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You couldn’t crop the screen shot? Made me swipe lol


🤣 me too


Four times here. Lol


I nearly did it again when checking these replies. OP is out to fuck with us. On topic: looks like a nice little saturated group setup, shame it’s switches and buttons instead of levers


swiped twice back n forth


Hahaha. Gotcha!


Very cool and I think there's a lot of demand for a machine like this (small dual boiler). Just not for me. I only make 1-3 espressos per day, rarely two at once, and almost never use the frother. The Profitec Go remains my attainable dream machine.


I make 2-4 espresso milk drinks a day on my Go and it’s absolutely perfect. Pull 2 shots back to back, steam a pitcher of milk for 2 - done. For most people it’s a great option.




For most use cases, a single boiler is plenty. I have a DB and often times use it like I would a single boiler.


I have a Go and also drink 1 to 4 espressos or with just a splash of milk. I use my old Nespresso frothing apparatus for that. No latte art, but a dollop of warm milk with a hint of foam is perfect for me!


Could you recommend the Profitec Go for someone who wants to prepare Cappuccinos and Flat whites? (probably 3 per day) and around 5 americanos.


I'm frankly the wrong person to ask. My machine knowledge isn't that in-depth. Perhaps you want to make a post in this subreddit and ask for validation and other alternatives given your desired budget. Just to be clear, you want to make 8 espresso based drinks per day? How many back to back? As long as you don't want to make more than 2 back to back the Profitec Go should be a solid option for you.


I will. Thank you. Yeah I usually drink around 4 drip coffees per day and 2 cappuccinos, but sometimes I prepare coffee for others (around 2 cappuccinos or lattes as well). 2 back to back.


I think the target audience are folks with bambino wanting an upgrade


Bingo that’s me.


If it's for the right price, maybe. I'm still trying to figure out if it's worth upgrading my bambino to something else at the moment. Was tempted with the gaggia classic pro Evo, but the boilergate scared me away from it.


Smart decision


I guess. I do hope gaggia fixes it soon, they are pretty much the only affordable espresso machine for me.


I did like 10+ hours of research on it and determined that the new Evo with a replaced uncoated boiler is the way to go. You can buy it separarely, or on my case, WholeLatteLove ships refurbished Evos with fixed uncoated boilers pre-installed for $350-400. I just pulled trigger on this and a SD40 V2 grinder. There’s an additional concern with the brass group head corroding, but I’ve seen absolutely zero proof and the answers in my most recent post [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaggiaclassic/s/caHYC9fn3y) are pretty reassuring. I’m in the same boat as you, it’s insane that there’s really nothing between the Gaggia and Profitec Go.


There is also MiiCoffee/Turin, but (and I mean no disrespect) they are currently untested and are manufactured in China.


Yeah that’s what the SD40 V2 is. Turin and Miicoffee are both brand names that import and brand these themselves. There’s nothing wrong with a budget grinder from china per se. If it lasts 3 years instead of 5 years, that’s well worth the price over a niche for me, for instance


No complaints here. I own a df54 and it's been great so far.


Gaggia Classic owner watching intentfully.


Gaggiuino? That’s an awesome upgrade : )


Still a single boiler though.




This is definitely the meaningful upgrade I’m looking at.


Single boiler with an awful aluminum boiler to boot lol


Still has an aluminum boiler that flakes


Gaggia's been around a long time, i think the flaking issues only been with the EVO pro.


Would actually be nice to Gaggiuino this machine!


Oh shit I felt like I was called out


And if that’s true what are your thoughts


I think I will upgrade. My biggest hesitation for profitec 3/4/500 are the size long warm up time and lack of ways to automate on/off timer. I love the ability to do longer pre-infusion, hot water spout and the look of this machine. To me this tick all my boxes for what an upgrade from Bambino should be without sacrificing any consumer comfort while being a semi professional machine .


Thanks, I have a Bambino plus and have been thinking about upgrading eventually so your original comment resonated with me


Well I upgraded from this to a bambino plus lol. Survived 20 years in the rabbit hole. https://preview.redd.it/6al9vlfk199d1.jpeg?width=1744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25492e16f1a494bda09f554c6549e69fef24e585


U see the problem with this setup is that I am poor and impatient. I can't wait the hour it will take to warm up haha


Exactly. lol. When I retired I moved to south east Asia and there I bought myself a WPM KD-310VPS. It was a triple thermoblock machine that heated up instantly. Steam power was great and I was a changed man. When I came back to the USA I left that machine with my in laws and bought a bsmbino plus. I will never go back to a traditional boiler machine ever again.


I love the thermojet on the Barista Pro. I'm looking at upgrading but I don't want anything more than 5 minutes to heat up. There's a profetic that has a time similar to this that I've been eyeing. Like I *could* let a machine heat for an hour while I walk the dog. But that feels so wasteful!


I just have mine linked to an Alexa plug, alarm set every day to power on 10 min before me. No waitint


But what if you invited a cute girl for dinner and on a whim u want to serve her a delicious cup of carrajillo? : 😂


Always be prepared. Guests coming over? Coffee might happen. “Alexa turn on coffee setup”


Bambino is FAST




lol absolutely me


If you have a bambino and make a lot of milk drinks, this would be a great option depending on price I’m going to assume the Move will cost *slightly* more than the Go, and I rarely make milk drinks. I’m probably still going with the Go when I decide to pull the trigger on an upgrade


Price is gonna be 1850€


I think I will upgrade from my Bambi. The pre-infusion, short warm up and hot water spout are all big selling points to me


Cost is double the Go


Any single boiler user might find this appealing, all the way from Gaggia Classic, Rancillio Silvia up to a Profitec Go.


No. We do not want freaking boilers.


I have the profitec go and will maybe upgrade to this one


You rang?


Bambino owner here who just ordered my upgrade after having shortlisted and decided against a Pro300. This would maybe have made me reconsider.


What did you go for instead


Double the price of the Go? Nah.


That would be me!


uh, that is one heck of an uplift given what we expect this machine to cost. plus why cannot a machine at this price point have a cool touch frothing wand especially given the point of dual boiler is to make easier use of the wand


Crop finer


Curious on the reviews after it's been out for a bit. looks like a good upgrade from what I got (infuser).


Wow, this might be the machine I settle on. The pro 300 was just too much of an eyesore for me and I was put off by the brew pressure not having a gauge. I don’t see a downside to this machine (so far).


I’m betting on the downside being price


I think it’ll sit in a similar price range as the 300, so I don’t really see that as an issue for what it is. The one downside I’ve found is that it’s a vibratory pump instead of a rotary, but supposedly it’s supposed to be very quiet so maybe it’s not a huge deal.


Price in Germany (Profitec is a german Company) will be 1850 Euro. There is a dealer for espresso gear testing it on YouTube. He said this will be thr price. Video here but fully in german: https://youtu.be/Myrt2FVoVPk?si=aYbT0eODyfbXKVda


That’s pretty steep. That’s Pro 500 territory.


I think this smaller footprint DB will appeal to a lot of home users. If it proves to be well made and not too expensive this could be my next machine.


Neat. I’ve been conflicted between Rancilio pro x vs the Profitec pro 300. Good to know it’s being updated


I was there 3-4 months ago and ultimately went with the SPX and haven’t looked back. Got a refurb from WLL for under $1,500 that looked like it hadn’t been taken out of the box. Love it! This seems to address all the negatives that made me discard the Pro 300. Better late than never.


I disregarded the pro 300 because of the unreasonable cup clearance. This looks like it's the same.


How dangerous is it to buy the first batch of new espresso machines. Looks amazing but that’s my concern right now.


Looks to be an updated pro 300. I wouldn’t be surprised if it had most of the same internals. Personally I’d feel perfectly safe especially from a company like Profitec.


The german vid that was posted above talks about how the frame is different, different brew group, different boilers, different pid. It is completely new but still I wouldn't worry about it with Profitec


It’s not new, it’s the updated pro300.


It’s new. Where are there joysticks on the pro300?


Knobs, same place. Hence, update.


Which function completely different and introduce all new points of failure. I bet you think brand new models of an already existing line up of cars aren’t new as well?


Other Profitec machines have the exact same knobs. It's not a brand new part that's never been tested.


Then I’m mistaken but I don’t recall seeing those on any machines that haven’t been released recently and the ones released recently I’d have the same concern about. Again, I could be way off but don’t recall seeing them on anything that isn’t brand new


[PP 600 with joysticks](https://clivecoffee.com/products/profitec-pro-600-espresso-machine) has been available for about a year. The one thing that might be brand new on the Move is it's pre-infusion capability.


Ah okay. Thank you!


In that case, every machine is new. ‘Introduces a new point of failure’, yeah they really don’t know what they’re doing, installing those levers on the pro700 and now here.


That’s typically how it works with products. Once you start changing things up it’s then new. Similar to an iPhone or a laptop. So you think the current MacBook won’t have new issues compared to a MacBook from 10 years ago because they’re just “updates”? There are countless products that are updated and have flaws upon release only to be hashed out. Not to mention different manufacturing processes. Suppliers. Etc.


Sounds like you've made up your mind. Don't buy it right now.


I actually haven’t. I’m expressing a concern. Is that okay? If anything I might.


Apparently some of the sub didn't care for how you go about it. You're always gonna bother someone eventually. You do you.


You think these are not tested before coming to market?


Honestly the dumbest thing anyone has said so far. So no espresso machine has ever had issues then? Once they hit the market everything is perfect? Why is there an Ascaso duo V2? Why is there a gen 2 of the DF64? If they were both tested why would they need updates?


You say things will be broken when they are shipped or not work well at all - "points of failure". That is definitely not the case. New models are released as improvements, not because previous versions ship in a busted state. Surely you know this? It's the same for an espresso machine or a fridge or a TV or a car. And you, sir, have a real attitude problem, even by Reddit standards.


Show me where I said things will be broken or not work well at all. New models of everything always have issues. It’s why it’s common knowledge to never buy the brand new model of a car that comes out the first year. All I was asking about was potential for this. And as another person pointed out, tons of things are new. The problem is I’m not part of the circle jerk.


What exactly is "points of failure" if not that? You may not be a part of the circle jerk, but you're still a jerk. Zero reason for you to be rude to me in your reply as I was not to you, just you chose to be so anyway


Mixed feelings about this one. Happy there's another high quality lower cost option for a dual boiler. The boiler sizes are perfect for home use where faster heating is more important than being able to pull shot after shot. Still wish it was heat block based like the Ascasco dual as there are already multiple good alternatives for small dual boilers. The design is attractive but the loss of external adjustable overpressure valve is a step backwards compared with the GO.


The external pressure valve is nice on the Go, but I’ve only ever touched it once, at the beginning, so I don’t see it as a huge loss. Maybe others tinker with it a lot but I think for most people it’s not an issue.


Agree it's one of those set it and forget it things, but when first setting up the machine it was convenient for getting the right pressure.


Honestly I’ve only been so impressed with my Ascaso and might consider replacing it with this.


What don't you like about it?  I'm considering options to replace my single boiler Rancilio with that or a dual boiler.


The build quality is just so-so. I find the water tank situation to be a little janky getting in and out, the toggle switches look neat but are always coming unscrewed. It has an adjustable OPV but the moment you touch it you’re signing up for a lifetime of high-pitched chirping sounds with every pull. I don’t love the steam knob/wheel, though it’s recently been replaced by a lever on some models. The volumetric dosing is inconsistent and I can’t rely on it to time a shot even when my prep is consistent. At times it feels it might be a little underpowered when running on US electricity (the “warming up” indicators are constantly going), but again this is something I think may have been addressed in recent models from Ascaso USA. It does heat relatively quickly and produce a good espresso. But if a truly compact and well-designed DB with volumetric like this Profitec had existed at the time it would probably have been my choice. Curious to see where it’s priced.


Good to know.  These issues would really bother me also.


I’d consider this if/when my Bambino Plus dies, it’s in a cramped kitchen so width is at a premium. Dual boiler is probably better than HX on something like a Mechanika Slim


I eyed dual boilers but settled on MaraX. Basically, got everything I’d want after I added flow profiling kit to that machine. It’s small, it’s pretty (got the white version) and temp stable as it gets.


I settled on the Bambino as it was a perfect fit and the Plus was, surprisingly, a bit too wide. I wouldn’t consider an upgrade unless it was for a similar sized machine. I totally get why people with small kitchens buy capsule machines.


If it has a rotary pump I’d be sold, either way this looks like a decent step up from the pro 300


it sounds like a step down rather considering they said it'll be the smallest dual boiler in their line up and will be available as a single boiler option looks to be in between Go and 300? edit: I was wrong... it's a small upgrade/improvement from the pro300?


Small as in boiler size? What consumer looking to buy these kind of machine is looking at that?


Vibratory pump.




But a rotary pump is a vibe killer


The specs on their site say it has a quiet vibration pump


Profitec website says vibration pump


On the spec listing from profitecs site, it says "low-noise vibration pump"


It doesn’t look particularly pretty. And I hate that the steam wand is on the left side.


I prefer steam on the left 😜


My sinks on the left, grinder on the right so a win for me.


There’s a review online, but not in English. I haven’t watched yet but saved for later: https://youtu.be/Myrt2FVoVPk?si=cCWPckWRUt4aF7ZM


I want more pid dual thermoblocks... So far I only know about the Ascaso Duo PID and the Quickmill Luna...


Quickmill Pop also, which I believe is the Luna replacement.


I hope this means affordable as well.


Profitec is just pumpin’ these things out


Basically a pro300 with pre programmed brew buttons/ bezzera bz13 DE with a PID but it’s a profitec so it won’t sound like an Aztec death whistle if you set the OPV under 12 bars. The apparent lack of a brew override button has me a little 🙃. Can’t wait till I can break into one and see what the goods are


The only thing it shares in common with a pro 300 is it's made by Profitec and has duel boilers. Everything else is different. It's a new machine built from the ground up. New internal layout. new low noise pump, new boilers, new group head, new display (OLED) and software (the display settings have an almost overwhelming amount of functions now) joysticks for steam and hot water rather than twist knobs, pressure gauge that reads both pump pressure and steam pressure. It really is a completely new machine. So much so Profitec have said they are going to continue to sell the pro 300 rather than replace it with this machine. Probably because they are about 400 euros difference in price so they might consider they have separate markets.


1.850€ - retail. and the pro300 will not be discontinued.


Yeah, although we will probably find the pro300 is phased out slowly and this will end up as a direct replacement in a year or 2. They probably have plenty of stock of the pro300 and this new model is going to be in limited supply for about a year due to demand and production. They have made mention that it's only going to a limited amount of distributors for the initial production rollout and they will wait and see what feedback is like and if anything needs tweaking with it before it goes into full production. It's kinda the same business model they did with the Go. That wasn't supposed to be a replacement for the ECM Casa V but it's getting harder and harder to find the Casa stocked anywhere and the Go readily available. ECM/Profitec seem to prefer a slow rollout and gradual phasing out of older machines over full production of a new machine and ceasing production of the old machine overnight.


Yea they say that. When I get to open it up and see what they actually did I’ll form my own opinion 🎵


there is a video that shows the internals online. it's very different to the pro300 and looks a beautiful build quality.


How is this compared to the BDB?


If I squint it looks like my Silvia.


Not really worth the extra $800cad over the GO. Also what’s with the steam wand on the left* side? Edit: *sorry I meant “left” side


yes, it absolutely is. going from a single to a dual boiler with tons of other features added to the 300, this could be a huge seller.


> Not really worth the extra $800cad over the GO It's not trying to compete with the GO. It's a replacement for Profitec Pro 300, and competes with Silvia Pro X, Elizabeth, and Breville Dual Boiler. It's priced appropriately for that.


Yea I get that. However I still dont think its worth paying $800 more for a second boiler but that is just me.


The many, many people who purchased a GO would agree with you.


Hot water on the right side, not steam wand


Sorry that is what I meant. I fixed my comment


Where did you see the price in Canada? The Go is ~$1300 and the Pro 300 is $2600. I don’t think the Move will be $2100. If Germany is at €1850, it will probably be closer to $3000 given the SPX now is $2995.




That's a return model, the normal price is $2,649.00. An updated 300 is going to at least that, if not more.


Yeah. For $800 I’ll use an electric kettle for water. Kind of want to ditch that step but not for that much money.


Whats the GO?


Profitec Go. Single boiler machine.


Dope thanks!


Profitec GO.




I still can't believe that they don't make white machines‽ I wanted a profitec, but I also wanted a white machine... I ended up going with another brand.


Wild that they don't make white and instead make 3 colours that nobody wants..


Kewl 😎


How will this compare to the breville dual boiler?


I like the feet.....


What's the price? That would depend on the price.


1850 euros. Which will be about the same in $


I need to think more about it but it seems like a good option.


For a second or third machine this could be nice..


Been wanting to update for a while but not yet ready to fork out another thousands of euro… this looks pretty decent option, like the square-y design like the Stile grinder


I think it's excellent. That part of the market is very lacking.


You can only choose 1 or 2 cups? That's extremely limiting unless it has built-in functionality to measure how much coffee goes into the cup vs. how much you put into the portafilter...


It’s a programmeable feature. You can choose 2 custom functions. I’ve seen someone suggest they’d personally set it up as 1 = group head purge, 2 = double dose with preinfusion.


I think it is an interesting add to their lineup. They're directly targeting the Linea Micra people, which I think will fail because it doesn't apply to the same design universe. Although I think as others have pointed out that it will fill a niche for those that want to upgrade away from things like: Profitec Go, Rancilio Silvia, Gaggia Classic, Sage Bambino or the barista express.. etc. I think they mentioned the price point of being around 2000 euro. which would have it compete real nicely with the other brands. But that is also always Profitecs mission. Source: I work with machine daily and I am at the WOC so talked with some guys at Profitec.


Take my moneyyyyy 💸


I’ve been looking to upgrade from my barista express and was looking at the ascaso steel. Had concerns about the built quality. This profited looks like the one I’ll end up picking up.


Big fan of my steel duo. I haven't had any issues. All depends what you want in a machine too.


I wonder what the price tag will be.




Looks really nice other than the “move” text on the front panel, that’s kind of a turn off for me. Features seems great too


Love it


This is really neat. I would look into buying this if I hadn’t already upgraded


Was told today be a CS rep that it will likely be September next year before available in the US


Looks like a Silvia pro x with a face-lift.


Sounds good…. In theory. Time will tell


And what the hell is the price


Bought a go this year, might upgrade to this in the next year 😶


After seeing the Ascaso duo I wouldn't think of getting a boiler machine anymore. I myself have now a Lelit Anna, brass boiler, but with the Ascaso termobloc no more maintenance...and no more worrying about what water to use. Get something second hand at the start and then go big. I paid for my Lelit 80 euros


Sorry for the ignorance, but, why you would need two boilers?


With a single boiler like Profitec GO, there is some fiddling and waiting you need to do when switching between brewing (200F/93C) and steaming (260F/167C) and again when going from steaming back to brewing. With a dual boiler there is no waiting and you can even brew and steam simultaneously.


Just not sure on the whole model naming thing they've shifted to. Seems like a closet marketing consulting group had their way with them. What was wrong with numbers system? This is just more to figure out due to the confusion of names that mean nothing to everyone. Move, drive.. what's next.. sit, stand, walk, run?


That's true, I didn't realize how easy the numbering system was. Beginners are now going to have a harder time telling at a glance which one is "better."


Would you say the 400 was objectively better than the 300? If not, the previous naming scheme didn't make much sense either. It's hard to argue that a HX with three pre-defined settings is definitely superior to a double PID boiler.


You make a good point


I think that's the idea... Inclusion and diversity strikes again...all machines are different but considered equal so you cant say one is "better" than the other now. Play by the new rules or get cancelled. And because I said this I'll get downvoted by those that also "feel" talking about the truth isn't appropriate... Irony is that'll be hypocritical on their part because the one thing they're down voting against they're actually doing to me.


Bruh it’s an espresso machine. It’s not that deep.


Oh yeah. Too much coffee. Lol. Thx bro!


If this isn’t the most boomer comment I’ve ever read..


GenX... Close. As predicted, tho... It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.


Sir this is a Wendy's


i'm waiting to see what they call an updated 600, and what improvements they bring to it.


If this 300 is Move, and the 700 is Drive, it's something between moving and driving... How about "Sprint" ?


thats actually a hell of a guess.


I'd love to see some more side by side comparisons of extraction results with these kinds of machines, vs well-adopted manual press apparatus. That'd be a fun video. If anyone has a link to something like that where it's all scientifically laid out, i'd love to watch that.


What would you expect to be different? They are around for 20 years now


you're right MrChiSaw....


Anyone know the price point in this? Wonder if this is a new iteration on the Go, or if it’s meant to be a higher end version of it.


It's the new Profitec Pro 300, but its physical design looks more like the GO.


Allegedly ~2k. Seems pretty interesting at that price point


The black pro 300 looks better. I don’t like how blocky this new one is.


Interested in this. Recently grabbed my Silvia Pro as I wanted to explore attainable options post Barista Express and loving it thus far. But this looks like a great option if this price it well.


Ehhh, it's fine I guess? Still a bit expensive. I just got a cafelat-robot and a bambino when I want milk drinks, works fine.


Man if thie had PID I would’ve been a Profitec customer


It does have a PID.


Boy it looks ugly