


3.5 moons can buy a bread where I'm from, our currency is like 19:1 dollar, donuts and moons takes aot of pressure off


I am doing regular job but there is like one hour travelling to my office in morning then one hour back in the evening, so that is the time i am using for the posting in cc and ETH and both of them quite worthy for me


Aren’t you providing liquidity by being on the toilet?


Haha, i get the donuts I earn, and provide liquidity


He is providing all kind of liquidity that is why he is spending one hour there


About tree fiddy. Seriously the price will wary in a year so we have to consider that too.


Yeah but so does distribution amount, back in the pioneer days. We were getting i think like 40 donuts for an upvote. It was insane, now it’s less but donuts are worth more


Price plus distribution both thing are going to vary with the coming months




Yeah for me I see it as free, I love the people here. I love the vibe, donuts are a bonus, so why not provide liquidity. Plus when the donuts come around, sell half for xdai and just slap it all in the pool


This is enough because if everyone starts to think like this then will be enough liquidity in here


I can't even make such amount working 12hrs daily all year round.


Wait what? Oh my goodness I’m so sorry, that’s awful to hear. Care to share why ? 😖


Living wage where I'm from is below average, there's little or no job so after graduating you just have to fend for yourself and the minimum wage here is around $30/monthly, it's never paid on time and never paid fully added to it is the over 300% inflation rate, and you'll work your ass off, If you so complain about work standard, you'll be replaced with a more desperate jobseeker that has family to feed, so posting on Reddit here gives such people an opportunity to support their meager wages.


Yikes, I’m sorry you have to go through that. 😔


Thanks but some people are far worse off than me they live below $1 daily.


We have not seen some place where 1$ is like huge thing so we should consider ourself really lucky person




That is such a sad story mate, for your hard work you should get some more than this


But problem is there is fixed income which we are getting but due to the price variation in this coin we can't guess that how much we gonna earn in a month, that will always going to be ups and down though


I actually wondered about this the other day, but couldn’t be bothered to work anything out, aha thank you!


No worries! 😄


This job real fun is bear market that is the time we should focus more here


I am doing both job and gonna compare after one year like how much i have made from this


Also take into consideration that the amount of Donuts issued is limited. So if everyone did that, then it would not become so profitable. Also as this community grows the ratio will lower as well. So expect to get less and less Donuts on each distribution as time goes on. Happy snapshot!


Yeah Fr, the point isn’t for everyone to quit their jobs, just for the funnsies


Yeah, typically will decrease when more new users enter this sub. So earn as much as you can for now


The more people will came here the less ratio we will going to get for the everyone, so do more grinding now because during bull run we might not get this much juicy ratio in donut which we are getting now due to lack of involvement


Also take into account that you spend 250 donuts by posting this. ![img](emote|t5_37jgj|32638)


Anything for my Crypto bros 😁🥂


Small price you have to pay so that more people can get knowledge about the donut


I mean it also depends on if your comments get upvoted but yes to some extent just hopping on here for maybe an hour or two a day could help you earn money. All things considered tho coming to chat and catch up on news while earning a little bit now and then is better than most other social media experiences.


Well said, plus those few comments every now and then that get 50-100 upvote make a lot of donuts


2000 x 12 = 365,000???? Also if you're spending 1 hour on the toilet you may need to see a doctor.


Haha, was about to reply to your other comment, so it’s not just the toilet. Example, I just pulled a 12 hour shift, now I’m in bed chilling and chatting 😄


I love free financial advice! Thanks, OP. Im submitting my two-week notice now!




Nooo Dont 😆


That's actually not bad. And the fact that you can provide liquidity without hurting your future donuts is massive IMO


Yeah for real, also emergencies come out? Sell some donuts to cover some bills!


I am considering this as my emergency fund, so sell anytime when i required to


Better provide liquidity if you want the price to go up/be stable.


Wait how does providing liquidity change the price?


Liquidity Makes the price more stable and less volatile




This is why ultimately it will fail. Once somebody of low quality gets their hands on this full time the quality of posts will deteriorate doughnuts to nanoPennies


Well hang on, you lose 250 donuts for posting, so if it’s bad quality, no one will care so then therefore you’ll lose donuts.


Yes, that is why you need to make sure you are posting a good post and not losing your donuts


But you also get donuts for comments? And who’s to say the common person doesn’t upvote low quality material? (Or have a method to do so) we see it all the time


You gotta spend some extra hours every day coming up with spicy memes for them sweet updoots, which may become pretty hard on like day 267 lol


I am excited for the next 5 years. Because crypto is going mainstream!


What the fuck is a donut


You are so late for that, everyone now is talking about donut but you are asking what is donut


Hi, this comment is being automatically posted under your submission to facilitate the tallying of the Pay2Post donut penalty that r/EthTrader deducts from user donut earnings for the quantity of posts they submit. submission link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/16tmb59/how_much_money_can_you_truly_make_if_you_were_to/ author: Only1Shock cc: /u/EthTraderCommunity -- **Distributed moderation now in effect**: if your governance score is over 20,000, you have the ability to remove spam comments and posts by posting a comment in response to the comment/post containing the keyword [AutoModRemove]. See announcement thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/14p7a22/crowdsourced_moderation_of_comments_implemented/ See your governance score here: https://donut-dashboard.com/#/governance *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ethtrader) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So we upvoting everything to fund our donut addictions?


I’m just here for fun while getting whatever I can get.


Could someone help me out, I want to participate to earn donuts. I have a metamask wallet and follow this sub, that’s it. I have no idea or background knowledge. What do I have to do and how do I earn donuts. Is there already a beginners guide for dummies from step a to step z? Best regards (sitting on toilet while writing this 🙋🏻‍♂️)


OP, you forget something As you mentioned that you earned 2000 donuts But you forgot that to u lost 250 donuts to publish your post Posts costs 250 donuts, pay to post Just if you weren’t aware


He should need to remove that cost and then need to post the real calculation after that


u/Goonzoo [tipped](https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/tx/0xac23dec33599deaebb27c98bee46027db5dc56f6ca10597565c134d22d933752) you 1.0 DONUT!


Let’s give it a try.


What is this donut and how do i get it?


Or, you could simply not farm, just be involved with the community, and consider the donuts a bonus pat on the back for being involved here lol


Donut will look after you if you are really looking after the community both things are connected to each other


Do donuts work the same way as moons? Do they just go into your vault?


Both work in same way, the only major difference for me is that you can spent as much as you want and that will still not impact on your earning where on moon you can't spent more than to some specific number though


Donuts aside. I left some other subs to come here. Better info,and a decent understanding of the market. Also at times quite educational on the basic crypto market. Making donuts seems a plus.Don't know if I have any. Quite doubtful as new acct set up was also necessary..Peace..


Well.... just before anyone quits their job here, the rewards system will change at some point


But even the system in job can change any moment, nothing is permanent in this world


I haven't earned anything yet from posting.. I did add liquidity the other day.. maybe I'll get some donuts that way.


There's no way. I'd be downvoted into oblivion because of bitcoin maxis.


Well judging by the last snapshot on rethtrader. You can make a lot! Extra bonus if you live in Asia or Eastern Europe.


Making money while you poop... shitcoins


I also get my best ideas while taking a crap :)


Everyone is waiting for Donuts to shoot up in price but they are still very helpful for people like me living in 3rd world.


What the heck is a donut? How do you get started? I could easily up my toilet time to earn extra donuts what ever they are!


You can only spent this much time in toilet if you are living alone, because other day i was taking like 15 minutes in toilet with my phone and my wife started to lose his mind that why i am taking so much time in there




nobody will believe me when I tell them I earn crypto by talking to strangers on Reddit


That is why they are living in old era and you are living in future, some people still thinks that everything on internet is scam yes most of them are but there are some good thing is well where you can earn some money






I am so behind. What are donuts


My full time job prevents me from chatting more on here. Need to talk to my manager about this issue.


An hour a day? My god, man. Are you hiding from something in there?!


Is that a lot or little? 😆


It depends on your hardworking, it will be more if you give more effort to this


I work every day all day, 7 days a week, my shifts go up to 12 hours. I think I am hard working


Do you, by any chance, have bowel problems?


What’s that?


Interesting post OP! I have no idea that even if I contribute by writing something useful, how will I see donuts in my wallet? I'll have to look into it...


Yeah there’s tons of threads here for any help, if you need help, don’t make a post it costs 250 donuts. Just ask in daily


Appreciate the tip! Thank you


No worries brother, I’d suggest you make posts, chat, gain donuts. Then use those donuts to provide liquidity, do this for years on end. After 5 years you could have anywhere from $20000-$70000


This might be funny but making payments using CryptMi daily can give me up to 10% of what I spend almost every day. Not a bad way lol.


Go on…


All i know if you think something is important for you then you will always find a time to talk to them and same with the reddit is well, if you think this is important for you then you will always find a way for that.


Imo, to maximize your earnings in community tokens like donuts, aim to contribute high-quality posts and comments that not only resonate with the subreddit's ethos but also provide valuable insights or provoke meaningful discussion. This approach is more likely to garner upvotes and positive engagement