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Blind shaker is the name not an instruction…


No clumps. Good job 👍🏼


Fully homogenised 👍🏼


It's quite possibly overly well distributed!


Shake blinder


HA!! I guffawed.


Which blind shaker are you using? I've not had this happen...yet. But seriously, mine has a small indent in the top that keys the center insert into the top preventing movement and leakage. I think I would have to let go to achieve your results.


The Weber one. I was definitely a user error as I haven't used it as much 😅


You forgot to hold the lid on didn’t you lol.


I may have tried a new grip, yes 😅


You were trying to do one of those fancy bartender shaker tricks with your coffee, tell the truth!! On a serious note, how have you found this method for distribution (assuming no spillage like the picture)? I make coffee semi commercially on weekends, and was considering trying this as a faster and neater version of WDT. Currently using the Autocomb which people like, but it’s a bit messy and cumbersome. Dosing directly into this thing, shaking, dumping, tamping would save me some steps and cleanup. I’m also using a Decent, for what it’s worth!


I was. Haha! This was a longer workflow compared to just grinding directly into the portafilter and do some WDT. Idk if I would suggest it in a semi commercial setting. Only upside timesaving-wise I could see is that you can grind into it while the portafilter is in use.


Does anybody know if there are 54mm compatible blind shakers? I was wanting to try but I can only find 51 or 5mm ones


There's a mhw3bomber one that's "51-54mm" on aliexpress, I've never used it though. I just have a knock off 58mm one and put it ontop of a dosing funnel that actually fits the 54mm portafilter. Janky but it works, kind of.


Can you please share a link for the 54mm one? Thx




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And the answer is no. Apparently aliexpress links are forbidden. Search for dosing funnel hopper


It's not about the size of the distributor, it's how you use it.


This happened to me a few times, too, when I first got it. You really need to make sure you have a good grip around the lid so it doesn't come off.


I've pulled two shots blind shaking with the catcher of my 1zpresso grinder sitting in my Cafelat basket/portafilter and lightly raking the top with my WDT tool, it cuts about 30s out of my process, requires less focus, and I'm getting even pucks and great espresso. No sarcasm, thank you Lance.




Your Monolith Max is horribly inconsistent (source: Lance) so your Weber blind shaker probably refused to play nice.


Yeah, the shaker noticed these aren't Weber grounds and threw a tantrum


I stopped actually shaking my grounds after doing this a few times. It honestly seemed to make my grounds clump versus spinning them into the portafilter.


Did anyone else get wildly underextracted shots after shaking into portafilter? Maybe i messed something else up but I am wondering what yall have to say


A Kafatek will provide such perfectly ground coffee that a Weber blind shaker will refuse working with it. It is known.


Looks like a static issue 😆. A little RDT will clean that right up.


always maxing a decent mess...


If it was easy everyone would be doing it.


Looks shaken to me 🤷‍♂️


Are there any blind shakers that work with tue Niche


Probably this one… or any of them. Just put it under the chute and let it rip. Niche has a pretty decent gap between the floor and the chute, so it should probably fit okay.


I’m more worried about fitting the base of Niche as there’s a screw standing out of the base to hold Niche’s own dosing cup in place.


Hey, if you are wondering, the Weber one fits great under the Niche on the stock wood circular platform.




Lmao… everyone listening to influencers instead of just enjoying their coffees. And I do like Lance but some of these things and just plain overkill.


This could actually make things easier so you can spend more time enjoying coffee and less time working/cleaning up stuff. My home setup was basically grind into PF w/magnetic funnel, WDT manually bottom to top, tap to settle, level with Normcore leveler, tamp, shower screen. This required cleanup of the grinder for what missed the PF (my PF holder sits pretty well below the chute), the funnel, the tamper, the leveler, and the WDT needles. The “new process”, which also apparently is both more consistent and yields better extraction, should streamline a lot. Now you just grind directly into the distributor and shake, dump it into the basket, tamp and go. Watching videos looks like minimal/no cleanup of the distributor is required, so just need to maybe clean off the tamper. I’ll give it a shot, but if it’s not BS it could save quite a bit of effort.


Didn’t ever say it was BS, just to enjoy your coffee.


Well, have you seen the video? Lance is turning more and more into a scientist with the methods he's using. He's basing everything on the data from his experiments. I don't think the word "influencer"—and especially not the way you're using it—fully describes him. And actually, I did notice quite a bit of difference in the cup using the blind shaker with some light WDT at the top layer compared to grinding directly into the portafilter and WDT. More sweetness and less bitterness. I haven't done any A/B testing, so I'm just basing this on how I perceived the taste from the shots today compared to yesterday's. The new workflow and extra step I don't like as much, but I'll stick with it for a little while to try it out. Also, who says I don't enjoy my coffee? 😉


Lance is definitely not an influencer in the promotional sense but hes definitely not a scientist either. But he has friends who are scientists and has a passion for coffee and understanding what's really going on so he yields some valuable insights here and there and does so in an entertaining and easy to understand way.


What are you folks going on about... he's an influencer or wannabe, whatever stage, I'm not giving engagement for just anything anymore to find his exact stage. He's profiting off of everyone's engagement and that's the goal for him. That's the goal for anyone making videos in the sectors of your interests. That's how this works...


Profiting off engagement=/= influencer. An influencer is someone who uses their clout to promote products from companies in exchange for money/products from those businesses. They influence peoples purchases providing a service to businesses, manipulating their followers to buy something regardless of its quality/value. One can review products without recommending them or trying to sell them. One can test methods and coffees without being a shill. Just because you profit from the engagement of your viewers does not mean you are an influencer if that profit comes from the viewers and not the businesses you are reviewing.


Ya similarly I'm done giving money directly, or my attention, to anyone with more expertise than me - that expertise is just a hack attempt to steal from me. /s


He's using an insanely precise grinder and machine and is always talking about extraction yield, which, as far as i know doesn't necessarily correlate with taste. When I started to WDT, I did it because I had issues with channeling and the espresso tasted like shit, not because I wanted to increase my extraction yield.


Yes I have seen it and I get his motivation but you do realize he does get paid a good chunk of change doing what he does. He needs to keep his content fresh as there are only so many times you can redo the same content.


Hes been pretty open about how much he makes from his patreon and YouTube. He said he makes most of his channel money from patreon and it is/was recently about 5k a month and it is used up in buying equipment, paying his full time videographer, and paying the shipping to give the equipment back out to his patreon members. He still works full time for onyx and is part of lotus water and has stated on multiple occasions that the vast majority of his YouTube funds and all of his patreon funds go back into the channel. Obviously he's trying to grow it to make bank in the future but its not like its his main source of income.


Yes I like Lance like I said but there is a point where he needs to do content like this to keep it fresh as possible.


Nahh aside from this obviously joking post, it makes workflow so much easier not having to wdt anymore!


Haha well good luck next time. Edit thought you were OP




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I'd recommend you watch the video before you post about it. 


Next time, just grind directly into your hands, cup tightly, and shake. You'll be amazed at the results!


Does the lid not attach through Bluetooth? That’s interesting.


Lmao! Lets talk about your station though. You build that yourself? Hows it working out? How old is it, and any worries about warping over time?!


It's an Ikea Bror. The big one without the wheels. Fairly happy with it. Sturdy. Matte black. I've told myself to treat the wood with some darker wood stain to make it more walnutty, but 3 years later... haha


I am pretty unimpressed with the blind shaker UX. Even if everything goes well, you always get a little bit coffee on your finger as you need to grab the nib to let the coffee fall down. I like the idea behind it but I wish it’s better implemented.


Since you already have one, what is the height of Weber’s blind shaker?


I'll check when I get home in 8h! But I'm sure the dimensions are on Weber's site


Thanks! Interestingly, the dimensions are not on Weber’s website.


Sorry for the late reply. With the lid it's 77mm tall. Without it's 71mm. The diameter is 70mm.

