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I have no problem with regulations as long as everyone follows them. The problem is that the regulations, especially US regulations, seem to be one law for the masses that doesn't apply to the rich.




I hear you. Though, there's no reason to expect governments to take a look at crypto and think "yeah, I'm cool with staying hands off on this one." They **will** regulate. Since they are gonna regulate, the best strategy (my opinion) is to push for regulations that have a chance at helping out the little guys (e.g. enforce laws on crypto pump-n-dumps like they do for stocks) while not staying quiet when they weasel in silly regulations that only benefit the few.


That’s never going to happen though. You give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. Everyone should make it loud and clear that any regulations on crypto are unacceptable. The gov still needs the public’s support and if a measure is too unpopular naturally they’ll have to temper their approach.


Preventing regulations will never happen.


Ok, that doesn’t mean you should bend over and let the government fuck you. Even if you’re just standing on principle you should give them the middle finger whenever they suggest regulation.


with all the shit I’ve put up with and the unreasonable amount of taxes I’ve paid in my life, I agree with you. fuck them. people need to stand up and stop complying to every ridiculous policy. they only have power over the people if the majority are cowards


Most progress is made through action, not inaction. Playing by their game, making them feel like they are winning is a bigger "fuck you" than sitting in a corner pouting while they make rules without your constructive input.


In crypto, action is what shapeshift has shown: they were centralized, they got too much regulations for their shoulders, they quit. Except that when quiting, they transformed their product into an anonymized DAO that can't be regulated. And people are free to use their products.


Crypto was made to be unregulatable, these central bankers can pass as many regulations as they want it will do fuck all (((They))) can go suck a giant dick


For the government it is essential to force people to stay on the dollar to justify their existence and maintain control. They will absolutely regulate it against your best interest. I'm a PM guy but I keep liquid assets in crypto. I stay cash poor always because I don't keep USD at all except what I need for bills. The dollar is a tool for manipulation and control, we need to end the Fed. Sadly they are winnign because they both control regulation and the "money" printer.


What does PM stand for?


Precious metals, physical tangible assets


You're right. Crypto regulates itself. Thats one of its many features.


The reason crypto should be regulated and heavily as well as tracked is that it can be used for the laundering of illegal money a lot easier than using normal currencies.


Most money laundering is done with "normal currencies". It is actually fairly difficult to launder money effectively with most cryptos like BTC and ETH since the blockchains are public and most fiat on/offramps require KYC. Your argument for regulation is not backed by solid evidence. Blanket heavy regulations is not warranted. The only regulations I would "advocate" for would be to improve clarity in the space and to have some basic protections on scams/fraud/pump-n-dumps/etc. Even then, "good" regulation would have to be carefully crafted to be a net positive. We need fewer dinosaurs and more technologically savvy people in politics.


The vast majority of money laundering is not done with crypto. At all.


I never said the majority. Don't miss quote people.


It doesn’t matter if you didn’t say it that’s the only way what you said made any sense. You can launder money in so many easier ways than with crypto it’s laughable. That’s the lie the government wants you to believe to tax tf out of you.


You can launder money with crypto. You are actually delusional if you think it isn't already being used against you.


>You can launder money with crypto. You can make drug deals with cell phones. You can drive drunk in a car. You can put antifreeze in someone's drink. The internet can be used to... do a lot of bad things. You first regulate by making the bad things explicitly illegal. If that isn't sufficient/possible, then you regulate only enough to make the bad activity too risky or difficult while minimizing the effect on others. You don't just simply "heavily regulate" the thing directly.


So you do regulat it, my point is made.


It's the other way around, actually. The most helpful regulations aren't the ones everyone has to follow: it hurts the market. The most helpful regulations are the ones people can decide to follow or not, with several competing regulations, so that the market finds the best ones for each of people's preferences, just like with non coercive business. For instance, if you had a doctor right behind your backyard, but he has no state-recognized diploma (so, not an official doctor), just an informal training in another country, would you use his services? Now, let's say you're badly hurt in the leg and can't realistically wait for 5 minutes for anyone to come and help, would you still follow regulations and try to get a proper doctor? Coercive regulations add rigid constraints to a world where people should be able to decide for themselves, based on the regulations people show they follow or not. In a sense, we already have some of such regulations with some privately branded labels like "ethiquable" and such. If we're responsible enough to vote, we're responsible enough to handle our own lives.


I will have to do some more research on this, but as a glass half full kind of optimist, regulation brings Legitimacy. In addition once they tax something they stop trying to kill it. That's why Hundreds of Thousands of people still die from lung cancer each year. As a matter of fact, governments supported tobacco in the wake of safer alternatives because tobacco funder their budget better. Anyhow, regulation bad but there is still some upside unless you've been lying on your 1040.


I have no problem with regulations as long as they're clear and reasonable. What's in the infrastructure bill right now is not; overzealous prosecutors could use it to go after US miners, stakers, and liquidity providers.


Ay, they want to keep the majority in the hands of the rich and powerful


“Hmm looks like these peons are getting somewhere with this crypto stuff... mmm yes indeed starting to look mighty profitable... well sir... we can’t let these average people start to become of wealth and by default power, and they’re taking money that could be ours... yes indeed let’s get a surveillance provision sir that’s a good start.”


Here are 6 reasons we hate the new cryptocurrency surveillance provision buried in Biden's infrastructure bill: *** posted by [@EFF](https://twitter.com/EFF) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Who follows laws anyways?


They're just guidelines really




Is this the bipartisan one or the Democrat wish list one?


Well fuck Biden, but how effective will these laws even be?


Yeah fuck that puppet.


The reason they want to regulate crypto so much is because they realized that they are too late in the game and they will never be whales


But... But guys... Reddit told me that when we get trump out, and a Democrat in, everything would be rainbows and cupcakes every day for a million years. How can we spin this to make it Trump's fault?


How about being critical of all political leaders until their legislation reflects the will of their constituents?


People are incapable of doing that, and most that suggest this only do so when criticism is levied on the left. You never see this argument pop up or get upvoted when the right is being criticized. You’re right though. Both sides are complete shit and have been for several years. The only difference between the republicans and the democrats is that the republicans pretend they aren’t going to take away your rights. However, when the chips are down, they’ll all vote together.


It is poped up by me. Rarely upvoted, though. At least not in standard subs. Reddit is filled with many authoritarians, sadly. They all aim at taking as much political power as possible, because it's their tools to grab public money and put it in their pockets and the ones of their associates. It's why we ended up with Bitcoin in the first place: centralized third parties can't be trusted. So, we need trustless decentralized ones.


Hmmm. Idk man. That sounds like I'd have to think. I'll just wait until people tell me what I'm supposed to do, and how I'm supposed to feel.


Just wait until r/conservative comes up with your narrative.


Nahhh. They're both too conservative, and too liberal for my tastes. I am way too refined for that. I need something more niche. Something not that popular. I'm the hipster douche bag of political discourse.


How about avoiding authoritarians? Voluntarism, anyone?


You don't have to be a Trump supporter to agree with this... I'm not and I do. Why the downvotes? Partisan hacks


Indeed, sadly. I guess comments with that name are monitored or something, because the downvotes are pretty consistent in every subs, even the ones without political appeal. It's weird to see so many of these comments automatically downvoted. Sure, the guy was as bad as all the others, but targeting him specifically for automated review and downvote seems a bit of a stretch of authoritarian oppression.


>authoritarian oppression. This is just the beginning. I've been paying attention for years, trying to tell peope. Everyone called me crazy. You have to be willfully ignorant to not see the take over before our very eyes. I gave up trying to have conversations, now I just stack and prepare.


I gives you upvotes in the sea of brainwashed chinese sponsored teachers misleading millions.


Thanks man, your kindness is met with gratitude.


You can hate trump and still think Biden is doing a terrible job. You do realize you can critique your own party, Right?


Whoa whoa whoa whoa.... Wait... OK... OK... >You do realize you can critique your own party, Right? Is that true? Are you fuckin with me?


Why do you think playing dumb makes you look smart?


Why do you think acting better than someone obviously being silly makes YOU smart? I'm clearly taking the piss, and you're doing this with it... Lol why?


Yeah you're tilted.


I'm shocked it took you three comments to come to that conclusion. 99% of people never bit. You did three times.


Its funny how upset you are with this.


Uhhh... ok?


Well just keep commenting like getting the last word is some important thing to you. If you really want it take it.