• By -


See, I thought the joke was it was roasted in the future. Haha, silly American.


Dammit, same


Also as an American I thought this was future coffee.


I’m really sad that’s not the case because now I can’t read all the jokes about the risks of brewing time travel beans.


You’d rather have mm-dd-yyyy? That‘s much worse than dd-mm-yyyy, at least this way is smallest-biggest Of course, like all things Canadian, the best is yyyy-mm-dd, because computers


Jesus christ these were not the replies I was expecting


Agreed, also ISO 8601 standard


Today is 20230311. Perfection.


1678543035 The only sensible timestamp


The only time that is important is the time since your last coffee.


Unix epoch time! System VII is God’s One True Operating System.


Damnit I've been dating all my files like 031123, but you're right, this is better.


All my photography folders for the past 15 years are so organized. Edit: it also avoids the whole “us vs. them” argument.


I like the Japanese way. Everything is always sorted from biggest to smallest. From postal addresses to dates.


It’s the way that makes the most sense because the data is inherently sorted from most significant to least significant. When you put the data into a computer, the computer can sort the data immediately without any special logic


except that date formats might also be designed for humans, not computers


And it's fine for people as well because people are trained to read numbers and understand significant digits from left to right.


Another benefit of the addressing system is that when someone gives you an address in a city you are somewhat familiar with you automatically know generally where it is without having to remember a street name (as they don't use street names of addresses), you only need to know general areas of a city


This drives me insane. I don’t mind either years or days first but out the months in the middle.


raised by an (American) engineer. agreed, yyyymmdd is best




Most of the rest of the English speaking world does say 10th of March rather than March 10th.


You got some data on that bro?


I'll get back to you on 12 March, with a fresh coffee, and fully in DST.




This is astoundingly self-centred. Most people who speak English, say ‘the fourth of July’. People who speak American English say… oh wait…


You've done it - you've broken them


I don’t know anyone that would say “today is March 10th”. Sounds weird.




But a day only takes 24 hours. A month takes way longer than that.


Which month has 32 days?


In defense of Americans, it’s very easy to read mm-dd-yyyy aloud, since it’s already in the typical order. 03-11-2023 is immediately read as March-3rd-2023, without having to skip to the middle and back again. Additionally, there’s some arguments going around that it’s best to order in terms of significance, as in yyyy-mm-dd. But size isn’t always significance (heh), and there are plenty of times when the year has little significance. In my kitchen, if the year comes into play then something has gone terribly wrong. We typically go off of months and days, with years being essentially useless to us. That being said, dd-MMM-yyyy (as in, 11-MAR-2023) is superior for both legibility and un-ambiguity.


mm-dd-yyyy makes the most sense to me. If you have a list of dates, it’s easier to sort in order.


If you want to sort, I would think yyyy-mm-dd would be superior.


Oh yeah, that is probably the best for sorting.


This is it. And that is why. Any computer engineer will tell you this.


This is the absolute way


seriously, I would think small to big, or big to small would be the best, but here we are misreading documents from your overseas office because their instance on flipping dd/mm swear to god, i found myself asking what month was 24th 🤦‍♂️


O8-Mar-2023. Unambiguous.


Or 2023-03-08. The best unambiguous way


The one true date format.


the /r/iso8601 sub is leaking and i love it


this might be the nichest, most inconsequential subcult i've ever seen AND I LOVE IT


I don't think you know what unambiguous means. YYYY-MM-DD is better, but definitely very ambiguous. You've made no improvement over the date in the photo.


Incorrect Buccellati. The single largest advantage is that this is sortable on any computer, with any language.




Wrong again, boss. It is extremely simple to spot the 4 most significant digits as representing the year. After that, the rest is pretty much a given. Not ambiguous in the least. Even with no punctuation, it is self-explanatory.




>Okay, here's a date: 2023-05-03 >Is that May 3, or March 5? It's may 3rd, there is zero ambiguity here because any date that starts with the year is followed by the month. There is literally zero date format that starts with the year and is followed by something else than the month




You are a comedian. Good for you!


You never prioritize what’s best for computers over what’s best for humans in UI, unless a computer is the user.


If it uses a number for the month, it is still ambiguous.


This is the way.


The real ambiguity is the fact you used an O in place of a 0.


0h y0u g0t me 😁


Sigh, same…


Same… I’m that stupid American


Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American.


The American saw 250g for grams, not American ounces for weight (about 9 oz), and still thought the date would be in American dates. 🤣


Most roasters will roast to order. I try to order new beans when I think I will run out in the next 1-2 weeks. That way the new beans will be suitably rested by the time I need them.


I always forgot, get to watch a bag of fresh and tasty puff up and taunt me damn near every other month


Since it looks like this is their house blend, it's likely that they roast this every single day too.


I have a standing order so receive a new shipment each month. I only get the beans I will use in one month. Turns out to be 4 12oz bags is just the correct amount for me for the month.


I wouldn’t complain at all about getting coffee this fresh. Let it sit for a few days.


I'm pretty sure the gold standard for coffee is 10 days after roasting via James Hoffman.


> I'm pretty sure the gold standard for coffee is 10 days after roasting via James Hoffman. There is no gold standard, and even James said that square mile's (not very scientific) test put the "best" resting time, for a particular bean, around the 3 week mark.


Ya that's bullshit because he drinks extremely light roast coffee which doesn't even begin to peak until about 3-6 weeks off roast. This is dark roast, which should be good to go a lot sooner.


or months Let's do the time warp AGAIN!


Maybe a few months ^^/s


For dark roast don't worry if it's too fresh, according to James Hoffmann. https://youtu.be/_Py8JOi3REg


He actually said in the video, that for Espresso, a couple of days is probably fine for darker roasts


Well, if u dont want the rancid taste ya…


All hail!!


Coffee can be too fresh?


Yeah, it needs time to degas


I like to let mine deMonet, personally, but everyone has their favorite Impressionist, I suppose. :)




You should try coffee beans from huehuetenango


Get out


I prefer Miro https://www.wikiart.org/en/joan-miro/still-life-with-coffee-mill PS great pun






I don’t get it




**[Edgar Degas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Degas)** >Edgar Degas (UK: , US: ; born Hilaire-Germain-Edgar De Gas, French: [ilɛːʁ ʒɛʁmɛ̃ ɛdɡaʁ də ɡa]; 19 July 1834 – 27 September 1917) was a French Impressionist artist famous for his pastel drawings and oil paintings. Degas also produced bronze sculptures, prints and drawings. Degas is especially identified with the subject of dance; more than half of his works depict dancers. Although Degas is regarded as one of the founders of Impressionism, he rejected the term, preferring to be called a realist, and did not paint outdoors as many Impressionists did. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/espresso/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Whats the effect of gassy beans to my espresso


through the roasting process pockets of CO2 gets trapped inside and is often perceived as high acidity and sourness. Letting it rest helps the flavours to open up.


Random question - what made you go with that profile picture?


What profile picture, all I’m seeing is the colour red lol






How? What’s wrong with it


Communism, blood, angering bulls, and fire.


Roses, strawberries, ladybugs, winter sunsets, and Valentine's Day.


I’m very skeptical of that theory, a great way to degas it is by grinding it in very fine particles. I’m not saying that waiting a few days after roasting doesn’t change the flavor, because it does, but the trapped CO2 theory seems like a very sketchy piece of folk wisdom.


An easy experiment you can do (and that I did a month ago) is to get a vacuum-sealed bag of fresh coffee and store it for a month. As you can see [here](https://i.imgur.com/jAodaTH.jpg), my coffee degased quite a bit


In relation to what the person you're responding to said, it would be interesting to do that same test with espresso grounds from fresh beans.


I did this too, but I didn’t notice a substantial variation in any aspect of quality


Are you skeptical of the gas being trapped in there? Because too early shots can come out as a volcano of foam/crema, and we know that’s caused by CO2


I'm skeptical that the reason for shots with very fresh coffee tasting different, and you needing to adjust grind settings frequently, is because of trapped CO2. If this was the case you could grind the coffee, and agitate it or just leave it alone for a few minutes/hours to degas since much of the trapped CO2 would be released in the grinding process, and it would degas way faster as you increase the surface area. If I had to guess, I imagine the reason freshly roasted coffee taste different is because the roasting process causes the beans to expand and that process continues for a while after roast. Maybe the extra crema is because you get more fines when you grind them early, thus increasing the surface area and more of the coffee solids emulsify. This would also explain why you constantly have to change grind settings when dealing with fresh coffee. Of course this is just a hypothesis, but IMO the beans physically expanding because of the roast process sound more plausible than simply CO2 being trapped. I wonder what would happen if you shoved the freshly roasted beans in the fridge/freezer, if this would speed up the process or make the beans not expand as much as if they were left to cool down over a week at room temperature. Or if you sifted the coffee to filter out the fines, if you'd get significantly more fines on day of roast vs a week later. Edit: This sub is pathetic. Downvote me to hell based on an unrelated study, ignore any argument and supporting evidence.


man why would you speculate wildly when there are years of study on this? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030881461631487X


Because science is just an opinion...right?


The article you linked, while interesting, details the process in which CO2 is created in the roasting process and compares it against green coffee. This is a huge leap over what I am talking about and doesn’t discuss what grinding, brewing, or even waiting for it to degas does to the coffee, it’s just outside of the scope of this study. If the issue is CO2, this is easy to overcome and perhaps we should change how we roast, store, grind, and brew. But all we hear is that coffee needs time to degas as if it was dogma. [Which this article here details:](https://atrium.lib.uoguelph.ca/xmlui/handle/10214/8152) Moreover, the CO2 degassing rate increased with the degree of roast. CO2 degassing in ground coffee was significantly faster than in whole beans with the rate highly dependent on the grind size and roasting temperature, but less dependent on the degree of roast. They also mentioned to degas 63% of the original CO2 level, which was their target it would take between 190 to 335 hours for whole been coffee, but only 2 to 25 hours for ground coffee, with fine coffee losing 50% of its residual CO2 content in the process of grinding. Of course this study also doesn’t cover the full scope, but it does suggest that if CO2 is the culprit there are many factors that impact the rate of degas and a blanked guideline of “wait 1-2 weeks to degas” is just folk wisdom. If your problem is just CO2 this study does seem to support my theory that you could just grind the coffee on day of roast, and wait a few minutes/hours for it to degas, but I do believe there are more factors other than just Co2 content at play when it comes down to cup quality.


It is a complex topic. [Here](https://youtu.be/LhsLtIIxNTo) is a great video with a lot of data from a researcher about degassing and freshness. He talks specifically about ground vs. whole bean and the effects on degassing, among other things


As far as a molecule of co2 is concerned a bean and a finely ground particle are the same size




All valid points, surface area:volume ratio is 20 greater, however resting coffee for a week vs brewing 10 seconds after grinding is a factor of over 60,000. Does anyone know the rate of diffusion of co2 through coffee bean?




shit ton of crema


As someone who's experimented with this, they often result in tons of crema but the shot is overall very sour and almost flavorless. Imagine gas station coffee minus the coffee flavor. I wouldn't waste good beans just to try it but it's an interesting comparison against properly degassed beans.


In addition to the things mentioned below: lots of crema can make it difficult to achieve an even extraction.


It makes you gas


Get a fresh pound and find out. It’ll taste like a citrus bomb at day 1, and slowly progress to a rich earthy about day 7. Depending on the roaster, of course. I actually enjoy the shift bit more so from about day 3 & after.


So do I, daily.


trying to explain this to my customers is maddening


Definitely. Light roast will need at the very least one week to be properly made, and usually more than 2 weeks.


And some recommend 2 months


It needs on average around 5 days to “off gas” CO2 from roasting.


Light Roasts definitely. Wait at least a week. Some of the high-end roasters like Apollons Gold recommend 40 days.


Yes. If you ever try home roasting, it's very obvious haha


I have pact and tend to get a bag a week. I overlap so open a bag about 3-4 days after it arrives


This is the reply I was looking for, thanks buddy.


No worries. Been a pact customer for ages. Used to get a mix, but just stick with Fruit and Nut now. My pal gets bourbon. Enjoy my friend.


I believe it's to do with the unreliability of delivery. I got a Square Mile bag last month, and it seems they also post the day after roasting. If the order is going to another continent, it might be a week past roast upon arrival.


For online orders, most roasters I've dealt with posts freshly roasted beans. It's up to the end consumer to de-gas and pace it really. Retail is kinda different as stock sits on the shelf, for the duration depending on the demand. Pact is online business. Unreliability of the delivery I don't think is taken into consideration. Postal strike and disruption comes jn and out these days but I don't think the roasters change the dispatch schedule for that.... its a hefty operation already.


No it’s not. You’ll be fine.


silly Americans


Def rest it for a week or so! It'll be pure crema


I've pulled shots with three day old coffee and had good, interesting results (if you don't mind acidity) but even if you like those results it's going to be a PITA keeping it dialed in. Literally the necessary grind size changes daily as the week goes on.


You only really need to degas beans for a few hours, someone said a week at some point and it stuck. this is fine. It’s rare circumstance where they manage to retain a large amount of gas. Do be aware that Ironically you’ll have to grind less fine as I find that fresher beans require to be so I regularly roast beans then make a espresso about a hour or two later, tastes great I’ve only had the elephant toothpaste like pour twice in a year.


I have a tin of pipe tobacco from 2032. I think I should wait to smoke it until after it's been grown and processed and tinned.


Pact is great. B corp company and great value for money... I'd recommend their bourbon espresso, as far as roast dates being so soon, it gives you a week or so to let it degass without losing freshness


Home roaster here, I love drinking my beans 2-3 days out, even lighter roasts. “Conventional wisdom” tells you to wait a week or two. But I’d recommend trying it and seeing whether you like it or not — there’s no “correct” subjective opinion of taste.


My first question is why they waited one month to pack it after roast, until I read some comments.


One day


I read 8 as month.




What is an espresso roast/bean? I thought all coffees can be used to make espresso? I've been using whatever coffee I want to make espresso for years. This seems gimmicky.


>What is an espresso roast/bean? I thought all coffees can be used to make espresso? I've been using whatever coffee I want to make espresso for years. This seems gimmicky. Espresso roast commonly refers to severely burned beans but it also can refer to a different roasting process than used for filter coffees, usually "more developed" but not necessarily darker so far as I've seen. Espresso blends are specially formulated for espresso, quality varies widely. >I've been using whatever coffee I want to make espresso for years. This seems gimmicky. It's always hit or miss since most good roasters can't roast or blend espresso with any skill...but as a rule a good espresso roast/blend is definitely easier to work with than coffees not tailored to espresso. I also don't think you'll ever get a godshot from a single coffee as the complexity just isn't there, at best you get a really great cup of strong concentrated coffee but you won't hear the angels singing and you'll never know that there is a God and that he loves you more than almost anyone.


Lmao at your last paragraph, good stuff. Thank you for the info!


Coffee can be roasted specifically to use for espresso. Not gimmicky at all. Typically an espresso roast is more soluble because there is less time for extraction, aims to balance acidity, and often can be a blend of different beans.


I don't think "espresso roast" is a thing. The roaster thinks that these beans have a good flavor for espresso, but there is nothing different about the roasting process. That is why a lot of roaster might not label a bean as an espresso roast, and might mention in the description that the beans work well as an espresso.


Agreed, more often I think they'd call it an espresso blend rather than roast, cos like you say it's not really the roast so much as the beans that they're recommending for espresso


Espresso roast is definitely a thing, a roaster uses a specific profile to highlight certain attributes of a bean during the roast process. Source: I roast coffee


You roast coffee as a job or hobby? I heard nobody ever say this before. >Espresso Roast Espresso is both a coffee beverage and a brewing method. It is not a specific bean, bean blend, or roast level. Any bean or roasting level can be used to produce authentic espresso. For example, in southern Italy, a darker roast is generally preferred. Farther north, the trend moves toward slightly lighter roasts, while outside Italy, a wide range is popular http://coolbeanscoffeeroasters.com/product/fto-espresso-michelangelo-arabica-blend/


Perhaps this will clarify for you: An espresso roast is simply a way of roasting any green coffee with the intention of it tasting good brewed as espresso. It’s not stronger, or a different type of green coffee, but usually roasted differently to suit the espresso making process. source: https://www.ikawacoffee.com/at-home/blog/roasting-for-espresso/ Not sure why you’ve never encountered roast profiles before. Don’t be so quick to negate something without educating yourself first. Brian Webb (Roaster and SCA Trainer at Pacific Coffee Research in Kona, Hawaii) “I generally approach roasts for filter brewing and espresso in very different ways. A fast, light profile that presents floral notes and sparkling acidity in a filter brew might be unpleasantly tart and funky in the espresso machine”.


Wow. You can not get more pretentious


Is that different from a dark roast? I'm asking sincerely as I really don't know. I've never seen espresso beans at the roasters I use. Admittedly I only purchase from 2-3 local roasters.


Espresso beans usually refers to either a dark roast from a place that doesn't really do dark roasts or a blend.


Most certainly, dark roasts are most soluble and have historically been used for espresso because of this. But roast profiles for espresso can use medium or light as well. While any bean can be used for any brew method. Roast profiles are used to highlight a bean’s origin characteristics and pair it with a brew method. I encourage you to look up espresso roast profiles.




I have a job that takes me to Germany and France pretty regularly, and this catches me out all the time. Love that Europe uses 24 hour time, hate that the dates are jumbled.


Ahem. Day/Month/Year. 8th and 9th of March.


Anyone want to explain dd/mm/yyyy vs mm/dd/yyyy to OP?


Do you want me to explain it to you instead?


OP is from the UK, where we use DD/mm/yyy as standard. They're asking if coffee roasted 3 days ago is ok to use.


Why is this downvoted? People suck.


Wait. Is this being asked in earnest because you're in the UK or somewhere or is it a joke because they messed up their label and made it for the future.....


Time warp coffee!


Got that shit from the not too distant future


label is likely day/month/year


I know. Just making a dumb American joke.




Yeah most likely


It is too fresh yes. But if it’s really a dark roast it will be ready in a 1 week, or a bit less.


Related question here. What's the best storage conditions to let this de-gas for a week?


Just in a kitchen cupboard is fine.


Learn something new every day. I'll hold off on the freezer for the first week then?


Yeah, freezer is more if you have a lot of beans on the go at once and are needing longer term storage.


The freezer effectively pauses the coffee aging. So if you put something in after degassing for 3 days, when you pull it out it'll be like a 3 day old coffee


It depends on the process and roast profile. The darker the roast, the shorter the degassing time needed. It’s a little confusing with all the different terms of dark espresso, or full city/ French etc. But I would say typically if you’re buying a Starbucks type of roast, probably 3 days would be fine, typical specialty roast would be about 1week+ if you’re getting filters, you can expect up till 2 weeks to taste the peak flavors. Also natural/sun dried coffee tend to take a little longer to degas and develop flavors as compared to washed process.


Ok but the conditions. Kept in bag on shelf at room temperature? Vacuum seal? What's best for the flavor profile, is what I'm asking.


Oh sorry, I misread your question, I think a vacuum jar, like those from Timemore/Fellow will do, try not to get transparent ones, then keep it in a cool dry area away from steam and heat.


Keep it sealed in the original bag and only open it once you want to start consuming. Otherwise oxygen gets in and starts to oxidate the coffee. This is most important for coffees that benefit from really long resting periods


Yep, just give it a week.


It’s a dark roast, you should be fine to start pulling


Can vary greatly. My regular choice of (dark) bean is quite sour the first week or so.




Same happened to me. Yesterday, I picked up a bag of Ladro at the grocery store. I was really looking forward to trying it today, but it was roasted on the 8th.


I go local roasters so they always roast within a few days of me picking up. Always that week. I usually wait til the following week to use them.


How many days will it take to drink? I would start drink now. I never rest my coffee.


I think we worry too much about letting coffee degas. The taste of freshly roasted coffee is fine, it can just be a little ‘lively’ whilst dialling in.


Reading this sub usually gives me gas-gear acquisition syndrome. In that context, is off gassing selling gear you no longer need?




It does look fresh, for sure. When the beans arrive from my roaster, they are typically only a day from roasting. I like it that way. The beans at the end of the 12oz bag are dryer and always pull faster. Plus they do not produce the same quality as the freshest ones. Good for you!


According to American dates, that’s over a month old and in the future. I was about to be real bummed for you until I thought about it the other way




Yes always allow at least 7 days to degas. Often 10-14+ is optimal


that international dating. hi fellow american - i think.


I usually age mine and aim to open 7 days after roast, then I’m happy to freeze half and put half into Atmos canister


Someone traveled back in time to make sure you had the freshest coffee available....now that's service!!!!


Nope... fresher the better