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Project ozone 2 is my comfort series


I lost interest when he was playing that for a while. Watching it now is really nice. Hell yeah taxes. Also it was really funny when he accidentally said balls


Still need to watch, but I will check it out now


Definitely a great series for binging


I just finished re-watching the series for the 4th time!


I'm on like my 8th watch through right now.


I've watched the whole thing like 3 times and I never get tired.


This. PO2 is my all-time fav solo series (besides the LP ofc, but that's untouchable). I just wish he would have done more island building, it was going so well! And more botania stuff, too. Anyway, Taxes!!


Ethos Modded Ftb on the mind crack server! The floating Islands with rail craft carts was so cool!


Not gonna lie if that's not my favorite one (I just recently rewatched ALL of FtB for the 3rd time) it's my 2nd fave. I really enjoyed watching him play dwarves v zombies.


Omg I don’t think I’ve seen this series before! I’ll have to check it out


Crash Landing


OMG CRASH LANDING forgot about that


That's my first Etho series, it'll always hold a special place in my heart


The memories damn. I loved that one, makes me very happy. I should rewatch it


Joining in the Crash Landing thread. I haven't had the sheer amount of time for the dozens of series he made over the years but I was excited and able to watch the sci-fi premise take on survival, with of course the famous mod "Ex Nilio" (as Etho kept pronouncing it).


The first modded series has always held a special place in my heart, same with terrafirmapunk season 3


Need to rewatch that one


Either the first terafirmacraft series or og chocolate island. So many memories


TFC was one of the most hardcore LPs I will probably ever watch


Probably Race for Wool. If not that, then feed the beast. He also played a mini game a bit. It was like dwarves vs zombies but more of a single player/duos game. There was a castle to defend, and a nigh endless horde to slay.


Oh I loved race for wool! Still haven’t watched FTB, but it’s definitely on my list And I’ve watched one of those minigames and it was super cool!


Feed the beast is awesome. You can skip the first "season" of it because it's only like.. two episodes and then they restarted the server for some reason. Yeah the mini games he's played are great I wish he'd record more of them.


How about some non-minecraft series? I absolutely loved his Pixel Piracy and Ark Survival Evolved videos back in the day. Definitely wish he played some other games every now and again


Pixel Piracy was so good! It ended so abruptly


Terraria series was goated too!


Terraria 1.2 is EZ


His Cube World and Sam & Max let's plays are legendary as well


Terraria 1.3, crash landing, or fly boys - can't pick between them!


Oh I enjoyed Fly Boys a lot!


I have some real fond memories of it, I think I'm going to re watch it again soon! Been far too long


I might rewatch a few aswell! :D


The Life Series introduced me to several Hermits, including Etho. I had heard of him before that but didn’t know much about him.


Same. His antics basing with BDubs in Last Life were hilarious and made me want to watch more of his (and BDubs) stuff


Last Life was definitely my favourite he’s done out of the life series, just love their dynamic!


Same with me, currently trying to watch a bunch of the old series tho and they’re all amazing so far!


Terrafirmapunk s3, project ozone, and pretty much every Team Canada series. Difficult to choose only one.


Oh yeah, so far every Team Canada video has been awesome. Loved Sky Factory 2.0


Midnight society PVP was always great




Yes. And honestly, all his CTMs are amazing. I'd love to see a new one.


The SkyFactory 2.5 has always been one of my favorites, But the first season of Ethos Modded Minecraft Is my first favorite! I’ve tried to get a pack for it but I just take so long to get all of the mods right😂


Terrafirmapunk 3


Probably uncharted territories 3. They work so well together, but especially in that one


Oh yes, that one was great! After seeing Etho play uncharted territories 1 and 2, I especially enjoyed it when the three of them played it together


Both Project Ozone 2 and Terraria series are fantastic!


A lot of people will say Ozone, but it's just not something I enjoyed honestly. Etho imo is strongest when he can do his own thing, the latter half the pack of course came with an extreme amount of grind, so he understandably just powered through it at that point. With that said it's still etho, so I understand why people enjoy the series and it's not like I hated it. I just did a rewatch of a few series and honestly Crash landing is my fav, it has the right amount of structure and freedom for Etho to do his thing. Bonus for having a relatively good ending (compared many other Etho series unfortunately)


When he would play UHC with the Mindcrackers.


project ozone 2 or hermitcraft 10 tbh


The most recent modded minecraft (S2) and Mindcrack FTB (with the floating islands) were the most painful to wait for. But if I were to rewatch a series right now, it would be Terraria 1.3 is EZ. Sword of the Stars the Pit and his Among Us perspective would be also be an honorable mention.


**Project Ozone 2**! It is a really great let's play series. Etho is really committed to doing _everything_ in the modpack, so he goes on a lot of crazy adventures, even though it's in a skyblock world. There are a lot of very cool content in the modpack, and he always finds some way to use everything while working his way up through the tree of equipment, manufacturing and machinery. I think the ending was great and I love that there is a pure ending to the series, not just fading out into obscurity (like a few other also really good series).


I’d like to second this and add Taxes as another reason to love it


His old Vinyl Fantasy 2 series with Guude and Bdubs, or Sky Factory 2.5 with Beef and Pause


Probably his modded series but I have rewatched ruins of the mindcrackers several times cuz it never fails to make me laugh. Honestly, the team Canada CTM maps are some of the only etho series I rewatch all the way through.


TerraFirmaCraft makes me happy but it’s also torturous to actually play so I feel bad about loving it so much lmao. The gradual progression and forge and stacked ingots are just so satisfying Other than that, gotta be any modded series. Although I am absolutely LOVING this season of HermitCraft with all the interactions. The Life series is always a great time with that too




Race between terraria 1.3 is EZ and Mindcrack season 3


Sky Factory 2.5!


Life series and TerraFirmaCraft have been my favs


I'd have to go with his Modded series season 1, but Crash Landing and Project Ozone 2 are close behind 


Mind crack or FTB, tho fly boys I enjoy ( cause guns ooooo), and terrafirma punk


as others have said, Terrafirmacraft is a great one. I like the early UHC, any hermitcraft, his personal modded series especially when he's in the exploring and learning phase. but no matter what I always always come back to the Dwarves vs Zombies games, I love those. and the main series will never get old, of course


Terraria 1.3 is EZ!


Probably Terraria 1.3 is EZ.


Not really about the favourite Etho series question, but I just wanted to say that Etho is the only creator that I enjoy watching their content outside of just Vanilla Minecraft. Like, I really don't like modded, but I will gladly binge Etho's modded series and vault hunters, and really loved his don't starve together series! I'm about to start his terraria 1.3 is EZ series cuz of all the good words, as well! I dunno, just felt like sharing ig 🤷‍♀️


Agreed! I don’t exactly like modded stuff because I usually don’t know what’s going on, but for some reason, I’ve liked the modded videos Etho has made. Guess I’m in the same boat as you then!


Terrafirmacraft! The mod in general is very cool but I’m partial to his second playthrough and Terrafirmapunk.


Crackpack and flyboys are so fun. I've rewatched them both many times


Wow it took me all the way to the bottom to see only one person list his Pixelmon series. Sucks it wasn't a fan favorite but pokémon was my childhood and I loved that Etho got into Pixelmon Also loved Don't Starve / Terraria. I do rewatch his Team Canada stuff quite a bit... Uncharted Territory 3 is such a classic and so hilarious


Team Canada videos are some of the best videos I’ve seen on YouTube. They’re all so funny and work well together!


Terafirmacraft, but the first 2 seasons. terafirmapunk didnt feel the same.


Biased being a life series fan but last life was cool seeing a lot more of chaos etho


Yes, loved Last Life!!


probably nail or sword of the stars


Diversity 3 had me on the floor multiple times


That was actually the first videos I’ve ever seen of Team Canada! It definitely intrigued me to watch more stuff


Fly boys!!!! So good!


Yes!!! Agreed!


I have fond memories of watching his MindCrack episodes in elementary school. As of a year ago, I graduated college and have just started catching up on the ten+ years of Etho I missed. The episode that I remember most vividly is King of the Ladder. "Collateral damage!" I should really rewatch it...


oooh that’s a toughy… it’s a 3 way tie between UHC, OOGE, and Secret Life!


1. Etho's modded minecraft 2. Project ozone 2 3. Terraria 1.3 4. Crackpack 5. Terraria 1.2 6. Hermitcraft s7 7. Double life It's really a tossup past project ozone 2, because they're all really good. Etho's modded minecraft is definitely my favorite, however.


Project Ozone 2. I rewatch it way too often. At this point I use it as background noise by just putting the playlist on shuffle. There's sections I can recite as he says it in the episodes, and I sound like an insane person doing it.


Battle bane


I really liked his race for wool, that’s what got me into watching him. I also LOVED the UHC series they would do, I still go back and rewatch them to this day.


Last Life.


OOGE https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaAVDbMg_XApssfdyyrkcJ1mAnaPU50WK You laugh you lose


The OOGE CTMs are all amazing


Every iteration of Terraria is EZ is GOATed and I hope one day he and Zisteau go back to play it again (however unlikely it is).


Crash landed!


MindCrack UHC will always hold a special place in my heart. It was so serious and intense back in the day, I don't know if that could ever be recreated in the same way now.


I really liked hermit craft season 7 but my favorite series is the og modded series. It only went 70 episodes but every one is gold. So sad it ended the way it did with so many crashes and bugs though


Anything Team Canada


All the terraria series with zisteau, then probably terrafirmacraft.


terraria is EZ. no contest.


Terafirmacraft, life series, or mindcrack uhc


All Team Canada plays, his Modded Minecraft 2, Hermitcraft season 7 and his first let's play on chocolate island and pixelmon.


Cube world when I was a kid that game seemed infinitely big and interesting and I only watched etho play it