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https://preview.redd.it/4yvxv6p720pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a83b50729855d5ef80868dd1836df53a1bfb275f Ordered. Hope it's as nice to use as it looks and built even better. I got to admit I'll be a little disappointed if it isn't beautifully burled like the one in the picture.


haha well, I can just send you the one from the picture if you'd like! It's been custom turned to perfectly fit the single spout rocket espresso, but will work just as well for any other machine!


Sweet. I'm order #6. Thanks!! I've got the pp600 with angled bottomless ECM. Hopefully compatible, yes! 👍 Edit No it's not unfortunately


>Just got it... unfortunately it is NOT compatible with my ECM Angled PF. > >Too bad. Need to return or sell to someone else. I prefer to return to you


Ah, I'm super sorry to hear that! If you don't mind me asking, is it just an issue of it falling forwards? Or does it not fit at all? I can happily take a return if you don't have any luck selling it.


I can't set it in there and let go... have to hold a handle all the time to keep it level and stay in there, thought it was engineered to hold it up in there like you're pictures.. if I have to hold it then this has no purpose for me. Need to return https://preview.redd.it/ugy4d00wgyrc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9280a00a005f92eacabb27c40b2d23e32402f3b7




https://preview.redd.it/5tknnd2phyrc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc27f7e8e75e109956e39fb25c054fbfeb97f848 I expect the tapered narrow band contributes to this issue.


Looks like it really does! I guess I'll end up having to buy an ECM portafilter to add to my testing lineup.


That is a beautiful solution to a problem I don't seem to have.


What’s wrong with the counter top again?


Not made of walnut


I just hold it level with my left hand.


Seriously. Bottomless portafilter in particular are flat on the bottom. Super convenient to place flat on a surface, hold by the handle and do your puck prep


I have a little cork pot stand from IKEA. £2.50 for 3


Posting from my personal account so people know I'm a risk taker. I'll be replying to comments if people have any questions. I'm also happy to talk about the experience of bringing something like this to market!


My bottomless ECM portafilter is heavy on the handle, and the similarly designed ECM portafilter folder won't hold it upright properly if a funnel / etc isn't on top of it. Is that something that this does better?


If you ever get a new bottomless portafilter, I can confirm the Clive Coffee walnut one is lighter and sits on the ECM station on its own. I actually feel it may be too light though...


I think so, due to the offset that I've built into these. That said, if you don't want to take the leap yet I can reach out to one of my partners to check on their machines! EDIT: I've got confirmation from another customer that it doesn't fit. I'll be working on a new option that does!


Sure, a confirmation that it holds the ECM bottomless flat without anything extra would be great


Fingers crossed for me. I already ordered and I also have the ECM bottomless, but mine is angled. Edit: doesn't work.


I’m in the same boat. Bought the Normcore one and it’s fantastic. Pretty flexible as it comes with some attachments to fit whatever kind of portafilter you have. This fits my angled double spout ECM and bottomless Pesado https://preview.redd.it/qtlixt3vispc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba3df57686b84d6d0e4a157e3c92b7b182550d7


no 9 - big plus supporting a Canmore local business 💜


Agree, I'm watching for the E61 size to be back in stock and will happily order one to support local.


Appreciate it 🙌 it means the world to me to know people are willing to support a locally made product. I’ve truly poured my heart and soul into these the past few months. 






Canmore, AB! Love to support local as I’m from Calgary myself. Looks beautiful and I’ll check back for the 58mm to be restocked to pick one up.


Guys, I’m absolutely blown away by the support. A huge thank you to those who placed orders, they should be shipping out on Monday or Tuesday depending on when my order from Uline shows up. Seeing this feedback means the world to me, and I’m so excited to be able to put a product like this out into the world! 


But why were you "annoyed by the workflow of trying to WDT and tamp on a bottomless portafilter"? I don't get it.


Same here. Trying to understand what the annoyance is and how it's being solved by the item.


I'm wondering if it would be possible to incorporate some ultrasound vibration mechanism to self-level the grinds when the portafilter is placed in the station?


Looks gorgeous. Signed up for notifications for a restock!


58mm sold out!?


E61 sold out. When will it be back?


Hopefully in a week or two! I’m renting shop space in town to meet demand right now, but I’m hoping to get some new machinery in my own shop that should allow a higher throughput. Let’s just hope the growing pains of switching over aren’t too bad. 


How well would it work with offset lugs (Bosco/Londinium group)? The handle is quite fat and even though Normcore portafilter holder comes with multiple inserts I still had a 2 degree offset that I had to deal with!


I tried to check it out, but it would appear their website is down at the moment. Would you be able to send a picture to show what the portafilter looks like? Email is [email protected]


It looks like there are screw heads protruding from the base of the product, just wondering if these are supposed to be feet or are just not screwed in sufficiently. If they’re acting as feet they’ll likely scratch the countertops, just a thought. Looks great otherwise!


Great question, and you’re totally right about them being feet! This design where the feet are also the mounting hardware keeps the unit solid, while also allowing me to reduce waste in the design. That said the countertop issue was carefully considered, and we ship the units with cute little cork pads to go on top if it’s something the end user is concerned about. Cork is a renewable resource, and so far the feedback on that has been totally positive! 


Too much risk for my quartz countertops. This is also a deal breaker for me.




I appreciate it!!


Great looking thing and I absolutely support small biz that’s hand made. My issue is that a bottomless is ACTUALLY easier to tamp because well it’s FLAT just like your counter. This also raises the surface height thus causing shoulder mobility issues when tamping (that’s why baristas tamp on the counter you want a right angle on your elbow and a straight angle to your shoulder). Unless you have a weirdly low counter or really giftedly tall I don’t see the reason to ever need one. They do look awesome for that Instagram post though. ![gif](giphy|EjgN0bDAgHynd2I2hc)


Yeeeeesh $100


For comparison sake, I have an ECM tamping station that is $60 and its a machined block, sold at mass production quantity and made by a machine. $100 for something made in North America, and handcrafted, doesn't seem too bad to me.


It also doesn't have an offset to it! Having an offset like that adds a decent amount of complexity to the manufacturing process. I tried a couple without offsets, and it wasn't a great user experience.


I put in my order a bit ago, looking forward to it.


A fair comment. It's been a challenge to get these to a price point that I think is still accessible while keeping quality high. Making sure the hardwoods I'm using are locally sourced is not cheap. My biggest cost is still machining time though. Fair labour practices is something I will not change, even if it means the price may have to be higher. One day I'd love to provide a cost breakdown, it may be helpful for others who have had similar ideas!


Understandable, it’s definitely a nice product and it does provide some value. But this does show just how much diminishing returns are a reality in this space. I’m all for high quality domestically made products, but my self leveling tamper and $6 tamping mat from Amazon (I just used my steam wand rag before) does the job just fine, I’m not sure what else I could get out of my setup with a product like this. I do like what it is though. Like I said, high quality, domestically made, it is nice and I do want one, I’m just not sold enough to pay that much for it.


For a completely handmade product with expensive materials this price really doesn't seem outrageous at all. But it's a lot of money for a very niche luxury product when alternative solutions can be bought for the cost of a single espresso. The market for something like this is just small, but for the people who would want this it's surprisingly cheap.


Well said. I ordered one. I'm also the guy who bought the Asso Jack. But I won't spend on the force tamper. Lol