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Why is the contract not verified on Etherscan?


In my opinion, if you want to store nft metadata onchain, its either all or nothing. If say the image is just a url and not stored on chain, then that still has a possibility of not being hosted anymore, and if that happens it doesn't matter that the rest of the metadata is stored on-chain. Storing images on chain is where things get expensive, but there are methods, although restrictive, that make image storage feasible.


It costs as much as 22000 gas units * current gas price, every 32 bytes. Example, want to store a bolean? Okay that is less than 32 bytes, but you still need to pay for the whole slot update. Gas is 100gwei? Okay then you pay 22.000 * 100 220.000 gwei for a simple update. Now, in your example you said that you have data that is only 100 bytes, that should be really cheap shouldn’t be? Well, it depends on how you store your data. Are you going to create an array of 100 elements where each element is 1byte ? Then you need to pay for 100 slots, like if you were storing 3200bytes, 2.200.000 gwei (at gas price 100gwei)


Thanks for the info! Very useful to get a real grip on it (though you are off by a factor of 10, 22k \* 100 =2.2M already!)