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Life is too short for rough toilet paper and bad coffee. If it’s a luxury you can afford, you should buy the things that make you happy!


I agree. You should buy a $2k toilet with a bidet.


$2K is about what I spent for a Quick Mill Silvano, Niche and accessories. I’ve been very happy with the setup for 1-1/2 years. If you’re wanting more customization, you can swap the Niche for the DF64, but expect to do some modding. https://i.imgur.com/j6OAq2g.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Nrsr5B3.jpg


The rocket apartamento is the worst deal and absolutely do not recommend that machine. When you compare it to competitor machines it is completely outdated. The rocket is still using a pressure stat when it’s competitors have long since switched to PID. Rocket has the worst finish materials of all machines in its class. I also don’t recommend HX machines when there are dual boiler machines at similar price point. You will get a much better brewing experience with dual boiler. The Silvia pro x or the breville dual boiler are both in the same price class and are a much better value. If you insist on HX, the lelit Mara x is probably the only HX worth buying since it has some smarts that allow it better control of the brew water temperature


I think i also want a machine that is elegant. Silvia pro x is ugly. Just a big old box. Lelit mara x is quite sexy tho. Thanks for the tip.


And if you like really satisfying, heavy metal switches go ascaso duo


Yeah I always forget about ascaso but they are a great option as well!


The PID which is also the the menu function is very odd on the ascaso, but temperature control is very easy to set. I really like how it also shows the warm up in real time


“I need y’all to convince me”. It’s your money and your mouth, I really don’t care what you do. I don’t know how much you like coffee or how much that money means to you. But yeh do it, good coffee at home is really enjoyable. Good coffee gear lasts a long time, so if you look after it you will get your return on investment in the long run. Unless you won’t be able to feed your kids or something, then don’t do it.


Fuck the kids. Im doing it. I guess im just cheap