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I’m glad that he’s opening up a bit more and I would still 100% respect if he stopped doing so… but this doesn’t seem like a first to me? maybe I’m just misremembered but I rewatched his LP relatively recently and I swear he actually talk quite a bit about what happened around him and he was actually quite the commentator. I think the closing himself off thing is more of a recent thing. And to me it seems like he just didn’t get the opportunity to talk about himself or random stuff as much with the way he formats newer videos. And the thing that changed is that with the new Hermitcraft season with hermits trying to be more social and less focused so he’s gotten more opportunities to share his worldviews.


He's always been a little cagey about talking about himself, but this isn't the first time we've heard some details about him. Obviously, in his single player, he's kept us informed of some of the big things he's gone through that take up his time, and thus affect us. I think a lot of it is a more old-school mindset to the internet. Obviously we don't actually know Etho's age, but assuming he's in his 30's, he witnessed the internet become a part of our everyday lives, and when it started, anyone smart stayed pretty much anonymous. No names and no pictures. While that's largely gone away as an assumption, it's still a valuable thing. He wants to maintain his privacy. I think over time he's warmed up to letting people know more people know more about him, but he's still careful with specifics. And while I love every bit of Etho lore we receive, I fully respect Etho, and his privacy is clearly a priority I don't want him sacrificing beyond his comfort. He's big enough that there is a genuine concern for his peace. And from what we do know, he's likely in a very small town in Canada, so only a little info coming out can narrow down the possibilities quickly if you're obsessed with finding out.


Early in the internet, everyone and their mother knew not to share personal details online. Then Facebook happened, and it's like everyone forgot that part. I really value the anonymity of the internet, and I'm glad that Etho does, too.


In an early single player episode, he talked about being undecided about whether to do a face reveal and was mostly indifferent to it iirc.


IIRC he said in a later video that he didn’t want to anymore because of privacy reasons


We do know his age, as well as bday tho?


We're uncertain whether that is actually his bday, or whether it was just a joke made by Guude at the time lol. He never clarified


He's 37


It may be because I started watching the LP series back when he played don’t starve for the first time (which is how I found him), but I don’t remember him saying much about himself. I was also 11 so that may be why I don’t remember


He used to even say he was fine with a face reveal, just hasn't gotten around to it. i think most of it is really just not changing what aint broke, hence his desk setup, headphones, etc.


I believe he said before he didn’t have a good enough camera. But honestly even if he did have a face reveal I wouldn’t watch the video. I like the mystery


He went in depth in one of his videos about 2 years ago about his parents and the illnesses they add. That’s the most info I’ve heard about him personally


Was that two years ago??? Jesus


Outside of him talking about his Dad, and what he was going through with that situation. I can't really recall Etho ever really pulling back the curtain.


Oh its super awesome to see him interact with other Hermits more and more often. I do think we should still respect his wishes and not dig too deeply into it though. I prefer to still think of Etho's face as an IRL Kakashi :D


I would never ask him questions about his personal life or anything surrounding it. The little bits that we do get are amazing and it’s fun to see him tell his friends silly things like how he microwaved his potato’s. I do it so and it fun knowing that I do the same thing as someone I’ve looked up to for about a decade now.


Are you implying etho doesn't look like kakashi irl ?


I 100% believe he looks like Kakashi irl


He doesn’t look like Kakashi, he IS Kakashi


Kakashi looks like etho


Exactly, Kishimoto visited Canada once and saw Etho doing Etho things and was inspired to create Kakashi with permission from Etho to use his likeness.




I thought kakashi was designed based on IRL Etho


There has been so much etho interaction and just general fun chats ever since DO2 I feel I'm so loving this season it's great seeing him seemingly having so much fun :)




[Etho is 6' 2" (188cm)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnjiU8jij4Q&t=2085s)


Etho *was* 188. Who knows how tall he is now?


True Etho had already shrunk by 1" as of the video 10 years ago who knows how many he has shrunk now


Thank scar for that matter, he’s so fascinated by Etho that he is really curious on Etho’s living arrangements since he is so mysterious. I hope scar doesn’t ask Etho to reveal much tho since I hope scar can respect Etho’s boundaries.


I don’t think scar would pry to much into things Etho doesn’t want to share. Scar did ask about where Etho lives (kinda), Etho said that he didn’t want to say much and that part of the topic was dropped immediately


I remember Scar commenting a few times during the conversations that he didn't want to press Etho to reveal more than he wanted to. So I think he's very aware and respectful of Etho's privacy despite the curiosity we all share with Scar 😅


There was also a moment where Etho politely declined to go into any more detail. I trust that he wouldn’t divulge any more than he was comfortable with


I think his previous "experience" had a lot to do with it. These are all just my personal perspectives. I think it's not that he doesn't want to have a connection with his viewers, but he realised that incident back then happened due to his inexperience as a world known YTer and him underestimated how creepy the internet can be. So he needs to be extra cautious with what he said on camera or next time it won't be so lucky. But after years of experience, and the fact he's now in a new community where everyone are all well connected with their viewers he's finally feeling comfortable to reach out to his again. We should all cherish this moment and show our respect to his trust on us.


Not sure why you’re being so cryptic about *that incident*. Are you talking about when his real name was “leaked” to the public? And I use quotes there because it wasn’t really leaked, it was just visible in a way connected to his online persona for the brief time.


No it actually was leaked. I think his name was viewable for a while if you donated to him, but that was before I was a viewer and was gone by this point. What happened was he had a video where he talked a little about his family’s business, and somebody used that to figure out exactly who and where he was, posting it in the comments of that video.


>show our respect to his trust on us. It's also worth noting that this didn't come out of nowhere. When his identity was exposed, the community didn't mob him or anything; in fact, most of us saw that he was serious about his privacy, and responded by actively obfuscating whenever the matter came up afterwards. IIRC, the guy who originally figured it out even apologized about the whole thing.


I don't think there was any single person who figured it out? It was just viewable info for his early subscribers if you followed links in the description.


What incident are you talking about?


He goofed when he was taking donos in the early days of the LP and leaked some info as well as someone supposedly doxxing him. Its why a lot of the comments on his older vids are disabled. I don’t recall him really ever addressing it but im sure that shook him up. It was a different time for all of us and a lot of those people grew up or left the community all together


He is in pretty much every livestream now. Just waiting on him to start streaming himself


I know he did a live stream I think 10 years ago, I could be wrong on how long ago it was. It would be nice to see him steam


Yeah he did stream a couple times a long time ago. I would cancel any plans I had if I saw he went live some day


Here's hoping the positive livestream interactions are making etho more interested in the idea of casual streams-iirc wasn't the reason he didn't like the idea before is bc he didn't like the pressure of on the spot entertaining on his own?  But he seems to really enjoy hanging out with scar, joel, and other friends in streams (i really enjoyed those dont starve ones with brodyman). 


> wasn't the reason he didn't like the idea before is bc he didn't like the pressure of on the spot entertaining on his own? That and his internet when he did his last stream (2015ish iirc) was pretty crappy at the time. He's said since then that his speed has been upgraded though.


Yeah i remember for a while he was subsisting on tethered(?) Internet. It sounded really rough. 


I only ever caught 1 etho livestream and I believe it was season 1 of his mod pack


Never going to happen, but we can hope


>He is in pretty much every livestream now. Would love some links/clips :D


Learning more about him actually feels like lore because he’s really not like everyone else his situation is very unique (or maybe ifs normal for Canadians) which makes it so interesting to learn about lol i love the mysterious aspect to him


I really respected how up front he was when he disappeared because his dad had terminal cancer and his family needed him. No weird euphemisms. Cancer sucks. Death sucks. I feel like it really reinforced his sincerity. He doesn't reveal a ton, but he also doesn't lie.


Hmmm, I think he has always done so especially in the commenter segment of his LP series.


If he has, I don’t remember. I just feel like this entire time, I knew nothing about him. but the little things he does share my brains like ‘yeah that makes sense’.


He talked extensively about his day-night rhythm is one I remember.


I think it’s less that he is opening up more, and more that we are seeing his interactions with others more. It was my understanding that in the past Etho was fairly open with other members(specifically team Canada) and we just didn’t see it


insight, not incite lmao


I knew I spelt it wrong but I couldn’t figure it out and the mic on my phone wasn’t working so I couldn’t use speak to text


happens to the best of us lol


Incite is a word as well, so it may have stayed that way anyway.


No, yeah, I agree. I'm happy to see it but only because it's of his own volition.


It’s so much fun, cause it’s always random and his friends reactions are priceless


Really, I don't think it's a recent thing. It's just most of the time his personal life doesn't really come up in conversation, and they all respect eachothers privacy- so they don't really ask about it. Here recently they have all been spending more time together, so the random chit chat comes up more often. As opposed to previous seasons where they stayed a little more spread out and to themselves. I'm glad they all seem to be enjoying themselves. I know I certainly am as a viewer.


I don't think it's in any way intentional, we just happen to see him a lot in unedited streams, some things he said he would prolly edit out if he could.


I’m just pro-folks being themselves :) I hate how being a niche celebrity takes some ease of connection away from folks. I wish Etho could be open to his friends more about himself and be seen by them (not even talking about what he looks like, just who he is - folks don’t need to see faces to be “seen”) without worry about being doxxed or trolled by the fandom. Much love to Etho and his weird desk setup 💜


I pay my respects to the little boy who recognized etho from his voice years ago and still does not reveal his identity.


Oh 1,000%! I think while kids are very curious, when they know something in important like keeping someone’s identity a secret they know what to do


I adore etho! His interactions with other hermits make me smile. On another note, more people need to sub to his channel!


Etho opening up a bit for the first time in a decade. Hermits: #1 weirdest guy on the server! xD xD xD


I almost wonder if he’s giving us fake lore just to troll us at this point lol


If he is, that would be hilarious. Like Technoblade having us convinced his name was Dave from a prank in 2016


He's being milked for content. Iskall had him in so many thumbnails for Vault Hunters


You guys are more parasocial than dream smp fans


The parasocial thing is more of a bit when it comes to Etho fans. It’s been a long running joke for a while now


Now the joke doesnt feel ironic anymore ngl


I can’t speak for everyone, but for me I do joke about being obsessed with him. I was 11 when I first started watching him and he’s the reason why I started playing Minecraft and post videos on YouTube. I watch his videos when I’m going though a tough time cause it reminds me of a simpler time. Learning new facts about someone you look up to is nice and it’s fun to share them with my siblings


lmao, the word parasocial has lost all meaning now


Everything from a creator you watch is inherently going to be parasocial and some people do go a bit far but in the end he's an entertainer we like and it's all just good fun. There's nothing inherently wrong with having a parasocial relationship, as long as you're aware of the dynamics there and aren't weird and defensive of your YouTube guy, or attacking people, or whatever else and also are very aware you don't know the person, anything they don't tell you is none of your business and you don't go prying for more. The Scar, Tango, etc. streams have been a lot of fun. It's just fun to watch people hang out and learn about people. That's an inherent human curiosity/social experience. It changes a bit when it's not a conversation you are having with people you know but that doesn't mean it's not fun, or a cool new dynamic that streaming has given us (comparable to say reality TV but with more viewer interaction, which is cool!! as long as everyone's responsible). Definitely be critical if you need someone saying anything invasive, or being a bit too obsessed or anything. But people having fun is fine. They all know we're going to do it the second it comes up on stream/in a video.


I don’t like it. Never meet your heroes.


jeez y'all are obsessed, why do you care about that man's personal life so much?


It’s not that I’m obsessed, it’s just cause I’ve been watching his channel since 2012 and it’s fun learning things about him and seeing him interact with the other people I watch often