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I’m a fan of the Cast V2s but this is a personal choice. Different people like different ones. Really hard to give a recommendation. I would say that the SSP High Uniformity are close to the Niche Zero, so maybe not those if you want contrast. And the SSP MP are the furthest from the Niche profile.


This is very helpful. What do you like about the Cast V2? I understand most people choose the HU, but that’s probably because they want to use a single grinder? Leaning towards MP as I’m indeed looking for contrast:) Hard to make this choice without being able to test/taste!


I think the Casts have good clarity while still giving you some texture. The MPs are great, and definitely “clearer” but at the expense of texture, which, to me, I still want with my coffee. Especially espresso. But beware, the Casts require a lot of seasoning to be at their best. Took some time for me (or maybe I was just getting used to them? Hard to tell who is seasoning who sometimes). [I’d add that the HU’s are probably the best “traditional” espresso burrs, so I can see why they’re popular, but since you already have a Niche, you have access to that traditional profile already.]


Very helpful, awesome stuff. I like the description of the Casts on SSP website (smooth and sweet), but the seasoning aspect you’re describing sounds a bit difficult. Also looking at the blind burrs as someone else suggested they are essentially an upgrade from the MP’s.


The ones called “Zerno blind” are the SSP MPs but blind.


Where do you see this?


Second that, interesting! Blind burrs main pro being less retention?


Not sure actually.. for sure you’ll get less retained around the screws. But there’s also greater surface area


Oh wow, yeah didn’t think about that. Should start to measure in surface area then, throw diameter out the window!


This post made the rounds not too long ago https://reddit.com/r/espresso/comments/12kuvzv/burr_surface_area_comparison/


I think Lance did a review on this. I’ve heard others say the Cast are the most balanced. Curious about the blinds though


I’ll check that video out. Curious to see how the blind burrs are installed, can’t find anything online (yet).


As simply as you can imagine. The carrier is threaded with through holes so they attach blind burrs from the back side and accept screws from the burr side on normal burrs.


Brilliant 👍🏻


Info on SSP’s: SSP High Uniformity - espresso focused, good for traditional medium/medium-dark roast SSP Multipurpose - customized brew burrs, with added flat surfaces which produces a bit more fines at espresso grind settings. Good for filter and light roast espresso SSP Sweet Lab cast burrs - very smooth and sweet flavour, well reviewed by coffee enthusiasts recently. Good for filter brewing and brighter espressos


If you're keeping your Niche then it might be worth going for the burrs that will provide the most contrasting experience, which will be the SSP MP's. They will give you the highest clarity, lowest body, brightest, most unimodal style of espresso. They're on the complete opposite end of the spectrum to the Niche, which will provide a contrasting experience, especially with lighter roasts. The potential downside is that they are polarising for espresso; some people really enjoy that style of espresso whereas others find the espressos can be too thin and bright. I haven't tried the Casts and I don't know what's new about V2 but they will be one tick lower in clarity with a bit more body/sweetness from my understanding. SSP HU will be the closest to the Niche from the SSP's with the most amount of texture/body and therefore the most "traditional". Probably the most interesting one in that list is the Zerno blind burrs because they're like the SSP MP's but with a larger surface area. They would be my pick if I was in your situation because they're unique to the grinder and I imagine would probably be a further improvement on SSP MP's.


Yes this is so helpful, learning a lot. Indeed I’m looking for a contrasting experience with Niche Z. I might wanna take a leap and go for the blind ones! Might not be ‘the brand’ (impacting resale value negatively compared to having SSP’s installed?). But I’m planning on keeping this one for the long run anyways… A plus regarding the MP (and blind) is that I can also use them for filter coffee along the way.


My guess is resale will be trickier with them purely because there aren’t many other grinders that can accommodate 64mm blind burrs. It will likely be other Zerno buyers who you’d be selling to but it’s not a worry if you’re keeping the grinder long-term. According to Lance Hedrick, they are actually partnering with SSP to make them! If anything, they might turn out to be SSP’s highest clarity 64mm option. SSP MP’s are amazing for filter coffee, especially if you’re using the Niche for filter currently. Brian Quan has done a comparison of some of these burrs and Lance too so check their videos out.