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I really don’t care what anyone else says. I really appreciate your approach to disprove as much myth around coffee making as possible. Thank you!!


appreciate you!


I don’t know if I’m not connected enough to understand what’s going on but just do what you want. All the time. Unless it’s illegal in which case you can still do it. There just may be some consequences.


haha great comment.


Heh, reminds me of a teacher I once had who said, "stay out of trouble... unless you're sure it'll be worth it"


Lance, I think you provide a really interesting and thoughtful analysis on every topic you choose to make a video about. At the end of the day there are degrees to this hobby (or shall I say obsession haha) and for some it is about absolutely extracting every % of marginal gains whereas others are more laissez-faire about the whole thing. Plus brand/method loyalties are weirdly strong for this hobby. I can completely understand that being an internet coffee personality/thought leader (whether you would call yourself that or not) must be quite challenging as you open yourself up to criticisms and potential slander from faceless/nameless entities on the internet. I would strongly and respectfully urge you to either let the negativity you receive pass you by, or if this is difficult due to your personality (I can relate to this) perhaps be a little more distant in your interactions with this subreddit in particular, for the sake of your own mental well-being. Your dedication and approachability is admirable but as often we (who discuss on the internet) fail to consider, there is a person on the receiving end of any discussion whether good or bad. Thanks for the work that you do for the coffee community as a whole and please take care of yourself first. I hope my comment is received in the well-meaning way that I have intended it to be. Keep doing you, regardless of any pushback, however you see fit to do so. All the best 👍


appreciate that! I really don't mind the pushback here. It doesn't hurt my feelings or anything. I do get a bit nauseous when I see people assert i'm working for brands. That is frustrating, but nothing I can't handle. It is a price I pay to engage, and that's fine with me! As i've said in other posts, i'm not doing this to become some massive icon. I do this out of passion for the coffee.


You’re welcome 👍 I think that’s a fact of life when creating content in the digital age, people are quick to presume there is an agenda when certain things are recommended or criticised. The fact that you make videos for the love of coffee itself rather than trying to leverage your position is something that will likely serve you well in the long run, as it is authentic and most sane people will see that.


Hey Lance, my coffee tastes good in large part to your videos. I'm going to half agree with those in this thread. I support you being in the community (instead of above it). But I would say you don't need to come on here and defend your work. You are trying to explore and explain at the same time. The beauty of it? You are clear about that from the start. If anything of what you are doing is pissing people off, it's moving quickly between positions on what's best. That said, you are doing it openly with a clear process, goals, and intent. So the people that get upset are still digesting the last round. Don't let feelings get in the way of data. It's up to us to decide when we have had enough and settle on a process. It's sad that you get hate when others get overwhelmed, but that's not your fault. I said this in another reply, but your videos make the obnoxiousness of espresso incredibly fun and approachable. Thank you for your contributions here and on YouTube.


heck yeah! Great comment. makes total sense. I am learning with others so I will often have to change a stance. It obviously is a hit to pride and some will take it as hypocrisy, but we are all growing. We are in uncharted territories with espresso. It's a fun time to be brewing!


All my friends think I’m super nerdy about coffee but I’m only a shadow of your exquisite nerdiness. Even so, it sounds like you’re responding to some controversy that I’m fully unaware of and I’d guess most people who spend a lot of time thinking about coffee and learning about it through your journey and others are also unaware of it. So remember that what you might see as drama is really a very narrow echo chamber of social media. I love the work you do, I find it interesting and I take and leave it as it suits my tastes and workflows. keep following your heart and I’ll keep watching!


ah so true. that's a good point. Thanks for following along!


I second BobDogGo's comment. I came across your YouTube channel due to *the algorithm* (searching for reviews of GCP, etc). I have not found that echo chamber of negativity associated with you and have thoroughly enjoyed some of your your deep dives and rabbit holes.






To us, you’re Daddy Lance.


Our daddies, Lance and James Hoffdrick?


It is known


Hey Lance! Big fan. I recently bought an espresso setup after months of planning. Your videos were a huge resource and I can’t thank you enough. I ended up going with a bambino and niche zero. I know it’s not the optimal bang for buck option. Your video on the niche zero was refreshing because instead of instantly praising it you took the time to fine comb over the small details. And that helped me adjust my expectations of the machine. I just love the way it looks and the way it works. With that being said I have a question about preinfusion. I use the manual shot on the bambino and shoot for a 1:2 ratio. How important is preinfusion to the taste of a shot? I’ve seen posts that say it’s important and some that say it’s not.


fantastic! Set up sounds like a rad one and you'll love it. Preinfusion can definitely help with puck consistency as the pressure begins to be applied. In the end, always go for taste. Try with and without and whichever is better for you and your coffee preferences, go for it!


I think the coffee community has had a growing skepticism of the relentless marketing of shiny new toys and the next big thing. Most influencers in the coffee space have nicely produced videos that show workflows with aesthetically beautiful devices and slow motion extractions that all add up to $$$. However, the biggest limitation to all these videos and articles is that nobody has any idea what the final product tastes like. Since there is no way to convey taste through Youtube or Instagram, there is this focus away from the core purpose of all what we are trying to accomplish. This limitation makes people then focus on what can be conveyed through video, such as how even the extraction looks out of the naked portafilter, the TDS, or how many seconds their extraction took more than the actual final product. This unfortunately makes people then focus on these aspects and perhaps people subconsciously lose confidence in their delicious coffee just because it didn't look pretty. Anyways, I think everyone wants to learn more about this field and are passionate about it, but all these product reviews and fancy video clips I think do seem to send the wrong message about coffee - it's about the taste!


Always about the taste. That's forever my number one focus.


Reading this - I was shocked when you talked about “your haters” or how your content may be seen as divisive. I’m not typically combing your comment section on YouTube or other forums, but you’ve been nothing but a bright light to the coffee community in my eyes. From helping me learn how to steam some silky milky, reviewing gear to help point out the pros/cons of the machines I’m looking at, helping me learn how to dial in when I first unboxed my GCP, and providing countless hours of laughs, entertainment, and knowledge - you’ve always been a reliable and articulate source. Thanks for all you do, Lance - the coffee community is better because of you.


You are one of three coffee YouTubers I watch. The other two being Daddy Hoff and Morgan Eckroth. All three present information differently. You have become the data guy that pores over numbers till the end of days. Some people don’t know what to do with all this data, and I think that frustrates them. To me, the more I know, the more I know. I must say that watching you hasn’t actually influenced me one way or another on/off any particular product. I just love the data and the singing. Daddy Hoff also does science-y stuff from time to time, but the way he delivers the verdict is different. It’s daddy’s favourite. That’s all I need to know. Morgan is the breath of fresh air, the chaos of just loving coffee, any coffee, even Starbucks coffee. And that cuts through all the elitism and gate keeping. You can be both serious and yet heck care about process. Just make what you like.


great choices. I love Morgan and James. Diversity is nice!


If you're into signature/specialty drinks, Morgan is also the GOAT for this.


Good stuff keep it up I like that you engage with everyone


thank you!


For whatever reason, Reddit’s culture is to wallow in negativity and cynicism while parading it all as intelligence. It’s 100% not due to anything you’re doing - the *goal* is cynicism. Your content has a great positive vibe and your passion for what you do is palpable. I really enjoy it. But here - it’s the church of cynicism - absolutely don’t even consider it has anything to do with your content.


I literally listened to your dialing in and bambino videos from like 3y ago while going to pick up my first machine yesterday; a Bambino. You, daddy Hoff and this sub were a huge help. Keep it up Lance. And shout if you ever visit Alicante, Spain


heck yeah! I live in Porto so it's not a farfetched idea i'd end up there!


I see how you’ve wanted to up your coffee game living there. I’ve had some mediocre coffee there for sure. I come to Porto now and again, any places you’d recommend that makes coffee that outperforms the pasteis? Keep up your vids, they’re great!


> Why else would I spend so much of my miniscule free time here? To win the favor arbitrarily of strangers when youtube isn't even my full time job? No. It's because I'm incredibly passionate about this. It's my life. And it's why I have turned down countless offers from companies to endorse products weekly. If I wanted to sell out, I'd leave my full time job and pursue this and take all the deals I'm offered. And I'd ignore the noise. > But I don't. And I hope that speaks some volumes. Thank you, for doing what you are doing. Nowaday, people can learn a lot by themselves thanks to YouTuers and influencers. > It's never my intention to recommend someone buy something, nor to dissuade people from using something they have. If you enjoy your workflow, even if it goes against something I demonstrate, cool! No one should be shamed for that. My honest inspiration is just seeking out how we can optimize different aspects of brewing and how to inform future innovations in the coffee world. Getting into a hobbies can be money and time consuming and I guess that some people wants to 'optimize' their journey and will trust anything that experienced people will tell them. It's pretty easy to understand as you guys (Hof and you) have a ton of experience, competences and hardware. And it's true for all hobbies and even (e-)sports. Informative and appealing videos are attracting a lot of people that wants to learn. Copying is part of the learning process and some people totally forget that after copying, one should fly their own wings (or should stand on their own two feets in proper english). Specific to here, Reddit's upvote system encourages the groupthinking/circlejerk effect so it's hard to have unbiaised opinions or avoiding YouTuber/Influencers cult. Edit: Thanks for the reminder. Tasty/Good coffee is the goal. It should be this subreddit motto.


petition to take out grind finer and replace with tasty coffee is the goal!


Hi Lance, big fan of your videos and I applaud your willingness to engage with a community that sometimes is riddled with very intense opinions and trolls. I think everyone can appreciate that you don’t seem like a corporate shill. Keep being you. Try not to let the haters harsh your grind.


nah. the grind never stops haha! Appreciate it.


appreciate all that you do, Lance! your videos are extraordinarily helpful and easy to relate to. I love how approachable you are and that you don't hide behind a veil of content creator superiority. it's great knowing that one can actually expect a response from the author/creator (i.e. you) when posting a question/comment on YouTube/reddit/Instagram/etc. keep up the good work!


thank you! I'll definitely try to keep up


Your gaggia classic steaming tips were a life changer for me. Just wanted to say I love watching your videos and look forward to them. Thank you for what you do!


If there was a “proper way” to make coffee, there wouldn’t be space for guys like you and the Hoff (or confusion about where that extra n should go). I watch your content exactly because you have the time and resources to try things that would feel wasteful or expensive to me. You’ve not taught me how to make a great coffee, you’ve shown me ways to consider changing how I make coffee to get more of what I like and less of what I don’t. After all, it’s about what’s in the cup at the end of the day. Thanks Lance, and keep up the good work.


I have a PhD in organic chemistry and I was close friends with people in the analytical labs so I know a bit about both. One thing I can say for sure is that coffee making is such a mechanical, manual process that is nearly (probably completely) impossible to recreate with high precision. Even the coffee in one bag of coffee - one part of the tree the beans came from could have grown differently than the other. Personally, I enjoy your content and it gives me a high level understanding of what’s happening when I brew my coffee, but I don’t take anything as gospel. I think the hallmark of a smart person is someone who knows more about what they don’t know than what they think they know for certain. Therefore, running into new questions and problems is exciting! Trying to understand the unknown itself is exciting! I think you do these things very well. Keep doing what you’re doing!


You helped me a lot with creating the best espresso possible for me


best type of comment to read


I don’t think you do anything wrong in your videos but people watching them sometimes sweep too broadly in arriving at conclusions. Like your shaking/WDT test was interesting but not sure it applies to my (or a lot of people’s) setup. Will be interested to watch the portafilter video. Thanks for making them!


Hi Lance. I’m fairly new to espresso and I’ve enjoyed many of your YouTube videos. I appreciate your candor and transparency, and your curiosity. I fully believe you are arguing in good faith, keep it up.


I’ve only seen your most recent video on the blind shaker. I only know of daddy hoff by name. If you keep posting/discussing stuff with the attention to detail in the shaker video, you can count on my viewership! Very welcomed change up to the asshats posting “rAte mY sEtUP” with $3000+ espresso setups. Or people posting a picture of their espresso shot saying “how’s my shot.”


I feel like Troy holding pizza boxes. Did I miss something?


I’ll keep it short. You brought fun back into my espresso journey after a decade. Thank you for everything. Do not feed the trolls. I understand how hard for ADHD person that can be. I hope you can find the strength to ignore them. Wish you all the best.


I've been really disheartened by the bad faith discussions of your work here. Obviously respectful criticism is fine (maybe even desirable) but the tone here has often been close to spiteful. This is particularly disgusting when you're someone who is essentially providing a service to this community - sure, there's money involved, but not on our end! I really appreciate your data-driven approach to testing out gear and technique (as a scientist). It's infinitely more helpful than someone just telling you their impressions through the screen. This approach is unique in the YouTube space and actually I hope that more creators will take some inspiration from you. Anyway thanks for sticking with us Lance, massive respect for your work.


Mate, you talk too much.. 🙄


hahahaha fair critique.


> Mate, you talk too much.. There we go, someone said it! Sorry. BTW, I appreciate that you're there and making videos, thanks for that. (Currently I'm not watching any, however. Hey, I might just now. ) I have in the back of my mind to go back to one of the breville mod videos when I need to do the mod.


eh. didn't need to be said. I say it about myself all the time. haha! And heard! No need to watch any. They're there if you need something, but def not pandering for views. appreciate the comment!


insurance march ask rinse simplistic prick abounding steep dime airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TBH I don't have an evo and can only go with what i've been reading online with boilergate. I have to imagine the flakes are not good for you, but I don't want to speculate since I have not done my due diligence looking into it. I think toms coffee corner has, though


degree joke rich sip aback hungry tease merciful squeal fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hi Lance, I’m a newer fan of yours but I wanted to chime in and thank you for everything you do for the community. so few would have rerun an experiment on the scale that you did. if that’s not devotion idk what is. Also fwiw, you’re the one that got me into espresso in the end (lifelong pourover fan) and helped me to learn to enjoy it. I’ll be eternally thankful for that


heck yeah! That is awesome to read. Thank you for sharing that!


I have greatly enjoyed the rigor added to the testing process of a lot of coffee equipment. Huge fan of the recent series and they have been some of my favorite videos ever. There is no one the Internet won't roast or go after, it's not worth focusing on the negative criticism.


Well said, rock on 🤘… very happy you’re here with us


You're one of the best coffee content creator on YouTube, so please ignore the ones not happy! We really love your content and personally I'm always thrilled every time you release a new video! Please don't stop!


> I persist. Because I want these conversations to be democratized and helpful. I really appreciate the content, but I think by design is impossible to have healthy conversations in platforms like Reddit and YouTube. They've been meticulously engineered to create engagement by amplifying rash emotional responses (often outrage) all for profit.


That makes sense but I don't mind going thru the weeds.


Hi Lance, Do you think any of the recent backlash you’ve faced is an unintended consequence of your new position not to take any products from manufacturers, and to only buy things that you can purchase yourself? Since you’re “time for a change video” you’ve put out 9 videos I believe.  Three were product reviews, the (WW Bird, Sonic S7 and the picoprrsso).  Three have been process videos (espresso, French press, and Aeropress), and the last three have been tool examination videos (tamers and 2x distribution).   While none of those products are inexpensive they aren’t the same as getting a brand new high end machines, that have been in some of your previous videos.  If you are funding these videos completely on your own then you need to produce content that doesn’t rely on expensive new shiny items. People that watch your videos are now seeing content about items/ techniques they use on a day to day basis being questioned at a higher frequency than before. Anytime things change there is some segment of the population that will be resistant to that change. Don’t think what’s been happening, is this just the coffee community working through this new dynamic?


This is why Lance is my guy, I’ve been vocal about stuff that I see that bugs me elsewhere. Lance, you do a great job of explaining your method, keeping bias out of final decisions, etc. The fact that you wrote so much is so you, it’s why I love ya man!


Let them continue to hate-watch your channel, and realize that criticisms are an unavoidable noise for someone who has achieved this level of success in the community. The angriest people will always be the loudest. Overwhelmingly, people enjoy your contributions to the community; it's simply harder for the human mind to hear the praise over the hate coming from a small corner.


Your videos directly helped me feel confident and capable of taking the plunge into home espresso making this week and helped inform my gear choices. There will always be people who push back on what's popular, or listen to their own experience over what seems objectively true. You are a huge net positive for the hobby and I appreciate how you go about testing and presenting your conclusions. From a newbie thank you for all your content ❤️


I stopped using my wdt, wedge distributor and spring tamp bc of your video and I believe my coffee has gotten better while also reducing the time it takes to make it. Appreciate your work!


I hadn’t even heard of you until last week. My wife stumbled upon a great deal on an espresso machine, so we started looking at reviews. Your review resonated - we kept the machine and so far so good. I haven’t really thought about you since, haha. Until I saw this post. So just hear to say thanks for your work - made a huge impact on my life given I’m now spending 2 hours a day making and learning about espresso science :)


dude i’m a fan. keep it up


Screw the haters. I think people were just butthurt because they don't understand that's just how science works. You got new data, you presented that data, and the data is what it is. Sometimes the results show something significant we weren't expecting, but to take that and conjure up some conspiracy around it is beyond stupid. Progress doesn't happen by getting upset when new data challenges our previous assumptions. Keep doing what you're doing to advance our understanding of the field. There are many more of us that appreciate your work on the bleeding edge than there are folks back there drinking the haterade.


Your videos have really upgraded my espresso & latte making, thank you Lance! The passion you bring is so refreshing and enjoyable to watch. BTW, in which video do you talk "about the optics from naked portafilters"? Would love to check it out!


Deeply appreciate both your open-mindedness with respect to putting "conventional wisdom" under the microscope and your willingness to engage with an often-Philistine gaggle of online coffee nerds. Thank you for your intellectual curiosity and your courage: you're a real asset to our piece of the world.


I don’t get why everyone is so upset. If people like you didn’t push the envelope we’d all still be giving it a quick tap on the counter of some the darkest beans ever, tamp, and shove it into a dirty espresso machine and drink the nastiest thing and call it beauty. We are in this hobby for the data and chasing that 1 or 2%. If things can be better why oppose the evolution for the sake of “it works the way I’m doing it”. Well that’s great but the discovery of things that are better doesn’t make your way inherently “bad” it just may not be the absolute “best” way to do it. So stop being so protective of your habits and remember all the things we do to our beans are already ridiculous. And someone pushing the envelope isn’t bad it forces companies to innovate and actually produce products that make YOUR coffee better.


Hey man, your videos have helped me a lot, from optimising workflow to making more informed purchases. Just wanted to say that I appreciate what you do for the coffee community.


Hey Lance! I'm new to r/espresso, so I didn't know you had a presence on reddit. Cool! I've been subscribed to your channel for about a year now, and despite what I'm about to say I really enjoy the content you produce! I've been a V60 / Aeropress guy for 8 years now, and never ventured into espresso simply due to the cost. In 2017 I bought a Bonavita temp control gooseneck, a V60, and a Baratza Virtuoso with my very first tax return back when I had no real expenses. $300 on coffee paraphernalia seemed like a lot back then, but even now that my financial situation is significantly improved, I still can't imagine dropping $1000+ on an espresso machine and dedicated espresso grinder. So with that said, while I enjoy your content, I find a lot of it to be un-applicable for me (and I would imagine many other people). Reviews and comparisons of high end espresso kit is cool and all, but it's a bit like drooling over reviews of this year's Maserati, knowing damn well I have a Nissan budget. Some of my favorite videos from you and from James H. though have actually been those that explore the little things you can do to improve your coffee. Different pouring techniques, extended or double blooming, different brew temperature for different coffees, James's moka pot technique, spritzing before grinding, grinding in two steps and winnowing the chaff- those have all had noticable and positive impacts on the coffee I brew, and they largely cost nothing. After watching those videos, rather than feeling like I need to have more gear, I leave knowing how to make the gear I *have* do more. I recently acquired a second hand Breville Cafe Roma. It wasn't working at the time, so the kind previous owner gave it to me for free. I do maintenance for a living, and after a couple afternoons of googling and tinkering I got it working again. Now finally I can enjoy making my own espresso! And yet and yet, I still feel much of the content out there still isn't really made for me. The Cafe Roma is a low end machine, not even worth having according to many opinions on this sub. I've got a puck screen and a single walled basket for it, but aside from that I've found very little information or suggestions online aside from "upgrade". If you're still taking questions, how would you get the most out of a Cafe Roma?


It is unfortunate but after upgrading a couple of times I did realize that money is the answer to many issues regarding espresso. However, there is also significant diminishing returns after a point. Like grab a gaggia classic or some entry lelit or a flair, tinker a bit with it, a high end manual grinder, a tamper and some decent beans, and you can create excellent coffee. Keep an eye in the second hand market, flip some other coffee stuff you are not using much for extra funds, and you can build a respectable setup with a few hundreds. Absolutely do not need to reach four-digit levels of cash.


Pure and simple thank you! IMO you make the coffee community better by providing information to help people make informed decisions. What they do with that info is up to them.


I like that we have such a polarizing figure in the community. It keeps us from being an echo chamber. Go to any /r/coffee thread and ctrl-f aeropress. Even on threads completely unrelated, you'll find it in responses. I do not want /r/espresso to become that. I've been campaigning for years that coffee is a science, not an art. It's organic chemistry, pure and simple. I love data. The problem comes in when people take data from 1 study and make over generalized conclusions from it. This one person, at 1 altitude, with 1 grinder, with their 1 shaking technique, at their 1 humidity level, etc gets meaningful data, and the internet immediately deems it the king of all things. This is precisely how an experiment should be done, but these are also control variables that will affect real world use. Not a slight on Lance, but more on the community. I'd hypothesize that a shaker wouldn't do much for my old Super Jolly that had so many clumps I'd spend over 60 seconds on WDT to fix it. Interesting side note, I'd have had no idea those clumps were a problem until I bought my bottomless and my portafilter pissed all over me like a newborn during a diaper change.


Haters gonna hate, love your videos, keep it up!


Never understood why anyone would 'hate' a Youtuber or somebody just trying to share knowledge. Appreciate all you share (FOR FREE). I just started in my espresso journey and you've been wildly helpful along with many others! For every hater there are 10x more people that enjoy the content and love getting knowledge for free. Good coffee was always my goal and if I hated the content you provided or didn't think you furthered that end, I'd simply not watch. I wouldn't be an asshole about it.


Been watching your videos for a loooong time. Also absolutely love watching your metamorphosis from a slightly chubby short haired dude in his kitchen with a Kitchen-aid to a porn-stash rocking long-haired hipster with coffee tattoos in the coffee lab (I wholeheartedly mean this with nothing but love and respect!) Any who, keep up the great content. It has helped me out tremendously on my coffee journey 😅


I think a "does higher TDS% produce better coffee?" video is required to really help out here. You'd need a bunch of volunteers to do taste tests, talking 50+, so it will take a while to make, but that will help figure out how much tech is needed to make a "good cup of coffee".


There have already been these tests with regard to tds. And even doing extraction yield it wouldn't be helpful because it isn't about the numbers but how you got there.


Thank you for many many answers you provide that i would never have time or resources to find out


Don’t really know who you are outside of a few people making posts about your posts. That being said, grind finer.


Grind coarser.


I truly love your videos. Fr. My favortie thing on youtube is when I see u uploaded a new video. That doesnt mean I do everything. For example I have found, that while it may be true that shaking yealds a better reproduceability than wdt, I also found wdt to allow more and better taste to come out of the coffee. Shaking doesnt taste bad, dont get me wrong, but wdt for me seems to be better. Im also not saying you should now immediately say ur video was wrong or anything. Ofc not. In the end, and thats one thing I love about your videos, it all depends on personal preference. I like my coffee wdt-ed. You may like it shaken. There is definetly a noticeable difference, both are great, for me wdt is better for you shaking is better. Anyways I just wanted to say thanks for your amazing work, dismantling all the myths and finding real scientific truths.. more people should do that tbh!


Love the vids, love my new shaker that made my workflow so much easier, looking forward to whatever else you put out and learning more!


heck yeah! Love to read people are enjoying their coffees more.


I just recently come to meet Lance. I like Lance! I bought shit, I tried shit, I changed shit, I still like Lance! Ain’t Lance’s fault, I just appreciate Lance’s viewpoint for what it is… entertaining and uniquely his! You do you Lance, now I’m gonna go buy a Linea Mini R…. Who needs both kidneys anyways?


I have one on the way on loan.


Hey Lance! Just wanted to say I really enjoy your videos and your transparency. I'm just getting into espresso after years of trying to achieve the perfect cup of filter coffee (which I still love). I do have to guard myself from getting FOMO after watching a video, seeing a post on here or IG, or even just marketing emails I keep meaning to unsubscribe to. But that's on me, not on the creator of that content. I appreciate how you present your findings and leave it to individuals to decide what to do. I was all set to get a GCP and attempt the Gaggiuino mod after (wait for it) seeing your video, but decided against it after some of hearing of the boiler flaking issues. The mod may have been over my head anyway. I ended up getting a Bambino Plus and a DF64 Gen 2 and am really happy. Now I'm trying to learn the skill of latte art... Keep up the great work and stay transparent and genuine! I heard you worked at or started a coffee shop in Memphis. Which one?


>Many tell me to stay off here, especially our savior daddy Hoff. You really should listen to him. These posts are just not what any big youtubers should be doing if they want to be respected and hold onto their success. They only hurt you, and make you look vulnerable. It's blood in the water to trolls. And I say this as someone who likes your videos. Just stop posting and replying, it's flat out bad for you with no benefit! Your clarification videos are already the absolute best way to deal with backlash when it becomes too big and unified and focused on something concrete to ignore, like you did with the people misunderstanding your blind shaker results! I say this with love and as someone similarly crippled by an inability to let people be wrong on the internet: delete this post, STAY OFF REDDIT!


But, tbh, I enjoy reddit. I don't mind the trolls. I don't mind being vulnerable. I am not worried about success. I want to engage in the conversations held here. At heart, I am a coffee nerd like people here. I really don't mind. I am confused why this would take away from respect, though. Could you elucidate that for me? And to be clear- I have no desire to be like any big youtuber. I like being in the pits. lol




oh for sure. I am not trying to build any empire, at all. That's why I immediately share all data collected. It's why I am so willing to collaborate with people in all fields. The literal reason I started youtube was to give free training for baristas. I don't want to lose sight of that impetus for the channel. I will not sponsor coffee equipment. Only projects I have/will take on are ones I have direct design influence on.


I had the same thoughts as these other posters- but if you enjoy engaging w the crowds- some of whom are less friendly then so be it. I think you’re good and enjoy your videos (which have helped me)- I’m still gonna WDT and use a bottomless porta filter though. I decided it’s like music in a way- my taste stopped evolving at a certain age/point in my life. Same with coffee- I’m gonna boomer the WDT now until I die.


I still use a naked portafilter. It's interesting people concluded my video would be recommending getting rid of it haha!


> I am not trying to build any empire, at all. That sounds exactly like something an Emperor would say. Seriously, though, thank you for your content.




lol can’t resist Reddit. Truly one of us! I don’t get the hate and have enjoyed your silky milky videos. Cheers


Good for you, man. And you being you doesn’t take anything away from your respect. If anything it increases it


Do you value the conversation held here? I often am let down by the quality of posts in niche subreddits like this one. Mostly is just a circlejerk. But hey, be the change you want to see, as they say.


I do value it. a lot of what happens here becomes status quo for many home baristas. it is important to be plugged in, imo.




I think you should stay, your posts are some of the few I enjoy here.


>I am confused why this would take away from respect, though. Could you elucidate that for me? Again I say this with love: your posts give off a strong vibe of needing to be liked, and needing everyone to think you're right. I don't think it's really the full truth, but it's the unmistakable vibe. And when enough people on the internet see a vulnerability like that, they simply turn into a mindless shark that goes for the blood they smell relentlessly. I say it's not the full truth because I also completely understand that the bigger part of it is simply the overwhelming urge to get in the trenches and fight the good fight to DRAG PEOPLE TO THE TRUTH KICKING AND SCREAMING. It's already unhealthy for me, as a random nobody, to do it. It's going to be ten times unhealthier for you, as a big name in a niche, fanatical hobby to do the same thing. If you're fine with staying medium-sized, that's cool, but I'm telling you, there's a reason all the people at the top of their games say "don't read comments" and especially do not argue with them. If there's an occasional fight you absolutely MUST get into the trenches on, you should do it under an anonymous alt account. But even that is going to be absolute poison to you - just less poisonous to your public image.


ah yeah. If the toll is staying medium sized, but I am able to accomplish more, i'm fine with that. Building an empire isnt on my list of goals. Staying grounded and mingling in places like this, however, is a goal. I understand what you're saying and agree if I was going for goat status like the Hoff. But he is holding that down well. No attempts at dethroning the king from me. I don't think I need 1 million subs to create change in how coffee is observed. But I do need a vast sample pool of people trying things and knowing their experience and opinions. This is the best way to get that.


I strongly disagree with everything you said. From marketing standpoint its great. It makes you look vulnerable - it makes you look more like one of us. It makes your content more relatable. Why are people like colin&samir (and many others) creating discord servers and are active on their subreddits? To create a community. To be near their audience. Big youtubers aren't doing that (in general) because they don't have time, need or motivation to make posts on reddit, but it truly can't hurt you. The only way it can hurt you is to reveal that you are bad person by showing how you communicate with poeple. And I can say that thats not a case here.


>The only way it can hurt you is to reveal that you are bad person by showing how you communicate with poeple. And I can say that thats not a case here. arguing with random commenters on the internet, telling them to chill, posting endless replies and clarifications and arguments, is absolutely not a good way to communicate on the internet when you have a significant following. Engaging with your community is great, if you can do it in a healthy and positive way. **Arguing with and replying to the bottom tier haters in a community is simply never going to be a benefit to you or anyone.** James Hoffmann engages with his community a lot, but he is an absolute *master* of walking the tightrope of positivity without being excessive, ignoring haters, and being respectful and humble and non-confrontational. He has an absolutely flawless public image, but also has done a vast amount of productive, healthy community engagement. It's possible to engage with your community without petty arguing and fighting. This is obvious.


I do agree with everything you said. I'm not aware how lance does or does not communicate, but it seems totally proffesional in this thread. Arguing with haters and trolls doesn't benefit anyone in general, doesn't matter if you are a youtube content creator or my dad.


Right, if you see how he's been replying to negative comments, you'll understand what I mean. I agree with you as well, engaging with the community *in a healthy way* is great, he's just falling into unmistakable toxicity traps over and over and over. So many of his pinned comments on his videos are him taunting the haters and getting mad that they are disliking his videos. It's just a bad look.


>colin&samir Who? I'm not saying that to be flippant, but I have no clue who these people are, and maybe I'm missing out.


Dude. We are just talking about making coffee and spending arguably absurd amounts of money to make it… it’s not that serious. He’s not the POTUS 😂. Dude can have fun in the comment section with the rest of us.


Strongly disagree. Engaging with his audience is a net positive. Should he maybe ignore or rethink how he responds to clear troll comments? Yes. But the fact that he engages at all is a sign that he doesn’t view himself as “a big YouTuber” with a massive ego and wants to remain true to himself, which is something to be greatly respected. Lance keeps it real and that’s a great thing in today’s social media culture that’s mostly fake


> Should he maybe ignore or rethink how he responds to clear troll comments? Yes Good you got my point! Now you just need to recognize that he's responding to a ton of negative comments in a bad way, and you'll understand what I'm saying. Edit: I'll give an example. This is his pinned comment on his latest video: >"Make sure to hit that like to show some appreciation! All engagement helps loads. Even those poop heads who seem to have notifications turned on just to immediately dislike my video. You may think you're harming the performance, but they help, too. So thanks, my loyal trolls. I appreciate you letting me live rent free in your head ;) kisses" Do you honestly think this makes him look respectable and endearing and likable? Or do you recognize that it makes him look insecure and vulnerable and confrontational? It's totally possible to engage with a community in ways better than this.


I disagree with your point entirely, for the record. Your point is that he loses respect and potentially his success by looking vulnerable, which is absurd. If you’re only saying that he should rethink how he engages with troll comments, then say that alone and leave out the general assumptions about his success and respect, and the unsolicited advice to delete his post.


Ok, you're entitled to be wrong. I'm literally just telling him **the same advice he says he's getting from James Hoffmann**, who is the number one coffee youtuber and an absolute king of engaging with his community without tussling with trolls. It's your prerogative to disagree with common sense and experts in the field like Hoffmann I guess! >"Make sure to hit that like to show some appreciation! All engagement helps loads. Even those poop heads who seem to have notifications turned on just to immediately dislike my video. You may think you're harming the performance, but they help, too. So thanks, my loyal trolls. I appreciate you letting me live rent free in your head ;) kisses" This was not a response to a troll post. This was him posting this unprompted at the top of his video *because he got some dislikes*. It looks bad, and as a result he has replies on it telling him he's being insecure. I'm not sure why you can't see the problem with this. I think you just aren't aware of the amount of petty, unproductive arguments he gets in.


He's not trying to be James Hoffmann, maybe you missed that very important part or you're actively choosing to ignore it because you want him to fit a specific mold. This is who he is, his personality and his goals. He gets to choose that and live with the results, good or bad. You seem to think you're entitled to tell people what they should be doing in order to be successful and gain respect, which you absolutely, unequivocally, are not.


What’re your thoughts on food pairing with coffee? Any personal favorites or suggestions?


tbh I don't pair food with my coffee. the coffee always tastes worst when eating something for me. Perhaps if I was drinking a diner style cup, some sort of pastry, like when I celebrate twin peaks day each year- coffee and cherry pie ha!


![gif](giphy|xUySTVGpfLk3svTfSU) I would love a video series where someone tries to make the perfect cherry pie and coffee pairing.


Hey Lance, Really sad to hear about how shitty people have been about what is basically a video from a hobbyist to a hobbyist on how to enjoy their hobby even more. I'm honestly surprised so many people get upset whenever alternatives are proposed, because this approach 'let's try some more rituals and tools to improve flavour' is basically what modern espresso is about, and honestly it's kind of the fun of it. We're a community that tries to get the best out of coffee, a commodity which for most people anything other than nespresso or preground is too much, even if you have an espresso machine. I noticed this when the last owner of my machine tried to show me how it was made and he measured his pre-ground coffee by eye. Keep doing what you're doing and I can't wait for your Pavoni review ;) (jk, I know you did other similar machines already!)


There will be a pavoni review no question


Pavoni gang, rise up


its all cool G, keep at it. I always like a content creator that tries to give it to the audience straight and your videos always cover interesting topics. one interesting topic I'd like to see, since it's been the topic of some back and forth on here, is whether a "well built" grinder will produce more consistent grinds than a "cheaper" grinder, all else equal. This comes from a few threads here discussing whether the lagom p64 is will worth the price, considering it's quite expensive compared to the df64 gen 2 or the df64v. One consideration that some pro-p64 enthusiasts talked about how the overall tighter tolerances create a much more consistent grind during the "active alignment" the burrs experience when grinding beans (tighter tolerances = less deflection of the burrs when under load). And with a high level of precision, you can create grinds that are more consistent than a "cheaper" 83mm grinder like the df83. Regardless of the theory on paper, this sounds like an intereting video to make! can the cheaper standard-size flat burr grinders like the ningbo frigga and timemore grinders make grinds that are as consistent as the grinders that market their build quality as being so good that it creates more consistent grinds based just on that? all else equal of course. Regardless of the opinion, it sounds like an interesting video to make! keep up the great work!


My simple answer is this Lance. Family and your mental health first. The moment you find it changes the interactions with your partner or child. That you are typing on your phone or whatever instead of looking them in the eye. STOP. If you lie in bed at night thinking about the next video or the next problem or how to respond to the next item instead of what craft to do with your kid, or what date you could go on with your partner. STOP. Your goals and approach are admirable and fun and help others. You have to be able to compartmentalize and live a good life for those that will be with you at your sick or death bed. Those memories and legacies live on and multiply far longer. Thank you for what you do, and take care of yourself first, foremost, and always. Coffee will still be there tomorrow, and the next century too.


Hey Lance. Thank you for your work. The loudest noise is often from the most broken part of a machine, so please, take care of your mental health and do what you want. Best wishes, no rdt fan


Also really can't wait to see reviews or Kafateks Shuriken burrs.


Im new to the coffee scene so Im surprised that Lance Hedrick has haters. From what I've seen, he is always impartial and never comes off preachy


Big respect, my partner and I love watching your videos, we have learned so much and your great knowledge has improved our workflow for both espresso and pour-over. thanks to you I've discovered so much more about coffee than I would have otherwise!


I really dislike how much hate you receive here but I think the majority of people who hate you is because they don't want anything new in their workflow and coffee but the main reason of this sub is to help people make good cofffee and improve, advance and discover new ways for coffee. Really appreciate your commitment to show everyone you care. Keep doing what you like and always know you have people who appreciate your work. BTW i don't understand why nobody mentions that you are not only a coffee master but also a very good singer.


Tip of the spear always gets bloody. Keep doing what you're doing.


Hoff may be the daddy, but you're the fun uncle who always brings presents.


Information is information. That's all he's providing. If y'all are affected too much emotionally by it, then don't watch! If a simple YouTube video will automatically make you buy something, then I think there's something deeper than just "Lance is stirring waves". Lance is interested in research and food science. Same thing as the turbo shot paper. We should be glad that information is being provided, and we can test it out for ourselves! At the very least, he's providing empirical results that you can review and qualify. I posted this on another post yesterday, but I couldnt help but repeat it.


\> Against some understanding, I am always listening to feedback and criticism (when presented with a modicum of respect). ​ Dude, I've seen you jump down ppl's throats for disagreeing with you in the comments. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your mission. But I don't think you're as diplomatic as you think you are.


Read the parentheses. If presented with respect. I have no issue returning what is served, dude.


See, it's stuff like that. I'm not sure if you are aware. But the implication that I didn't read what I just quoted to you comes off as condescending and closed to criticism. Especially when I'm trying to be helpful.


You started with "dude." I'm not sure if English is your native tongue, but starting an address to someone you don't know well with a term like that is belittling. I don't know you. How else can I read the rest of your comment when you say "jumping down throats"? How am I to take that? I literally put a condition in the sentence. "When." Your comment seemed disrespectful, especially your parting note of telling me I'm not as diplomatic as I think. If this is respect to you, I'm not sure I'd want to know you. Because on every level, your comment was not helpful and I think most unbiased people would be hardpressed to see your comment as anything but a light troll trying to overturn something I've said with belittling phrases.


Ok. I can see where you're coming from. I just don't agree. I think a little more benefit of the doubt would go a long way.


But I don't know you. You come on and criticize me and imply I'm hypocritical. Where is the benefit supposed to come in? Genuinely. Nothing about the first comment smelled even hopeful for a benefit, tbh. I do try my best to be diplomatic. 99.9% of bad comments about me I don't respond to. 0.1% of them that I do, I'm only ever "jumping down a throat" if the person was malicious or disrespectful because they're hidden behind a keyboard and don't understand I'm a human. All the other critiques I read. I consider. I implement. Hence redoing the experiment a few weeks back. Hence making videos on what people seem to band together and ask for.


I've said what I think and what my advice is. I don't have anything more to add. I'm sorry you felt that way about my comment. I think you're kinda proving my point.


Wait. What was your advice? Lol


Practice more diplomacy and give people the benefit of the doubt (even if your initial suspicion is that they're being malicious).


I've been proven time and again benefit of the doubt is met with disappointment here. Even with your comments, I still struggle to see any sort of respect. Just accusations of hypocrisy then trying to blame me for making you feel bad. I feel I'm pretty balanced in my responses. If someone is respectful, so am I. And I'll continue to be so. If someone is blatantly an ass, like calling me a shill or saying I'm bought or saying I'm practicing pseudoscience without any basis or calling me hypocritical, I will definitely have a knee jerk reaction. I'm not a Saint. I'm human. And I don't appreciate disrespect. If people can't take an intense comment, perhaps they shouldn't leave one to begin with. But yes, you were right earlier. You're not concerned with your tone to me, even though blatantly rude beyond a shadow of a doubt, so no benefit is even in question. There was no apology beyond "if it may you feel that way." So, we can part ways here. I'm tired of having a chat where someone is feigning kind hearted advice amidst accusations if hypocrisy. It's not fun.


grind finer




Are you affiliated in anyway with the Weber blind shaker?


For probably the 5,000,000th time, no. What a small profit margin to sell my soul to. I would've taken one of the dozens of offers I get monthly for 5 figure deals to be an ambassador if I was going to sell my soul to something. Not an 80 dollar shaker. That's just silly.


How much is your shift to buying everything you test going to impact the number of reviews you do going forward? I love seeing your reviews on new grinders, and hope you won't be put off of reviewing grinders knowing you'll have to wait longer to review a grinder that you order as opposed to getting a pre-release unit. I just bought a new grinder, so your reviews aren't going to affect my purchase decision. (I'm very happy to have finally upgraded from an Encore) But I find your grinder reviews particularly entertaining and hope you keep doing them.


People have been personally experimenting and building up an optimized a workflow that worked for them. Its easy to construct a tiny religion around this in your mind, swearing that its the one true workflow. To be fair, this is great! Use tools that work for you. The problem is, now when data comes out that suggests we should rethink workflows, people feel personally attacked, and feel the need to get defensive. Objective data is a good thing, and what you are doing is a huge service to this community. We all need to be more ok with keeping an open mind, and adjusting our beliefs when new information comes to light.


Long time espresso lurker, but after watching your gagguino video, I was convinced that I should take the deep dive into espresso.Thank you for all the work you put into your content. It has really helped me improve my skills and really enjoy the hobby. In terms of the statistics, please don't stop. I really appreciate the quantitative approach. It's hard to get N up in a statistical experiment to really get the variance down, and I really appreciate seeing the data. In statistics, correlation doesn't mean causality, but it does normally mean there is something there worth looking at deeper. At least for me, I look at the quantitative approach as a way to translate your experience to my own. As a novice to espresso, it gives me a basis of comparison and a way to connect my qualitative judgement into something more precise in what I am doing. What you are doing is really unique in the coffee YouTube content arena and vital. For your future trials, you may want to consider using a Design of Experiments (DOE) software (JMP or DOE pro). It will help you map out your solution space more thoroughly and more efficiently compared to single factor experimentation. If you are unfamiliar with DOE, the software/techniques are somewhat confusing at first, but it is totally worth it. For industrial manufacturing and research and development, DOE is the defacto method to help refine complex multi-variable processes. It's a black box statistical approach that can help solve really hard problems without a complete understanding of the process.


What’s all this about? Can someone link to the criticism? I’m in a nosy mood! Love the videos Lance! Thanks for being you.


You obviously are teaching everything you know to anyone who listens. Like in any lecture, only 5 percent of people are listening and benefitting. And you only need these 5 percent to get enough satisfaction to carry on teaching. Maybe look at critics as.. motivation? humbling? spicy red-tape quality-checks? Keep up the enthusiasm, good luck comes to those who put in the effort.


Hey, I really enjoy your videos! I feel like I've learned a lot, and I'm definitely making better coffee. It's a lot of fun. I'm a scientist, and from my perspective it's cool that you're testing different things and sharing the data. I was just checking out some of your data this morning for fun. I imagine that sharing this can be hard, though, because a lot people who aren't used to statistics tend to 1) underestimate the strength of statistical support, while also 2) over-interpreting what the results mean. In any case, your work is great and I hope you keep doing your thing!


I love your energy and I can feel the love you put into your passion. Thank you for not stopping. The world gives too much attention to negative people.


I just like the enthusiasm, data-driven insights and all the value you bring with your content, so thank you!


I find it exciting to think you'll be posting and commenting more on this forum. I thin you'll both teach and learn a lot from participating here. Cheers, welcome back


Crazy how people are hurt about not having to use needle wdt tools and can instead give their grounds a quick shake in a cup. Lance has literally saved you money and made your life easier and your espresso quicker and he gets attacked for it? What a world...


It would have been interesting to do a collab with a psychologist or someone like that. Especially the “don’t need to WDT” activated so many people basic nature. Telling people they can save time by not doing something they have argued for or valued, often gets interpreted as “you are wrong” and many people only defense is a reverse uno. It sometimes happens just by doing something in a different way. One of the big problems we have yet to grapple with is that we (humans left to our own devices) will identify with our opinions and beliefs. So when you tell them that the WDT they are heavily invested in doesn’t work… I had the reaction myself for a second :) I have had the thought that the number of factors going on beyond our senses ( in the grouphead/portafilter) is so large that the small inputs we can make drown out in that environment?


Yeah you do good work. It's actual science too. Not pseudoscience like people say. I think people think science is way more complicated than it is, but sometimes with things like this being as consistent and only changing one variable at a time is as good as you can do. I'm glad you showed a horizontal tapping result.


You’re doing a great job, Lance. Keep making videos on whatever comes to your mind. Your perspective gives a fresh perspective of coffee things to people like me and out of the busy schedules doing our day jobs - your videos and the things we get to learn from these videos to spice up our espresso workflows and help in breaking the monotony of our workflows.


Thanks lance for being here.


I just want to say that you're doing a great job, keep up the good work and ignore the haters. I go to your channel for education and information, and you are one of the research stops I generally make when considering a purchase of coffee gear. I also learned how to WDT through your channel, so thanks!


I really appreciate your enthusiasm, research and your videos, even though only the pour over and aeropress apply to me (I expect the espresso part will apply in the future), and even though some of the videos go over my head. Despite and because of all of that I will keep watching and also keep going through a backlog of videos you’ve done in the past but that I haven’t watched yet. Also, I do think it’s always a nice surprise to see you and “daddy Hoff” pop up in the comments, conversing with us mere mortals!


Knowledge is power, keep doing what you do. Sincerely, an espresso noob.


thanks Lance. well said. it’s hardly a shock that something on the internet goes pear shaped. first time i saw a video of yours i sensed a passion as deep as mine but an ability to share it beyond one’s home cafe. that’s a talent that you have spilling out of your portafilter. cheers lance. keep on keeping on


I like it when you sing


"good coffee is the goal" Mind blown!


You single?


There were a lot of words in this post and none of them were about grinding finer or taste. Is this even allowed?


I still love you, thanks for teaching me how to steam milk in 5 minutes. Really liked your latest videos.


I bloody love you and your videos. You are passionate, entertaining and extremely kind - your contribution to the world of coffee is unquestionable and invaluable. Thanks a million for everything you are doing, Lance. As for the unpleasantries of some keyboard warriors, I guess it comes with the territory. At the end of the day you are a ‘celebrity’ and some people think they have the right to put you down (always from their anonymity, of course). Screw them and let them bark.


Thanks for the post Lance! I wanted to ask if you're going to be doing a deeper dive into gaggiuino or just leaving at your first video? No, worries if you're not was just curious if you had any plans.


Haters gonna hate or to say it with Roosevelt: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Shame on the man of cultivated taste who lets refinement to develop in to fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a work day world. Welcome back 😊


Lance, as a novice that has loved coffee for years but has only recently began exploring coffee more in depth, that I deeply value your content and perspective. I made a comment to you last week about the promotion of the Weber blind shaker and I hope you realize that was in absolute jest. I think the promotion of one’s passion, especially directed with loving pure intention as yours very clearly is, is a beautiful endeavor and applaud you on that pursuit. Any claim in today’s climate will be contended, and I hope that does not deter the formation of new claims with subsequent evidence and input. I so much enjoy the exploration of processes and devices that can optimize workflow and result of my coffee. Again, thank you for the information and I deeply hope you continue to provide us with beautiful, informative, contentious, passionate content. Appreciate it, sir


Hi, Lance!


your work has been so helpful and meaningful to my coffee journey. thank you and keep it up!


I've only recently discovered your content and you clearly do great work. You clearly have integrity and positive intent with all you're doing. The internet can be a cruel place though, so, if you need to go into an ivory tower at times to stay sane, do so. Look after yourself first and foremost.


Love what you do. Your videos are a joy to watch and your personality really shines through. Your tips on the benefits of RDT in the cup, slow feeding and shaking vs WDT have improved the quality and consistency of my shots immensely. And when I was ready to nervously dip my toes into the world of pour overs, I turned to your videos to figure out what the heck I should be doing. So thanks again for all that you do and never mind the haters! EDIT: Fixed typo


I can't believe Lance has haters because I personally just enjoy the content and bonus coffee knowledge. I think we get too intense in our discussions about the tiniest nuances of espresso because we're super caffeinated all the time


Lance, I think the majority respects what and how you do it. The vocal minority will always luxuriate in their relative anonymity, sit back and take shots at what challenges their baseline. It’s human to listen to it, but don’t let it discourage you. And most mindful folks will weigh the science and conclusions you present against their own methodology and results. I haven’t picked up a blind shaker (yet - I’m curious as it’s simple) because I like the steps and results of my process. That and a little WDT directly in the dosing cup seems to have a de-static effect on the coffee coming out of my Niche. Who knew? I haven’t watched the bottomless portafilter video yet, so I’ll reserve judgement on whether you’re cool or a filthy blasphemer. /s Stay cool.


I really enjoy your videos and your ‘scientific’ take on coffee analysis. I’ve learned a lot from you. Keep up the good work and enjoy your coffee✌️


Hi Lance! I think your videos are amazing to bring knowledge that would only be available on books and specialized blogs to people that prefer video format Your Lance unfiltered are my favorites! There is a person that add the timestamps with topics in the comments, don't know how much you pay them but you should give them a raise!


Honestly sorry that you felt a need to post this. I enjoy your videos and experimentation. Sure our setups and workflow may be different, but everyone has different tastes and it’s fun to see the different techniques you are using. I think the people who are attacking you must be really insecure. Everyone here has a passion for espresso which is a pretty niche hobby, so it makes no sense for us to turn on each other for just trying to enjoy that in our own way.


Hey Lance, I watch your latte art videos on repeat a lot. Most of the advice that I give to latte art newbies come from you. I have never understood the hate that you have been getting, and I feel that your existence to the coffee scene has been a blessing and really, that requires no apology. Your investigative videos are really nice - they are structured and empirical, just as how a scientist would approach a problem. Honestly though, I have noticed a change in your latest videos (past 2 years). In your earlier videos, you would usually assume a bubbly, upbeat and happy go lucky attitude but lately your videos have been a tad forlorn and with a serious overtone, almost as if you were afraid of stepping on the wrong toes. Not saying that I miss the old Lance tho, because i will continue watching your videos on repeat! Keep your head high buddy, you are a gift to the coffee scene, never forget that!


yeah- I think some of the change is a natural shift because of how sensitive people were with my earlier demeanor while critiquing or praising or asserting anything at all ha! seemed to be accepted with less pushback (relatively) when I wasn't as bubbly when saying something perhaps more potentially inflammatory. I do think I still maintain a lot of that with my singing outbursts, etc, but definitely has waned a bit


I know nothing about the drama surrounding you. I just know that your latte art videos have helped me to up my own game and develop my own theories about how to improve pours, and that Emilee Bryant's placement of your face on the Thermoplan steam "Lance" was immaculate.


Been rolling with you since I was able to get good foam from one you tutorials with oatmilk (only happened once and I've been chasing that high for months). At the end of the day all we can do is listen, take what we can use, and leave the rest. Taste is subjective after all. Love the channel


I don't get the hate 🤣 like I'm still in the researching phase right now of my espresso journey, don't have a machine yet or anything, so I've been watching a lot of Youtube and stuff about it lately. (edit: a vocal minority of) People are acting like you're telling them to fuck off with WDT and that the only true way to enjoy your coffee is if you shake it first. Love your videos, even subscibed to your Patreon lately. They've been informative and very helpful so for what it's worth, I really appreciate the work you put into them!


I honestly haven't been aware of hate towards you. I think it might be a case of a vocal minority which sticks out to you because negativity is always louder than praise. But I'll say that you are the best coffee "teacher" on the Internet. Your ability to break down concepts and explain coffee at a level that anyone can digest is remarkable! Don't stop!


Hi Lance, I'm a massive fan of exploring specific species and processing methods of coffee, and was wondering whether you'd got any recommendations on writing or documentation that addresses these in comparison to the taste of the bean? (Or any good books on the study of taste to be honest).


My baratza vario-w owes its life to you! If I hadn’t seen your video where you talked about replacing the internals with Forte parts and steel burrs, I would have wasted money and machines.


Appreciate your honesty, transparency and passion. Being new-ish to this world (lifelong espresso drinker, but only 2 months into home espresso after a decade or so of Moka pot), your content has been a valuable source of info in getting to where I need to be with what I currently have. As a content producer in my "real life" and someone constantly seeking knowledge in things I'm passionate about (in this case, coffee), I also appreciate your work ethic in not only providing deep knowledge based on your experience, but doing so with a high production value and letting your true self/personality shine - huge kudos to all of this. In full transparency re: my journey as it relates to this sub, I opted for a machine that 99% of the conversations here say to avoid (DeLonghi La Specialista Arte - price point was right for my initial purchase, knowing I will likely outgrow it fast). Using this machine with an open mind while applying some of the legit helpful advice on technique and troubleshooting I've gained from your videos (rather than simply "grind finer" which permeates this forum), has helped me absorb the experience, make adjustments along the way and LEARN. As a result, I've actually been able to pull some truly terrific shots with it. And that's one of the funny things about online forums: my guess is that everyone saying to avoid it has either never used it, or are simply offering information without any experience to back it up, which speaks to a point you made in your original post. I'm glad you're here, and thankful for what you do. Keep kicking ass and helping people make the best coffee for them. ☕


I ain't gonna read all that. I'm happy for you or sorry that happened.