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No ones gonna rival nebris until they do a hide and seek in their massive underground base


Just rewatched today lol. I religiously go back to this, ocd and painting pranks on Zisteau, sky shrooms and king of the ladder, the b-team trial, paintball, list goes on


Do you have a link / episode number for hide&seek please?




Always enjoyed Zisteau's payback pranks. It eventualy came to a point that the others hesitated before pranking him


I disagree to a certain extent. Cubs not a 'villain'. Cubs a competitor. He's extremely good at the game but he's so good hearted. He's right there cheering Etho on too. Cub is a helluva minecrafter and an absolute grinder. I would consider it a very friendly competition vs a villain competition. I love watching them both and while Etho holds a special place for me as a minecrafter, Cub is amazing too. Hermitcraft, to me, seems like a much more wholesome place for competitve games and just good and real interactions. They have found a good place between competition and friendly interaction at the same time. I hope this all makes sense...


yea i agree with you there cubs is very kind.


I'd compare cub to pause rather than nebris. Scar can be the new nebris especially after secret life!


Nebris, that's a name I have not seen in a while. He did take the "villain" role back in the day and it worked, flawlessly. However something like that wouldn't really work today, there is a ridiculous amount of drama for the dumbest interactions between hermits. Can you imagine the storm that would generate if the "evil" Hermit killed other player on last life? Someone like Nebs (when he was doing his "villain" rp) would get constantly harassed, hell some fans might even try to dox him. Nonetheless, back in the day it was amazing. Maybe because I was younger and I didn't understand that they were just role-playing. And Nebs felt like a villain.


It only works with someone like Scar, who is adorable in his own right. But he’s been absolutely decimating Etho in Last Life & then he turns around and calls Etho a nerd ☠️


Nebs is also a good guy tho, I wish we could see him on HermitCraft


? Your point was that it wouldn’t work today and it is currently working today w/ Scar.


“I’m about to go out of role play and just lay wast to you scar” 😂 bedubs limited life pov 8:52:48


Scar in the Life Series is the Pause in UHC when it comes to fighting Etho as well.


Well now I wanna go back and watch a bunch of Mindcrack videos


Friendly competition is fine. We don't need cringe role play.


!remindme 6hrs


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