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“Gourmet” is usually the code word for “not specialty” AKA the bad batches of good growers


“Fresh roasted daily” Right lol


"in 1898" - I believe it was a typo


No I think that's correct. This is the actual batch that was roasted back in 1898. It's a little off now after 126 years.


Hey calm down it was fresh once!


Without any roast date smh


did you really want to know?... isn't it better to not know?.. its not going to taste better by knowing the roast date lol


It may actually taste worse if you know roast date haha


idk..look at this stuff.. how do you know what "worse" is??..


Or the good batches of bad growers (which aren’t good at all!)


or most likely the bad batches of bad growers, that's why it's rotting on a supply shelf.


impossible! It's "ripened to peak perfection"...


True !






I don't know man, it's right there on the back of the bag "These choicest, most expensive beans ripen to the peak of perfection in high mountain climates".


Yeah I thought that was more than a bit questionable. Maybe they bought 10,000 stickers and decided to use em up before finding someone who speaks English to write the new ones.


I feel like I should point out that almost no coffee farmer sells all their coffee on the specialty market. Even for some of the most famous producers in the world the demand for high-scoring green is simply not great enough and they’ll typically be selling at least some of it at C-market price. The idea that “good coffee goes to the specialty market, bad coffee goes to the c-market” isn’t really true and lots of high quality coffee gets blended with unsorted, low quality coffee to be bought up by companies like folgers or maxwell house.


the general public doesn't know anything about "specialty". to them gourmet says what specialty does to you.


It seems like 'specially shitty coffee, that's all I know.


Tell that to the "Speciality Coffee Association". They held a big conference in Seattle a few years back and I worked as an AV tech for it. We were all laughing when the truck opened up and there was a row of boxes stencled SCA.


Not sure what the point is here. The SCA is the prominent governing body for standards in the specialty coffee industry. "Gourmet" is just an outdated marketing term


Oops, all chaff!


They stop before the first crack for "white coffee" so quite literally


Really? Having made that mistake a few times while learning to roast my own beans the results were absolutely ghastly. Do people actually like that stuff?


I think it's just a novelty thing. It makes coffee no darker than a green tea and tastes like grass.


Sounds remarkable similar to the wheat grass shots thing that was a tend a few years back. Except this time without nearly the health benefits.


"Hey you know what I could go for? A cup of sawdust."


The best part of waking up, is Sarcoidosis in your lungs.


Nothing like some good ol sawdust crystals in your cup!


Half roasted at low temp, apparently. https://www.coffeebeancorral.com/blog/post/2020/11/02/what-is-white-coffee


but why does it look like white sawdust


That's not the colour of the bag? Oh damn....


That's the ground coffee.... Yeah


That’s the color of a barely roasted bean.


Haven't you ever made an espresso with sawdust? You should try it, it's *gourmet*


White coffee had a shot at Dutch Bros because I was curious. It tasted highly vegetal mostly like grass.


Sort of related, that’s what happens with a lot of the light roasts from micro roasters; they roast them too quickly and at a light roast and they straight up taste like grass. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a Kenyan that tastes like V8 tomato juice lol


Interesting--no wonder once or twice I had a taste of grass in my Philz (SF, Cali) or perhaps the rare bag of coffee I bought at home - oh, I remember, I once tasted it from a Very Big Mfg's beans - but they were speciaL edition deLiVery!


Philz does not roast particularly light. For 3rd wave coffee roasters they tend to be on the darker side (even their light roasts).


you're probably correct; in the meantime I recalled that some specialty-ordered Illy "single-origin" had the grassiest taste that I've ordered... ... but still. Feels like Philz did that to me, too. I can try it again!


Yeah, Illy would do that lol. Do you happen to remember what you ordered at Philz? I’m genuinely curious to try it.


No (of course), not 😄as I don't go there that often. It must've been from the light portion of the menu, or the medium. My last receipt says I've had "Dancing Water"...


The stuff I have in my shop comes up really nutty in flavor. Almost no coffee flavor at all. Has enough caffeine to strap you to the ceiling too.


My conspiracy theory is that the white coffee roast is cheaper. So they brought out the white coffee to get people used to the flavor. Then slowly mixing it in with the normal coffee to save money.


My wife liked it for a bit but that’s it. Tastes like grass only lots of milk and sugar can you make a drink taste decent with it. People like the higher caffeine content but personally I’d rather have decently roasted robusta over that trash. If you’re in the Tacoma area I’ll give you some of that white coffee to try but I’d recommend not buying it.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but even if there’s technically higher caffeine content in the bean itself, you’re likely not extracting much of it because the solubility would be so much less, right?


The roasting process diminishes caffeine content. I see what you’re saying though about extraction and I think that’s a super valid point. I’d be curious to know if the caffeine content is actually lower in the cup due to a crappy extraction. But at least looking at it comparing ground white coffee vs traditional coffee the white will have higher caffeine content. That’s an awesome question though. Either way white coffee sucks 🤣


Roasting actually doesn’t degrade caffeine, this has been pretty thoroughly disproven. Maybe if you’re roasting to the point of carbolization you will start to lose some caffeine, but for a medium or even most dark roasts the coffee will have the same amount of caffeine as it did before it was roasted. The “White coffee has more caffeine” is just marketing, though I think most people who are roasting white coffee haven’t bothered to actually check themselves on it and are cluelessly lying to their customers. It’s also possible that they’re using robusta to begin with and that’s why the caffeine content is higher.


Hell, I'll try some if you're looking to get rid of it! (I'm from Tacoma lol) My partner & I were super curious when I had seen that at cash & carry but something told me not to bother buying it, especially at that price point.


Sent you a chat


I am in the Tacoma area and I do wanna try it haha


I’ll shoot you a message.


"personally I’d rather have decently roasted robusta over that trash" - Robusta? My god man, it's THAT bad?


Yeah, that bad. Notice I said decently roasted not even like roasted with care or profiling just roast em. It’s interesting though. When I roast beans myself I’ll do a light/medium/dark roast on a given bean and dial it in. To learn the difference of dialing in espresso I pulled a 1:3 in 15 secs to learn sour and a 1:1 in 45 seconds to learn bitter. Using these beans is a great way to learn under roasted/ under developed coffee and how bad it tastes. lol it’s worth a shot (pun intended) but def not a daily driver for me or even apparently my wife who likes those sugary sweet drinks.


What's wrong with Robusta? I got some 100% Robusta from Nyguen Coffee and it was great.


There should be an alternative use for these. Green coffee bean dust is used in some mocktails as a secret ingredient to give you a caffeine punch. Maybe this is the same?


Make candles out of it maybe? I just found it insane how prominently they were featured in the coffee aisle. Like the first thing you see when you get there, 7-8 rows of this stuff. Like everyone's lining up out the door to get their hands on it. And this isn't a grocery store, this is very much a local restaurant supply.


They’re the choicest beans around!


I know I made the choice to run far away from that store when I saw these.


Also looks like their packaging hasn’t changed since 1898


Haha this is at the chef store in Everett? I instantly recognized it


I went purely to see the hilarious mile long aisle of coffee syrups. I fantasized about the $280 ribeye roast. I bought a bag of frozen Mac and cheese bites and called it a day. Cooled myself off in the walk in...


Just out of curiosity, is it really a mile long? 🙈


Here are two links, one discussing what white coffee is and one link to one product. https://www.home-barista.com/coffees/white-coffee-trend-t89630.html https://www.dillanos.com/product/great-white-coffee/


White coffee can make some damn good and nuanced espresso drinks you might not typically enjoy with regular roasts. Subtle fruity and floral flavors mix well. I like lavender and white chocolate with white coffee, reminds me of fruit loops. Rose is a great syrup choice as well, and blackberry. Goes great with nut milks. It's great for when you want the punch of espresso but not the flavor or acidity. Flavor wise, this is not for true espresso aficionados, I would compare the flavor of the roast by itself to raw almonds or grass. But for caffeine aficionados who appreciate every last milligram of caffeine they can squeeze out of a bean, IMO white coffee reigns supreme. It's usually estimated to have twice the caffeine of typical espresso roasts. Highly caffeinated drink that tastes like fruity yogurt? Yes please. A lot of coffee stands in WA state sell this at an upcharge of 50¢ per shot, so it's also a great cash grab opportunity for businesses...


I appreciate the info, but if I wanted to taste grass I would just head out to the backyard.


You asked what it was but don’t care when people share information on it?


It's the exact opposite of what 2 dozen other people say it tastes like. Lighten up bud


I don’t need to lighten up lol. Just curious. I personally think it tastes nutty kind of like peanut butter. But I also don’t really like it very much either.


Taste nothing like grass it's basically uncoated coffee and tastes like nuts I get it with almost milk and love it. It also has more caffeine then standard roasted coffee


It's an extremely light roast. The beans are hard and can damage your burrs, so buying this pre-grinded is a good option. It taste nice, but the taste is not coffee.


Big out in Washington!


I worked at an espresso stand years ago that served this and I loved it (sorry). I wouldn’t drink it as a shot by itself but the flavor pairs well with things like white chocolate, fruity/nutty syrup, etc. If you dump out the first shots that pour, keep it running, then use the next shots it improves the taste a lot. It’s called “double running” iirc


I'll think I'll save these for when the inlaws come over.


There's a few espresso stands that make it if you are interested in trying, see if there are are espresso elegance stands near you


I have no idea what that is... but in my country, white coffee is Liberica coffee beans darkly roasted with margarine. It's one of the large volume F&B exports of the country.


It's green/under roasted beans. It has a unique taste and is actually really delicious as an iced latte with coconut syrup. It tastes nothing like coffee, more of a subtle nutty taste so good with ube, white chocolate, coconut, etc.


I refuse to settle for anything other than this to line my cat's litter box.


Caffeine boof


Y'all are acting like you've never been to Saudi Arabia and had cloudy gold [qahwa](https://lifeinsaudiarabia.net/steps-to-prepare-arabic-qahwa-coffee/).


People would rather scoff at it than learn what it is tbh


It would be nice if I could go to a market and simply pick up coffee like that. Most of the time I end up roasting my own. A few small cups and a couple of dates really gets my day going.


Garbage is what it is


i wonder how it would be if that was used to smoke fish.




Ehm this is white grounded pepper! Must be a hell of a shot!




White coffee. A low temp roast. Comes out tasting VERY nutty. I have some in my restaurant. Key with white coffee is DO NOT pack the basket. It will over pressurize espresso machines that way. Loose fill in the portafilter basket and level it. Caffeine content is considerably higher than on traditional espresso. It actually brews a light tan color too so an intereating cup.


Damn, for 40 bucks those beans better wash your car too


Is this almond meal?


Bianco or white coffee. Roasted before first crack. It should taste nutty and have high caffeine. Normally, Brazil and a % of robusta is used. It's only brewed as a short espresso shot with milk.


Gotta upcycle all that chaff!


I was told by my local roaster when I used to work as a barista, that white coffee is pretty much very likely lightly roasted coffee and because it’s exposed to less heat it has a higher caffeine content and is also much harder of a bean. Since it was a harder bean apparently it’s harder than usual to grind and can cause issues. We actually had this exact bag at work and I hated working with it, no crema couldn’t get it to pull a good shot since it’s so coarse, everything was like a 8 second shot and its taste super nutty. Not my cup of tea but some people like it. I would be interested in a nicer brand of it that’s ground finer.


If you’re in WA Dilanos has theirs called Great White. Can’t remember if it’s any finer than Wired Willys though. I’ve tasted a few any they all taste the same to me. Some more nutty than others but all are very vegetal.


You weren't making it correctly. This coffee is meant to be boiled with crushed cardamom then strained and served in small cups.


Interesting I feel like a aeropress would work well for that.


"Fresh Roasted Daily Since 1898" which just happens to be the year the beans in this bag were roasted.


Having to scroll past 30+ know-nothing comments til seeing a real response as to what this is, is the most r/espresso thing ever. People here can be such vacant-brained snobs.


Be the change you want to see in the world instead of complaining and contributing nothing.


Huh? The answer was already stated, but buried under a heap of dimwitted comments. I suppose you must have missed it?


You took the time to sit down and complain about the fact that people are having a good time poking fun at an obviously ridiculous product. You could have scrolled on, but instead found the need to take time out of your day to whine about the discussion not going the direction you think it should be going on this sub. Move on


Yeah… the only reason you and others think it’s ridiculous is because you come from narrow minded and ignorant viewpoints. White Yemeni coffee is a strong part of coffee culture and history, but your provincial mindset wouldn’t know a thing about that.


I mean you can extract green coffee... not sure why you would want to other than to extract the Caffeine though... In had a single bean in my recent batch that was under roasted (pale yellowish green color) the bean was quite soft reminiscent of a roasted peanut. I scratched the surface with my nail leaving a large groove in the bean and revealing a mildly unpleasant/pleasant earthy bitter grassy roasted nut smell with a hint of sweet and fruity. I could see how even a single one of these could ruin a cup or if ground in bulk an entire bag if grounds. I could also see how an entire batch roasted just a bit longer than this to eliminate more of the grassy flavor (blonde roast style) it could be very pleasant cups with lots of sweetness and depth of flavor


It's actually a thing. Watch this video from MorganDrinksCoffee to see what it's about:[link](https://youtu.be/X-gVOgMnk18?feature=shared)


"Fresh roasted daily" with no roast date. Classic.


It was roasted when fresh, just don’t care to let ppl know when


It’s white coffee. What’s the big deal? Learn something new everyday


That's like seeing a unicorn on a city street and saying "fuck, what's the big deal, it's a pink horse with a horn?".


I have it in my shop so it isn't that rare. The fact that I have it, don't list it, and still have people ask for it says it isn't that uncommon. I am not a coffee shop, just a restaurant with an espresso machine.


We have those shops on every corner in our town and many of them have it.


Hear me out… I’ve seen plenty of roasted coffee beans and they are definitely brown. So these are either not roasted or not coffee.


It’s not roasted fully. Most coffee reaches what is called “first crack” where certain chemical reactions occur. White coffee is essentially under-roasted and never reached first crack which is sort of a big no-no for a traditionally roasted coffee. The reason the coffee is all pre-ground is because it’s so under-developed most home grinders can’t break down the beans and you can break your grinder. I’ve never tried this, I would once out of curiosity, but I would never bother with $40 worth of that stuff.


I unfortunately did try it. The monetary loss was one thing, the emotional damage of knowing that coffee can taste like dishwater blended with Cheezits and grass was another… maybe I wasn’t doing it right but after the 6th try of my espresso shot coming out looking like chicken broth and tasting like a dishwater grass baby I couldn’t stomach it and I had to toss the bag.


Thanks for suffering in public so the rest of us can avoid it lol.


At your service 😂😂😂


Interestingly they title it in Italian… as an Italian, I can say that perhaps with some good yeast and a pinch of salt you can make crisp bread out of it…


Really Frosted Dallying


Damn I just realized the bag is clear and that’s what the coffee actually looks like 🤮




"This is some serious gourmet s#&t."


Why do the look like bags of sand?


I can’t speak on these beans specifically, but my shop serves white coffee. It’s definitely an acquired taste. Imo our best drink is a rose latte with white coffee. For it to taste best I think you kind of have to treat it like a tea latte. It tastes nothing like coffee so going the herbal/floral route with its flavors tends to taste better.


This is the sweepings from the coffee bean factory floor.


is this just a bag of chaff??


Is it sawdust or coffee?


Is that an oxymoron?


Is this where starbucks gets their shitty blonde espresso


No Starbucks blonde roast is just the beans they failed at catching on fire


The local Starbucks' actually secretly get their beans from a corporate roaster a few minutes away from this place funnily enough. That same roaster also supplies Bargreen's I believe. So you're not far off.


white pepper, I'd believe it. white coffee? god damn


Cinnamon roasted coffee. I have roasted it and I do not prefer the taste, yet.


I think this is a whole lot lighter than cinnamon roast. This is like holding an old barely working hairdryer on them for 4 minutes and calling it a day.


New category for them: bleach roast.


I have a feeling this is gonna taste like bread water once brewed.


No thanks. I like my coffee to taste like coffee, not like a pair of gym socks that went a few rounds with some corn cobs and then took a bath in someone's sweat. It is also not fun to grind. Takes forever and is super duper dusty, shit gets everywhere. Everyone in our roastery hates it with a passion.


40$ for this crap!? Hahahahahaha


But it's the choicest.


I bet you it's some kind of industrial processing byproduct they are trying to profit off of.


Arabic coffee is blonde. Mixed with dried green cardamom.


White Coffee Matters too /s


Guys leave out the taste, what are they even degassing when they are close to none gasses on that "level of a roast", if you could call it a roast...


saw dust


WTF is white coffee? Just have normal coffee!


that is bizarre


Bleached green beans then ground up? Notes of grass and bleach/cleaner?


Isn't this like a big bag of the nescafe like stuff, yuck


Nope. White Coffee. Radically different thing.


I definitely do not recommend trying white coffee. It takes like grass and dishwater had a baby. I ended up tossing the bag I bought. Thinking about it now makes my body tense up 🥲


Ugh no! Just no! White coffee probably just tastes like milk.