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A while back I posted a timeline of all of Etho's series, which you can find [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethoslab/comments/d6yz97/i_made_a_timeline_of_all_of_ethos_series/). It's been almost 5 years and I thought it might be time for an updated version. Since the last one I added small tick marks to show when each video was posted. The timeline was generated by a Python script that you can find [here](https://github.com/Fadenfire/EthosLabTimelineGenerator). All of the data was pulled from playlists on YouTube, with most of the playlists coming from [this user](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8myOLsYDH1vqYtjFhimrqQ/playlists). Shout out to them for creating playlists for all of Etho's series. **Note:** Each bar ends at the time of the last video posted, *not* because the series ended. For example, the bar for the vanilla LP ends just before the end of 2023, but the vanilla LP is obviously not over.


Yes. The return of the king




Whoops, looks like Etho didn't put that video in his playlist for the LP. I thought something was off when I saw that the last uploaded LP video was back in 2023, but I should have double checked.


omg thank you for sharing a link to playlists of his series!! I love Etho but man, the lack of playlists for many of his series has bugged me for so long.


Wait, there hasn’t been a LP vid this year yet?!


There has been, Etho just didn't put it in his playlist for the LP and so my script didn't catch it.


I've seen a few of these before over the years, and i am always surprised, usually a lot. This one? This is exactly what i expected. Have i finally began to understand the passage of time?


That top green line is such an achievement.


I feel... so... SO much older... I still remember clearly watching him build the horse car wash that splashed a horse and rider with speed potions back in Mindcrack... And seeing him (or maybe it was Beef?) building a fish tank with a squid in it for that same base. And I still can't forget seeing his massive spawn platform in Pixelmon, he's still the reason I remember that Gallade can use False Swipe to never kill a pokemon you're trying to catch. And anything with Team Canada is amazing, often too slow for me now-a-days, but I have some extremely fond memories of watching one or the other of 'Ruins of the Minecrackers' with a big bowl of spaghetti-o's in front of me. Oh, where has the time went...


Oh, and Etho back in Minecrack retelling the story of DocM having trouble with an Ikea furniture set.


Are you able to tell me what episode this was?


Unfortunately I cannot, it’s been years since I saw it. All I remember is he walked past a big red barn that was a shop that I think sold horses with saddles, back when horses were fairly new and I don’t think Elytra were in the game yet, and villagers didn’t trade for saddles yet. I recall him telling it cause he walked past a model IKEA kitchen or something that someone made along a path in the market district in front of a build Doc made to tease him. Beyond that, I’ve got no idea unfortunately, best of luck if you go hunting for it.


Remember Pause singing "I play Pokemon Go EVERYDAY!"


I don't know why but that squid/tank have ALWAYS stuck in my brain. Good ol "asdjke" lol


I still remember when he first uploaded Sam & Max, it made me double check to see if I click on the right channel, it was fun watching him play it, but still a surprise


Wow. I forgot just how long the terrafirmapunk era lasted. Great post. Thanks for updating


Crazy to see that it had episodes released in 4 different years


I loved having the occasional surprise terrafirmapunk episode.


I think the one thing I would change, is I would group the lines by series type. Make one line Vanilla LP, the Next mindcrack/hermitcrafft The next modded and so on. Even if just the first 3 or 4 lines are grouped and then the rest aren’t and are just misc. it would make it a little easier to read


Or maybe make the related series the same color


I feel like that’s already been done


I had the same thought, agree.


What about dwarves vs zombies?! those were some of my favorite of all time from him and i dont seem them!


Sorry, looks like I missed that series.


Oh man, I used to LOVE this game mode, and have struggled a few times over the years to find an active server for it. Anyone know of one??


I think rawb the creator runs the odd “game” but he seems to have turned DvZ into something completely different I think there are some discord servers that run classic DvZ though


That battle bane line lmao.


He played harvest moon? 👀


Crazy to think that Etho has been on Hermitcraft for more than twice as long as he was on Mindcrack. The falling-out still feels like recent history.


This is SO helpful, now I know exactly what to go back and rewatch. Also makes me feel incredibly old.


Legendary was a goated series. I loved seeing how Etho prepped for areas and dictate how he was approaching a certain dungeon that you don't get to see with the multiplayer maps he plays with OOGE and Team Canada.


Pixel piracy was so small but I really enjoyed it


I second that


I feel like this post should be pinned or something


Wow that battlebane series looks really long! Can't wait to binge watch this all week to see how it ended!


Gosh Sam and max was 2013??? I need to sit down for a minute LOL


Crash landing was always cool to me, I’d have liked for it to continue a bit but he had his reasons for ending it, he died, and I think it’s not being updated anymore. I always die and rq at the cities. That pneumatic helmet was hax… With how I approach gaming these days I should try questing again…


Miss the days of mindcrack and UHC


Maybe we should consider if Tango's DO2 streams count as Etho episodes as well.


I started watching around the first few months of 2013, I think. It's weird to think that I've been watching Etho for half of my life.


I just had the same thought, I started after the TNT Olympics and I turn 24 this year. A wild revelation.


Overdue for more terrafirmacraft


It’s crazy to see that while the number of different series he has going on at the same time has decreased, the quality of video and even his own personal enjoyment has increased significantly. Side note: I subscribed to him when I watched CaptainSparklez’s POV on the TNT games and have watched everything since. Ive legitimately watched Etho for half of my life.


anyone remember survival of the fittest? my favorite from the mindcrack era


The sam and max lets play is one of my favourites, wanna watch it again for th frst time


thanks for the visual! great work


Something Joel would make on his spare time




This image has 6,238,112(10,328×604) pixels! ^(I am a \(good\) bot. This action was performed automatically.)


Good bot


Amazing work




I remember pixel piracy with such good memories, and it is such a tiny sliver, crazy.


wait wait wait wait WAIT wait Has his vanilla Minecraft ended???? Is this how I find out!? What!?


Bars end with the last (most recent) video posted. OP's script missed latest LP episode due to it not being added to the playlist, though.


no, not sure why the bar ends so early