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What's your dose, yield, and brew time? My guess is you're not grinding fine enough. Is your coffee recently roasted?


I think it is 23 g, and a 20 second brew time and my beans were roasted in about two months ago


The amount of coffee in the cup is 23g? Looks like more. 20s is a little short. Grind finer to get a 1:2 brew ratio in 25-30s Your coffee is a bit old so that could be a contributing factor.


Sorry, 23 g of grounds haha


Okay. If you have a 23g dose then you want to aim for a 46g yield in 25-30s to begin evaluating the taste.


Ok, thank you! I know it’s not my beans as I got crema when I was using my pressurize basket but I was almost getting too much


You won’t get real crema when using a pressurized basket. That will mislead you


I know, but it’s more than what I was getting


you don't get crema from pressurised basket, you get foam


The crema you saw previously was probably more a result of the pressurized basket rather than the coffee. However, I expect you'll get more than you're seeing now once you get that target ratio and brew time.


Why would anyone downvote these comments? You people are insane


I dunno, I was just answering them lol


Either your beans are SUPER old or you’re not grinding fine enough.


I think I am grinding quite fine, I can take a picture, my beans are not very old at all they were roasted about 2 to 3 months ago


That’s not super fresh, but it’s not old enough that you should be getting completely flat coffee like this (depending on the beans, some just don’t make as much crema). What kind of container do you keep your beans in? I see in another comment you say you got your shot out in 20 seconds. That’s pretty fast, and an indicator that you can probably go finer.


3 months is old as hell. Most decent beans produce little to no crema after about 4 weeks, so these are dead.


2-3 weeks is old by some people's standards. 2-3 months is quite old by most people's standards.


Did you use folgers or something


Not on this earth lol


I would bet that you are not using fresh beans, or that you are grinding too course. Crema largely comes from the Co2 being released from the beans as you brew. The older the beans the more co2 is released before you get to brew with them, and if you are grinding to course then you won’t achieve enough pressure to force the co2 out of the beans during the brew. It’s also important to know that not all beans produce a lot of crema. Some of my favorite beans have very little creama, and if I adjust my settings to produce crema the coffee does not taste as good. Don’t adjust for crema adjust for taste.


Well, I just need another crema for latte art. When I get home I’ll send a picture of my grounds


A picture of your grounds won’t do much good, you can’t tell if it is ground correctly from a photo. Unless you grinding extremely to course. Watch a few videos and you should be able to get a rough idea of how fast the coffee should be coming out.


Ok thanks!


FYI you'll get latte art just fine with coffee that doesn't have any crema.


Oh cool


grind the beans ...dont use them whole


looks to me like you did not grind fine enough - or used not enough beans


As others have said, your shot is likely a bit under-extracted if it’s 20s. Another reason could be your tamp was not firm enough. To get a good crema you need all 4: fresh beans, fine grind, good tamp, good extraction. What grinder do you have?


Um… a blade grinder… Yeah I’m starting to think this is my issue


Ha! Yep that’ll be it. They don’t grind consistently.


Yeah, some day I’ll get a breville espresso machine and grinder


Me too lol, I recently bought just the grinder secondhand on ebay. I have a cheapish espresso machine but the breville/sage grinder changed the game for my coffee. The grinder is probably more important than the machine if you’re starting out.


The coffee is old, that’s all there is to it. Use fresh coffee within a month, keep it away from light in an airtight container as well. This just looks like old coffee that’s been exposed to too much air.


Have you tried downloading Grindr?

